Business in Toy store:
1. Pii Poo Helsinki - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 338 reviews
Albertinkatu 46, 00180 Helsinki, Finland
Hendrik Markus Lill: Voit saada tiettyjä piirakoita
Maze Travel: Hämmästyttävää, heillä on legoja, joita ei enää myydä. Olen siis aika onnellinen.
Nova ”Novastiigeli” Poussu: Kiva paikka käydä. Rakensin tuolla lego ukkelin ja oli kivvaa👍🏻 muutenkin kiva valikoima legoja ja miellyttävän näköinen kauppa.
Tarja Silvennoinen: Kiva pikku Lego kauppa, helppo löytää ja tungosta ei ollut.
kimppu: great place for a date
kiril mattila: Kivijalka specialty store with professional salespeople. 5/5 wonderful that everything is not only online.
Peter Noone: Great store with a great selection of Lego including individual bricks and minifigs
Thomas Solomon: If you're a Lego nerd and do not visit Pii Poo, you are no longer a Lego nerd.
Ivan Ivanov: One of the best lego stores I've ever been to
2. Zicco - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 34 reviews
Fredrikinkatu 24, 00120 Helsinki, Finland
Vita B.: Wonderful toy store.An excellent selection of good quality and reputable manufacturers.You can always find good toys for gifts.I was glad that there were baby dishes and other things necessary for feeding.Of course I will come here again for shopping.I recommend to everyone.There is something to choose for your child.It looks like an advertisement, but I really liked this store.
Jenni Liukkonen: Lovely toys and games, craft supplies and books. The standard place to buy toys for godchildren ❤️
Ekaterina Nekhay: Extremely nice toy store.
Sakari Ellonen: Best toy store in Helsinki. You will want to buy everything. Also great for last minute gifts because the super friendly host wrapped our purchase beautifully.
Sem Perov: Top store
Vitruvian Vision (Anima): I especially loved their stuffed animals, and mobiles.
Jalo Mäntylä: Really cute toy store, good selection of Jellycats
Jouni Rantanen: Huge collections of small children's toys and small items for crafts. You won't find anything similar in markets.
Johan Olofsson: Hyvä valikoima täytettyjä eläimiä.
Eeva-Liisa Broman: .
3. Lelukauppa Tingeling Leksaker - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 95 reviews
Yrjönkatu 34, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Constance Pang: A small but very beautiful toy shop.
Irina Metsatalu: Very pleasant warm atmosphere.Excellent selection and everything is of excellent quality, with care for children.We haven’t needed anything yet, my daughter is already big, but I’ll definitely stop by again!
Lauri Vilmi: Friendly customer service and nice products
Pilvi-Meri Pitkänen: Thank you very much to the staff for selling a sample doll for a miniature room made as a Christmas present at a lower price. Wonderful and nice customer service and atmospheric shop! ❤️
Tom Pethtel: Travelled into Helsinki on a trip to Tampere to find some toys for my son. I love the handmade wooden toys from local artists they featured. I bought several of the little wooden rockets. I attached a photo of it I sent to my wife from dinner nearby - don’t mind the wine. Kiitos kaupan henkilökunnalle!
Angelique: I have visited this store twice and I always spend quite some time looking around as they have a really nice variety for all ages! The staff are super friendly and they always help me to choose the most appropriate gifts!
Elina Pylkkänen: was really friendly and helpful, and helped e.g. to measure the products. Often in small stores you feel like you have to buy something, but not in this store! Customers could watch in peace, but help was immediately available if they asked. They also have an online store. A positive experience and I will definitely go again!
Atte Jauhiainen: They sell nice and carefully selected toys that seem to last a long time. That is, both in terms of style and quality.Wherever you look in this store, you will find gems. For sale are e.g. puzzles, toys, soft toys, books and other items suitable for children. There are at least some puzzles for adults as well.
Sakari Leimola: Excellent products, really friendly service. The online store is fast and promptly contacts the customer if, for example, the desired product is not available. Parallel products are usually available in the store, and they are delivered quickly.
Jalo Mäntylä: Wonderful shop and really friendly service! 💖
Mira Pastinen: A lovely little toy shop with good personal service. The seller was very nice and even played with the children. It's worth a visit!
salli lunka: Amazing old fashioned toy store with unique and beautiful items. Lots of toys made with natural materials, tasteful aesthetics and many made by hand. The friendly and enthusiastically helpful service person asked us all the right questions and found us exactly the gifts we were looking for. I couldn't recommend this store enough.
Alexander Ginzburg: Very good toys store
Kirsi Koponen: Tingeling Children's Toy Store has a hard "Order" for this period. If only all the children in the world could get toys!!!They haven't taken the Reservation Fee even though they threatened. THANKS.They are very busy at times and the demand is accordingly. Kristina & Co. are really nice.Really Beautiful And Personal Dolls and "Rag Dolls". I LIKE Choices.T: Kirsi Koponen
Ville Antosalo: A really great overall customer experience. Warm, knowledgeable and really friendly service.
4. XS Lelut Kamppi - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 4 reviews
Urho Kekkosen katu 1, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Related inquiries Toy store:
5. Ketunleikki Oy - Herttoniemen teollisuusalue
· 6 reviews
Lämmittäjänkatu 6, 00880 Helsinki, Finland
6. FLEA lelukauppa - Vallila
· 291 reviews
Kangasalantie 6, 00550 Helsinki, Finland
Kaarina Hiltunen: Aivan huippu paikka Schleich hevosten ja ratsastajien ostoon 💸👍
jack repo: Lapselle löytyy varmasri se mitä etsii
Lita: Paras lelukauppa.
Rasmus Kallio: Kiva lelukauppa, paljon itsellekin nostalgisia leluja myynnissä! Hyvä valikoima Squishmallowseja
Hilkka Merilaita: Good selection/prices. Good service
Maria Antoshulskaya: Excellent shop!
emily lila: Really nice and nice place. A lot of all kinds of toys and other toys have left here, and I myself am a very keen collector of toys, and this is the best toy store ever.❤️
Koneistus Pale: Good toy store
7. XS Lelut - Stockmann Itis - Puotinharju
· 2 reviews
Itäkatu 1, 00930 Helsinki, Finland
8. Olkkari ja Kruunukirppu - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 23 reviews
Mariankatu 12, 00170 Helsinki, Finland
Vince Rolin: Great selection of 2nd hand kids clothing and toys.
jaana kiiski: An attractively sweet display table outside on the street. The lavender in a beautiful simple light gray enamel pot cover was irresistible. I also bought a larger similar pot cover. They were expensive, but eternal. And that lightness!There were beautiful things in the shop, and I also chose napkins and soaps for myself and to bring for the summer.There was a friendly young salesperson in the store who gave me a good big tote bag as a deal maker when I used public transport and thus got the goods home comfortably.I went on May 22, 2024. By chance, coming from Tieteentalo on a spring evening, I came across this sweet shop.Ps. The lavender has been doing well and smells wonderful.Greetings and thanks to the pleasant seller!
Piia Karppinen: A wonderful place, the eye rests..So many beautiful things etc. for sale. And children's clothes in addition.
S H: There is such a nice atmosphere here, a lot to look at and good vintage finds. The children's flea market is also nice, which means that under the same roof you can find many nice things for the home.
Aino Haapala-Samuel: New and old in the same place! Beautiful interior items of different ages at affordable prices. Also used clothes and toys, but I will come back specifically to the interior design side!
Elmer Sjöblom: Kyllähän tämä on kätevä paikka ainakin vanhojen vaatteiden, ja tavaroiden myymiseen. Tästä ahtaasta kellaritilasta löydät siis niin vaatteita, kun sisustustuotteita, uusina sekä käytettyinä. Mutta hei, terveiset vielä henkilökunnalle: hommatkaa jokin viilennystsydeemi liiketilaan, sillä se oli kuin SAUNA, kun siellä viimeksi kävin. Ensi kertaan, moi!
Marianna Kuortti: The products for sale were beautifully displayed. Friendly service. A little cramped, but cozy. It was now a well-considered Christmas season. Worth a visit. Note, it is not barrier-free. Located below street level, a few steps down.
Paula Martikainen: Hyviä löytöjä oli.
Charlotte Jaakola: Se on pieni sekä todella hyvä kirpputori. Varsinkin lasten vaatteita löytyy täältä
Olivia: Täältä löytyy paljon mukavia lastenvaatteita ja muita aarteita. Pienille lapsille on pieni leikkinurkkaus, jossa on kirjoja ja leluja. Se on kuitenkin hieman kallis verrattuna muihin käytettyihin kauppoihin.
Dr. Prabhuraj: Hyvä hammasklinikka, tohtori Prabhuraj Sabarad, oikomislääkäri ja hammaskirurgi