Business in Department store:
1. Töölön Sikarikauppa - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 133 reviews
Töölönkatu 32, 00260 Helsinki, Finland
Jukka Tirkkonen: I have received good service and help in choosing.
Valmentaja: Classic atmosphere, competent seller.
Patricia L: , the owner helped me find the perfect match while holding a warm conversation. I'd recommend anyone to visit this lovely shop!
Antti: Very knowledgeable service and a good selection of different cigars.
Hans Pasila: Very expert service and easy transaction. I also like the spirit of this little shop; you know you've entered an industry store when you walk in the door. They take the customer well into account and the quality is good! Even those who know less about the subject can get good help without feeling like a fool. They made it much easier for me to get started with cigar smoking. The location is also easy if you are traveling by car and, for example, you can easily pedal from Kampi on a bicycle. I definitely recommend it to those who are starting to smoke pigs.
Miska K: There are cigars and pipes. Good service.
me0n2k9: A very relaxed and knowledgeable older gentleman. I would shop again
2. Stockmann Helsingin keskusta - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 14593 reviews
Aleksanterinkatu 52, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Artem Goutsoul: Great selection and service, that is unfortunately matched by high prices.
Mehmet Başev: You can shop inside the Stokmann store, the choice of the Baltic countries.
Mikael: I only went to Herku, which did surprise me positively with its selection. Basic service.
Krzysztof Chilinski: One of the more famous department stores, there are usually a lot of people outside and street performances often take place there.
3. Tokmanni Helsinki Kaisaniemi - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 1035 reviews
Vilhonkatu 5, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Heli Ruutu: A big Tokmanni in a good location. The minus is that carts cannot be transported between floors
raimo karhunen: The goods can be found on two floors. Good deal.
Markku Lahtinen: Chocolate was found 😋
Markus Kousa: Ihan perus Tokmanni.
4. Tokmanni Helsinki Itis - Puotinharju
· 1468 reviews
Turunlinnantie 4, 00930 Helsinki, Finland
Esa Petronen: Hyvä, mutta ei kassa
Anja Edvardsson: Hyvä paikka, riittää joka lähtöön Kiitos kyselystä.
елена мельникова: Tokmanni on aina huipulla! Super!
Suvi Laakso: Ihana!
Johanna Virtanen: Hyvä valikoima!
Baha Afaneh: A bit messy at first glance. But once you've been there several times, you get used to it. Prices are competitive
Nesrin Şeyma Topçakan: A little more complicated than other Tokmanni
Petri Huhtamella: Familiar ex apartment neighborhood. Much changed and mazes. Otherwise, a smooth successful one can be found.
Alann Frouin: Good price. You should be a Tokmanni Klubi member. However, someone on guard forbids touching or looking at the products.