Business in Ice skating rink:
1. Malmi ice rink
· 674 reviews
Red Devil Arena, Talttakuja 6, 00700 Helsinki, Finland
SePi Mattinen: Good place to play!Two relatives play here!
Joni: Paid parking and often full
Matthew Pruett: Hosted large hockey tourney and they were one of 6 rinks very accommodating great little facility
Tomi “Rebe” Metsäniemi: Bad warm-up places, nice hall.
Janne Aho: A good ice rink for juniors
Api K: A better than average hall. 3 rinks.Paid parking in front of the hall
2. Ice Park Helsinki - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 86 reviews
Rautatientori, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
vitalik paradna: Wait time No wait
OMENA1377: I wonder why it's not the winter season 2020-2021 when it was once 2019-2020. is it because of the mild weather...corona or does the city have no money to keep it open
ちゆ: This is a skating ring near Helsinki Central Station.The surrounding scenery is nice, and even if you can't skate, there seems to be some auxiliary equipment, so if you have time, it might be a good idea.
Kari Salomaa: There are also shamers for men
Tarmo Kalme: Free skating rink with good ice. There is skate rental and warm clothes storage.
CinemaKing: Today I was skating. until there was one troublemaker who skates too fast so that many children fell and I also fell 2 timesAnd my wrist twisted. I went to complain to the staff, but they said they couldn't intervene. The park is great, but I want you to intervene when there is trouble.
Jori Mäkelä: It's ok, a little wet...
Jarkko Rinne: Freezing disco ; great dj nice atmosphere and good refreshments.
San Agui: Simply brilliant!!!!
3. Helsinki Ice Hall - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 3937 reviews
Nordenskiöldinkatu 11-13, 00250 Helsinki, Finland
Aila Ylikoski: Good venue!
jouni korhonen: We went to watch hockey, but it was in the area. Metallica pre-party
Elisa Parviainen: A great gig venue at least, and a wonderful place anyway!
MIKA HENTTINEN: The good old Nordis still serves, a good gig venue.
Kenneth Mankowski: Great venue to see an intimate gig.#GreenHatKen
Arto Mustonen: Helsinki's most atmospheric hall
Henrik Snellman: Legendary puck shrine
4. Myllypuron jäähalli
· 383 reviews
Ratasmyllynkuja 1, 00900 Helsinki, Finland
Tommi Kyntola: Legendaarinen lätkälato. Hyvin jaksaa vielä.
Mohieddin Jafari: Mukava paikka, mutta hieman vanhanaikainen ja ruosteinen
Kimmo Kalke: Yksi kulmakunnan parhaista
Juha Nurminen: Hyvä
Erkka Suominen: Myllypuron yksi parhaista jäähalleista. Hallimestari taitaa olla suuri Fingerporin ystävä.
Related inquiries Ice skating rink:
5. Salmisaaren Jäähalli - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 147 reviews
Energiakatu 5, 00180 Helsinki, Finland
SePi Mattinen: Hyvä paikka harrastaa jääkiekkoa ja rusettiluistelua. Kakkos kerroksessa on hyvä kahvio menee aika mukavasti lastenlapsia odotellessa.
Miki: Mainio paikka. Suosittelen.
Juhani Suonpää: Hyvä halli mutta parkkisakko tulee helpolla huonot parkkiopasteet
Serge Recetnikoff: Paid parking (((
6. Pirkkolan jäähalli
· 228 reviews
Plotinrinne 8, 00630 Helsinki, Finland
SePi Mattinen: Uudehko hall behind Tikkurila.It's a long way from Ullanlinna.
Jenni Kuikka: I have been following the Jokers U20 matches. A cozy place
A K: Looks really new and the arena is good for ice games//events. It would be great if they had some benches to sit on while watching the kids practice and play. The lounge area is okay and has a small cafe for little bites.
Vladislav Bogdanov: New and good
Nonna Nani: Good location and good tidiness 🙂
Thomas Mårtenson: The best training place in Finland