Romantic Dinners For Two In Helsinki Near Me

Finlandia Caviar Shop & Restaurant Ravintola Skörd Ravintola Ragu Restaurant Passio Restaurant Grön Restaurant Pastis Ravintola Muru Toscanini Restaurant Lappi Ravintola Restaurant Aito

1. Finlandia Caviar Shop & Restaurant - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 201 reviews

Eteläranta 20, 00130 Helsinki, Finland

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2. Ravintola Skörd - Eteläinen suurpiiri



· 50 reviews

Fredrikinkatu 37, 00120 Helsinki, Finland

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Ravintola Skörd: what do users think?

Kitchen Insider: . Kaikki kurssit on koottu huolella. Kaikki ruoat eivät saavuta eteeristä teknistä tasoa, mutta ne ovat kaikki tehty vankan käsityön ja hyvien makuyhdistelmien avulla. Berry-viinit ja paikalliset juomat menestyvät varsin hyvin, varsinkin kun niitä yhdistetään. Palvelu on niin ystävällistä, että ihmettelet, oletteko tavanneet ennen jossain. Varoita, jos 150 minuutin kova istuminen on sinulle ongelma. Tuo tyyny. Minut vietiin takaisin vankilaan kouluun...ja se oli keskiaikaista. Mutta se on hieno pieni kokemus siitä, mitä Suomessa tapahtuu, kun välittää siitä, mitä syö. Odota, että käytät 90-150 € per henkilö juomistasi riippuen.Kasvisvaihtoehdot: Ei oikeastaan

Chris Betts: Söimme täällä viime yönä Helsingissä. Se oli sopiva ja erittäin maukas tapa lopettaa aikamme siellä. Erinomainen ruoka, kaikki valmistettu paikallisista tuotteista, ja erittäin vieraanvarainen isäntä, joka selittää jokaisen kurssin matkan varrella. En ole henkilökohtaisesti marjaviinien ystävä, mutta se oli kokeilemisen arvoinen. Suosittelen Helsingissä vieraileville ihmisille, jotka eivät ole maistaneet paikallista ruokaa ja haluavat jotain hieman mielenkiintoista.

Trang Nguyen: Helposti paras ateria, jonka olen syönyt Suomessa. Tämä on toinen kerta, kun tulimme ja meillä oli aivan uskomaton aika. Paikka on pieni, mutta ruoka on ehdottomasti Michelin-laatuista. Jokainen ruokalaji oli aivan täydellinen. Meillä oli 8 ruokalajin ja saimme 2 ilmaista ruokaa ravintolasta, jopa ilmaiset ruoat olivat hyvin mieleenpainuvia. Suosikkini olivat kasvisruoat, niin paljon makua ja monimutkaisuutta. Rakastan sitä, kuinka tarjoilija selitti ruoan alkuperän ja kestävän lähestymistavan ainesosien hankintaan.Suosittelen tätä paikkaa kaikille, jotka haluavat syödä skandinaavista ruokaa!

3. Ravintola Ragu - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 607 reviews

Ludviginkatu 3-5, 00130 Helsinki, Finland

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Ravintola Ragu: what do users think?

Johanna Ursin: The 5-course menu was amazing, from the breads and toppings offered to start, to the dessert. The service was uncomplicated and appropriately prompt, and the music of the comfortable, appropriately modern place was just the right volume. If you want to eat a little better in a restaurant whose owners have enough ambition, we recommend Ragu.

Nathalie Virtanen: were great, especially the Riesling.The atmosphere felt intimate and cozy and I really liked the art pieces on the walls as well!Service was personal and we felt really tended to, thank you very much!Dietary restrictions: Pregnancy or vegan diet is consideredParking: We took street parking, 4h

Sergey Kasyanov: Nice atmosphere and tasty dishes. Took 5 course surprise menu and was satisfied. Portions not very big but five courses were enough for me to be full at the end. Be prepared to spend couple hours there. I enjoyed new experience of visiting high cuisine restaurantVegetarian options: AvailableDietary restrictions: If choosing surprise menu, you will be asked about your preferences and food allergies

4. Restaurant Passio - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 408 reviews

Kalevankatu 13, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

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Restaurant Passio: what do users think?

Julian Palmer: Ruoan ja viinin kuvaukset olivat yksityiskohtaisia ​​ja viihdyttäviä, mutta saattoivat varmasti pysäyttää keskustelun!Erinomaista huomiota yksityiskohtiin ruoassa, terveellisiä hienoja makuja. Suomalainen käänne ranskalaiseen keittiöön kenties. Kekseliäitä elementtejä, kuten koivusorbetti. Menimme viiden vaihtoehdon valikkoon, jota suositellaan.

Thị Tuyết Dung Trần: Erinomainen

Jarrod L: Kaunis ruoka ja palvelu. Se on varmasti Michelin-laatua. Meillä oli 3 ruokalajin vaihtoehto ja siellä oli paljon herkullista ruokaa. Tatare-olut oli parasta, mitä minulla on koskaan ollut. Atlantin nieriä oli niin herkkää, kosteaa ja maukasta. Leivät - upeita. Onneksi sorbetti ja parfait olivat niin hyviä, muuten se ei olisi sopinut siihen.

Mariana Bozesan: Paras ja eksklusiivisin ruoka, mitä minulla on koskaan ollut. Erinomainen palvelu ja tunnelma. Pakko käydäErityisruokavaliot: Gluteenittomia vaihtoehtoja koko ruokalistalle. Hienoja viinejä

Plamen Pavlov: Hieno ruokakokemus!Erittäin viihtyisä paikka ihanalla henkilökunnalla. Siksi valikossa vain 2 vaihtoehtoa - 3 ruokalajin ja 5 ruokalajin. Witch on hieno käsite. On joitain yllätyksiä, joita en paljasta. Viinilista on hyvä.Vierailupaikka!

Jussi Viljakainen: We visited on a Saturday night for dinner and were extremely pleased with our experience. Our table for only two people was in a very cramped place, but after the initial inconvenience, the evening went well even in that place.The special diets we mentioned when booking the table were well taken into account and I didn't find that it would have required a lot of application in the portions.The run-through worked perfectly, the five-course menu with greetings only took approx. 2 h 15 min, which I think is a great performance.The wine package we ordered was versatile and complemented each portion perfectly. The portions were beautiful and the world of flavors rich.Special attention must be given to the fact that the food was filling. Already after the third dose, you knew that you really don't need to leave when you're hungry.The waiter who introduced the dishes and wines to us had the right humor and a twinkle in his eye, while for the more official group of foreigners sitting next to him, he gave the introductions in officially brilliant English. So the eye for the game was found. -

Anni Kulmala (Bhakti): We had the most flavorful vegan dinner here - service was super friendly and accommodating, and we'll definitely go back again! Extra points for the lovely dessert wine that was recommended off the menu - thank you!

5. Restaurant Grön - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 314 reviews

Albertinkatu 36, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

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Restaurant Grön: what do users think?

Petteri Koskela: Food and service absolutely top.The best food and service in Helsinki at the moment and the second star will come in the next installment.

Mike B: and tip. AUD$657. Felt like good value to us and we would certainly visit again.

Gaelen Gates: A truly exceptional dining experience. We came here for my 50th birthday while on vacation from San Francisco and had the vegan tasting menu with non-alcoholic beverage pairing. Every dish and drink was an adventure, delicious and beautifully-plated, and the service was flawless. They even put a candle in a special little birthday tart for me. Highly recommended!

Semir Krpo: Restaurant Grön in Helsinki delivers an exceptional dining experience with its minimalist approach, using only the most necessary, incredibly fresh ingredients. The meal was the best I had in Finland, highlighted by the incredible flavors of the fresh herbs. The service is impeccable, and the intimate, comfortable space enhances the overall enjoyment. Highly recommended for anyone seeking a top-tier dining experience.

Anniina Valtonen: Our group went to dinner with the greatest expectations. The atmosphere and service were excellent. The plates were collected immediately and the next portions came at a fast pace. As a result, eating felt a bit rushed. The food was delicious - the meat and vegetable options were successful. However, the portions were not particularly memorable. A place worth experiencing!Vegetarian options: Vegetarian option availableDietary restrictions: Special diets were smoothly accommodated

Alexander Rehn: Definitely an experience. Fantastic, perfectly crafted and creative food with highly professional service. A beautifully choreographed live spectacle. We definitely recommend the non-alcoholic beverage accompaniment.Vegetarian options: Vegetarian Menu

Eleonora Tsui: This restaurant truly made my trip to Helsinki unforgettable. Having dined at Michelin restaurants before, this was the only one where I loved each and every dish. The menu was meticulously crafted, with each dish perfectly executed. The flavors were simply extraordinary; I can still recall the taste lingering on my palate. Not only was the food impeccable, but the presentation was also breathtaking - just glance at the photos. The warm and welcoming service, coupled with the cozy yet vibrant ambiance, made the experience all the more delightful. Without a doubt, this restaurant will be a staple every time I find myself in Helsinki. I eagerly anticipate my return visit.

6. Restaurant Pastis - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 373 reviews

Pieni Roobertinkatu 2, 00130 Helsinki, Finland

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Restaurant Pastis: what do users think?

jouni karvo: Pastis osoittautui jälleen vierailun arvoiseksi. "Uusi" Pastis on erittäin tervetullut lisä Helsinki Cuisine SceneenKiitos ja nähdään taas!

Arvo: Täällä oli kokkimenu illallisena.Ensimmäinen alkupala todella sileä, tasapainoinen ja maukas.Toinen ruokalaji oli hieman luova. Ehkä ei vain minun kuppi teetäni.Pääsynnytys oli jälleen todella tasainen, tasapainoinen ja nautinnollinen.Vadelma-aavikko oli keskinkertainen. Pärjään itse paremmin.Viinipaketti oli mielenkiintoinen, koska siinä oli yksi viini, joka oli ruusun ja punaisen väliltä, ​​mutta se sopi hyvin annoksen kanssa. Valkoinen ensimmäisellä annoksella oli erinomainen, koska se oli hieman valkoisen tummalla ja raskaalla puolella. Aavikkoviini oli todella hyvää, koska se ei ollut perinteistä supermakeaa.Kaiken pastis tarjoaa ensiluokkaisen ranskalaisen keittiökokemuksen. Ehdottomasti vierailun arvoinen, jos olet ranskalaisen keittiön ystävä.Ravintolapuoli on todella meluisa, kun paikka on täynnä. Baarin puoli voi olla hieman rauhallisempi.

B W: had an early dinner. We chose to sit outside, which was pleasant. The service was great and the staff took into account our special needs right upon arrival and throughout.The tartar was great, as was the fish dish

7. Ravintola Muru - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 618 reviews

Fredrikinkatu 41, 00120 Helsinki, Finland

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Ravintola Muru: what do users think?

Frederik Teicher Kirk: Meillä oli kiinteä menu, jossa oli viinejä. Yleensä ruoka oli erittäin hyvää, ja erityisesti kala oli erottuva täydellisen kokin kanssa.Aterian aloittanut keitto oli liian vaimeaa meidän makuun ilman paljon syvempää monimutkaisuutta. Ei ollenkaan huono, ei vain jännittävä.Kaiken kaikkiaan meiltä puuttui yhteinen säie astioista. Keitto oli espanjalaista, kalaruoka olisi voinut olla mistä tahansa, juustot olivat ranskalaisia ​​ja brittiläisiä.Siitä huolimatta suosittelen syömistä täällä, nautimme illasta erinomaisella palvelulla ja erinomaisella paikalla!

M. B.: Ehdottomasti suositeltavaa. Pieni ravintola, jossa on hienoa ruokaa ja erittäin hyvä palvelu. Jotain erityistä.Erityisruokavaliot: Sopii myös kasvissyöjille ja allergikoille.

Sybille Geisler: and the furniture is showing its age - but perhaps that's part of the charm for some diners? In any case, the restaurant was well attended and the diners all seemed were we :-

8. Restaurant VERSION - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 41 reviews

Unioninkatu 14, 00130 Helsinki, Finland

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Restaurant VERSION: what do users think?

Thatcher Mines: , wild herbs, innovating with Nordic ingredients, high-end seafood, and meats. Would be great to see some wild deer or moose on the menu!Vegetarian options: Rich options for vege/vegan, and meat eaters alike.

Joona: Went for lunch with my girlfriend. Excellent service. The atmosphere is great - the lighting is suitable and the relaxed music plays at a suitable volume. The food itself was very delicious.The lunch menu wasn't bad either. Price-quality ratio 5/5.Thank you. Strong recommendation!

Nicolas: Always a good brunch but the formula has changed and is now too expensive. Previously it was the buffet or small dishes that were the best! Now it’s obligatory buffet at least. So the quality/price ratio is largely unfavorable today.I recommend less despite nice service and products.

9. Toscanini Restaurant - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 396 reviews

Bulevardi 4, 00120 Helsinki, Finland

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10. Lappi Ravintola - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 1241 reviews

Annankatu 22, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

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Lappi Ravintola: what do users think?

Abián Muñoz: We had dinner yesterday to try typical food and I loved the place, the food, the staff and the atmosphere. Recommended 100%.

Carlos Larumbe: Nice Finnish Restaurant, with good local food and at a good price. Recommendable.

Penny Sanz: Dietary restrictions: Gluten freeKid-friendliness: Ideal para ir en familiaWheelchair accessibility: Hay espacio suficiente para acomodar sillas de ruedas

Yannick Vericel: Really another great experience in this essential restaurant. It's not the most affordable restaurant but it remains a must. I love shared dishes with Lappish specialties. The atmosphere is friendly and the staff is very attentive to customers. A warm atmosphere that would make us forget that we are in the capital and waitresses in “traditional” outfits. To do again without hesitation. 2020, 2024… and probably see you in 2025.

11. Restaurant Aito - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 285 reviews

Museokatu 29, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

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Restaurant Aito: what do users think?

Pekka Airaksinen: Excellent block menu.

Jussi Ahonen: Exceptional service, really tasty food with good wine pairings and everything available gluten free.We had the 6 course Menu Aito and enjoyed everything we were offered. The flavors were clear, well balanced and easy to distinguish. The ingredients were fresh and fairly local and the wine pairings worked well with the dishes.The service was splendid, from waiters to the sommelier.If I had to find something to be picky about, the time between the servings was a bit on the longer side, but that did not bother me personally at all.One of the fastest 3 hours I’ve spent in a long time. Thank you!

Auke Meijer: Absolutely perfect place re have diner. Staff is very friendly and the food was superb. I have a lot of allergies but I no problem at all to serve a very nice diner.

Niklas W: Food and service 5 star.Book table early, the last 4 person table is the only minus we had, too much traffic around it. Someone constantly going behind you.

Jukka Kumpula: A great 4-course menu

nea pitkänen: Damn good.

Teppo Salminen: I have to give this experience 5/5. The service is absolutely great. The waiters "smell" the situation at the table before they even have time to ask the waiter to the table. There was clearly expertise behind the wines.From the block menu, I chose turnip and milk thistle, Hereford and chimichurri, and rhubarb jälkäri. The chef greeted us with beef tongue and leeks.All the dishes exuded the restaurant's basic idea, authenticity and domesticity. Next, I finally switched to a chocolate cake ordered by my wife and it was absolutely freezing hard with raisins. The rhubarb was also good, but if you are a chocolate lover, no other dessert can be better than a damn well made chocolate cake.When we came before six, the restaurant was completely full and the atmosphere was really atmospheric. During the main course, half of the customers had already left and the atmosphere cooled down a bit. However, there were a few more new customers. People ultimately bring that atmosphere to the restaurant, even if the decor and service are great. However, it is not appropriate to deduct points from this.I can really strongly recommend it. There were two of us and we spent €150

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