Business in Massage therapist:
1. Chydenius Kiropraktikkokeskus
· 41 reviews
Kalevankatu 4A, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Kiia Kukkonen: , I went to chiropractic for the first time in February and within a few months the symptoms improved and now I am living an almost normal life again ! Thank you ❣️
raimo glad: I have received treatment for neurological symptoms. There has been an improvement in e.g. motor skills, the tremors of the limbs have decreased, the balance organs of the ears have returned to a normal level. I recommend this form of treatment, which is not given elsewhere in Finland
T Vayrynen: My pregnancy is already advanced and the heavy weight of my stomach is a heavy strain on my back. A severe sciatica-type pain developed in the lower back. The pain was completely taking away my ability to move. Fortunately, I have a long-term customer relationship with Chydenius Chiropractic and I knew how to turn to them with this pain condition as well. After a careful examination, with appropriate careful professional manipulations, the malposition of the lower back was corrected in one visit. The pain eased immediately. The next day, my back was symptom-free, I regained my freedom of movement and was able to continue my normal life. Invaluable help. Many thanks!
Rami: An incredible experience from the very first meeting. The neck problem that had been bothering me for a long time was finally fixed. I can wholeheartedly recommend the clinic to everyone, you will not be disappointed. Thank you ❣
Noora Ohvanainen: I got my life back thanks to Roope.I suffered for a long time from dizziness, nausea and balance problems that limited my daily activities, and after dancing I always threw up for several hours. I had been to several doctors and neurologists, where they were examined and photographed, but the answer I always got was "try not to think about the symptoms".I made an appointment with Roope for comprehensive neurological examinations, which immediately gave me hope for a return to normal life.After visiting Roope for almost 2 months, I can say that I got my life back! I live an almost symptom-free life.At the reception, the atmosphere is always friendly, stimulating and individual with selected functional exercises and homework.I highly recommend giving Chydenius Neuro Chiropractic a chance!
Samuel Strömberg: Visited Roope and I must say the experience was incredible. You can tell that Roope is really devoted to his job and enjoys what he is doing. First time and definetely won't be the last. Can recommend to anyone!
Markku Vettenniemi: In 2002, the orthopedist forbade running for the rest of my life. I started rehabilitation, as a part of which Juka's know-how has been for 22 years. As a result, in 2024, the Finnish sprint championship in my age group. I recommend Jukka 👍 and versatile body care!
Emil Kalliomäki: 3 times of treatment helped the problem, which was examined by a doctor for a year
Aleksi Helisten: Really good experiences with Roope's treatments! I have received a lot of help from here for minor sports injuries from Crossfit and above all for their prevention. Power output and mobility have also improved significantly as the nervous system works better.
Kirsi A: Roope listens carefully and asks clarifying questions. A professional and human approach to doing things. The back pain I've been suffering from for years got better the first time, and the follow-up treatments have already made me forget about the back pain. At the same time, smaller wrinkles were treated successfully👍
Saija Väkevä: The torment that started in 2016 ended at the end of 2023 when I got to Roope's neurochiropractor. for research. Duration 2h and the examination found the problems and solutions to them from scratch. For example, the dysautonomic symptoms disappeared approx. 1 month after the treatment plan was implemented. Now everything is going well and I feel good. Forever grateful to Kimmo Chydenius for the recommendation.❤❤❤And thanks Roope, I got my life by taxi.
Essi Latvala: Very professional treatment. I have received great help from Roope for back pain and nerve pain. Also relief for a bad migraine. Great service, I will continue to visit!
Seppo: I had been suffering from dysautonomia, more specifically POTS, for about a year. I was unable to perform any normal daily tasks.My symptoms were dizziness, a strong increase in heart rate, chest pains and heart palpitations, especially when standing up.However, when I visited Roope's reception for the first time, I got the impression that healing is possible.Now, after a few months of treatment, I can be happy that I can perform normal daily tasks again.I can recommend a visit to the reception, especially for those who experience similar symptoms.
Jussi Masalin: 5 month period. The innervation of the leg was messed up due to the bulging of the scapula. Now everything works fine again. Roope's introductions and training instructions are essential, and the oxygen tent treatment brought an extra boost. The healing sped up on the side, a couple of my friends compared to the situations.
Jouni Suominen: A year ago I had difficulty walking more than a few tens of meters. After I first underwent magnetic resonance imaging, at Roope's urging, regular treatment began, which has continued until now. Now I make 45 million daily. brisk walks, the back pain has stayed away. I have received help, thanks!
Kreetta Moisio: For four years now, I have suffered from vague symptoms such as fainting, intestinal problems and palpitations. The first time a comprehensive neurological examination was done and they found where the problem is and the diagnosis was dysautonomia. I have been receiving treatment 1-2 times a week for a couple of months now. The treatment has been eye movement therapy and brain stimulation with a small amount of electricity. Already now the heart rates have decreased and I have been able to live a normal life again. I recommend this 100% if you have problems that have not been explained otherwise.
Levari: I visited Roope for Neurological examinations and the experience was very eye-opening!! Roope was able to open things that bothered me for a long time, and explain why they happened. Then we moved on to treatment, and a follow-up plan was made. The treatments worked right away. Absolutely the best treatment in all of Finland. I suggest to everyone. 5 stars⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Pertti Laaksonen: A year ago, I had a brain function disorder where, while in traffic, cars started to "jump" in my eyes. I went to Roope Chydenius for treatment and the problem was fixed in a few visits. Vertebral locks have also been treated with good success.I can warmly recommend Chydenius chiropractic.- Pertti Laaksonen
Rudi Tamayo: These chiropractic services have been a game-changer for me. I've been on this chiropractic journey for many years now, and I can't help but sing its praises.I used to deal with all sorts of nagging pains that just wouldn't give up. But when I enter chiropractic care, my world turned around. Those persistent problems and pains that had been bothering me for ages? G-O-N-E. Poof!I've reached a point now where I don't just go for the "fixing what's broken" aspect of it. I'm all about keeping my bones and posture in tip-top shape. It's like a tune-up for my body.About two years ago, I started neuro-chiropractic therapy. It's like someone handed me a key to unlocking my brain's superpowers. I've never felt more focused, more on top of my game.I wholeheartedly recommend considering these services to those seeking holistic well-being and transformative health benefits. The cumulative effects have, without a doubt, enriched the quality of my life.
2. Nordic Health Finland - Läntinen suurpiiri

· 17 reviews
Nauvontie 14, 00280 Helsinki, Finland
Hannu: Sirkka guided the new program with such dedication that it was a hat off! Thank you!
Ulla-Mari Lyytinen: Friendly staff. It's just not the right time for me to start a customer relationship.
Aatu Heikkinen: Cozy and clean place. The gym has high-quality equipment.
w. Chamani: Excellent place for physioteraphy. You fullfill your goals here.
Karl Lilius: A perfect score in every way. You can get help and guidance even outside of working hours, if the staff is there.
Hilkka Stotesbury: Viehättävä kuntosali, mukava henkilökunta, ilmainen pysäköinti.
Karl-Erik Lindfors: Mukava pieni. Sopivasti käviöitä samalla kertaa.Henkilökunta on tosi auttavaisia ja ystävällisiä
JP Patoluoto: ovat tukeneet omaa paranemista ja hyvinvointiani. Osaava, iloinen ja kannustava henkilökunta auttaa aina ja tarvittaessa, jos vähääkään tarvitset apua/neuvoa laitteiden kanssa tai sinulle laadittu henkilökohtainen ohjelma vaatii mielestäsi muutoksia.Senioreille helppokäyttöiset laitteet avustavat ja ohjaavat kuntoutuksen ylläpidossa ja etenemisessä. Voit seurata omaa kehitystäsi kunnon ylläpidossa.Suosittelen salin käyttöä muuhunkin kuntoiluun, kuin vain operaation jälkeiseen kuntoutukseen.Monipuoliset lisäpalvelut esim. ravinto-opastus, hieronta ja fysioterapeutin palvelut mahdollistavat hyvinkin yksilölisen kuntoutusohjelman tekemisen.
Pirkko Koivisto: Positiivinen ja todella ammattitaitoinen henkilökunta sekä loistavat, helppokäyttöiset laitteet ja hienot tilat. Sopii kaikille, jopa meille senioreillekin, kun haluamme parantaa lihaskuntoa ja pitää itsestämme huolta. Ohjelma ja laitteet räätälöidään henkilökohtaisesti mahdolliset vammat ja heikoudet huomioiden. Tarvittaessa voi tilata fysioterapeutin tai hierojan palveluita. Kahden vuoden kokemuksella lämpimät suosittelut, kannattaa tilata tutustumiskäynti!
Raimo Virta: Yli vuoden kokemuksella ko. paikasta voin todeta, että saan huippuluokan kuntopalvelut kaikki samasta paikasta. Asiantunteva, ystävällinen henkilökunta, jonka kanssa laaditaan yksilöllinen ohjelma. Laitteet joilla treenaaminen on helppoa ja turvallista. Siisti viihtyisä saliympäristö. Jos tarvitsen hierojaa tai fysioterapiaa nekin löytyvät ja kuinkas muuten kun huippuluokkaa. Tämä paikka sopii kaikille, mutta erityisesti suosittelen meille aiemmin syntyneille, sillä meille lihaskunnon ylläpito on ensiarvoisen tärkeää.
Gifu Gamer: Tosi kiva
3. Neuropiste Helsinki
· 0 reviews
Kaj Franckin aukio, 00560 Helsinki, Finland
4. The oriental thai Oy - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 10 reviews
Ruoholahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki, Finland
Thomas K: Really a great experience, highly recommended. As a tourist I was lucky to find such an authentic and great Thai massage in Helsinki
Elena Ivashkovskaia: Peaceful, relaxing, clean space. Excellent massage.
Ali Haghgoo (The Haghgoo Team): to have my back surgery. Without a doubt, if you are looking for an amazingly soothing massage, make an appointment to see the miracle worker "MON".
Katrina Feliciano: Professional and good value for money. Staff are nice and accommodating. I fell asleep during my head massage
AYume_nor xD: Best head massage I had after night shift! Thanks Mon!
Miina Pulkkinen: By far the best Thai massage in Finland! The owner has years of studies and a teaching qualification from the Royal Massage School of Thailand 👌
Isabella: I got a really nice and relaxing massage. I recommend the whole 90 minutes! 💆🏻♀️💗
Anastasia Kovanen: Se on rauhallinen, puhdas ja turvallinen paikka. Hinta ei ole korkea verrattuna vastaaviin Helsingin paikkoihin. Hieronnan laatu on melko hyvä, joten hinta-laatusuhde on hyvä. Kiitos hierontaasiantuntijalle Joten tulen käymään taas.
Caroline Bondier: Erinomainen thai-itämainen hieronta 90 minuuttia.
Kalevi Liski: Loistava /nautin😴 ja en tulisi toimeen enää joka viikkoistsa hierontaa💖
Related inquiries Massage therapist:
5. Helsingin Neuroterapia Oy
· 1 reviews
Vänrikki Stoolin katu 7, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
6. China Liangtse wellness Oy - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 13 reviews
Arkadiankatu 17 LH B, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Taisto Helle: Asiantunteva hierontasalonki naisille ja miehille. Koulutetut hierojat, jotka on koulutettu hyvin vanhaan kiinalaiseen hoitoon. Uusia nais- ja mieshierojia on tullut Kiinasta. Edullisia hoitoja runsaasti.
Johanna Ollila: Olen käynyt yli 10 v. Todella hyvää hierontaa, jos tietää, kenelle varata aikaa. Osa hierojista paljon toisia huonompia, joten yrityksen kannattaisi ehkä panostaa yhdenmukaistamiseen. Parhaita hierojia tällä hetkellä ovat Harry Espoossa ja Jason Arkadiankadulla, mutta heille on hankala saada aikoja. Asikaspalvelu ja markkinointi välillä aggressiivista ja epäystävällistä. Asiakkaaseen päin ei jousteta kauheasti, vaikka olen vakioasiakas, joustavuutta ei juurikaan löydy. Asiakaspalvelijat eivät ilmeisesti juuri saa tehdä minkäänlaisia myönnytyksiä, tai sitten eivät ymmärrä sen merkitystä. Esimerkkinä. jäsenyyteen kuuluu yksi ilmainen synttärijalkahieronta vuodessa. Jäsenyyteni oli ehdinyt raueta käyntien välissä, niin vaikka maksoin sen, en enää saanut kyseistä hierontaa.
Kati Hoo: Ensikäynti Ms Ann ja meridiaanihieronta. 5+
Alo Hanna: Nice atmosphere and skilled masseurs.
Ksenia Malkova: Really great service, clean place, incomprehensible how they are able to give personal advice
· 8 reviews
Arabiankatu 17, 00560 Helsinki, Finland
8. Therapion Consulting
· 70 reviews
Itämerenkatu 8, 00180 Helsinki, Finland
Aglae Cuevas: Highly recommended to continue training ourselves professionally.
anney roy: Therapion provides a diverse range of mental health professionals. It's your one-stop-shop to get to know yourself and your challenges better. Get in touch with me to find out how internal research and time perception can optimize your mental health.
victoria pinzon: Excellent virtual workshops and conversations, I attended one of them today, training on the topic "The importance of the daily plan" from reflection it is quite favorable to have a flexible plan, and even plan A and plan B in our daily lives. Understand the relationship between reason and the heart according to Descartes. Thank you Therapion for such a pleasant space.
Fàtima Boix: Very happy with the online service and the professionalism of the psychologist Clara Pavón, thank you
Edys Polanco: Transparency and professionalism in each service.
Vesa Valimaki: Really good service!
Massimo Biavati: Erittäin hyvä puhe, opettavainen ja laaja. Psykologi Ana María Alvarez osoitti ammattitaitoa ja paljon kokemusta aiheesta, kuinka kriisissä oleva pariskunta voidaan pelastaa. Odotan innolla uusia keskusteluja aiheesta ja myös yksinäisyyden selviytymisestä.
Vanesa Rojas: Todista Ana Maria Alvarezin pitämä puhe "Kun rakkaus päättyy pariin". Se oli erittäin mielenkiintoinen ja pidin siitä paljon. Toivottavasti nämä rikastuttavat tapahtumat toistuvat.
Paivi A: Therapion on loistavaa verkkopalvelua erityisesti kaikille ulkosuomalaisille sekä globaaleille nomadeille. Lämpimät suositukseni!
GRISELDA ROSAS: Erinomainen palvelu, voit kysyä sitä milloin tahansa ja mistä päin maailmaa tahansa... Erittäin koulutetut asiantuntijat ja saat aina tyydyttävän vastauksen...
Ana Maria Alvarez: Harjoittelin online-hoitoja Therapionin kautta. Korostan Clara Pavónin ammattitaitoa teoreettisten käsitteiden välittämisessä ja hänen luovuuttaan ehdottaessani käytännön harjoituksia.Kurssi on nimeltään Online Methods, ja sen tavoitteena on tarjota psykologeille ja terapeuteille työkaluja potilaiden hoitamiseen verkossa.Kutsun sinut vierailemaan verkkosivustolla.
Daniel Berger: Olen erittäin tyytyväinen Therapionin online-käyttäytymisterapiaan: Julia Andrella, PhD, on hyvä konsepti ja korkea ammattitaito, mikä on minulle perustavanlaatuista.Aikoja voidaan sopia erittäin joustavasti ja lyhyellä varoitusajalla, ja on myös erittäin käytännöllistä, että terapiat voidaan suorittaa verkossa Skypen kautta kotoa ilman pitkiä matkoja.Tämä terapiamuoto soveltuu myös pitkäaikaista hoitoa vaativiin mielisairauksiin viikoittain, varsinkin kun niitä voidaan todistetusti lievittää paljon aikaisemmin verrattuna klassiseen psykiatriseen keskusteluun tai psykoanalyyttiseen terapiaan.
9. FOCUS tutkimus - kuntoutus - terapia
Annankatu 25 H, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
10. Neurofeedback Finland
· 1 reviews
Suvilahdenkatu 10 A, 00500 Helsinki, Finland
11. Neural Dsp Technologies Oy
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Sjömansgatan 36D, 00150 Helsingfors, Finland
12. Neurotar Oy
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Viikinkaari 4, 00790 Helsinki, Finland