Car Parts Shops In Helsinki Near Me

Us-Parts Finn-Am Oy Europart Finland Oy Motonet NIMARK Varaosat Björk Motorsport Fixus Herttoniemi TI-Tarvike Luostarinen Oy Adita Oy Autobodyparts Oy / MKS Autobusiness Oy Merteil Schmiedmann Suomi - Specialist in BMW Vianor Helsinki, Kallio Motonet

1. Us-Parts Finn-Am Oy - Roihupellon teollisuusalue

· 112 reviews

Holkkitie 10, 00880 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Us-Parts Finn-Am Oy: what do users think?

Kari Järvinen: Asiantuntevaa henkilökuntaa!

Johannes Lehtimäki: Loistava asiakaspalvelu, erittäin ammattitaitoinen henkilökunta. Varaosat edullisia, ja osia löytyy kattavasti vähän harvinaisempaankin autoon. Tilaukset tulee ripeästi.

Sauli Saunamäki: Oikea tuote Oikeaan hintaan. Nopea toimitus! Plus Vielä hyvät neuvot kaupan päälle!

aulis nerg: Erittäin hyvä palvelu

Janne Järvinen: US-Partsin verkkokauppaa käyttävänä asiakkaana olen ollut aina erittäin tyytyväinen kyseisen yrityksen toimintaan, ja asiakaspalveluun olen myös tarvittaessa saanut aina hyvin yhteyden jos pitänyt ennen tilausta varmistaa osien sopivuutta. Asiakaspalvelu on ollut aina asiallista ja ystävällistä. Varaosavalikoima on hyvin kattava, hintataso mielestäni edullinen ja tilaamani osat ovat saapuneet aina todella nopeasti lähetettynä tänne Etelä-pohjanmaan "periferiaan".

Seppo Luotola: It works...👍

M Joru: The purchase situation was handled like a model, thank you!

Esa Saarnio: A very nice place to do business

sam matti: The level of customer service is so good that you can't believe it nowadays.

2. Europart Finland Oy - Niinisaari



· 2 reviews

Fraktargatan 1, 00980 Helsingfors, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp

3. Motonet - Läntinen suurpiiri

· 1261 reviews

Ristipellontie 19, 00390 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Motonet: what do users think?

Juha Hyvärinen: Varied selections and nice staff.At least it hasn't changed for the worse since the last visit.

Markku Kopra: Good deal, a bit late in the search when the arrangements have changed, otherwise that's cool

Terho Paavilainen: There should be more people at the spare parts counter instead of the usual one or two. Express service is great. There are so many lamp buyers in the queue that maybe it would be worthwhile to plan for two employees at the point.The lack of staff at the spare parts counter is a problem.

Andres Amossov: Very good service and normal price ratio. Thank you!

Jenny Nordberg: Hyvästä valikoimasta ei kuitenkaan löydy jakoavaimia samasta paikasta, koska ne on jaettu useille hyllyille merkkien, kuten BAHCO, mukaan työkalutyypin sijaan, mikä vaikeuttaa eri varianttien vertailua ja löytämistä. Hyvin siivotut kaupat ja hauska vierailla. Rakastan KALASTUSTA JA TÄMÄN takia KALASTUSOSASTO ON LAAJAVALIKKOLLANI SUOSIKKINI 😃

Simo Litva: Hyvää palvelua!Monipuolinen.

Joonas Rentola: Oli kivaa

4. NIMARK Varaosat - Vartioharju

· 185 reviews

Linnavuorentie 28 C, 00950 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
NIMARK Varaosat: what do users think?

Bärre: The right part cheaply and relatively quickly

Marko Piirala: Good selections and prices have risen a bit

Thomas Vikfors (TWOMUCH): Dear customer service!

Marcus Grönberg: Good place👍 the spare parts came to the warehouse quickly for pick up, the products were correct and reasonably priced.

Reidar Studi: Proper good service

Keijo Tertsunen: Cheap place, I have ordered many spare parts here and picked them up at the same time.

Ripa Söde: The best first quality!
Related inquiries Auto parts store:

5. Björk Motorsport - Läntinen suurpiiri

· 15 reviews

Korppaanmäentie 21 B 5, 00300 Helsinki, Finland

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Björk Motorsport: what do users think?

JL: Olikohan se tuossa 3/2024, kun otin sähköpostilla yhteyden erääseen nimeltä mainitsemattomaan auto-osien erikoisliikkeeseen. Tarvitsin apua autoni jarru-asioihin. Sieltä ei vaivauduttu vastaamaan mitään. Onneksi löysin tämän firman nettisivut ja kyselin sähköpostilla täältäkin. Sain nopeasti asiallisen vastauksen ja pääsin tilaamaan osaa. Hommassa tuli pientä mutkaa matkaan, mutta sähköpostia, puhelua...niin asiat saatiin helposti ja mukavasti sujumaan! Nykyään hyvä asiakaspalvelu on kaikkea muuta kuin itsestäänselvyys, mutta onneksi Björk Motorsportissa osataan palvella asiakasta!

Jafuz L: 優質的產品,實惠的價格👍

Pexi Väinölä: 優質的中冷器,具有競爭力的價格和卓越的客戶服務。第一個訂單,但不是最後一個。我建議!

MAD MIKE: 我在這裡得到了很棒的服務,你可以找到網上不一定有的零件,我向很多人推薦了這家商店,他們告訴我服務很快,服務很好。我強烈推薦它並感謝你們提供的優質服務

A M: 我多年來一直是 Björk Motorsport 的客戶,服務一直是一流的,產品品質也很高。我毫無保留地推薦。

Lasse Huttunen: Expert and great customer service! I recommend!

Sami Jämsen: Good shopping and expert service. I recommend.

Mikael Hänninen: All in all a good shopping experience. The steering wheel and hub were delivered well packed and at a reasonable price. I recommend.

6. Fixus Herttoniemi - Herttoniemen teollisuusalue

· 140 reviews

Mekaanikonkatu 7, 00880 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Fixus Herttoniemi: what do users think?

Dlawar Faeak Tofek: Good customer service, Osat is also the best

Päivi Turunen: Very professional service.

Päivi Karppinen: You can find parts there

Juha Våg: Good professional service if you bother to look for itwhich is always the most important thing.

Reyo Leppänen: I recommend it, a full-service car superstore.

atte prkl: Top service and fixed prices.

Tom “Semppa” S: Good and fast service. The parts were received on the same day and the additional order was still successful for the same load. Nice and expert service.

Mika Kontinen: ✌🏻🙏🏻 Here, "challenges" are met with joy and professionalism. Don't ramp, just take the straightest way here and things will be taken care of.

Аndres Pikkor: .

Juha Hyvärinen: Been there before and always had good service and knowledgeable salespeople. I recommend.

7. TI-Tarvike Luostarinen Oy - Koskela

· 86 reviews

Käpyläntie 30, 00600 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
TI-Tarvike Luostarinen Oy: what do users think?

erkki paivarinta: Hyvä ja osaava paivelu

Erkka Jaakkola: Mukava asioida halpaa ja iloinen ukko aina kassalla ihan kuin naurava kulkuri käykää tsiikaan vaikka ette mitään ostaisi 🙃🙂

pertti horsmajärvi: Erittäin ystävällinen, hyvä palvelu. Oikeestaan ainut kantakaupungin alueella oleva liike, josta sain ohjaustehostimeen öljyä. Huoltoasemilla sitä ei saa. Hinta/laatu kohdallaan. Ilmainen pysäköinti liikkeen edustalla. Suosittelen vilpittömästi, autotarvikkeiden osalta.

00bnw00: Täältä löytyy myös peräkärryn vuokraus ! Loistava asiakaspalvelu.

juudas mooses: Asiantunteva henkilökunta!

Ari Ojanen: Helsingin parasta autontarvike/-varaosatarjontaa hyvällä palvelulla.

Heikki Lehti: Very professional service. Even a dead end gets what he needs.

Heikki Pölönen: Always great service!

Jukka Kourula: Good service.

8. Adita Oy - Tattariharju

· 271 reviews

Valuraudantie 1, 00700 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Adita Oy: what do users think?

Sauli Hannuksela: GREAT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE!The sailboat's charger came to an end. Yanmar was able to find a charger from Adita with one call, and Matkahuolto delivered it the very next business day.But but...Well, connecting the new one wasn't easy for an amateur, when the model had changed so much during the 15th year, from the original to the new one.But what?!At Matkahuolto, the package was opened and, oh, oh, it wasn't connected the same way, it went to the so-called amateur finger in mouth.Call Adita, what should we do?Cell phone pictures flew to Adita from both chargers, followed by a call, long stories, advice and lessons I got from PROFESSIONALS, and that's not all, the connection diagram from the old to the new came in the e-mail, still drawn in different versions!!Soon the new alternator was installed and connected by an amateur, and Adita's men still wanted to hear the call that when the machine "turns and falls", everything is happily fine.Absolutely incredible connection between the customer and Adita!"This bell can be heard far away".Thank you,T. SauliFG37 sailor

Antti Talikka: Still working.

Rolf-Pelle Laas: Flexible and fast service in the delivery of Skoda Superb door repair kit cables.

Sabah Mahdi: A store that sells spare materials for all cars and has a good location near the industrial area

Jaanus Kesküla: Really efficient and professional service

Hilary Agwinede: Good customer service

karel kuusisto: It works

Seppo Luotola: Always get service!

Ossi Liukka: Good and friendly service. Very neat installations. Thank you.

9. Autobodyparts Oy - Pohjois-Espoo

· 22 reviews

Läntinen teollisuuskatu 6, 02920 Espoo, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Autobodyparts Oy: what do users think?

pekka dikert: All good, thanks for the service.

Risto Niemelä: The place found a rear lamp for an old Nissan Almera Tino at a very affordable price! Competent and pleasant employees who also checked the availability of Nissan air conditioning parts while we were looking for a rear lamp

Paths of Dreams: Quick download. Cultural workers.

73nikke: Good and flexible service

Sertala Oy: Good center

Oskari Hentilä: Korin knows how to make a brand, apparently!

Jan-Erik Sepponen: Wide selection of spare parts, good service

Arttu Harkki: Everything for almost all cars 👍

10. / MKS Autobusiness Oy - Pukinmäki

· 66 reviews

Isonpellontie 7, 00720 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp / MKS Autobusiness Oy: what do users think?

Mihalis Navara: I needed to service the fuel injectors of my SR20VE engine. The workshop, which is approximately 80 years old, could do everything, except for finding new pintle caps. They searched everywhere, but even the Nissan dealership couldn't find them. Finjector was the only place in Europe where I could find them. A few hours after I made my order, the pintle caps were in Athens. When I gave them to the technician, he was shocked and asked me where I had found them. When I said in Finland, he made the sign of the cross 🤣. The injectors are ready and the car is running perfectly. I'm 100% satisfied with your services and products. Thank you finjector. Greetings from Greece.

Kari Hätälä: Good service and products you can't get anywhere else.

Mikael Strandvall: Competent and fast service. This left a very good customer service experience.

s s: A positive experience, I got the nylon tubes and quick connectors I needed straight from the shelf and a little consultation on top of the store 👍

Jarkko Sillanpää: Fast service with good advice

Teemu “T2” Tammi: Expert and great service

robert isaksson: Knowledgable!

Han Vaa: Great customer service. Although the amateur was shopping, there was enough patience in the service.

Juha Hyvärinen: Expert service.

Jyri Joenpolvi: They know what they are doing.

11. Merteil - Herttoniemen teollisuusalue

· 96 reviews

Sahaajankatu 43, 00880 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Merteil: what do users think?

Nicholas Leva: Great service, they also call when the ordered part can be picked up

Jukka Ärling: I received good and professional service. Spare parts at a great price. Thanks to the seller named Harri. I recommend.

Jasse Schneider: Really competent and knowledgeable staff, I can warmly recommend.

D1AMOND 1: Really knowledgeable and highly professional service!I warmly recommend doing business with Merteil! 👍👍

Risto Pohjolainen: A place where even old Audis can get spare parts with friendly service! Quick responses to inquiries and prompt deliveries in the online store. Let's continue!

Kari Järvinen: Always good service and quality parts.

Jarkko Auvinen: For BMW owners, must map pin place! Good and warm customer service!

Seppo Pursiainen: Nice place to do business. Competent and friendly service. There was plenty of parking available for the duration of the visit. However, it was perhaps the quietest moment of the day. I will definitely go again.

Cenan Beciroski: Great and efficient service.

Pasi Virinsalo: Good service, fast deliveries

Petri Manninen: Parts for Mersui can be found

12. Schmiedmann Suomi - Specialist in BMW - Myyrmäen suuralue

· 166 reviews

Uutistie 7, 01770 Vantaa, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Schmiedmann Suomi - Specialist in BMW: what do users think?

Jyrki Miikkulainen: Professional service

Tomi K: Very fast delivery from the online store. Less than 24 hours after the order, the parts were already attached to the car.

Antti Rossi: The place was so pro - that it felt like you had brought the car to the F1 pit 😎👍The best service I've ever been to.

Taner Özcan: Everything OK

Mikko Tuukkanen: High-quality BMW maintenance - and much more.

Arto Kautiainen: The repairs of the expert's condition sack and even the older scrap were dealt with matter-of-factly and carefully

Vesa Josefsson: Good service

Cristian Seres: A more special defect was analyzed and repaired, and the cost estimate was undercut. Still not a cheap repair shop.

Tuomas Sillanpää: The work is done as promised and I was able to work in the waiting room. 👍

Pete Sjöblom: Everything works 👌🏻

Jarno Valkama: A proper place. The owner sticks to the cost estimate straightforwardly. The whole house is full of good installers and professionalism. Thank you for good service.

13. Vianor Helsinki, Kallio - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 50 reviews

Helsinginkatu 28, 00530 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Vianor Helsinki, Kallio: what do users think?

Jarmo Kauranen: Fast, efficient. A bit expensive.

Lasse Toivo: Fast good service, good location and the tire was changed just like in the pit

Katja Glukhova: It's worth becoming a customer and paying for the service! Exceptionally good and fast.

Heikki Hirvonen: Thank you for Wednesday 12.7. For the wonderful customer service you received.After patching the tire, the journey continued in good spirits. Many thanks once again.👍

Juho Rytkönen: Competent and expert service

Jesper Eiskonen: Again, great service at Kallion Vianor. There was an acute tire/rim problem, and in the middle of the hottest tire changing season and a full work calendar, the guys still checked my problem as "extra" right away. You can't just give a big thumbs up and a recommendation.

juhana marttinen: The service worked brilliantly and flexibly. I suggest to everyone

Timo Turpeinen: Nice customer service and a very professional installer. They saved my trip home even though I had to work overtime. Thanks again.

Ermiyas Guta: Friendly stuff and good service

Petri Impola: Very good and expert service.

14. Motonet - Vanha-Espoo

· 1152 reviews

Espoontie 32, 02740 Espoo, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp

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