Tennis Clubs In Helsinki Near Me

Tennis Club Kalastajatorppa Myllypuron Tenniskeskus Oy/ Finland Tennis Club Smash-Tennis ry Hvs-tennis r.y. Varma Tennisklubi VTK Ry Herttoniemenranta Sportspark Tennis Courts Kulosaari Tennis Courts Olari Tennis Kannelmäen liikuntapuiston tenniskentät Oulunkylä Sports Park / Tennis Courts VRT Tennis, Metsälän tenniskentät Rajakylän tenniskeskus Tenniskenttä Tapiola Tennis Park

1. Tennis Club Kalastajatorppa - Läntinen suurpiiri

· 29 reviews

Kärkitie 4, 00330 Helsinki, Finland

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Tennis Club Kalastajatorppa: what do users think?

kimmo mantere: Top.

Tapio Makkonen: Excellent place for clay-court tennis.

Martin Helin: with nice club to eat/drink afterwards

pauli jantunen: This is the place from the most pleasant end of the tennis courts in the capital region. The atmosphere in Munkkiniemi is great and, exceptionally compared to many other places, you can also enjoy yourself here after the games.One star comes from the fact that the utilization rate is so high that maintenance is not enough to keep the mass fields always in good condition. The social facilities are small, although they function well. For example, the end borders sometimes have pits from hard use. As a rule, however, the courts are good and flat, tennis goes well here.If you go somewhere to play in the capital region in the summer, Kalastajatorppa is the best place to go. It is nice to recommend this place as a whole.

Pekka Ilvonen: A great tennis center at Kalastajatorpa in the heart of nature near the sea. 6 well-maintained mass fields. Changing rooms and sauna. Restaurant, cafe, summer terrace.

Eero Mäntylä: Really good mass fields, great milieu and raffles and good service. The showers would need an update.

Timo Saloranta: The best place for tennis during the summer months. Such an atmosphere.

Riku Paanila: Opening of the outdoor season in the evening sun on a well-maintained field.

Timo Laukkanen: No tennis was played, but the food was good

Jon Antoniac: Perfect location. Warm, shaded and next to the sea, not that windy. Almost perfect courts, the only problem are the short fences, from where the ball may go over, if you aren't careful. The terrace of the club is cool, but the sofas are dirty. The club is nice, but could have a better lunch. The fields were also quite expensive compared to others, but it's understandable, because of the beauty of the surroundings and the fields.

Елена Кучер: red dust

Sirkku Hanhikoski: Nice summer place

Tarja Aaltonen: We had breakfast. It was good, everything you needed was found and much more.

2. Myllypuron Tenniskeskus Oy/ Finland Tennis Club - Itäkeskus



· 1 reviews

Varikkotie 4, 00900 Helsinki, Finland


3. Smash-Tennis ry - Puotinharju

· 346 reviews

Varikkotie 4, 00900 Helsinki, Finland

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Smash-Tennis ry: what do users think?

Ilkka Lindblom: Good playing conditions for badminton. The prices are reasonable, if there is a charge for parking. The single biggest regret is that you cannot adjust the temperature of the shower water. Especially after coming out of the sauna, the shower is unbearably warm.

Ivan Petrov: basic ok place to play

Johanna: 友善的員工,一切正常!有很多停車位,靠近 Itäkeskus 地鐵站。

Mika Salomaa: 打網球的好地方。即使你可以獲得電動車快速充電器。穿過田野有點煩人。參加比賽後來過幾次。

Helsinki Tennis Academy: 地方方便,但停車費貴

4. Hvs-tennis r.y. - Läntinen suurpiiri

· 7 reviews

Kutomokuja 4, 00380 Helsinki, Finland

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Related inquiries Tennis court:

5. Varma Tennisklubi VTK Ry - Läntinen suurpiiri

· 65 reviews

Ruosilankuja 12, 00390 Helsinki, Finland

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Varma Tennisklubi VTK Ry: what do users think?

Jenna K: Good tennis lessons, good quality-price ratio!

Bao Pham: Ok place for badminton games. Good price but the floors are a bit messy and the sports hall seems thinly insulated

Samuli Husso: Good games!!

Joelin pelikanava: Ok

Era Random: Very nice owners and tennis coaches.

Jeremy Hakala: Good games 👍

Van Nguyen: Good floor condition, nice customer service, fair price. Love it!

6. Herttoniemenranta Sportspark Tennis Courts - Herttoniemenranta

· 56 reviews

Paasivaarankatu 9, 00810 Helsinki, Finland

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Herttoniemenranta Sportspark Tennis Courts: what do users think?

Marko Lipsanen: Easy to go!

Mikael Saajasto: Good ⚽️field

Leila Caroline Reis: Nice space to play sports and hang out with friends.

Karvainen Setämies: The tennis wall has been tested and works perfectly, as long as you are careful that the ball does not slip under the construction site fence.T. A 43-year-old tennis pro who lost one tennis ball there

Maailmojen Tuhoaja: Pidän tenniksestä ja verkot ovat erinomaiset hyvä paikka pelata tennistä mutta yksi tähti puuttuu koska siellä on pikkasen meteliä.

Pekka Puukko: Kentän uusittu pinta oli tasainen ja pallo pomppi siinä hyvin. Yksi tähti uupuu, koska kenttien välissä ei ole sivuverkkoja. Toisilta kentiltä pomppii palloja vähän väliä.Sitten kun saisi vielä tuulen tyyntymään. 😁

Tuomas Arppe: Luistelemassa lasten kanssa, jää hyvässä kunnossa 18.1.22

Aidorma: Joo.

Ristimrii: Ollut vapaata aina, kun käyty katsomassa. Mukava pelata ja liikuntapuistossa eli muutakin voi tenniksen ohessa urheilla.

Eetu Nurmi: Super jees että on mutta yleensä täynnä ja jonoa riittää

7. Kulosaari Tennis Courts - Kulosaari

· 33 reviews

Granfeltintie, 00570 Helsinki, Finland

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Kulosaari Tennis Courts: what do users think?

Konsta Aapeli: Siistit ja hyvin pidetyt kentät. Todella rauhallinen paikka ja ystävällinen palvelu.

Henrik Jansson: Kolme massaa ja yksi kova plexi kenttä. Siistit pukkarit, kahvio ja terassi. Tarjoaa alkoholia. Kadunvarsipysäköinti.

marko karhu: Hyvässä kunnossa kentät

Kalle Heikkinen: Hyvä

Jyrki Aho: Kentät, miljöö ja asiakaspalvelu huippuluokkaa!!

pravesh bhatt: Ok but it's expensive 24 euro/hr

8. Olari Tennis - Espoo

· 1 reviews

Olarinniityntie 8, 02210 Espoo, Finland

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9. Kannelmäen liikuntapuiston tenniskentät - Läntinen suurpiiri

· 67 reviews

Soittajanpolku 9, 00420 Helsinki, Finland

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Kannelmäen liikuntapuiston tenniskentät: what do users think?

matti hakala: Hyvä juttu

Rupak Basnet: Hieno tenniskenttä

Jani Ojanen: Piristää kummasti lenkkeilyä.

Jussi Niemelä: Tennistä pääsee pelaamaan yleensä lyhyellä jonotuksella. Iltaisin varsinkin.

Kimmo Nikulainen: Hyväkuntoinen hiekkatekonurmi.

10. Oulunkylä Sports Park / Tennis Courts - Patola

· 39 reviews

Käskynhaltijantie 11, 00640 Helsinki, Finland

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Oulunkylä Sports Park / Tennis Courts: what do users think?

Tomi Järvinen: Tosi hyvä luistelupaikka. Tilaa jääkiekon pelaajille ja ihan vaan luistelijoille ja mikä parasta, ainakin tällä hetkellä ilmainen.

Sami Loikkanen: Hyvät tenniskentät asfalttipinnoitteella. Plussaa että on jopa 8 kenttää ja verkot eivät lörpötä liian matalalla.

karpporaksasiri kettunen: That's not really tennis courts but good to come here and spend the time with friends ,family and get exercise anyway nice to come here so i'm like this place!!🌸🤘

Paula Selenius: The city's park run started today. YES!!

11. VRT Tennis, Metsälän tenniskentät - Metsälä

· 35 reviews

Krämertintie 6, 00620 Helsinki, Finland

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VRT Tennis, Metsälän tenniskentät: what do users think?

Eki Karlsson: There are only a few mass tennis courts left in Helsinki. This is one of the best.

Mika Ilvesmäki: Nice clay courts. Very basic facilities. Book in advance. Open only during the outdoor season.

fatih aiubi: Good

Irene Llongo: Really nice place 😀

Harri Vainikka: Mainiot massakentät puistoympäristössä.

Jari Korelin: Ihana paikka pelaa tennistä 😊

bildeloew: Kentät hyvässä kunnossa, edullinen verrattuna moniin muihin.

12. Tenniskenttä - Tapulikaupunki

· 1 reviews

00730 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website

13. Tenniskenttä - Puistola

· 1 reviews

00760 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website

14. Rajakylän tenniskeskus - Hakunilan suuralue

· 97 reviews

Latukuja 2, 01280 Vantaa, Finland

Rajakylän tenniskeskus: what do users think?

Cekka Cekka: Great place and good service.

Joakim Ojala: Good place to play.

Pet Er: A neat indoor hall for tennis/badminton/indoor bandy

Tommy Wilenius: Functional spatial solutions, clean indoor playing fields, good location and nice customer service 😄👍

Ben H: Good service, good fields, a bit shabby shower room, no lockers to lock.

15. Tenniskenttä - Östersundomin suurpiiri

· 1 reviews

Landbontie 28, 00890 Helsinki, Finland

Address Website

16. Tapiola Tennis Park - Suur-Tapiola

· 178 reviews

Tuulikuja 1, 02100 Espoo, Finland

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Tapiola Tennis Park: what do users think?

Rea Toro: Really amazing..Wonderful!

Mika Salomaa: Nice place to play tennis.

Abhinav Anand: Very well maintained. Good vibes of the place and excellent staff.

Helsinki Tennis Academy: Easy and friendly

Cessie Dan: the place is good, comfortable and calm

Tommy Söderström: Tried it with dirt. Nice place, good fields and light. Päivähuki affordable and nice staff. The smell of the bun coming from the coffee a little disturbed my father's game!🤩

pauli jantunen: Fields in good condition and a functioning dressing room. Friendly and understanding service. You feel welcome here.We have played here many times both indoors and outdoors, everything has always worked as agreed.The men's sauna needs renovation, it could be improved. The hall is getting a bit old and it would be a shame if the hall is demolished to make way for apartments. Makes you really think for whom and what kind of city Espoo wants to become. Just more residents and fewer services for them?There is already a severe shortage of pitches in the capital region, which can be seen in the fact that some of the halls do not care at all what kind of service they get from the place.Special thanks for maintaining and maintaining the mass fields. With hard use, it can withstand comparison to other mass fields.

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