Business in Real estate agency:
1. Petri Vauramo - Kiinteistönvälittäjä Helsinki - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 30 reviews
Erottajankatu 9, 00130 Helsinki, Finland
Il Na: Caring and skillful operation.Good guidance as well as thingsfinishing in style.They fully appreciate the customertop professional. Thank you!
Antero Heikkilä: I am very satisfied.Antero Heikkilä
Sam: Petri was terrific in all respects and made the entire process easy and smooth. I would highly recommend him to anyone.
Barry Robbins: I relied on Petri for pretty much everything, as I am based in the U.S. His work was very professional and I always felt that I had no reason to worry. I was right. My apartment sold in a reasonable amount of time for a good price. Not bad considering the weak overall real estate market. I highly recommend Herra Vauramo.
Mikko Kontkanen: By far the best and most professional broker I have used. Things were handled smoothly with Petri and he kept in regular contact throughout the process. In these challenging times, the importance of a broker is emphasized and I warmly recommend Petri!
J. K.: Vauramo is definitely the best broker in the inner city of Helsinki. He knows the area, knows how to tell about the services and understands the point of view of both apartment buyers and sellers. Over the years, we have been in both roles with Vauramo. He works with a big heart and great professionalism, whether the housing market situation is easy or difficult.
Ritva: Petri Vauramo handled the sale of our apartment very professionally. The whole sales process went excellently, efficiently and quickly. Petri's advice was good and realistic, sales brochure incl. the video is great and the transaction itself was very well handled. Petri took care of everything, incl. communication, with really great professionalism and in a pleasant way. I strongly recommend Petri Vauramo for selling an apartment.
Funke Niemela: Exemplary managed housing transaction. Efficient and prompt operation. The price estimate is right from the start. We recommend, full marks.Tuula and Matti
Anna Niemelä: I can recommend Petri 100%! Very professional, efficient and active.
Tiia Hautala: Petri put our apartment up for sale towards the end of 2022, when we ended up canceling the contract with our previous broker. In a really challenging world situation and with a bad housing market outlook, all the worry, night wakings and stress about selling the apartment went away as soon as we got hands on with Petri. The credit was 150% from the beginning and Petri's ability to envision the design of the apartment and his desire to get to know the area and the services of interest to the buyer were in a class of their own. Petri finally sold our apartment practically after a couple of screens. We warmly recommend Petri as your agent if you want the apartment to be sold without any stress. Thank you very much! The only thing we regret is that we didn't choose Petri as our first broker in the first place! :D
timo taipale: It was easy and fun to do business with Petri. Communication worked well and answers to all questions were found in no time. After the business was born, I didn't have to put the money on the counter and the keys were in my pocket 😄 I recommend!
Ida Mäki: The sale of the apartment went well with Petri for the second time. Communication was active and smooth throughout the process.
Virve Jalkanen: A very smooth and efficient process. Petri is a very knowledgeable and skilled broker and dealing with him was uncomplicated and pleasant.
Kaisa Nuutamo: I first met Petri more than 8 years ago at an apartment presentation. After that I followed him on Instagram and was impressed by his references. When the sale of our apartment became relevant, we didn't even consider other options.In our opinion, the high-quality photos produced by Petri, a little styling and a 3D virtual presentation were very important to the fact that our apartment was sold quickly at the desired price. In fact, the buyers were on a trip abroad and made the purchase decision and the offer largely based on the presentation material alone.From our point of view, the entire sales process was handled very professionally, quickly and effortlessly. Petri's experience and expertise were very valuable to us as sellers, e.g. in determining the correct selling price of the apartment.Our apartment was sold in practically one weekend and the selling price was even better than we dared to expect beforehand. We highly recommend Petri if you are selling your apartment!
Aku Seppänen: I am very satisfied with P. Vauramo's services. He was actively in touch and available at any time. He handled housing transactions professionally and his expertise could always be trusted.Warm recommendation!
Jussi Aaltonen: A really tough professional in his field. Everything worked fine and to the point.
Kia Castrén: Smooth and uncomplicated housing transaction throughout the process! Big recommendation, Petri is really professional and a good guy! I will definitely contact Petr next time, if selling & buying an apartment becomes relevant!
2. Snellman Sotheby's International Realty - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 4 reviews
Kasarmikatu 34, 00130 Helsinki, Finland
3. Blok - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 124 reviews
Pursimiehenkatu 14, 00150 Helsinki, Finland
Jussi Pesola: Kaikin puolin nykyaikaista ja modernia välityspalvelua. Kuvat, hinnoittelu ja asiakaspalvelun laatu 100% kohdallaan. Tulen käyttämään jatkossakin, jos asunnon myynti tulee ajankohtaiseksi.
Annele Inberg: Loistava toimintakonsepti, hyvä palvelu.
J P: Erittäin hyvin toimiva, erillainen konsepti kiinteistönvälityksessä jossa toimeksiantajan tehtäväksi jää vain asunnon esittely, kaiken muun hoitaa Blok.Asunnon kuvaus ja muut materiaalit olivat huippuluokkaa samoin Blok:in ohjeistus myynnin eri vaiheissa myös henkilokohtainen palvelu silloin kun sitä tarvitsi.Erittäin positiivinen kokemus!
päivi järvinen: sujui ehdottomasti kaikkein parhaiten ja edullisimmin Blokin avulla. Minuun oltiin yhteydessä kaikissa myynnin vaiheissa ja sain aina tarvittaessa puhelimitse/s-postilla apua. Olin huippuiloinen loistavista markkinointikuvista, siitä että sain itse esitellä omaa kotiani ja taloyhtiötämme sekä siitä, että Blok piti huolen myynnin jokaisesta vaiheesta. Kaikki myyntiin liittyvä materiaali oli korkealaatuista ja kaunista eikä pröystäilevää ja tuhlailevaa. Tunsin tulevani myyjänä kuulluksi ja ymmärretyksi. Kiitos Blok. Suosittelen vilpittömästi teitä kaikille.
Matti Korhonen: Erittäin sujuva, helppo ja edullinen tapa päästä osakehuoneistosta eroon hyvään hintaan!
Irmeli Heikkinen: Nopeat kaupat ensimmäisellä näytöllä kun hinta oli just kohdallaan
Bon19: Myin asunnon Ullanlinnasta vuoden alussa. Menimme ensin heidän "etsivä"-palvelullaan. Ei kuitenkaan onnea siellä. Emme tuhlanneet aikaa ja menimme suoraan julkisille markkinoille. Viikon sisällä sain tarjouksen, joka oli jopa korkeampi kuin pyydetty hinta!Suosittelen todella Blokia, koska ne ovat erittäin tehokkaita ja niillä on erittäin hyvä asiakaspalvelu. On käsittämätöntä, miksi kukaan maksaisi 3-5% "normaalille" kiinteistönvälitystoimistolle, kun se ei kirjaimellisesti tee sinulle mitään ylimääräistä, paitsi että he esittelevät asuntosi potentiaalisille asiakkaille. Tarkoitan, että asunnon näyttäminen itse on niin paljon tehokkaampaa, kun pystyt sanelemaan aika hyvin ajoitukset jne. Kaikki paperityöt ja lait, jotka Blok hoitaa, kuten mikä tahansa muu virasto. Säästin kirjaimellisesti noin 25-30k, kun menin Blokin kanssa.Suosittelen ehdottomasti tätä yritystä kaikille, jotka eivät pelkää tehdä kotimatkaa itse.
Eelis Niskanen: Hyvää asiakaspalvelua ja toimiva kauapanteko.
Minna Sundström: Hyvää ammattitaitoista palvelua. Sain asuntoni myytyä helposti ja nopeasti.
Vesa-Matti Luoma: Helppoa ja nopeaa.
4. RE/MAX Suomi - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 2 reviews
Unioninkatu 7, 00130 Helsinki, Finland
Related inquiries Real estate agency:
5. Vauramo LKV - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 2 reviews
Erottajankatu 9, 00130 Helsinki, Finland
6. Oy N&N Locus Ab LKV [A] - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 6 reviews
Sepänkatu 13, 00150 Helsinki, Finland
7. RE/MAX Classic I Sun Housing Oy - Suur-Tapiola
· 7 reviews
Louhentie 2, 02130 Espoo, Finland
8. Hotel Haven - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 833 reviews
Unioninkatu 17, 00130 Helsinki, Finland
Tomas: . The room size was good and the view was straight to sea + kauppatori. The bed was as expected, really comfy. Not much storage space but it was enough for us.A few bad experiences were related to the cleanliness of the room. The window was unfortunately really dirty and the same thing with bathroom walls
9. Klaus K Hotel - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 1810 reviews
Bulevardi 2-4, 00120 Helsinki, Finland
Daniel Lindblad: and add fresh orange juice. I would pay a few euros extra to get this.- water mixer in shower with thermostat instead of fiddly manual one.
James Lindstorff: Good experience, the rooms are really nice with a balcony on the top floor. The only thing to be aware of with those rooms is that there is a sky bar on site and if you are not into other people's music on the balcony then you should not book the rooms that are on top of hotels. They don't play very loudly, but enough that you end up closing the door.Walkability: The hotel is located at the end of the Esplanade over a single road so you can walk to most things in 15 - 20 minutesFood & drinks: There is an Italian restaurant directly on the ground floor plus a bar and lounge at the same time they have a sky bar which is open Tuesday to Saturday
Danny Darbyshire: Central location. Lovely rooms. Nice staff. Best breakfast of any hotel we’ve stayed in in Helsinki. It’s the one we always come back to.Walkability: Everything is nearby and easy to get to.
Simon Green: We had a skysuite for a 3 night stay. Everything was perfect from start to finish. Breakfast was excellent with plenty of staff to refresh plates, and plenty of fresh hot and cold options. As others remarked, rooms are a little tired and rammed with furniture, but perfectly functional and every amenity was available free of charge. Location was awesome and easy walk to most attractions and eating options.Rooms: Tired but functionalWalkability: Excellent
Päivi H: Hotel highlights Quiet
Reino Nurminen: We had accidentally booked a room with a bed that was too narrow for two, which was kindly mentioned by the person serving us at check-in. We were then able to change the room very cheaply to the "courtyard" side of the hotel, which had a standard double bed.Food & drinks: Breakfast with drinks is very versatile and tasty
10. GLO Hotel Art - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 1501 reviews
Lönnrotinkatu 29, 00180 Helsinki, Finland
Miika: 這是對格洛酒店的又一次愉快的訪問。第一次帶著孩子來,房間真的很安靜而且很好。早餐應該有更新鮮的沙拉等。房間:房間安靜,18平米的房間大小適合一個孩子住。
Luigi: My wife and I have stayed at many boutique hotels throughout the EU, and had the opportunity to stay here this spring while visiting friends in HEL. The location is great; close to the train station, with quite a few places within walking distance as well, but what set this place apart is the staff and ambiance. We cannot say enough about the staff; friendly, inclusive to all, and you could easily tell they liked what they do. Breakfast was varied and fresh, and there's nothing like sitting with a throw in a comfy chair by the bar on a snowy night. Just a wonderful evening for tired travellers.
Christina Le: Excellent place to stay, even during renovations! The rooms are modern and clean. The location is good, only a 10-15 minute walk to the train station. The breakfast was amazing – probably worth staying here for the breakfast alone! It had everything from crepes and croissants to scrambled eggs and sausage to bread, ham, and cheese. I would come back again!
Roland Engel: Rooms: Das einfache Doppelzimmer ist wirklich klein, aber zweckmäßig. Alles was man braucht!Safety: Die Fahrstuhl, Lift und Zimmerzugänge sind mit der Zugangskarte abgesichert.Walkability: Die nächste Straßenbahnhaltestelle ist ca. 500 m entfernt.Noteworthy details: Ganz in der Nähe ist ein 24/7 Markt bis 21:00 gibt's da auch noch ein gekühltes, preisgünstiges Feierabendbier.Die Lage ist ruhig, kaum Straßenlärm zu hören. Die Fenster kann man nicht öffnen, jedoch die Klimaanlage, leise und zugfrei sorgt für frische Luft.Das Hotelfrühstück ist super, vielseitig und für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei!