Mountain Campsites In Helsinki Near Me

Rastila Camping Helsinki Nuuksio National Park Mustavuori Nature Preserve Nuuksio Hostel and Camping Sipoonkorpi National Park Nolla Cabins Clarion Hotel Helsinki Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Helsinki Hotel Indigo Helsinki - Boulevard, an IHG Hotel

1. Rastila Camping Helsinki - Rastila

· 1394 reviews

Karavaanikatu 4, 00980 Helsinki, Finland

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Rastila Camping Helsinki: what do users think?

Yves Schlingloff (Dr.Lando): Best possible big city campingPerfect for Helsinki visits.Playground, grill, TV room, everything is there, clean and everyone is trying hardWalkability: 5 minutes walk to the tram to Helsinki

Kaija Leskinen: A clean and quiet camping area even in the middle of a settlement. There are several saunas available for rent in the area. Sauna no. 4, a small, clean log sauna on an outdoor terrace for up to four peopleLocation: 5/5 

Pekka Palolampi: Very nice and freshLocation: 4/5 

Daniel H: Typical city campsite, a little outside, but great connection by train. With a small beach and nice cafe. The rest is more pragmatic.Location: 4/5 

Mikko Myllyniemi: conveniently happened during our visit. Definitely again.

Nick Weishaar: ErittÀin hyvÀllÀ paikalla metrolla pÀÀsemiseksi kaupunkiin ja Helsingin elÀintarhaan!Paikka melko puhdas, mukava ystÀvÀllinen henkilökunta!Aktiviteetit lÀhistöllÀ: Helsingin kaupunki

M: ErittÀin suuri leirintÀalue aivan Helsingin ulkopuolella. Aivan metroasemalla. Saniteettitiloja on riittÀvÀsti ja erittÀin puhdasta. Keittoosastoja on useita ja suihkut toimivat tÀydellisesti. Rastila Camping on tÀydellinen lÀhtökohta Helsinki-matkalle.Turvallisuus: SisÀÀnkÀyntien valvonta portilla ja yöllÀ leirintÀalueella on suljettu ulkopuolisilta. Tuntui erittÀin turvalliselta.Jalankulku: Rastilan metroasema on vain 200 metrin pÀÀssÀ leirintÀalueelta. Kaikkeen pÀÀsee siis helposti julkisilla kulkuvÀlineillÀ.

Bernd Stoewer: Kaunis leirintĂ€alue, kaikki saatavilla mukaan lukien jĂ€tehuolto ja hyvĂ€t saniteettitilat Hinta heinĂ€kuussa 2024 34 euroa sisĂ€ltĂ€en suihkut, sĂ€hköt. RekisteröintipöydĂ€n etupuolella olevassa lasilaatikossa on myös osoite saksalaisten kaasupullojen vaihtoa varten. MitĂ€ muuta haluat. LeirintĂ€alueen uloskĂ€ynnissĂ€ noin 150 metrin pÀÀssĂ€ on metroasema, josta pÀÀsee suoraan keskustaan ​​vaihtamatta. Ajoimme yliopistoon ja sieltĂ€ lyhyt kĂ€velymatka satamaan.

2. Nuuksio National Park - Vihti



· 4495 reviews


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Nuuksio National Park: what do users think?

Rochelle Sabado: Get lost in the beauty of nature and you'll find inner peace - Nuuksio is the place to be! Lots of walks and blueberries! Our dog loves it too đŸ¶đŸ’š

The Chibiu: Wonderfully quiet!

Martin Batz: Great hiking trails with a nice barbecue area at the end of the tour.

A K: Hieno luontokohde pÀÀkaupunkiseudun kupeessa. Haltia ja Haukkalampi ovat Nuuksion tunnetuimpia lÀhtöpaikkoja, mutta itse ajan yleensÀ SiikajÀrven puolelle, jossa on vÀljemp. SieltÀ voi myös kÀydÀ tekemÀssÀ kauniin Soidinsuon kierroksen. PirttimÀeltÀ lÀhtee myös vÀhemmÀn ruuhkaisia reittejÀ ja siellÀ oleva kahvila-ravintola on oikein viihtyisÀ paikka.

Angelyka Karjus: Rakasta tÀtÀ paikkaa. Todella hauskaa mennÀ lemmikkien, perheen tai ystÀvien kanssa. Paljon uintipaikkoja, grillausalueita, leirintÀalueita ja vain hyvÀ fiilis.

BEGOÑA BARREIRO: Kaunis paikka ja voit syödĂ€ terveellisesti hyvÀÀn hintaan

Fabrizio Moriconi: ErittÀin rentouttavaa mielenkiintoista tietoa ja ehdotettuja aktiviteetteja saadaksesi parhaan hyödyn retkestÀsi. Pakollinen vierailu, jos olet HelsingissÀ

Victoria Keng: Sain tavata ja ruokkia poroja tÀssÀ hÀmmÀstyttÀvÀn kauniissa puistossa. KÀvelimme myös kauniille maisemanÀkymÀlle.

Mónica Pérez Sånchez: KÀvele metsien ja jÀrvien ympÀröimÀnÀ. ErittÀin mukava ja rauhallinen paikka.

antti juutilainen: HyvÀ palvelu, hyvÀ tunnelma. SÀÀ oli lempeÀ.Teltta oli ilmassa, tuntui upealta.Suomen Luonto, jÀrvi ja laituri ihan ympÀrillÀ.YllÀttÀen vain hyvin vÀhÀn itikoita.

3. Mustavuori Nature Preserve - Mustavuori

· 239 reviews

00970 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website
Mustavuori Nature Preserve: what do users think?

L: i am a simple man, i like simple places, not those jazzy malls and tall buildings made of glass you know, but those quiet places, a backyard full of trees, a porch where there's a wooden bench to sit upon, somewhere amidst a range of tall trees, besides a river, amidst hills

Pet Er: A really great nature conservation saleVisited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No 

じゅずJustus: It was a cool caveVisited on Weekend Wait time No wait 

Kimmo Hellström: I recommend .👍👍

Alexis Jutras: Such a big area to explore and get lost! In a good way though, this nature preserve allows for anyone to disconnect for a moment and gather peace!Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No 

Ari Hamalainen: Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No

DJB DJB: Beautiful nature reserve right within Helsinki limits!Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait 

4. Nuuksio Hostel and Camping - Vihti

· 15 reviews

Kaislammentie 65, 02880 Veikkola, Finland

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Nuuksio Hostel and Camping: what do users think?

Eine von vielen: Kai is incredibly warm, honest and sociable. Wherever you need help, he is there. When you are a guest in his garden, you feel at home. It is quiet and idyllic.Can simply recommend it.And what might be helpful for some, Kai speaks German.Thank you for everything đŸ»Next year you'll show us where the bears can hunt us. 😉

Sami S.: Midsummer celebrations 2024 đŸŽ‰âœšïžđŸŽ‰Perfect camping place, really clean and new showers and toilets at the reception, dude, every part of customer service.Safety: Very peaceful and safe

Antti Soininen: Totally 5 star to this place. Owner of the place is awesome dude. Feel free to ask this guy anything and hi will give you a answer.Nuuksio National Park star just 400m from place. Owner has a super good tips for hiking routes.I had my own tent with me, but if you dont have, place have many different types of tents, and cute tiny cottages too.Dont skip this place.

Maria Mikolasek: Definitely worth a visit!After a warm welcome, I immediately felt at home. The peace and quiet of this place made me sleep well; in the morning I woke up listening to the enchanting sounds of birds singing. Kai always surprised me with his delicious food, his impressive canoe trips and his stories from all over the world. @Kai: Thank you for the many unforgettable impressions!

Mark C. Fischer: Ideal base for wonderful hikes in the less frequented national park around Nuuksio. Very charming and clean huts, quiet place including sauna. The host is very knowledgable and helpful, speaks fluent English and German.Rooms: Stayed alone in a hut for two people. Basic but very comfy and clean.Nearby activities: Wonderful hikes around the lakes and woods in the Nuuksio area.

Nikolai Kuznetsov: Palvelu: 5/5

Nicky Cauwelier: Unohtumaton kokemus! Jos haluat ladata akkujasi luonnossa ja pÀÀstÀ kosketuksiin suomalaisen kulttuurin kanssa, olet tullut oikeaan paikkaan. IsÀntÀ saa sinut vÀlittömÀsti tuntemaan olosi kotoisaksi tÀssÀ paikassa ja varmistaa, ettÀ sinulla on kaikki mitÀ tarvitset tehdÀksesi vierailustasi nautinnollisen. LeirintÀalueella on hyvÀt saniteettitilat, laaja keittiö ja mukavat teltat. Iltaisin voit rentoutua nuotion ÀÀrellÀ tai Lapin tuvalla.Kiitos Kai vieraanvaraisuudestasi! Pysy ihmisenÀ ikuisesti! Paljon terveisiÀ Belgiasta!

Sofie De Rudder: , hygieeniset ja tilavat saniteettitilat, tilaa nuotiolle ja jopa Lapin kota!Se, mikĂ€ todella teki matkasta unohtumattoman, oli isĂ€ntĂ€mme Kai! Aamusta iltaan hĂ€n oli valmis auttamaan sinua kaikessa. LisĂ€ksi hĂ€n oli myös paikallinen oppaamme ja esitteli meille suomalaista kulttuuria. KĂ€ytiin kalassa, patikoimassa, melomassa, sienestĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ ja jopa opeteltiin keittĂ€mÀÀn kahvia suomalaiseen tapaan ☕.Kiitos Kaiille hienosta kokemuksesta leirintĂ€alueellasi. Toivottavasti voin palata joskus uudestaan! đŸ‘đŸ»

Stephanie Mertens: Oleskelumme Nuuksio Hostelissa ja telttailussa oli enemmĂ€n kuin nautinnollista. Tilat, kuten teltat, suihkut ja ulkokeittiö, olivat siistejĂ€ ja tasokkaita. LeirintĂ€alue on helposti saavutettavissa eikĂ€ kaukana HelsingistĂ€ ja tĂ€ydellinen pakopaikka Nuuksion puistoon tutustumiseen.KĂ€ytimme pĂ€ivittĂ€in mukana tulevaa aamiaista, keittiötĂ€ omien aterioiden valmistamiseen ja jÀÀkaappia ruokien ja juomien sĂ€ilyttĂ€miseen. Saatavilla oli myös polkupyöriĂ€, joita ryhmĂ€mme kĂ€ytti nopeaan ruokakauppaan.Oma suosikkini oli sauna, tulipesĂ€ ja lapin mökki, jossa Kain kitara ja henkilökohtaiset anekdootit pitivĂ€t meidĂ€t lĂ€mpimĂ€nĂ€ kylmempinĂ€ iltoina.PelkĂ€stÀÀn kutsumalla hĂ€ntĂ€ isĂ€ntĂ€mme emme anna hĂ€nelle tarpeeksi kunniaa. HĂ€n ei ollut vain isĂ€ntĂ€mme, vaan myös paikallinen opas, tarinankertoja, opettaja ja toisinaan henkilökohtainen barista. Kai yllĂ€ttÀÀ meidĂ€t useaan otteeseen aitoja artesaaniherkkuja, kuten kĂ€sin poimittuja sieniruokia ja kotitekoista sinappia.HĂ€n opetti meidĂ€t pyytĂ€mÀÀn ja kypsentĂ€mÀÀn omia kaloja, kĂ€vi sienestelemĂ€ssĂ€ ja vei meidĂ€t kauniille ja seikkailunhaluiselle kanoottiretkelle, joka oli todella palkitseva. Kai on erittĂ€in avulias ja hĂ€nellĂ€ on niin lĂ€mmin ja mielenkiintoinen persoonallisuus. HĂ€n varmisti, ettĂ€ meillĂ€ oli kaikki mitĂ€ tarvitsimme tunteaksemme olonsa kotoisaksi. MikÀÀn ei ollut liikaa pyydetty. Kai on yksi aidoimmista tuntemistani ihmisistĂ€, mikĂ€ tekee hĂ€nen leirintĂ€alueestaan ​​erityisen paikan, joka vie lomasi uudelle tasolle. Se oli kokemus, jota en unohda pian.Jos haluat tutustua loputtomaan Suomen luontoon paikallisen silmin ja rentoutua tĂ€ysillĂ€, tĂ€mĂ€ leirintĂ€alue on sinua varten.

Sara Besseghir: TÀnne jÀÀminen oli paras pÀÀtös, jonka olisimme voineet tehdÀ Suomen-matkallamme. KÀytimme telttoja ja saimme kaiken tarvitsemamme: patjat, lÀmpimÀt ja puhtaat makuupussit, tyynyt sekÀ ruokailuvÀlineet ja kupit/lautaset.Nuuksio NP on niin kaunis ja rauhallinen, ja aivan leirintÀalueen kulman takana. LeirintÀalueella on erittÀin hyvÀt tilat: runsaasti siistejÀ ja viihtyisiÀ wc:itÀ ja suihkuja, hyvin varusteltu ulkokeittiö, takka, kaunis Lapin kota jne.Mutta se, mikÀ todella tekee tÀstÀ paikasta erityisen, on Kai, hÀn on ystÀvÀllisin isÀntÀ, jota voit toivoa, ja hÀn todella tekee kaikkensa tehdÀkseen vierailustasi unohtumattoman. MitÀ tahansa tarvitset, kysy hÀneltÀ ja hÀn auttaa sinua aina hymy huulillaan! 100% suosittelisi pysyÀ hÀnen paikassaan.

Maren Bergholz: Rakas Kai, kiitos vielÀ kerran, ettÀ annoit meidÀn olla kanssasi!Nuuksio on hieno paikka juuri ennen HelsinkiÀ.SiellÀ on 2 mökkiÀ ja runsaasti tilaa teltalle, ulkokeittiö ja astiat myös saatavilla.Kai on erittÀin mukava isÀntÀ, joka yrittÀÀ tÀyttÀÀ kaikki toiveesi tehdÀkseen vierailustasi kokemuksen.Matkaa Helsinkiin on noin 30 minuuttia.

Patricia Paulina Drumm: Omistaja Kai on kunniamies! HĂ€n tekee kaikkensa varmistaakseen, ettĂ€ vieraat viihtyvĂ€t hĂ€nen kanssaan, ja antaa parhaat sisĂ€piirivinkit leirintĂ€alueen toimintaan. Sen viehĂ€tys ja huumori antavat paikalle erityisen auran, jota ei todellakaan kannata jĂ€ttÀÀ vĂ€liin. Tilat ovat myös loistavat: lĂ€mpimĂ€t suihkut, nuotiotupa, kesĂ€keittiö, mökkejĂ€ vuokrattavissa tarvittaessa. Kiitos kaikesta, Kai đŸ˜ŠâœŠđŸŒYöpyminen kanssasi jÀÀ ikuisesti mieleen!

5. Sipoonkorpi National Park - Hakunilan suuralue

· 1555 reviews

LĂ€nsitie 305, 04130 Sipoo, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Sipoonkorpi National Park: what do users think?

Sipe: and airplanes flying over provide some nature experience. There are quite comfortable routes and now the camping structures have also been fixed

Rosa Jardinez Azaharez: Beautiful landscape, clean air, appropriate place for leisure and relaxation. Enjoy this beautiful nature with your children, friends, alone and with the whole family. Visit it..

Jenni NiemelÀ: Nice and friendly encounters. Good, clear routes. The rest areas are clean and functional.

Kati Koskikallio: There is always something interesting to see.

Bukdan Bombig: Beautiful, very well signposted hiking trails.The route is varied and somewhat demanding without being too difficult.

Jari Kettunen: A wonderful place for hiking. The route is well marked, and you don't have to worry about getting lost. Along the way, there are several barbecue places and camping is allowed in marked places. Compares well to Nuuksio.

Mikael Ottosson: Fantastic

Drath Heisenberg: Good place for hiking tracks

6. Nolla Cabins - ItÀsaaret

· 1 reviews

Isosaari, Helsinki, Finland

Address Website
Nolla Cabins: what do users think?

Timo Ovaska: Erilainen ja aito irtiotto arjesta. Upea luonto, hyvin toimivat mökit ja kaurismĂ€kelĂ€inen suihku + sauna 😬"Upseerikerho" ei ollut auki ja palvelut jokseenkin olemattomat. Toisaalta luonto ja mökki on kaikki mitĂ€ tarvitset 😘👍Reilusti omia evĂ€itĂ€ mukaan!đŸžđŸđŸ„“đŸ„—đŸ·

maarit hostikka: Söpö mökki jossa tarvittava varustus pienimuotoisen ruuan tekemiseen. Plussana kivat kuosit petivaatteissa. Mökkiin sai lÀmpöÀ liedessÀ olevasta lÀmpöpuhaltimesta. Hieno maisema Isosaaressa, auringonlasku nÀkyi suoraan ikkunasta ja Helsinki siinsi horisontissa. Oli kyllÀ elÀmys. Suosittelen

7. Clarion Hotel Helsinki - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 5058 reviews

Tyynenmerenkatu 2, 00220 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Clarion Hotel Helsinki: what do users think?

DORIS HASEWEND: great hotel right on the harbor with excellent ambience!! The Skybar offers a fantastic view over the city!! The rooms are quiet and functional - the staff is very friendly and helpful!! Another plus is the tram station right in front of the hotel!!Food & drinks: The breakfast buffet is excellent!!

PETROS TSOUKALAS: Imposing and modern hotel close to the harbor and the city of Helsinki. 2 tram lines to the center right outside. Clean room, great pool with sauna and bar on the 16th floor. Unobstructed view. Very good breakfast with a wide variety of savory and quite sweet. Willing and helpful staff.Rooms: The Standard room is clean but a little small.

Anne: An absolutely wonderful holiday in this hotel! Stunning views, lovely air-conditioned rooms, a really versatile and luxurious breakfast with special diets also taken into account, a really good restaurant, friendly and helpful staff, a wonderful rooftop pool, and the beds in the rooms couldn't be better. A little more effort could be put into cleaning the rooms. All in all, a memorable holiday at the hotel, which I can warmly recommend! ❀Rooms: Absolutely wonderful, bright and air-conditioned rooms with beautiful views. The beds with big pillows were really good for sleeping.Food & drinks: Breakfast really rich, delicious and versatile!

Aleksei Starostin: A room with an excellent view of the sea and the city on the 9th floor, a good breakfast, a good gym, and a sauna. Superb rooftop pool.Noteworthy details: Superb rooftop pool.

Andreas Larssen: mean that the hotel's location is nevertheless good. Large, beautiful sky bar on the 16th floor. There is also a sauna, outdoor pool and fitness room on the 16th floor. The pool has a partial glass bottom and hangs outside the edge of the hotel. Cool!Standard rooms are quite small. And listen a little between rooms. Might be worth upgrading to superior. Good beds and a great view of Helsinki upstairs. Good breakfast and very good service at the hotel. Cheap car hire if you book through the reception at the family company Lacara. Recommended! Enjoy Helsinki, a somewhat forgotten but great city, which should be experienced. Thank you for having us!Rooms: Slightly small standard rooms. And listen a little between the rooms if the neighbor is engaged in bed activities. But good beds, minibar, very good pressure in the shower, also high up in the hotel, and otherwise fresh and nice.Nearby activities: Everything Helsinki has to offer; Svea Borg, Högholmen zoo, Borgbacken

Agnete NĂžrskov Nielsen: Stayed 5 nights in July 2024 and I can really recommend Clarion Hotel in Helsinki.The hotel is quite new, the rooms where clean and the breakfast buffet was excellent.The trams run every few minutes just outside the hotel.Staff was polite and professional.Thank you for a great summer holiday at your hotel!

8. Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Helsinki - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 1636 reviews

Runeberginkatu 2, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Helsinki: what do users think?

Gilnela Jalonen: ErittÀin hyvÀ kokemus kaiken kaikkiaan. Mukava sÀnky, tilavat huoneet.Miksi vain 4 tÀhteÀ? Aamiainen oli minulle pettymys. EnsimmÀistÀ kertaa Suomessa vieraillut hotellissa ei ole "riisipiirakka"/karjalaista piirakkaa. Kuten muut sanoivat, aamiaisvalikoima on suurempi muissa hotelleissa.

Craig Simons: huippuhotellina. KÀyttöaste tuntui tÀmÀn seurauksena todella alhaiselta.Sijainti viisas, se on uskomatonta! Vain kymmenen minuutin kÀvelymatkan pÀÀssÀ keskusasemalta. Voit jopa kÀvellÀ suurimman osan ylittÀmÀllÀ tien ja kulkemalla Kampin kauppakeskuksen/bussi-/metroaseman lÀpi. Niin kÀtevÀÀ, en malta odottaa, ettÀ pÀÀsen sinne, kun se avataan uudelleen ja pysyn taas Helsingin sydÀmessÀ!!

Mike Emery: 3/2024: currently major roadworks outside but still remarkably quiet inside.A lovely, upmarket hotel right in the heart of the city. Modern and clean ambience. Not one to choose if you prefer a great view but otherwise delightful.Rooms: Upgraded to an Executive Suite..... I have lived in far smaller places. Truly luxurious.

Kari: The breakfast was modest compared to the rest of the hotel's level.Nearby activities: A positive surprise was the jazz jams on Friday. A cheerful mood when eating.

Carina Cousseau: Walkability: Muito próximo à estação de metrî Kamppi, a qual fica dentro deb um shopping e próximo à área central e turística da cidade.Food & drinks: Ótimas

9. Hotel Indigo Helsinki - Boulevard, an IHG Hotel - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 759 reviews

Bulevardi 26, 00120 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website WhatsApp
Hotel Indigo Helsinki - Boulevard, an IHG Hotel: what do users think?

Alan Darra: We had a great time staying in the hotel Indigo. The hotel is very clean and has a nice modern style. Staff was really helpful and friendly. We were allowed to check in early which really made it easy for us just to head out to explore Helsinki.We absolutely loved the comfortable beds and the bathroom with roomy shower. We started our day with their breakfast of great variety. They offer a buffet and also ordered warm breakfast from a menu, so you'll be sure to find something you'll like. The breakfast was available until 11 am and late checkout at 12 suited us perfectly.We have absolutely nothing to complain about and hence we're happy to leave an honest 5 star review for the hotel.Looking forward to stay here again!

kellie: It is conveniently located for sightseeing, close to Kamppi, the central railway station and Hietalahti.Friendly staff, attentive cleaning, I stayed for 4 nights and had a very pleasant stay.I enjoyed the food very much every day.I will definitely choose this place again when I visit Helsinki.

8: -1 is due to breakfast service which I did not like. I stayed couple of nights. The breakfast remains the same throughout the stay which was really boring. Moreover the service of front desk is very food whereas people in the breakfast is relatively unfriendly and unkind and unfriendly and sometimes there was only one person who always had to let incoming customers await while she was cleaning tables or went to the backyard.The location is perfect and very convenient to go to anywhere. 3 stations from the central by the tram.The service of the front desk is very good and kind.The room is very big with modern furniture and items.I believe the price is quite reasonable in terms of its service and quality besides the breakfast. The breakfast is boring and too expensive with bad service.

Dev N: Great hotel, the lobby is on the smaller side but the rooms are great! Check-in took a longer than expected, but I happened to check in when there were a lot of people. Hotel lobby only had two-counters so they could accommodate for anything faster.The rooms are spacious and the shower is great! Breakfast was amazing. You get a hot dish and access to buffet table - so definitely upgrade for breakfast if you can. Breakfast time is strict and ends on time, which was perfectly fine for us - but did hear complains from other hotel-goers. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïžReally well located and walkable distance to all of the main destinations. Loved our stay!Rooms: Rooms are spacious and clean. Only small issue, tiny really, is that the only location the bathmat can be placed in the bathroom does cause the bathmat to be soak after two person showers. So we ended up placing it outside of the bathroom - not ideal but fine.Safety: Helsinki feels SO safe. And probably is. No worries at all.Walkability: Close access to everywhere. Easy walk and you can even stop by during the day to drop things off!Food & drinks: Breakfast was fantastic, lots of options! You can even try our traditional rice pie, smoked salmon, and other great dishes. They even had a super-food selection where you can add an extra boost to your smoothies, juices, and yoghurt!

æˆžéƒšć­: A standard hotel from the IHG group.The room is very quiet. However, when it rains, the sound of the rain gets a little bothersome.The front desk is friendly and serves customers with a smile. I think it's a good hotel. I will be back again.

Niina Tunturi: A nice, small hotel in Helsinki with a good location. The premium room was spacious and clean. The room has everything you need for your hotel stay.The breakfast was varied. I also liked that the breakfast included one dish from the menu.You can park very well for 36e in the hotel's own hall - really easy.The service from the entire staff was really good and we felt welcome! I highly recommend!

Kurtis Lee: Excellent customer service - staff was proactive and engaging.Perfect location with trams nearby and walking distance to shops and restaurants.Rooms are comfy with amenities stocked.

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