Business in Sporting goods store:
1. XXL Sports & Outdoor Kluuvi - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 410 reviews
Aleksanterinkatu 9, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Nishshanka Moore: Xxx urheilu & ulkoilu kluuviHei täältä löydät kaikki urheilutuotteet merkkikengät 👟 vaatteet ja muut tavarat. Myös erittäin hyvä asiakaspalvelu
Ed Donlon: Suuri valikoima, avoinna torstaisin klo 8 asti, edulliset hinnat
Jaakko Torvinen: Urheilullista kamaa joka lähtöön,laatua kohtuuhintaan..
Nina Hirvelä: Big selection.
Rosa Jardinez Azaharez: Excellent offers and price reductions
2. Helsingin Sportti-Divari - Hermanninmäki

· 119 reviews
Hämeentie 95, 00550 Helsinki, Finland
C Donaldson: The store is phenomenally well stocked and the staff couldn’t have been more helpful. This store is exceptional and I thoroughly recommend it!
мария герасимова: Cool store because you can buy sports things cheap. I advise everyone. Huge selection
Jyri Purunen: Very good deal. I recommend it to everyone because of the good service and reasonable prices👍
rog b: Got a few golf clubs there. The staff couldn't be more helpful when I discovered one club was way too long and I swapped it for another. Reasonable prices too. They have plenty of different sports stuff too!
Ville Manner: Fast customer service. A versatile store and the price-quality ratio was just right. I can recommend this shop for buying a sled, whether you're an adult or a child
Merje Ämmänkoski: Customer service 10👌Perfect for methe plate set went with it. Thanks to the great seller for this 😊
Terttu Brink: Friendly and humorous staff.I recommend doing business!
daniel kalhor: Nice
First Sutham: .This place allows me to try new sports in every season with lower cost. They have more than just ski!
Carl Rthompson: Lots of equipment, helpful staff. Saves a lot when you have fast growing kids. Helping the environment too
3. Amer Sports Store Helsinki - Vallila
· 114 reviews
Konepajankuja 6, 00510 Helsinki, Finland
tom nylund: Erittäin ammattitaitoiset myyjät omalla osaamisellaan.
Basso Rapeli: Hyvä palvelu, vaikka henkilökunta ei kyennytkään auttamaan Suunnon tuotteisiin liittyvässä asiassa.
Linus Olofsson: Laadukasta tavaraa laadukkaassa kaupassa!
Aapo Siippainen: Yllätyslöytöjä. Ankea palvelu.
Mia Miiros: Excellent, knowledgeable and friendly staff 🏆
Markku P.: Good and expert service. An excellent selection of quality products.
anssi norovirta: Today I drove an hour to get to the customer service point with my watch in Suunto because I have not been able to through the internet. As soon as I entered the store, they said that the product in question was no longer owned by them, so I contacted Suunto. I told my problem and the person in question fixed it in a couple of minutes. Big thanks to him. It was nice to notice that the service works as well as before, even if it didn't have to be given so nicely in my case.T. Anssi
Harri Huttunen: Outlet products really occasionally and generally speaking few. On the other hand, sometimes you can get lucky, but so can the lottery. Outlet products are very random and few in numbers. However, you might get Lucky - and it's possible to win in the Lottery too...
Johanna H: A really friendly and helpful seller guaranteed an excellent customer service experience.
Niko Kallio: Great place to find Salomon and Arcteryx products that might be hard to find online. The staff was quite helpful and knowledgeable as well.
Joonas Hyyppä: Excellent service
Teemu Nikkilä: A very expert fitting and editing service for ski suits.
4. Halti Outlet Herttoniemi - Herttoniemenranta
· 11 reviews
Hitsaajankatu 14, 00810 Helsinki, Finland
pasi ollikka: Happy Thursday deals
Oksana Susanna Korshunoff: Great boutique and very great sales people. Always helpful, very polite and every Thursday an additional 50% discount on everything on the lower floor
Rajibul Ratul: Nice salesperson
Penni Water: Friendly staff
Marita Vanhanen: Great finds
Mika Thielsch: Found everything I was looking for. Very good selection
Mia Ekholm: Kannattaa käydä. Yläkerran valikoima oikein hyvä ja alakerrasta voi tehdä hyviä löytöjä.
Hannu Toiviainen: Kaikki löyty mitä tarvittiin.
Priit T: Loistava valinta ja palvelu!
Samu Snabb: 5/5 palvelu ja kohtuulliset hinnat.
İLHAN ŞENEL: Perjantai... hyvä päivä
Related inquiries Sporting goods store:
5. Stadium Kaari - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 19 reviews
Laulukuja 3, 00420 Helsinki, Finland
Susanna Majalahti: Prices and products clearly displayed. The staff is great and helpful.
Heikki Vartiainen: Good service
Tatjana Täht: Good deal
Petra Oinonen: Very friendly and professional service.
Ritva Laitikas: . Also the checkout is really nice.
6. Powergrip Helsinki - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 400 reviews
Takkatie 18, 00370 Helsinki, Finland
MägiCo M: Everything is there. Good service. I think the location of the store is bad
Andy Carey: Disc buying addiction heaven.
Hanna-Leena Back: A very comprehensive selection, few parking spaces with a card.
Mika Kainulainen: The service attitude of Powergrip's staff and the added value they produce for customers, manages to positively delight year after year. Such a high desire for customer service and service level is a rare luxury these days.A really comprehensive selection of pucks and the best thing is the expertise of the sellers in the sport. The tips from these guys can really push your own game level forward, when you dare to ask for tips on the challenges of your own game - a little bit outside of puck or equipment purchases.In the same way, we focus on each customer as an individual, and the deliverables are not left unfinished. Or if a sales colleague needs to be scolded, then the customer is asked about it elegantly and it is taken into account that the customer is not left alone with his matter.🌲/5.
Jari Hotanen: On top of that! 👌🏼
Arto Salminen: Pretty good disc golf store. Do not take your wallet in, you will buy something
Kim: Lots of pucks for every start. It's nice that the staff said hello, but didn't immediately come to ask, just had a leisurely look and search. Only when I myself went to ask about a specific puck, was they helped right away.👌🏻
Justus: A lot of pucks
Aleksi Erla: A large selection of pucks, found in backpacks, baskets.
Sinikka Bäck: There are lots of goodies there
Perhe V-K: Good frisbee golf store
Marko Järvinen: A wide selection of discs and other frisbee accessories. There are very few parking spaces.
7. Stadium Redi - Kalasatama
· 7 reviews
Hermannin rantatie 5, 00580 Helsinki, Finland
8. - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 754 reviews
Ruosilankuja 3, 00390 Helsinki, Finland
harri mutanen: Everything for camping. I recommend
Roosa Heikkinen: Really fast and smooth delivery and customer service 👌🏻I would order again in the future.
Maria S: Cheap ads are thrown in, but luckily advertising has improved over the years. The customer service was the best and there are customer service representatives everywhere. I was interested in camping and outdoor accessories. Everything versatile. The prices are quite salty and not exactly basic for a Danurian's wallet, but if you have the money, you can find a selection, from clothes to military goods. Goods have also been exchanged and returned if necessary.
Gérard Fouquesolle: Good site, no problem.
Tommi Loukia: Everything you need for camping under one roof.
raphaele courbon: Fast shipping and good price
S A: Huikea kauppa. Ystävällinen henkilökunta. Laaja valikoima kaikkea mukavaa. Aina ja isompaa ja pienempää mukaan kun täällä käy.Vaikka on jonot välillä pitkiä niin useampi kassa vetää todella hyvin.
Yves Laingui: Löydät kaupasta mitä tahansa pyöräily-, juoksu-, vaellus-, sukellus-, retkeily- ja metsästystarvikkeita.
Kari K: Tavaraa löytyy hyvin hyllystä. Varastosta noutavat 10 minuutissa.
Backpacking Ireland: Fantastinen yritys. Suuri valikoima tuotteita uskomattomilla hinnoilla. Toimitus on hyvä . Silkkisen iso poika Outback ja DD Superlight Tarp. Kaiken kaikkiaan suosittelen 🇮🇪🇮🇪
Simon Swartling: Hyvä valikoima ja nopea toimitus
Chloé Robidas: Nopea toimitus Ranskaan!
Toni L: Hyvä valikoima, nopea toimitus, kilpailukykyiset hinnat
9. FinScooter Oy - Kalasatama
· 338 reviews
REDI Kauppakeskus 3. kerros, Hermannin rantatie 5, 00580 Helsinki, Finland
Bastian Buja: aika hyvät gripit on ne pehmeet odit kestää ja tuntuu hyvältä aijemmat meni aina rikki nää taas ei mee
Markus: Tosi hyvä kauppa, Löytyy monia osia scootteihin, ite pistän 5 tähteä.
Justus: Siellä paljon renkas
Vesa Kuivalainen: Aina löytyy,aina hoituu,aina hymyillään 🙂Suosittelen!
Nuutti Ryhänen: Rakastan paikkaa paljon mahtavia scootteja ja osia jopa kunnon sormiskateja pakko tulla uudestaan
Vili Oravasaari: Hyvää asiakas palvelua ja paljon hyviä osia
Aamos Kyyhkynen: You fixed my scooter for free
teemu saarinen: A great place works, you can get the facts by asking.
Mari Aalto: Thank you for good service !
Juha-Heikki Pasanen: I got the tramp scooter that my grandchild wanted from this store that used to be located in Malmi.
Aleksandr Korotkov: came, saw, bought 5/5 great service
Antti Oksanen: All kinds of things with good service.