Carboxitherapy Helsinki Near Me

Lux-Medicus beauty clinic Helsinki Rebel Helsinki Oy City Clinic Carine Salongit Oy

1. Lux-Medicus beauty clinic Helsinki - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 44 reviews

Fredrikinkatu 64, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Lux-Medicus beauty clinic Helsinki: what do users think?

Карина Абликова: The staff is polite ☺️ It was very nice to receive gifts in the form of certificates with a discount on the procedure for hardware body massage and facial cleansing! Thank you ☺️ I would recommend coming there

Elena Sula: Friendly and professional staff, pleasant atmosphere, high-quality service, it's a pleasure to come back here, I recommend it.Elena

Sissi A: Very good experience

Kevi A: Lovely and competent staff. Beautiful nursing home. I warmly recommend ❤️

Mia Tran: Very good service and treatment that I am using

Tiina Luotola: Pleasant atmosphere, good customer service, beautiful treatment room.

Charina Calixtro: The place is cozy, the staff is nice and assists me really well. The professional is also kind because she adjusts the power of the laser equipment when I say it’s hot for me and I even said sorry I have low pain tolerance but she said it’s okay. They have a lot of packages to choose so I recommend trying this out! They speak English too for non-Finnish speaker like me.

Елизавета Соколова: Best clinic in Finland!

Maryam Yassir: Lovely

Marina Zarubalova: I appreciate your service and the quality of your treatments. My facial was very relaxing and I noticed a clear difference in the condition of my skin afterwards. Your cosmetologist was professional and friendly, which made the experience even more pleasant. Thank you for the excellent service!Services Acne treatments …

Kiirsi Hovainen: Dr. Kiitos Ropes!! I have the best lips!!!

Angelika A: As a regular customer for 5 years, I can recommend the salon! Excellent customer service and an excellent track record.

Kaja Rüüt: I have been a customer for a year, all I can say is that the place is clean, the service is excellent, every customer is noticed in a friendly way, all the services I have used since thenI was very satisfied, I can definitely recommend it, thank you Dr. Kordes.

Park Min park: The craftsmen know their stuff, they did everything well, with high quality, thank you very much

Larisa Selgmae: I was very pleased 😌 with this clinic. A professional cosmetologist with magical hands solved my problem, everything was very clear and conscientious, the administrator offered a good discount.

Andrei Surikov: We diagnosed the scalp under a microscope, diagnosed Psoriasis, prescribed a course of physiotherapy treatment with a UV lamp, also selected medical shampoos containing acid, explained everything. I was satisfied, it’s a pity I won’t be able to go to physical therapyServices Service not listed …

Mohammed reza Nakhkash (MRN): For PRP is ok, the clinic is clean and the doctor knows his work

2. Rebel Helsinki Oy - Eteläinen suurpiiri



· 19 reviews

Fabianinkatu 4 b 15, 00130 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Rebel Helsinki Oy: what do users think?

Jenni Hiltunen: A very good experience. Professional, reliable and nice staff, best service and good location.

Harri Kujala: The finest and best nursing homes in Finland!

Nana Karalahti: Best service and natural result. I recommend

Mia Kortelainen: I have been to Rebel several times for treatment by Reija, and I am very satisfied. You can get an appointment quickly if necessary, and Reija does a professional and good job. I appreciate that he has an aesthetic eye to see what exactly you need and what suits you. Reija can also advise on different treatments and products. Warm recommendation!

Susanna Hyypiä: Really professional staff, great service and effective treatments with natural results. Central location and all round wonderful beauty salon in the heart of Helsinki!

Ritva Ruutsalo: Lovely treatments. Lovely service. 10+

Meeri Marjomaa-Jaakkola: Beautiful and stylish Treatment & wonderful staff.

Pia Mänttäri: Huippu kauniit puitteet ja ihanat henkilökunta!

Sari Rautanen: Ihana paikka, hyvällä sijainnilla. Laadukkaat hoidot tehtynä hyvällä ammattitaidolla. Miellyttävä omistaja ja henkilökunta.

anja myötänen: Aivan ihana paikka , sijainti, tunnelma , henkilökunta ja hoitola sisustusta myöden täys 10! Ammattitaitoinen ja jatkuvasti kouluttautuva henkilökunta.

Minna Gerrett: Ihana lämminhenkinen ja ammattitaitoinen henkilökunta. Viihtyisät ja tyylikkäät tilat.Positiivinen Täsmällisyys, Siisteys, Laatu, Ammattimaisuus ja Vastine rahalle …

Галина Сможук: Herkullinen

3. City Clinic - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 70 reviews

Aleksanterinkatu 21, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
City Clinic: what do users think?

Peppi Robinson: Kävin viikko sitten käsien rasvaimussa. Toimenpide on nopea ja potilasystävällinen. Ammattitaitoinen henkilökunta huolehti minusta alusta loppuun ja koin operaatiossa olemisen turvalliseksi kokemukseksi.Kiitos Cityklinikalle helposta, nopeasta ja hyvästä kokemuksesta!

Viviane Oliveira: Olen vaikuttunut tohtori Nikitan taidoista! Täysi ihailu! Erittäin ammattitaitoinen, lahjakas ja olin todella yllättynyt hyaluronihapposovellusten tuloksista, jotka antavat kasvoille harmoniaa ja nuorekkuutta. Suosittelen tätä Dr.:tä silmät kiinni. Hän on todella erinomainen!

Tuija Westlin: Kävin 2 kuukautta sitten kasvojen kohotuksessa Riikka Veltheimilla. Operaatio meni hienosti vaikka jännitin sitä tosi paljon. Tikkien poisto ja sen jälkeinen toipuminen on sujunut hyvin. Oma hoito on tässä myös tärkeässä roolissa. Suosittelen Riikkaa, jos etsit hyvää plastiikkakirurgia.

Päivi Päätalo: 2x asioinut. Kaikki sujunut sovitusti. Kivutonta, ei ongelmia jälkeenpäin. Ystävällinen henkilökunta.

Sini Bono: Eipä tämä selittelyjä kaipaa, ihan 5/5 👌🏻

Mabs official: Minulla oli erinomainen kokemus Citi Clinicistä. Henkilökunta oli uskomattoman ystävällistä ja tarkkaavaista siitä hetkestä lähtien, kun kävelin sisään. Klinikan ilmapiiri oli puhdas, vieraanvarainen ja hyvin järjestetty. Lääketieteen ammattilaiset olivat asiantuntevia, ja he käyttivät aikaa käsitelläkseen kaikki huoleni, varmistaen, että tunsin oloni mukavaksi koko vierailuni ajan.Lisäksi klinikan tehokkuus oli vaikuttava. Minun ei tarvinnut odottaa kauan, ja he hoitivat tapaamiset tehokkaasti kunnioittaen aikaani. Heidän sitoutumisensa potilaiden hoitoon erottui todella joukosta. Lähdin Citi Clinicistä vakuuttuneena siitä, että terveyteni on osaavissa käsissä. Suosittelen Citi Clinicia kaikille, jotka etsivät huippuluokan sairaanhoitoa ystävällisessä ja tehokkaassa ympäristössä.

Svetlana Smorodina: A laser procedure was performed to remove blood vessels on the face. I'm happy with the result.

Laura Suomela: Expert service! As soon as I made an appointment, I felt welcome. Very friendly, expert nurses and attendants on site. The trace of the treatment is also great. I highly recommend!

Suvi Tikkanen: Pleasant customer service! Special thanks to Nikita: Calm, competent and experienced multi-talent, whose handprint is skillful & careful! I definitely recommend❤

heidi keränen: Thanks to Jarko for the skilled skin booster treatment, it almost didn't hurt at all

Mia N: . I had a laser tattoo removal today and the treatment went well and the nurse was professional, I recommend it. Of course, the results of the treatment are not yet visible the first time, but I will definitely make another appointment there :

Riitta Savolainen: Excellent, friendly service. Special thanks to Jarko!

4. Yummy Beauty - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 11 reviews

Itämerenkatu 8, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Yummy Beauty: what do users think?

Ishatpreet Verma: I would highly recommend facial massage who like pressure for relaxation. My overall experience was very good. I got great relaxation after the facial massage.

Hiie SAADAOUY: Beautiful cozy salon

RAbroad: I regularly go for waxing and sugaring with Marina, who does her job accurately, quickly and wholeheartedly. Warm recommendation.

TUIJA ÖSTERMAN: A wonderful facial massage, which also included massage of the décolleté, neck, shoulders, arms and hands. Warm recommendation!

Pia Paakkinen: Marina is wonderful and efficient! The waxing is gentle and professional.Services Brazilian waxing, Waxing …

Kanya Auvinen: Marina is amazingly spiritual and accurate! Cheers for the day! 🤗

Kimmo Kemppainen: Ok, he seemed knowledgeable, called before the visit and gave a good guide to the place

Tapio Tekkala: I have visited the Alpha Led oxygen capsule machine. The service is as nice as visiting a friend.The Alpha Led oxygen capsule has infrared light therapy and oxygen and a total of 19 different programs. I myself have undergone meditation and energy as well as insomnia, relax, respiratory, alpha dream, pain relief...Each time I have been glad to get the help I needed. I have relaxed and gained vitality and calmness as well as energy and overall well-being.I can only recommend it to everyone because the oxygen capsule machine is a safe alternative treatment of the new age.

Marko Moisio: Positive Punctuality, Cleanliness, Professionalism, Value Services Service not listed

Saara Tammentie: A wonderful 70-minute pampering treatment for the face, and warm and cordial service. I will definitely go again and highly recommend! ☺️

Annika Komulainen: Lovely place, I recommend!

5. Carine Salongit Oy - Läntinen suurpiiri

· 72 reviews

Pihkatie 7, 00410 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website
Carine Salongit Oy: what do users think?

Maria Antoshulskaya: Victoria - hairdresser and Elena - hair removal - just super! I recommend!

Olga Larkina: Warm environment. Wonderful craftsmen. I've been going to the salon for 8 years. I recommend to everyone.

Viktoria El Morabit: Great place, experienced workers, always wonderful customer service.

Viktoriia Wswk: Master colorist Victoria. Great impression. Thank you!

pirjo voutilainen: I went to Carine for foot care and now I had French nails done absolutely wonderful and Carine is such a miracle worker❤️ I wholeheartedly recommend Carine Salon for various treatments

Maret Poom: A very good and valued salon. I recommend it wholeheartedly.

Anna-Maria Magdalena Purdinen: This is my favorite salon! 😊👍😍 I always relax here and gain positive emotions! 💋 🔥💃

Viktoria L': Best beauty service in Helsinki!

Kadrije: Very good grade 10

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