Business in Pet supply store:
1. Stadin Lemmikit Oy - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 18 reviews
Runeberginkatu 50, 00260 Helsinki, Finland
Taru MyöhÀnen-MÀkelÀ: Aina mukava palvelu!
MS: TÀnne kun astuu tietÀÀ saavansa lÀmmintÀ, ystÀvÀllistÀ ja asiantuntevaa palvelua. Koirammekin viihtyi niin hyvin ettei olisi malttanut lÀhteÀ, eivÀtkÀ ilmaiset herkut tiskin takaa auttaneet asiaa ollenkaan⊠Suosittelemme!
J Val: YstÀvÀllistÀ ja hyvÀÀ palvelua. Persoonallinen kauppa hyvÀllÀ tapaa, erottuu isoista ketjuista positiivisesti. Suosittelen lÀmpimÀsti!
J Ranta: Mukava omistaja, pieni suuri elÀinkauppa. Julkisilla helposti tavoitettavissa.
Ana Ciaran Cano.: YstÀvÀllisin asiakaspalvelu. Parhaat hinnat kuin missÀÀn verkkokaupassa edes 100% suositus
Pekka KyllÀstinen: Elinalla ilmeisesti vÀÀrÀ liikkeen nimi.
Sari Varpama: Mukava asioida paikallisessa kivijalkaliikkeessÀ, jossa ystÀvÀllinen palvelu ja hyvÀt tuotteet.
Jenny: Parhaat asiakaspalvelukokemukseni TOP 2:1. Stadin Lemmikit2. Lapsuuteni kirjastoauto
Markus: Sympaattinen omistaja
Antti W: Palvelu ei tÀstÀ parane, lÀmmin ja mukava kivijalkakauppa.
Jali Jumisko: Loistava palvelu! Ei mikÀÀn ketjuliike.
Siiri Ekström: TÀstÀ persoonallisesta, ihanasta kivijalkakaupasta tuli heti vakkari. Kallion sydÀmessÀ hyvÀt valikoimat, edulliset hinnat ja asiakaspalvelu, jollaista ei saa isoista lemmikkielÀintarvikeketjuista. LÀmmin suositus!
2. MegaelÀin Itis - ItÀkeskus

· 356 reviews
ItÀkatu 7, 00930 Helsinki, Finland
Jenni Ervast: We went to the new Itis store on July 19 from 11 am to 12 pm because I heard that they have a very wide selection of food for my allergic dog. We found tasty treats and food that you can't find in any other store. In addition to this, we were surprised by the super friendly staff! The cafe's aunt told about the new concept and the store's renovations. He also chatted and petted my dog, it felt like we were welcome in the store. Even the blond younger woman at the cash register helped us choose the right food and delicacies despite the rush. And he was also so nice and friendly and it really felt like we were cared for and wanted to help.We will continue to do business here!
fort: Really good service
Neeuska: Always really customer service friendly sellers, always ready to help. A really big selection of products for every animal.
Oona Engblom-Rantanen: Relative to its size, a large selection of animals and accessories. Always good service.
Mikko Ăversti: Wide selection and good staff
Jasmin SuonpÀÀ: Sickly cheap food and good without grains
mparkkon: Good animal soup. You can also find crickets and other lizards.
zuzuki k: and really friendly staff. The harnesses were tested for probably more than an hour, but the good ones were found. It wasn't the price, but the fit that came first. The seller didn't push and actually even said himself about the part that it won't fit now. The mega animal is our Vakkari mesta both in Isossa Omena and in itis. đ I can't help but recommend it.
Helena Nyyssönen: Perfect for me. I recommend it to others too.
3. Musti ja Mirri Kamppi - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 231 reviews
Urho Kekkosen katu 1, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Priyanka Karat: Go to place for pets!
Karine Broyart: for our cat.
Mike Emery: Comprehensive selection, helpful staff.
Ann-Christine Grönholm: Had the frozen dog food that I wanted hs
Jussi Eklund: Excellent customer service!
Gigi Vasquez: Super helpful and a great selection for pets.
Anja MĂ€kelĂ€: Every time I walk by, my dog ââwants to go in and pull the leash properly, knowing that the staff is handing out free treats. Good selection 5/5
Seija Taipale: Good selection of dog toys, neat business.
pertti horsmajÀrvi: ErittÀin hyvÀ palvelu, ainut haitta, ettÀ sijaitsee kauppakeskuksen sisÀllÀ. ElÀimet tervetulleita. HyvÀt julkiset kulkuyhteydet.
Eki: HyvÀ valikoima ruokia ja muita tarvikkeita. Siisti myymÀlÀ. 5/5.
heigampi: Kaikkea löytyy karvaisille ja ei niin karvaisille kavereille. Luita kĂ€vin ostamassa naapurin rontille đ
Riitta Xxx: Mukava palvelu ja hyvÀt valikoimat kissan ruokia.
Adnan Mahmood: Valtava valikoima ruokia ja tarvikkeita lemmikkielÀimille. Mutta tÀmÀ ketjukauppa on melko kallis kuin superkaupat.
ĐŻĐœĐ° ĐĐ°Đ±ĐŸĐșĐ°: Olen erittĂ€in tyytyvĂ€inen tuotevalikoimaan ja erityisesti henkilökuntaan
Ella HÀlvÀ: Aina kun kÀyn, saan hyvÀÀ palvelua, mutta eilinen painui parhaiten mieleen. Tulin 5 minuuttia ennen myymÀlÀn sulkemista, mutta silti myyjÀ palveli minua super hyvin ja lÀhti nÀyttÀmÀÀn tuotteita vielÀ pari minuuttia sulkemisajan jÀlkeen. Tuotteita on aina saatavilla ja myymÀlÀ on siistissÀ kunnossa, etenkin pienen remontin jÀlkeen myymÀlÀstÀ tuli tosi viihtyisÀ
Pinja B: ErittÀin ystÀvÀllinen ja avulias henkilökunta.Valikoima kun on kaikissa myymÀlöissÀ lÀhestulkoon sama, henkilökunta on se, joka saa minut valitsemaan Kampin myymÀlÀn.
4. Helsingin Akvaariokeskus - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 341 reviews
ItÀmerenkatu 26, 00180 Helsinki, Finland
Oona Engblom-Rantanen: Avulias henkilökunta
Roman Pirogov: Pieni paikka, mutta melko hyvÀ valikoima!
Anton Stieren: Palvelu ensiluokkaista ja asiantunteva henkilökunta.
Marko Niskanen: HyvÀ palvelu ja neuvoja.
Leena: ć°æ„æćăèŠæšĄéć°ïŒç©șéçčć°ïŒäœæććŸć°äșæéçäžćïŒä»„ćć»șç«æ°æ°Žæ通çèŻć„œæć°ăéć°æŻæćçæšæșć Žæâ€ïž
Kittikool Champathip: ććçæćïŒç¶äœ çčŒçșć°æŸæïŒäœ ćŻèœæćšéèŁĄçŒçŸäžäș毶èđ
Sini Pernaa: ćźąæ¶æćć„œććż«ïŒćéĄćæè§Łçăæć°çčŒçșćŸéèŁĄèłŒèČ·æ°Žæ通ćæŽć€æ±è„żđ
Mikko Silvennoinen: çæŁć°æ„çæćă
Pia Kuparinen: ć°æ„çæćïŒćż«éçäș€èČšæé仄ćć§ç”æšæŒć©äșșäžéæçćĄć·„đ
Related inquiries Pet supply store:
5. Musti ja Mirri - Herttoniemen teollisuusalue
· 107 reviews
Insinöörinkatu 2, Prisma-kerros, 00810 Helsinki, Finland
Shiruki (Klaus): ErittÀin kallis, mutta loistava henkilökunta
Penni Water: Ok.
Kari Heino: Hyvin toimiva ja loistava palvelu! Sicky.
Jani Lundahl: Good offers
PĂ€ivi Karppinen: There are foods and treats for the cat
Niki Gustafsson: Quite a good selection, at least in dog food.
Timo Laakso: Friendly and expert service
Esko Tamminen: Good service
6. Tassumafia - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 45 reviews
ItÀmerenkatu 11-13, 00180 Helsinki, Finland
Taru MyöhĂ€nen-MĂ€kelĂ€: Tassumafiaan.Olen kĂ€ynyt samassa paikassa ennen, mutta en tĂ€llĂ€ Olgalla.Olga Raukola ottiminut trimmaukseen mukaan ja sain olla vanhan leikatun koirani kanssa koko trimmauksen ajan. MillĂ€ lempeydellĂ€ trimmaaja kĂ€sitteli koiraani, aivan ennen nĂ€kemĂ€töntĂ€â€ïžIso suositus Olga Raukola, olet ihan paras!
Oona Engblom-Rantanen: Oma piha olisi luksusta, muuten hyvÀ meininki.
Suzana Bincl: Koiramme lemppari paikka. Rakastaa olla pĂ€ivĂ€hoidossa ja myös kurssit olleet hyödyllisiĂ€. âșïž
Trond Moe: Loistavaa koiranhoitoa.
Minna: lovely staff, five star service for dog customers!Day care and training are top class
Jouni söderholm: A very good place, the dog is always excited to play with other dogs and is clearly excited to see familiar caretakers.
7. ElÀintarvike Murren Murkina Oy, Mankkaa - Suur-Tapiola
· 156 reviews
Mankkaantie 2-4, 02180 Espoo, Finland
Noora Qvick: Loistava ja asiantunteva palvelu. Asioin mielellÀni myymÀlÀssÀ!
Ann Tikkanen: Laadukas koiran tuore ruoka. Aina saa ilmoitus, milloin saa hakea, ja vaikka on myöhĂ€styy tulee ilmoitus heiltĂ€ đ
Noora Tihtonen: YstÀvÀllinen ja asiantunteva palvelu, kotimainen yritys ja hyvÀt koiraharrastajan tuotteet
Juhani Holmström: Laadukkaat ruoat ja hyvÀ palvelu.
Mikko Sjöberg: HyvÀ ja ystÀvÀllinen palvelu, laadukkaat koiranruokamerkit.
Martti MÀkelÀ: HyvÀ valikoima lemmikki ruokia.
ArtPiia: Quality products.
Anita Nurttila: A spacious, versatile pet store, which I visited for the first time. I had to find a special food that the nursing dog would eat. It was in the dialect. A wildly wide selection of the same series, just like anything else.The bulk sale of chews and treats is especially great, so it's easy to try out whether the chosen treat is suitable for your pet, and you don't have to buy the whole package.The sellers are friendly, willing to serve, pleasant and have a sense of humor = a really nice service experience.The location of the store is at street level and the parking lot is right next to it. The store is clear, barrier-free and easy to illustrate.The location is convenient in the wing of a small shopping center. Bus stops nearby for those traveling by public transport.Murrella has a loyalty program that gives you a discount on larger purchases. Those who have joined the mailing list receive regular information about news, offers and campaigns.
Nina: Lots of frozen food! Good selection.
Riku Helminen: Friendly, prompt and self-initiated customer service. The bonus system is also very simple, because you always get the discount immediately!
Pekka Haverinen: A good selection of raw food and treats for dogs.
Heli Lillbacka: Excellent selection of raw food!
8. ElÀinlÀÀkÀriasema HauMau, Evidensia - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 185 reviews
Hietaniemenkatu 7, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Franka Lantiainen: æććŸć°äșäœ çćč«ć©
Julia Welp: çčć„ćŒćŸäžæçæŻçžé« Jutta Kujalaăćšéćžžć°éŁçæ
ăè·ćŁ«ć°ççèĄæ¶ČæȘąæ„éČèĄćŸéćžžé ć©ïŒä»„èłæŒççèłæČæèš»æć°ïŒ
Susanna K: ćźć„æŻäžäœéćžžć°æ„çć
Antero Tala: ć°ćź¶ïŒ
Emre ĂaÄlar: æćçé«ç PĂ€ivi éćžžćŻæćæ
Irina Kilpiö: ćȘç§çć°æ„ç„è
Selma Akin: Friendly and good
Jasmin Vataja: I went to Anci's reception with my dog ââZara for long-standing intestinal problems, and we have finally started to get a direction towards a better treatment balance with her help. It's worth driving from here to EtelĂ€-Savo to Anc's reception. Anci is a top-class expert, very warm and empathetic. He does his work with all his heart. There is nothing to criticize in the customer service and the nurses either. Thank you Haumau Evidence 3
Jaana Estola: Absolutely lovely place. The location is suitable. The staff is exactly what you hope to have at a veterinary clinic.I warmly recommendđ
Anja Saarinen: They take good care of animals
pertti horsmajÀrvi: Fast, knowledgeable, friendly guiding staff.
Sini Pallares: Always friendly and competent service!
9. Musti ja Mirri Espoo Sello - Suur-LeppÀvaara
· 137 reviews
Kauppakeskus Sello, LeppÀvaarankatu 3-9, 02600 Espoo, Finland
Kane Evans: One of the smaller pet stores in the chain.Selection is small but adequate, unless youâre buying a specific brand that can only be found at one of the larger stores.Staff are friendly towards both doggos and humans, and store is kept both clean and easy to find.It may not be my absolute first choice of pet store, but itâs a solid choice if youâre in the area and need to restock on toys, dog coats, dog accessories or dog food/snacks for your fur friend!
Sam L: I got what I came for.
Sussie S: Has everything and more. Big and fresh
Ville: Nice little m&m friendly staff. Good selection.
Pentti Rosendahl: Good location, open late enough
Katja Glukhova: Really small and poor selection, but good customer service and location.
Tuula: Great expert service and you can take your pet with you, a good place for dog grooming
Tarja Kjeldsen: Wonderfully cheerful, friendly service. I go often.
Markku Piiroinen: Nice helpful staff. Of course, the store in Pene does not have a complete selection, but you can still often find what you need.
Debojyoti Mahapatra: . Connectivity of Train, Bus are there and no issues with parking as that can be done in Sello mall itself. Moreover the stuffs are really friendly. Do register your puppy/pet as they give good gifts for your pet.
Teija Koivunen: We were immediately greeted and expertly served
10. Kissaklinikka Felina Helsinki - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 84 reviews
Työmiehenkatu 4, 00180 Helsinki, Finland
Joni Hanski: The cat liked it, the owners also had a good experience.
Anu Karhu: First ell visit, 1 year. vaccinations and inspection. Lovely place, I recommend it
anne Talme: Once again, excellent service, although unfortunately an infected tooth was found in my kitty, which needs to be removed, but it was also found quite quickly. Fortunately, there was no indication in any of the tests that the underlying disease, the cancer, had worsened. Tipsu thanks.
Ailukka Hovi: I called in an acute situation and received good instructions over the phone on how to act when there was no possibility to go to the reception. Thank you Felina, luckily this time we survived without a scare, but the instructions were worth their weight in gold. We will definitely visit the place with our cats.
Eeti Pullinen: A super expert vet, took the cat and its symptoms into account holistically. He took the time to tell us the owners about the results and the continuation.
Dante shamka2rse Gumangan: Upea ja mahtava lemmikkiklinikka, he ovat kaikki mukavia ja hymyilevÀt aina...
Alexander C.: Mukava ja ystÀvÀllinen henkilökunta palvelee erinomaisesti!
Asko Siponen: Mahtava palvelu!!
Anna Jumppanen: Loistava palvelu ja hinnat. Tulee ehdottomasti uudestaan.
Maria: Ammattitaitoinen ja asiantunteva henkilökunta! TĂ€ydetâïžâïžâïžâïžâïž !Suosittelen kaikille kissanomistajille!
Jouni Repo: Todella hyvÀ palvelu. Ei ollut kyllÀ halvimmasta pÀÀstÀ.