Business in Clothing store:
1. Hattu Helsinki - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 60 reviews
Annankatu 12, 00120 Helsinki, Finland
Erika Kaipainen: hat and bought it.
Osku: Great service and a pleasant shop. All the hats I wear have been bought here and will be bought here in the future.
Juhani Keinänen: I bought three stetson caps. Good service and an idyllic little hat shop.
Tuija Leppijärvi: A wonderful little specialty store. Here you can find nice and unique items, e.g. hats, beanies, caps, gloves. Nice and friendly and knowledgeable customer service. A stetson merino wool beanie and a pair of socks came with it. Go check it out if you're moving around the corners of Punavuori.
Laura Heinonen: Friendly and expert service 💎
Save Cabin: Siistii lätsää Farkkuja liivejä ym
Jussi Harmonen: Paras
idovooodoo: Aivan mahtavaa asiakaspalvelua! Ostan hattuni jatkossakin täältä.
AGENDA: Upea kauppa! iso chuse!
2. Garageland - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 139 reviews
Fredrikinkatu 19, 00120 Helsinki, Finland
Ville Sokero: Erittäin hyvä palvelu ja mukava omistaja!
Johnny Fight: 🐺,,,".T.H.A.N.X.X.X.¤Kåke🕶Meåk¤",,😼
Satan Lusifer: Erinomaiset Bootsit Käsintehdyt
Jenny Nordberg: Paras vaatekauppa, jossa olen koskaan käynyt, ja jos olisin rikas, olisin ostanut 10 vaatesarjaa heti puhdasta hauskanpitoa ja mukavia siistejä erilaisia vaatteita meille, vaatehulluille tytöille ja pojille. paras myymälä Helsingissä, joten käytä tilaisuutta vierailla siellä
Hari: . Was intimidated by the Silence of the Lambs vibe
Pekka Koski: A great treasure shop, the staff is top class, greets other customers. What a wonderful experience, we will come here again.
Jo Gre: Great Shop and the owner ist very nice !
noscoper 365: Good service, good prices and a large selection.
Jack Stone: Everything between earth and sky, something might even be from heaven, that is, quite a selection of clothes and shoes.
3. GANT Store - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 10 reviews
Pohjoisesplanadi 33, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
4. H&M - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 563 reviews
Aleksanterinkatu 48, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Kristina Karlsson: Aina kiva käydä
emi: En tiedä henkilökunnasta paljon, koska en ole tarvinnut apua, tykkään vaatteista ja on helppoa löytää kaikkea, käytän itsepalvelu kassaa mielummin, siellä ei ole jonoa.
Julia Gomez: Kaikki on mukavaa ja hyvällä hinnalla, rakastan H&M:ää ja siellä olevia vaatteita, mutta siellä oli erittäin pitkä jono ja vain yksi kassa
M. Agh: Kiva lasten kokoelmaKaiken kaikkiaan hyvä valikoima tuotteita
Mia Wynne-Ellis: Kivasti remontoitu myymälä, laaja valikoima, itsepalvelukassa.
Related inquiries Clothing store:
5. Monki - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 62 reviews
Kauppakeskus Forum, Mannerheimintie 20 A, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Natalja: Youth clothing store. Friendly service. Good quality clothes.
Anna P: Cute designed, all kings of high quality were presented, good artsy.’ Wood come again
Päivi Turpeinen: Tykkään väreistä ja kuoseista.
6. H&M - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 423 reviews
Mannerheimvägen 20, 00100 Helsingfors, Finland
7. Monki - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 138 reviews
Aleksanterinkatu 48, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
8. Carlings - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 17 reviews
Urho Kekkosen katu 1, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Hannele Korhonen: I visited on Sunday 21.7. was an absolutely wonderful woman seller!! was very skilled and clearly knew what he was doing and advised with jeans in a very professional manner 🤩
Jussi: Really expert jeans service by a young customer!
Neea Nakko: There are some great finds in the SALE sections, if you know what your looking for😌
Samuel Pajunen: I have also praised the Carlings stores of Tripla and Forum and I have to praise this one as well. I'd be happy to visit all three here as well. The staff is really friendly and helpful. Of course, the clothes are also nice, but I'd be happy to go to Carlings to get them if only the selection is available, thanks to the good service
Kim: Kamppi shop. I went shopping with my daughter today and we received first-class service in finding the right size and clothes. The shopping was done in less than 30 minutes and I was left with a really nice feeling about the expertise and service.
Tanja Mölin: Good service 👍
Susanna Ståhl: Wonderful products and really great service!! See you soon again!!
Aarni Kämppi: Really good service!
vilho: good selection
fren time: Amazing and knowing service! Highly recommed
Rami Reingoldt: I have started doing business here again, all politicization was removed from the checkout.
9. Kapteenska Country House - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 3 reviews
Pohjoisesplanadi 33, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
10. Weekday - Kalasatama
· 11 reviews
Hermannin rantatie 5, 00580 Helsinki, Finland
M. L.: Good selection👍 Jeans in particular are well-stocked and nice customer service
Laura Aljona Saksa: A cozy store with stylish, modern clothes for the season. Discreet shades. Excellent store design, a pleasant place to be. Friendly seller.
Anna: Nice selection
Henna Laurila: good deals, pants originally €40 reduced to €18. REALLY NICE SELLERS 333
11. Levi's® Helsinki - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 80 reviews
1, Urho Kekkosen katu, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Henrik Vestama: Always friendly service. The prices for jeans are around 110 euros, but the quality is good when compared to other stores. The 501s in continuous use have lasted 9 years now. Today I'm going to look at the new ones, even though the old ones are fine. I just want different colors.
Aki Korhonen: Professional service, a good selection.
J J: Good service.
Niina Pirttilehto: Good selection😊.
12. TOMMY HILFIGER - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 70 reviews
Urho Kekkosen katu 1, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Its A Wonderful Life: A decent TH boutique. Although product range is not extensive, there are adequate current and off-season merchandise to choose from. TH tends to offer steep discounts during sales, so if you're not particular about keeping up with the latest trends, it's worthwhile to wait. Staffers are friendlier than those in competing stores like Gant and Guess here in Kamppi.
Kirsi Kuula: Excellent service at the Kamppi store😊Friendly and cheerful seller, 10+
Sharon Elizabeth Freundlich: Excellent customer service by the staff. I appreciate their patience.
Mika Jokela: Good service 👌
Cuneyt M: Every time good
Joel Snellman: Great and helpful sellers. They also helped as taste judges!
Yaser Harrak: Customer service of 10, recommended.
Tatjana Täht: Dear customer service
Pauliina Rauramo: Friendly and helpful service
Alexey Krg: There are many discounts
Harri Rantanen: High-quality clothes for everyday life and even for a party