Business in Indoor swimming pool:
1. Pikku Delfiinit Oy - LĂ€ntinen suurpiiri
· 11 reviews
NiemenmÀentie 3, 00350 Helsinki, Finland
2. Yrjönkatu Swimming Hall - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 453 reviews
Yrjönkatu 21 B, 00120 Helsinki, Finland
Seif: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Not sure
Iryna Babenko: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes
Anne F.: A wonderful swimming pool... I was there on Sunday for women's swimming... relaxing naked swimmingVisited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No âŠ
Juha Salin: Visited on Weekday
Peti KulimĂĄk: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No
Paula Lahtinen: . I will definitely visit again, when possible.Visited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended No âŠ
Katriina Könönen: Great place
Elena Seibanova: a man??
ë°ì§í: The days of the week are different for men and women, so make sure to check before going. It closes at 8, so I went there thinking 5 would be late, but for some reason there were a lot of people waiting. They said I would have to wait at least 45 minutes, but I think I actually waited about 30 minutes. If you want to use the sauna and private room instead of the pool, go up to the second floor. Robes, towels, and rugs are distributed at the second floor entrance. Perhaps because it was close to closing time, the traditional Finnish sauna was closed, and I went into another similar sauna room. It's hard to see because of the thick steam. I sat down, came out, took a cold shower, and went back in. When I finished and came outside, it was very cool and refreshing.
Ishimwe Nathanael: No massage thereVisited on Public holiday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No âŠ
iika hartikainen: Visited on Weekday Wait time 30â60 min
Jyrki R: From the busy street in the center, I suddenly jumped into a classic, fairytale-like, shy, hundred-year-old world, even on two floors. There were people waiting in line, but inside it was almost a hobby and very quiet.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait âŠ
3. Allas Sea Pool - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 3192 reviews
Katajanokanlaituri 2a, 00160 Helsinki, Finland
Jani Rytkönen: Great place and Ismo Alanko! Also Royal Republic!Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes âŠ
LuĂs Miguel: Visited on Public holiday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No
Andreas Larssen: A wonderful facility with several pools, saunas and relaxation zones right in the center of Helsinki. Sunbeds for "everyone". CafĂ©/Restaurant. Heated training pool and children's pool. Own pool with sea water. Own small cozy sandy beach. The system is somewhat worn due to a lot of use, without being critical. But it needs some upgrading. I recommend everyone to visit Allas Sea Pool if you are in Helsinki, for a few lovely hours of sauna, pool and hopefully sun. But surely delicious in the winter too... Thank you for me âșïž
Pasquale Castaldo: and the one divided for men and women
Aleksandr Melnikov: Perfect place. Baths, swimming pool, restaurant, everything is there. COME YOU WILL NOT REGRET!Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Not sure âŠ
Eetu Rehmonen: A great venue, sound reproduction and technology in tiki. The only complaint was that you couldn't pay for your order in cash at the barVisited on Weekday Reservation recommended Yes âŠ
Sami Kinnunen: Gig and arrangements ok. There were several drinking stations, but you had to queue for drinks, because the drinks were poured from cans into pints.All in all, a good place to watch gigs đ
GIanluigi BUonanno: Nice place and great atmosphereVisited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No âŠ
Lupu PitkÀnen: Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No
çłçżïŒShoïŒ: Visited around 4 o'clock on weekdays. I mainly went to the sauna, and the sea water was cold and felt good. There are pools for children and adults. The best sauna when the weather is niceVisited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Not sure âŠ
Sabri KĂŒrĂŒm: Great sauna experience, sea was freezing even when it was 20 degrees outside. That definitely enhanced our experience. Felt so relaxed after my visitVisited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No âŠ
Julia Wald: This was my favorite sauna in all of Helsinki. The outdoor pools were so cool and they have a wide range of saunas to choose from. Nice on a sunny day!Visited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended Yes âŠ
4. LeppÀvaara indoor swimming pool and outdoor swimming pool - Suur-LeppÀvaara
· 2255 reviews
VerÀjÀpellonkatu 15, 02650 Espoo, Finland
Marika Oksanen: Yksi kesÀn suosikki uimapaikoista 3
Juha: ulkoaltaaseen, oli ulkona sitten sÀÀ mikÀ tahansa. Valoisa paikka. Sauna just sopivan kuuma ja tarinaa kuulee jos jonkinlaista. Mieli kevenee ja maailma parantuu.
Alex Odudu: Lapseni rakastivat sitÀ ja tulen kÀymÀÀn pian
Maickledeon 91: Nice swimming place
sarita nobile: The lockers in the washroom are poorly placed, especially upstairs.
Henna: Nice place with children.
Roman Isikov: , you can sunbathe, two swimming pools, in addition to the main bowl!One is 75 cm deep, the second is 25 for children - just rightThere is a water massage in the 75 cm pool bowlOn the territory there is a gym complex, also open-air, naturally a sauna, huge locker rooms and showers.Cafe area, two levels, you can have lunch
Jouni Vilén: Things to do for everyone. 50 m outdoor pool. In cloudy weather, you can swim well. There are a lot of people in the children's pool. The slides had room for adults as well. The cafe was open and the outdoor gym would have been great too. There were a lot of young people inside on the diving boards. There's enough to do for the whole day for the family.
Allen Tej: Nice place to enjoy an outdoor swim with the family and friends. They also have a space to hold parties.
Risto SANTERI: Relaxed and cozy place
Related inquiries Indoor swimming pool:
5. Tapiola swimming hall - Suur-Tapiola
· 22 reviews
Kyrkstigen 4, 02100 Esbo, Finland
Mikko Jokinen: Arkkitehtuurinen nÀhtÀvyys.
Jussi Muhonen: LÀmpimÀt vedet pikkulasten- ja terapia-altaassa
Herkko Hietanen: Tunnelmallinen ja hyvÀntuulinen uimahalli jonka koko mahdollistaa lyhyet kÀvelymatkat. Saunat ovat tyypillisesti aika kuumat, joten suosittelen ottamaan aluspyyhkeen mukaan. Remontissa 2016.
Siraj Mikhlif: Hienoa, pidÀn siitÀ
Milan Shilov: Siistit pukuhuoneet, muutama uima-allas ja mukavat saunat.Se ei ole mukavaa, kun se on tÀynnÀ, ja "pÀÀaltaassa" on kylmÀÀ vettÀ.
Mikko Löytynoja: Uimahalli on yleensÀ vÀhÀn tÀynnÀ, joten samalla radalla on paljon uimareita.
Solja Virtanen: Tapiolan uimahalli on yksi parhaista uimahalleista, joissa olen kÀynyt - ellei paras. TÀssÀ uimahallissa vÀlimatkat ovat lyhyitÀ, palvelu erinomaista ja altaalta pÀÀsee katsomaan ulos. Kahvila on ihana. Voit nauttia porealtaassa uinnin tai vesilenkkien jÀlkeen. Ainoa asia, joka ÀrsyttÀÀ, ovat tÀysin pukeutuvat aikuiset suihkussa, kun he ohjaavat lapsiaan uimatunnille ja sieltÀ pois ja jÀttÀvÀt lattiat siistiksi. Rakastan tÀtÀ paikkaa!
jian gu: TÀydellinen yhdistelmÀ uima-altaita sekÀ aikuisille ettÀ lapsille, suomalainen sauna, turkkilainen sauna, kuntosali, poreallas ja kahvila. LisÀksi on ulkolampi/allas. Jos siinÀ on haittapuolia, se voi liittyÀ pysÀköintiin. Parkkipaikka nÀyttÀÀ hieman liian pieneltÀ ja usein on vaikea löytÀÀ parkkipaikkaa.
6. Hakunilan uimahalli - Hakunilan suuralue
· 696 reviews
Sotungintie 17, 01200 Vantaa, Finland
TiiNa: Uimahalli kaikilla ns herkuilla eli pore-,kylmÀ- altaat ja höyrysauna. Siisti ja viihtyisÀ.
ĐĐžĐșĐŸĐ»Đ°Đč koks: mukava, lĂ€mmin, sopii kaiken ikĂ€isille
Jukka Lehtokannas: Rauhallista ja mukavaa uintia. Menee kiinni 15.7 ja olisikohan 11.8 kun aukeaa. En ole ihan varma. Jotain sinnepÀin.
Ritva Tiesmaa: Kiva kun Hakunilan uimahalli on auki Tikkurilan uimahallin kesÀtauon ajan, niin pÀÀsee uimaan ja saunomaan.
Juhana Nieminen: Hieno valoisa halli. TerÀs uima-allas saattaa olla joillekkin uusi tuttavuus.
Annukka Kuoppala: Nice and calm, at least now.
Perquku Sinan: ok
Pekka Auvinen: Good pool area, wide lanes, pleasant metal coating in the pool. Spacious spa department, convenient gym. There is a cafe.
Risto SANTERI: A neat, small swimming hall, comfortable
7. FitPit Oy - Kumpula
· 16 reviews
Isonniitynkatu 3H, 00520 Helsinki, Finland
Hanna Lintu: I have been to fitpit courses and training groups. Teaching and coaching have been expert and encouraging; the group at the courses is great and the feeling is really great. Starting out in zero condition and with no skills, the technique, condition, speed and speed endurance have improved tremendously.I highly recommend!
Jesse Suominen: Great swimming school for children!
Sabir Jaf: Very knowledgeable and friendly team. My sincere recommendations!
Irina Saara: Incredibly good courses behind, good instructors and amazing progress!
Tunkara mbemba: Great
Dominik Röttsches: I booked a skating cross-country skiing session through FitPit and I received excellent service. Quick and easy communication via email. The time of the class was arranged very flexibly. The highly competent and positive instructor effectively pointed out what I had to improve and made it an encouraging session. We had an intense 90 minute session tailored to exactly what I had in mind. Thank you, Laura and Aleksi! I strongly recommend FitPit.
Kirsi Ryynanen: Positive Professionalism
Liisa HalmeenmÀki: My swimming has improved more than anywhere else before!
Juha-Pekka HalmeenmÀki: Small groups, intensive and effective teaching.
8. Kirkkonummi Swimming Hall - Kirkkonummi
· 626 reviews
Gesterbyntie 41, 02400 Kirkkonummi, Finland
Pia Lappalainen: Kodikas. Iloinen ja auttavainen henkilökunta.
Sergio Diaz: Kiitos kaikille tÀhdille, jos luulet, ettÀ sinun tÀytyy tehdÀ nÀin, jotta elÀmÀni paranee ja katoaa kaduilla, niin tee se, olen aina halunnut muuttuneen elÀmÀn parasta kiitos
Camilla DannbÀck: Kallista kahvia
One love Love: lovely place # iloisesti paikka
Tarja NiemelÀinen: . NetistÀ voi tarkistaa ratojen varaustilanteen. Radalla 1 jumppamonitori, josta voi itse valita jumpat.
Aikku E-S.: KylpylÀÀ muistuttava uimahalli. Löytyy yksi aikuisten allas, yksi lastenallas, yksi taaperoiden allas sekÀ terapia-allas.YlimÀÀrÀisiÀ juttuja mm. höyrysauna hyppytorni, ponnahduslauta, vesiliukumÀki, virtaus sekÀ lÀmpimÀmmÀn terapia-altaan hierovat vesisuihkut.EhkÀ ainoa mistÀ voisi olla vÀhÀn sanomista on suihkutilojen kunto. Mutta senkin voi ohittaa ihan vaan koska en koe ettÀ tÀssÀ paikassa on vikaa.
Suvi Smith: Monipuolinen uimahalli. Super monipuoliset altaat. Kahvilassa tarjonta lisÀÀntynyt. Nyt on valinnanvaraa karkeissa...
Noel Numminen: Ihan tĂ€ydellinen. Kannattaa tulla perheen tai kavereitten kanssa uimaan. On kyllĂ€ tarpeeksi iso uimahalli ja kaikkea kivaa saa tehdĂ€đđ» Kannattaa kokeilla ainakin kerranđ
Sisu Salonen: ErittÀin hyvÀ uimahalli. Sauna voisi olla vÀhÀn lÀmpöisempi
olavi huuskonen: ViihtyisÀ virkistÀymispaikka. Saunat mukavia ei polttavia. Virtuaalitaulu saisi olla hieman isompi. Nuorison kÀyttÀytymiseen toivoisi hieman parantamista. IkÀvÀ kokemus oli vÀhÀn aika sitten, kun siivooja kÀvi kylmÀllÀ vedellÀ suikuttamassa laittaa n. minuutin verran. HÀn ei vÀlittÀnyt mihin suihku osui, enkÀ kÀsittÀnyt työn motiivia. SillÀ työllÀ ei kyllÀ lattia puhdistunut lainkaan. IkÀvÀÀhÀn se oli kun saunasta tullessa saa kylmÀn suihkun jaloille. KÀyn hallilla n kolme kertaa viikossa. Suosittelen
Sirpa Helena HyytiÀ-Hallenberg: Tosi kiva ja monipuolinen.
Keijo Muikku: Muuten hyvÀ, höyrysauna oli viileÀ.