Business in Game store:
1. - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 468 reviews
Urho Kekkosen katu 1 3. kerros, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Gustav Ă
berg: Went to get a board game without knowing what I wanted. The service was impeccable. The staff were very helpful and seemed to have been playing most of the games available. I can highly recommend going here, especially if you need a recommendation.
Jesus Cabrera: Very friendly service and helped me find the suitable game for my kid at a good price
Jean-Simon Deslauriers: Sooooo many games, and some rare stuff too! Definitely visit if you are a board game fan. The whole shopping mall is very nice too!
Lauri J: I'm into games, so maybe Finland's best selection of board games from a brick-and-mortar store. Friendly sellers who know the games know how to recommend, even if you don't play yourself.Good gift ideas for children and young people.
Ezekiel Brockmann: This is an amazing shop.If you're looking for a good gift, you pretty much can't go wrong here. They're selling a range from the most popular "hit" games of the season to the very rare and esoteric. Helpful staff. The other customers are helpful if they have time. Very Clean. Wheelchair accessible.
Tiina Savola: Good selection of puzzles
1Dreamking: Nice store for boardgame lovers.
Sarah Don: This is the place to buy boardgames. The staff even have experience and knowledge of the boardgames. They also have accessories like card sleeves and dice. They have games in several languages and also a good selection of jigsaw puzzles.
Ismael L.: Very nice place to look for board games, even when it id a relatively small place you can diacover lot of funny stuff in there. Besides they have a very pleasant staff.
pelimurmeli: A comprehensive selection of different board games and puzzles in different languages. There are also small amounts of other stuff, such as Funko POP Figures, as well as accessories for board games, for example.
Samu Kemppainen: Full service board game store!
2. Fantasiapelit Helsinki Citycenter - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 840 reviews
Kauppakeskus Citycenter, Kaivokatu 8 K1-kerros, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Baldur Ăblom Lund: They really do have alot
Jouni Salmi: A good game store with a comprehensive selection of games, cartoons, figures and everything else nice.
Amanda Paukkunen: Good and wide selection and nice and helpful staff!
werner kage: Competent Service. Lots of games and Accessoires.
Olli Pesonen: Nice and interesting place
Jean-Simon Deslauriers: Great selection of games, friendly staff!
Murad Masry: Love to buy everything i need from there.
Ziyan Niu: Azumanga Daioh!!
Marita Paldanius: A wide selection of manga, board games, etc. and expert sellers. A bit pricey.
3. Kevin's Hobby Shop
· 21 reviews
Fredrikinkatu 32, 00120 Helsinki, Finland
Tom âTKOâ Koskinen: Rakasta tĂ€tĂ€ viehĂ€ttĂ€vÀÀ kauppaa, jossa on todella ammattitaitoisia omistajia, jotka tietĂ€vĂ€t asiansa! LisĂ€ksi mahtavat ja reilut hinnat!
Henri: YllÀttÀvÀn nopea toimitus ja tuote oli erittÀin hyvin pakattu.
Paul Leone: TyylikÀs uusi pelikauppa hyvÀllÀ valikoimalla. Suosittelen ehdottomasti helsinkilÀisille pelaajille!
Aarne Lehikoinen: Ehdoton suositus, homma toimii hyvin, tuotevalikoima laaja ja asiakasviestintÀ ansaitsee erityismaininnan! Suosittelen poikkeamaan!
Antti Soininen: HyvÀt hinnat, nopea toimitus, hyvÀ hinta
Nikolay Efimov: ErittÀin kilpailukykyinen hinta ja loistava omistaja!
Frejmic Sarenic: Ihana omistaja, joka auttaa sinua peruskysymyksissÀ edistyneimpiin. Super vieraanvarainen ja lÀmmin tunnelma. Ehdottomasti mene tÀnne kaikkiin Pokemon-, Magic-, Lorcana-, D&D- tai Star Wars tcg -tarpeisiin! Paljon mukavampaa kuin suuret kaupat.
Nobody: HyvÀ sijainti, hyvÀ omistaja ja hyvÀt hinnat. Todella mukava ostospaikka!
matiasgold: Hauska paikallinen korttikauppa 100% suosittelee, hyvÀt hinnat ja mukava henkilökunta
dem0nclaw: Jotkut muut tuotteet eivÀt ole halvimmat, mutta ne ovat silti hyvin lÀhellÀ halvimpia kaupoista löytyviÀ tuotteita.Ainoa tapa saada vastaavat hinnat HelsingissÀ on verkko-ostokset, kuten Amazon/Ebay tai kolmannen osapuolen 2nd hand.
Suvi K: Upea pieni pelikauppa! Ja niin loistava asiakaspalvelu, suosittelen lÀmpimÀsti tutustumaan tÀhÀn paikkaan!
Onni Linervo: HÀmmÀstyttÀvÀt hinnat, uskomaton asiakaspalvelu ja kauppa on supersöpö!
VĂctor C. C.: HyvĂ€t hinnat, ystĂ€vĂ€llinen ja kohtelias palvelu.On mahtavaa, kun paikallisen pienyrityksen asiakkaana oleminen tuntuu tĂ€ltĂ€!Palaan pian.
Rik van den Biggelaar: hyvÀt hinnat, mukava omistaja ja lÀhellÀ keskustaa. MitÀ muuta haluat?
Custodis: HyvÀ asiakaspalvelu!
4. Poromagia - ItÀ-Pasila
· 602 reviews
Opastinsilta 8B, 00520 Helsinki, Finland
Aatos Luukkanen: Hieman on tuotteet kalliita mutta muuten aivan mahtava paikka! Tapahtumien jÀrjestÀjÀt ja myyjÀt ovat olleet tosi mukavia!
Mattias: Tilasin lautapelin, jossa oli tehtaalla pakkausvirhe, joka olisi tehnyt pelistÀ pelikelvottoman. Onneksi oltuaan yhteyttÀ Poromagia-asiakaspalveluun he saivat puuttuvat tuotteet vaihdettua hetkessÀ! Tulen varmasti saamaan heiltÀ lisÀÀ pelejÀ, joissa hinnat ja asiakaspalvelu ovat loistavia.
Peter Balogh: Loistava paikka hankkia vanhoja koulupaketteja ja booster boxeja. Helsingin matkani kohokohta. Henkilökunta oli erittÀin ystÀvÀllistÀ.
Lauri J: Asiantuntevat ja ystÀvÀlliset myyjÀt, osaavat myymÀnsÀ tuotteet.Pokemon, MtG, ja muut TCG:t sekÀ Warhammer löytyy hyllystÀ. Alakerrasta myös lautapelejÀ.MyyvÀt ja ostavat myös irtokortteja mikÀ on harvinaista.
Janne Markkanen: Pokemon korttien kerÀilijÀn unelmapaikka. Poika sai myytyÀ ja ostettua itselleen oikein mieluisia kortteja.
Paul Bartlett: Loistava pelikauppa, jossa on niin osaava ja avulias henkilökunta. Menemme myymÀlÀÀn HelsingissÀ.
Laurie Smeaton: Kassan takana oleva henkilö oli ystÀvÀllinen, ja lauta- ja korttipelivalikoima oli laaja. HeillÀ ei ollut sitÀ, mitÀ etsimme, mutta heillÀ oli paljon tutkittavaa.
Fabian Rodrigues: Upea kauppa, erittÀin ystÀvÀlliset paikalliset!
Related inquiries Game store:
5. Warhammer
· 191 reviews
Antinkatu 3, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Patrick Glikmann: Little store, well managed
Joonas Peltomaa: Nice place, best service đ
Lo Catal: Nice and helpful staff.
Björn Strömann: Nice
Jonathan Svanberg: Menin tÀnne etsimÀÀn warhammer-kirjallisuutta ja olin iloinen nÀhdessÀni, ettÀ heillÀ on muutamia kirjoja varastossa, mutta useimmat on tilattava verkosta. Mutta henkilökunta oli todella avulias ja myymÀlÀn ympÀristö oli todellinen helmi. Jos pidÀt fantasiasta tai sotavasarasta, suosittelen vierailua.
Joona Salvano: Ammattitaitoinen henkilökunta
Tobias Clark: Erinomainen. Avulias, osaava henkilökunta.
Roxanne Brooke: ErittÀin ystÀvÀllinen henkilökunta, heillÀ on vaihtoehtoja pelata pelejÀ kaupassa, mikÀ on upeaa. Luo demopeli oppiaksesi jÀrjestelmÀn
Igor Inkey: Ei paikka, joka maalaisi mallejasi puolestasi, mutta nĂ€et varmasti, mikĂ€ on mahdollista đ
Magnet Holik: Hieno Warhammer kauppa.
Michal Bazia: Mahtava valikoima ja hyvÀt työntekijÀt
Local guide Finland: Erinomaista asiakaspalvelua ja viihtyisÀt puitteet myymÀlÀssÀ maalaamiseen ja leikkimiseen
Herkko Miettinen: Asiantuntevaa ja hyvÀÀ palvelua harrastajalta harrastajalle.
6. Poromagia
· 811 reviews
HĂ€meentie 1, 00530 Helsinki, Finland
7. Heureka Shop
· 128 reviews
Urho Kekkosen katu 1, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
pelimurmeli: Fun little shop full of cool stuff
Rosa Welander: Perfect birthday gifts for boys and girls who are interested in how the world works.
Minttu JĂ€rvinen: In this store, I received expert and friendly service. It was a pleasure to do business with you!
Sayer Aker: Special products for guests and a little expensive
Eila Skaffari: Friendly service.
Tuula Ylinen: You can also find interesting gifts for children in the center of Helsinki.
Leena Terho: I ordered the product by mail and it was available the day after the order.Good service, thank you!
Marco Ruscillo (m4rkus84): fixed it for me right away.Kind and courteous. I was very very happy! Thanks again!!! Kiitos!!!
Timo Hujanen: There is something for little researchers.
Dat Huynh: Great store
8. XS Lelut - Stockmann Helsinki
· 7 reviews
Aleksanterinkatu 52, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
9. Shakkiareena
· 21 reviews
Hiomotie 10, 00380 Helsinki, Finland
Kai Backman: HyvÀ paikka shakkia harrastavalle.
Kenneth Solja: HyvÀ paikka kokoontua shakkikerhoille ja bridgekerhoille. Paikassa on kahvila hyvine antimineen.
Berkay Bayram: SiellÀ on erittÀin mukavia shakkisarjoja ja kilpailuja jÀrjestetÀÀn
Swapna t: Kiva paikka.
Eemil Peuranen: Aivan mahtava paikka pelata shakkia.
Pavel Golovinov: Had a chance to visit shakki areena for the first time to play my first tournament. Place is open, very friendly service. They helped me to get in and guided through the rules etc. Very well organized and managed.
Arto Heimonen: Chess is fine.
Hassan Alzakout: đ€ A special and suitable place for the game of chess, where tournaments are held periodically, and it is the main headquarters in Helsinki for tournaments....... â€ïž â€ïž â€ïž â€ïžThe chess hall is also equipped with educational materials.There are two large halls and a small hall....The maximum capacity is 240 players...Every Tuesday, a friendly tournament in speed chess is held, in addition to a lecture from time to time given by an international professor or higher.
10. Flying Tiger Copenhagen Kamppi
· 367 reviews
Kauppakeskus Kamppi, Urho Kekkosen katu 1, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Emir Balic: Good salad
Selma Akin: Good and fun shop
Vita B.: A great place if you need to buy an inexpensive, unnecessary gift.Or some little things for home or school.Friendly sellers.Spacious room.The New Year's assortment has already been put on display.There are interesting Christmas tree decorations. The quality is very average.But you can buy a little angel for 1e.
11. Helsinki Street Chess
· 4 reviews
HĂ€meentie 10, 00530 Helsinki, Finland
12. Alnilam
· 54 reviews
Yrjönkatu 32, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Emin Koklu: Hidden gem in Helsinki. Very helpful staff
Gitte Hulden: Wow! What a store and great service! Lovely staff!
R. E.: I really loved this place. The Harry Potter merchandise was much more to my taste than other places I've been to. The HP stuff was only a small section of the products and there was so much more. They had lovely journals there and a display cabinet of old style compasses and magnifying glasses etc, this bit was my favourite! The prices on them were far more reasonable than I expected too. This shop really felt like a hidden treasure and the woman running it at the time spoke great English and was very friendly. I'd definitely recommend visiting if you're a tourist and like these things.
Matthias: Small cute shop with great products. There are many magical things to discover here, including the finest Harry Potter merchandise. I discovered and found things here that weren't even available in the Harry Potter Studios in Watford! The saleswoman was very nice and helpful. An absolute must-do for all Harry Potter or fantasy fans who visit Helsinki!
Karoliina WalldĂ©n: Good selection. Service for online shopping and in-store 10+ đđđ»
Eliana: The perfect shop for Harry Potter fans đ§ââïž
Mikko Kurko: I went by when the shop window was so inviting. Many excellent gift ideas were found, but some of the items were so interesting that you should buy them for yourself, not as a gift. A knowledgeable seller. I recommend.
Neoprophet 13: Awesome little shop with many Harry Potter, lotr merch and many more. Friendly staff.
Hannu Kokko: If you like gift items from Harry Potter world this is the place. Small shop full of very nice Harry Potter world items fit for a role player friend of yours and others as well.
Irina Henriksson: Ihana pikku puoti jossa on HP tuotteita joka lÀhtöön. Myös erikoisia tavaroita omaksi iloksi ja lahjaksi. Aivan ihanat myyjÀt jotka osaavat asiansa.
Riikka Nieminen: HyvÀÀ ja ystÀvÀllistÀ asiakaspalvelua
Kati Rissanen: Ihana pieni kivijalkaliike Yrjönkadulla jossa paljon fantasiaan perustuvaa tavaraa myynnissÀ.
Kai Mar: Fantastinen kauppa. TÀÀllÀ on todella paljon löydettÀvÀÀ - todella hienoa! Ja erittÀin mukava myyjÀ.
Adelina: Mukava pieni kauppa, jossa on Harry Potter -aiheisia tuotteita. Hinta oli korkeampi, mutta tÀmÀ on ainakin yksi ainoista kaupoista, josta voit ostaa noita HP-tuotteita Suomessa. TÀssÀ kaupassa myytiin myös muita franchising-sopimuksia.
13. Tactic Games Oy
Keskuskatu 1, 00100 Helsinki, Finland