3d-tulostusliikkeet Helsinki Lähellä Sinua

Maker3D Oy Lasipalvelu Reijonen Oy 24h Lasimasi Oy Lasityö Rantanen Oy Lasiliike - Laajasalon Lasi Oy KYKY Lasi Oy

1. Maker3D Oy - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 16 arvostelut

Laivakatu 3, 00150 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Maker3D Oy: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Harri Joy: Fast service, competent and service-oriented staff. The perfect R&D and production partner.

AI _ Bot: Great service!

Lina Oliwia: Really fast delivery. Expert service❤️

Keijo Johansson: Best

Adri en: The only professional 3D printing service in town?

Ari Kallio: Good production facility.

2. Lasipalvelu Reijonen Oy 24h - Tapulikaupunki



· 18 arvostelut

Lyhtytie 6, 00750 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Lasipalvelu Reijonen Oy 24h: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

tapio mäkeläinen: Fast and reasonably priced. I will use it again when the need arises. Friendly service.

Antti Marttinen: Top service and the installers have a good, relaxed but expert attitude. I definitely recommend!

Mathias Dahlqvist: Good service and good mood!

Jaana Honkalinna: Customer service on point

Eero H: Good glass repair service

Mikko Tuomola: Fast and nice service.

3. Lasimasi Oy - Ala-Malmi

· 22 arvostelut

Ormuspellontie 12, 00700 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Lasimasi Oy: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Jorma Löhman: Excellent and fast service. Professional repair at a reasonable price. I called on Monday at 8 o'clock, the installer came at 10 o'clock and took the broken window to the workshop. Came back at 12:00 and it was clear. Can't handle it better. Thank you.

Markus Hämynen: In the case of the kitchen renovation, I asked for a quote from several shops for the intermediate glazing. Not only did I get the fastest response from Lasimas, they were also able to organize both the measurement visit and the production and cutting of the products the fastest. The schedule was incredible compared to the 2-4 week accordion of other stores: the glasses were measured on Tuesday and the installation was the next day. I am really satisfied.

Olli Vesterinen: Nice, helpful and knowledgeable staff. The replacement of the broken window panes was lightning fast, and the home delivery of the repaired windows was even faster. Great company 5/5. I highly recommend.

Jukka Kivelä: I needed one small intermediate door glass, so no big deal for them; despite that, I was treated very kindly and quickly and the bill didn't make me dizzy either! I felt really good, thanks again for this! 👍

4. Tuhat Ikkunaa Oy - Viikinranta

· 4 arvostelut

Jokisuuntie 3, 00560 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp

5. Lasityö Rantanen Oy - Länsi-Pakila

· 12 arvostelut

Lepolantie 23, 00660 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite WhatsApp
Lasityö Rantanen Oy: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Jukka Kourula: Inexpensive

Richard Salin: Really friendly service even though it was a small job!

Sami Salonen: A service-oriented family business. Wide selection of picture frames. Glazing of watercolor works is done professionally. Keep the given schedules. Nothing but good things to say.

Susanna Majalahti: Thank you for the good service.

Jii Vee: Good results cheaply and quickly!

Sakke Sakke: Fast service even if no one was there.

Kimmo Rantala: A little out of the way, but if framing etc. works, then Rantanen will have to go from a longer distance.

6. Lasiliike - Laajasalon Lasi Oy - Myyrmäen suuralue

· 15 arvostelut

Pyymosantie 5, 01720 Vantaa, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Lasiliike - Laajasalon Lasi Oy: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Joni Prokkola: The broken glass of the front door was replaced. Fast, efficient and polite service. thanks for help

Eero Karppinen: The price of the glass was right, the service was nice and the delivery was fast.

Jari Laasonen: Quickly bring your glasses with you on your visit. No card payment, but it works with an invoice.

Petri Miikkola: Excellent service, executed on a fast schedule, I really recommend it.Very sweet company.👍👍

Virpi Brooman: Fast delivery Made-to-measure and affordable🙂

Seppo Vehmer: Hyvä ja ystävällinen palvelu.

Koo Juntu: Nopea toimitus ja kohtuulliset hinnat!

R Virtanen: Palvelu oli erittäin hyvää ja asiantuntevia neuvoja sain ikkunan kuittauksen.,, suosittelen, junttinen ymmärsi,,,,,

Martti Uino: Tosi hyvä ja nopea palvelu...suosittelen..

Patrick Babic: Erittäin hyvä palvelu. Suosittelen ++++++++++++

Pasi Kuikka: Huikee paikka

7. KYKY Lasi Oy - Myyrmäen suuralue

· 20 arvostelut

Vapaalantie 6, 01650 Vantaa, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
KYKY Lasi Oy: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Tiia Hyvönen: The mirrors in the kykylas are insanely gorgeous. A high-quality result, in the products and branding you can see the style and overall design. I'm completely in love with my curved mirror and I'm already dreaming about where I could place the next one. A wonderful, professional family business. 3 The decoration is the icing on the cake!

Sami Aaltonen: Very wonderful pleasant customer service. The product was promised in a couple of days. But less than 5 hours after the order, I was at home with a 6 mm thick glass sheet cut to the specifications of the model piece. Price/quality ratio full 10. Professional service. Relaxed crowd. Thank you!

Elena P: We ordered two giant mirrors for the bathroom and the wardrobe - the end result is superb! Having built a private house, it was a pleasant surprise to find that the whole thing went well, from the bidding stage to the installation. The installation was done on time, the service was friendly and flexible. At the same time, we received additional information so that we can also order the following glass and mirror works from the same place. I highly recommend!

Nelligoos: Friendly and expert service!

Kaius Korpela: Ystävällistä nopeaa palvelua, laadukkaat tuotteet ja monipuolinen tarjonta. Asennus sujui helposti ja aikataulussa. Suosittelen tätä perheyritystä!

Anu Wiio: Asiakaspalvelu oli erittäin ammattitaitoista ja tilaus sekä asennus hoituivat nopeasti! Kiitos! 🙏🏻

Timo Holappa: Asiantuntevaa palvelua.

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