Business in Store:
1. Artek Helsinki - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 143 reviews
Keskuskatu 1 B, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Keiichi: Artek-myymÀlÀ Helsingin keskustassaOli hauskaa vain katsella museomaista nÀyttelyÀ.Ostin julisteita jne.
Jyrki R: Artek on kaupungin parhaalla paikalla keskellÀ HelsinkiÀ Aallon Rautatalon ja Akateemisen kirjakaupan vÀlissÀ. Erityisesti Aaltojen tuotantoa on hyvin esillÀ, mutta monenlaista muutakin on tarjolla kahdessa kerroksessa. Kertoivat ettÀ Aaltojen tuotannon valmistaa edelleen Huonekalutehdas Korhonen Turussa. Työn jÀlki on erinomaista ja monia huonekaluja on melkein pakko koskettaa.
Petri Juvonen: Ikkunaostosten ykköspaikan, upeeta!
Tero Moilanen: Suunnitteluhuonekaluja, mattoja, kankaita, valoja ja muita pieniÀ koriste-esineitÀ suomalaisilta ja kansainvÀlisiltÀ suunnittelijoilta. Suuri valikoima, joka vaihtuu nÀytöllÀ ja monet tunnetut kansainvÀliset designtuotteet ovat myös tilattavissa Artekin avulla. MyymÀlÀssÀ on myös pieniÀ muotoiluun liittyviÀ nÀyttelyitÀ lÀpi vuoden. LÀhistöllÀ on myös pienempi myymÀlÀ Artek 2nd Cycle, joka keskittyy menneisyyden kierrÀtettyihin designhuonekaluihin.
Anna-Liisa Laine: Artekin valikoimassa ei ole valittamista. Ajatonta ja kaunista.
Silke Hofmann: Upea, suurenmoinen muotoilu pienellÀ alueella.Rakastan sitÀ!
Minji Son (DOO): Rakastan Artekia niin paljon, ettÀ olin erittÀin iloinen nÀhdessÀni suuren ja tÀynnÀ showroomia. Johanna Glixen -tuotteita oli monia eri vÀreissÀ ja kuvioissa, ja oli paljon asioita, joita halusin ostaa, mutta olin pettynyt, ettÀ minun piti ostaa vain niitÀ tuotteita, jotka mahtuivat matkalaukkuuni. Jos etsit matkamuistoja, suosittelemme Sienna-tarjottimia, pusseja, postikortteja, majamoo-tarjottimia jne. Tiedoksi, tyytyvÀisin oli Sienna-kangas.
ttreview: Upea paikka kaupungin keskustassa. TÀÀltÀ löydÀt aina hyvin jÀrjestettyjÀ artek-huonekaluja. HyvÀ paikka pysÀhtyÀ kaikille suunnittelusta kiinnostuneille.
Geunha Park: TÀmÀ on Helsingin kaunein kauppa.Olen erittÀin inspiroitunut nÀytöistÀ, jotka muuttuvat joka kerta kun kÀyn. Kiitos lahjan niin kauniisti paketoinnista.
Juhani Viitasalo: Saimme mitÀ halusimme. HyvÀ palvelu.
Kukka Ollinaho: Upea kauppa. Visuaalisesti tÀydellinen.
2. Aarikka Oy - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 30 reviews
Pohjoisesplanadi 27, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Robert Sprotte: Nice shop with lots of things made of wood and textiles.
ăăăă: I want to collect the dolls here.
Charlotte R: Lovely store with friendly, patient & kind staff. Unique jewellery and gifts. All handmade in Finland. One of my top 3 favourites shops in Helsinki. It isnât cheap - I will say that - however, I for one appreciate artistic & creative design and their products are unique with unique colours and concept.
K M: A store selling stylish goods with Scandinavian design. It's fun just looking at it.
Tatsuki Sato: Cute miscellaneous goodsđ
Simona Brioschi: Shop for women passionate about particular jewellery. All made in designer wood. For a gift it is worth visiting. The prices....well they are what they are.
Siva: I buy a lot of Aarika products and the design is timeless. The same jewelry is passed down from generation to generation. I can't give full points because the animal character keychain is no longer available. I used to buy a new one for every new phase of my life.
3. Artek 2nd cycle - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 27 reviews
Pieni Roobertinkatu 4, 00130 Helsinki, Finland
momo ohata: You can see various artek vintages. Prices are not listed, so you need to check with the store staff.
Jarno Jussila: A must for art fanatics! Knowledge, skill and rarities.
Jussi Laaksonen: Great selection!
Cyrille Thomas: Awesome place full of vintage furnitures by the masters
mark claydon: Amazing. True treasure trove of designer furniture
Megavoltzzz zzz: Not a bad store with a Finnish design school. Unfortunately, there is a small selection of Finnish glass
XI ZENG: It's like a mini exhibition of Artek and Finnish design.
4. Lapuan Kankurit Store & Studio - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 35 reviews
Katariinankatu 2, 00170 Helsinki, Finland
8: Good if you love textile!!
Eija Reinert: Wonderful gift ideas and anything for yourself too!
Quentin Simonin: To see in Helsinki! Too handsome
Piia Kivisaari: I love the products of Lapua Kankurite! High quality and super beautiful. Lovely shades in the products and top service!
- H: I happened to come across a Finnish textile shop while walking around town. There is a store tucked away in a nice streetscape.There were mainly wool and linen stoles, but also blankets, kitchen goods, bath goods, etc. The staff at the store were kind and explained the brand, products, and designs in detail. The only directly managed stores are this store, the store where the company was founded, and the only one in Tokyo.
Pirjo Rusila-Lesage: Lapuan Kankurit is a beautiful business, in a beautiful block. It can be a little hard to notice from the corners of the markets, but that's where the business is, on the old street between Senatintor and Kauppator. It's worth looking for it and at the same time feeling the hustle and bustle of Helsinki's history!You can enjoy the store with your eyes.Traditional linen in a modern way. Quality and style that will stand the test of time, especially now that it's time to ditch cotton.
Anne: Anyway, it's a wonderful shop. There are stores in Japan as well, but I highly recommend purchasing one in Helsinki as a keepsake. Please note that if you are a resident outside the EU, you will be exempt from tax.
Hans Rehm: This is a fantastic shop if you are into European craftmanship and Finnish woven textiles with a touch of extraordinary quality and feel. So far I have not seen textiles with more beauty than what "Lapuan Kankurit" is offering. Thanks to the very small team in Lapua doing the manufacturing around Esko and his wife, this is outstanding and only comparable to the japanese feel of essential reduction and beauty. Buy as much as fits into your suitcase!
Charlotte R: Loved this store. Absolutely beautiful store and the way itâs put together. Lovely staff too. The colours and textures of the fabrics are beautiful. Plus some handmade jewellery too. Really lovely gifts. Easily one of my top 3 stores in Helsinki.
Jenni Penninen: A wonderful shop in Torikortelei. Beautiful linen and wool products. The products are well displayed and it is pleasant to do business in the store. Lovely customer service. Also Osmia products! It's wonderful that investments in Finnish sheep's wool continue.
ìŽì ë§êł : Henkilökunta oli erittĂ€in ystĂ€vĂ€llistĂ€ ja laatu oli hyvĂ€, joten se oli loistava lahja! ! Suosikki ostospaikka HelsingissĂ€. He olivat niin ystĂ€vĂ€llisiĂ€ ja ihania. Tuotteet olivat erittĂ€in hyviĂ€. Minun olisi pitĂ€nyt ostaa lisÀÀ tavaraa tÀÀltĂ€..!!
Kerstin Strömberg: MikÀ mukava kauppa, joka panostaa ympÀristöön ja kestÀvyyteen.SieltÀ löydÀt lahjoja ja jotain hyvÀÀ sinulle
jĂŒ sa: ErittĂ€in mukavia asioita pöytiin, kylpyhuoneisiin jne.
Outi Alanne: Laaja valikoima sekÀ kotimaista kaunista ja tyylikÀstÀ pellavaa ettÀ oheistuotteita. ErittÀin ystÀvÀllinen palvelu. Lempikauppojani!
Heike Schneider: ja paljon muuta...Tavaroiden laatu on erinomainen!
Related inquiries Store:
5. Skanno - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 7 reviews
Erottajankatu 2, 00120 Helsinki, Finland