Medical Equipment Shops In Helsinki Near Me

Medishop MediMattress Oy Dräger Suomi Oy

1. Medishop - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 15 reviews

Topeliuksenkatu 3, 00260 Helsinki, Finland

+358 20 Address Website WhatsApp
Medishop: what do users think?

Maria Ylitalo: Great service!

Sini Haglund: Yes, it was a pleasant transaction in your store yesterday. We received professional and so friendly service and found suitable shoes for our sore feet. We will certainly come again in the future. Beautiful thanks from satisfied customers🤗

Pauliina Saarnio: I received good and expert personal service. It was worth coming to Helsinki for shopping.

kent nadbornik: excellent service. thank you!

Olavi Pesonen: The seller is knowledgeable and feels unhurried. Stopped serving a pensioner. Good service and successful purchase of Kyba's Samnaum footwear.Thank you.

Hannu Mustonen: Hyviä jalkineita jalkaterävaivaisille

Päivi Voutilainen: Kiva paikka. Miehelleni ostin hartialämmitin.

Tuomo Candelin: Ystävällinen palvelu.

Alan Goode: Suuri valikoima upeita mukavia kenkiä ja saappaita

2. MediMattress Oy - Hermanninmäki



· 2 reviews

Haukilahdenkatu 4, 00550 Helsinki, Finland

+358 3 Address Website WhatsApp

3. Meilahden ortopediatekniikka Oy - Läntinen suurpiiri

· 1 reviews

Mäntytie 10, 00270 Helsinki, Finland

+358 50 Address Website WhatsApp

4. ResMed Finland Oy - Suur-Leppävaara

· 1 reviews

Hevosenkenkä 3, 02600 Espoo, Finland

+358 9 Address Website WhatsApp

5. Dräger Suomi Oy - Tikkurilan suuralue

· 4 reviews

Juurakkotie 3, 01510 Vantaa, Finland

+358 20 Address Website WhatsApp

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