Liike sisÀÀn Akupunktioklinikka:
1. Oy Maria Juselius Ab - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 0 arvostelut
C, MannerheimvÀgen 5, 00100 Helsingfors, Suomi
2. AKUpunktioasema-Liu

· 13 arvostelut
Malminkatu 5, katutaso, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Sophia Palm: Jiangi is a true master. He has helped heal my body from a physical burnout incl hormonal imbalances and body aches.I am forever grateful for his professional and gentle way of conducting his work đ
Tapani Sirvio: Always good acupuncture: stress goes away and the feeling improves when you visit.
Laura: Highly recommend! Very skilled acupuncturist.
Kati Snow: A great treatment experience.
Timo Rahikainen: Best
Markus Heinonen: . Included also some massage and different techniques than just the needles unless otherwise stated. Seems to be in good harmony. In my case instant relief for mental and emotional problems. Second time went after too much caffeine from that day, poor judgement from my part
Nadja Leinonen: đđđ really good acupuncturist, one of the best in Helsinki
Tuuli Lehto: Suosittelen lÀmpimÀsti. Aivan omaa luokkaansa.
Zhixuan Liu: Loistava hoito! Se on ratkaissut vanhan ongelman jaloista
3. Superfiilis Helsinki - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 1 arvostelut
Hietalahdenkatu 10, 00180 Helsinki, Suomi
4. Akupunktioklinikka Ossi Airaksinen
· 49 arvostelut
Santavuorentie 6, 00400 Helsinki, Suomi
LiittyvĂt kysymykset Akupunktioklinikka:
5. Akupunktio- ja hyvinvointiklinikka - Espoo
· 9 arvostelut
Kivenlahdenkatu 3, 02320 Espoo, Suomi
6. AkuPointti akupunktio-klinikka
· 15 arvostelut
Laivurinkatu 29, 00150 Helsinki, Suomi
7. Kallion lohikÀÀrmeklinikka
· 17 arvostelut
Viides linja 16D, 00530 Helsinki, Suomi
Liekki Ilola: Been going to the clinic for acupuncture for years, and it's always been rewarding! Warm recommendation! âš
Bianca Duarte: I always have a great experience when going to acupuncture with Aato, he is very kind, attentive and the sessions of acupuncture have helped me a lot with lower back/back pain.
Annu KĂ€renlampi: I sought help for problems in the neck and shoulder area and I have been very satisfied with the treatment I received. Even though the purpose is to open the muscle jams, the mind also gets the recovery and relaxation it needs in the middle of everyday life. Many thanks and recommendations!
Sari Pirinen: Many thanks to LohikĂ€mĂ€iklinika for making me feel calmer and more balanced every time I leave there than when I came to the clinic. Both the treatments and Aatos' warm, calm and listening encounter have been top notch! I have received relief especially for hormonal pain symptoms, which have significantly improved my quality of life. I recommend it to everyone!â€ïž
Daria Krivonos: I have been going to the massage and acupuncture at Aatos' clinic for several months already and I can recommend him with all my heart! The atmosphere is very calm, kind, personal and soothing - nothing like in anonymous cold massage salons. Aatos listens to your wishes and suggests the treatment you need. I feel deep relaxation and calmess after his massage and acupuncture. I am happy to integrate these treatments to my daily routine. đ thank you!
Jussi Vanhanen: "How can I help you?" the conversation always starts with belongings and feelings. Aatos is a very skilled and warm person. I have often received instant help and her acupuncture style is really strong. I warmly recommend đ
Atso Dunkel: I went to acupuncture for stress pains in my wrist and I can say that the treatment was really effective and significantly improved my problem in my wrist. Chinese medicine does not disappoint! The clinic has a cozy atmosphere and the service is always friendly. I also recommend testing Groovy Dragon products such as kombucha and ghee. Good mood!đđ„
J.S: Professional and quality service!
Lauri Lehikoinen: Erinomainen hieronta upeilla keskusteluilla sekÀ maukas kombucha.
Kaarlo Matero: Todella ammattimaista, rentoa ja miellyttĂ€vÀÀ palvelua! Keho kiittÀÀ hyvĂ€stĂ€ kĂ€sittelystĂ€ ja aika kuluu nopeasti kun Aatoksen kanssa voi jutella monipuolisesti eri asioista. TĂ€mĂ€n lisĂ€ksi kotitekoinen kombucha, jota saa erikseen ostettua, kruunaa tapaamisen.đđ
Mikko Ylimannila: Asiantuntevaa akupunktiohoitoa helposti lÀhestyttÀvÀltÀ ja empaattiselta hoitajalta. Suosittelen kaikille akupunktiohoidosta kiinnostuneille. Olen ollut hyvin tyytyvÀinen saamaani hoitoon.
Matias Damaan: 5/5 Laadukasta akupunktiohoitoa. Sain huomattavaa apua vaivoihini. Suosittelen kyllÀ ihan jokaiselle kÀymÀÀn edes kerran jos vÀhÀÀnkÀÀn vetÀÀ akupunktio puoleensa. Kaveri tietÀÀ mitÀ tekee. Olen kÀynyt myös muilla hoidossa mutta en ole saanut yhtÀ asiantuntevaa palvelua. EnÀÀ en kÀykÀÀn missÀÀn muualla.
8. Xuefein Akupunktio- ja Hierontaklinikka
· 51 arvostelut
Fredrikinkatu 41 A 8, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi
Jaana Turunen: Olen ollut asiakkaana vuodesta 2013 ja hyvin tyytyvÀinen saamaani palveluun ja hoidon tuloksiin. Palvelu on asiakasta kunnioittavaa, kiireetöntÀ ja ystÀvÀllistÀ. SÀÀnnölliset kÀynni ovat tÀrkeÀ osa oman hyvinvoinnin yllÀpitÀmistÀ.
tommy nurmi: Yli 10 vuotta tohtori Xuefein potilaana hÀn on auttanut minua valtavasti useissa terveysongelmissa vuosien varrella! Olen siis nyt tÀysin terve. Yksi Helsingin alueen parhaista terveyskÀytÀnnöistÀ, erittÀin ystÀvÀllinen, huomaavainen, hygieeninen ja ammattimainen. Kiitos!
êčì í: Olen kĂ€rsinyt tinniuksesta, silmĂ€n kellumisesta ja muista vastaavista oireista vuosien ajan. Toivuin paljon hĂ€nen ansiostaan. Joka kerta kun menen hĂ€nen klinikalle, voin paremmin.Minulla on ollut akupunktioistuntoja Koreassa, ja tohtori Xuefei on yksi parhaista lÀÀkĂ€reistĂ€, joita olen tavannut! HĂ€n on oikea lÀÀkĂ€ri, joka todella hoitaa potilaita ja parantaa ihmisiĂ€.
Ekaterina: Otin yhteyttĂ€ tohtori Xuefeiin useiden ongelmien vuoksi.Minulla oli vakavia kipuja selkĂ€rangassani useiden vuosien ajan. Kipu lapaluiden vĂ€lissĂ€, niskassa ja koko selkĂ€rangassa syvĂ€ssĂ€ lihaksessa ei lakannut. SiellĂ€ esiintyi usein huimausta, nÀön hĂ€mĂ€rtymistĂ€, mielialan vaihteluita ja stressiĂ€. TerĂ€vĂ€, terĂ€vĂ€ kipu lonkkanivelessĂ€.KÀÀnnyin eri asiantuntijoiden puoleen saadakseni apua, mikÀÀn ei auttanut. KĂ€vin osteopaateilla ja kiropraktikoilla, otin kipulÀÀkkeitĂ€ joka pĂ€ivĂ€.EnsimmĂ€isen kĂ€yntini tohtori Huefein luona olin yllĂ€ttynyt, kun tunsin, ettĂ€ polttava kipu selkĂ€rangassa oli hĂ€vinnyt kokonaan ja kipu kohdunkaulan ja rintakehĂ€n alueella oli hĂ€vinnyt. Kun menin ulos, nĂ€köni kirkastui. Olin istuma-asennossa loppupĂ€ivĂ€n, mutta kipua ei ollut, se ei toistunut sinĂ€ pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ eikĂ€ seuraavana.Seuraavalla vastaanotolla lÀÀkĂ€ri ratkaisi myös lonkkanivelen ongelman, lĂ€vistĂ€vĂ€ kipu hĂ€visi.KĂ€yn edelleen kerran viikossa.Kaularangan ongelmat hĂ€viĂ€vĂ€t joka kerta, kireĂ€t lihakset rentoutuvat.Jokaisen harjoituksen jĂ€lkeen on todellinen tulos ja parannus on havaittavissa myös istuntoja seuraavina pĂ€ivinĂ€.LĂ€mmin kiitos lÀÀkĂ€rille! Olen erittĂ€in iloinen, ettĂ€ löysin tĂ€llaisen asiantuntijan ja elĂ€mĂ€ni muuttui â€ïžSuosittelen tohtoria kaikille, jotka ovat jo menettĂ€neet toivonsa saada apua.Xuefei! TĂ€mĂ€ on todella jotain, joka auttaa sinua, jos olet jo epĂ€toivoinen
Waed Hegazi: Thank you Doctor, you literally changed my life. I could not walk well because of a knee injury, and the pain was unbearable. I had been suffering for two years, and the doctors did not do anything..But after treatment in Xuefei oy clinic and a number of sessions, I improved until the pain disappeared, and I began to walk normally, in addition to General improvement in all my body condition..Thank you doctor from the bottom of my heartđđto update"I am extremely grateful to the amazing doctor who treated me for gallstones with Chinese acupuncture. Gallbladder removal surgery was scheduled for me next week, but the surgeon canceled it because I healed thanks to the doctor's treatment. I wanted to share my story to benefit others and encourage everyone to consider Chinese acupuncture therapy. Thank you very much"Olen ÀÀrimmĂ€isen kiitollinen upealle lÀÀkĂ€rille, joka hoiti minut sappikivillĂ€ kiinalaisella akupunktiolla. Sappirakon poistoleikkaus oli suunniteltu ensi viikoksi, mutta kirurgi peruutti sen, koska paranin lÀÀkĂ€rin hoidolla. Halusin jakaa tarinani hyödyksi muille ja rohkaista kaikkia harkitsemaan kiinalaista akupunktioterapiaa. Kiitos paljon!""Words cannot express my gratitude, Doctor Xuefei.
Pirjo Bres: KÀrsin kuukausia vasemman kÀden kovasta puutumisesta ja pistelystÀ. Tuntui kuin tikkuja olisi pistelty kynsien alle. Vaiva toistui pahimmillaan minuuttien vÀlein. Pikkuhiljaa Dr. Xuefein hoidossa vaiva vÀheni , kunnes 4: nen kerran jÀlkeen melkein hÀvisi kokonaan. KÀvin vielÀ varmuudeksi 5: nen kerran.Olo on todella onnellinen. Kiitos Dr Xuefein
Alicia Lin: Dr. Wu on loistava akupunktiolÀÀkÀri, joka auttoi minua lievittÀmÀÀn kipuani ja ratkaisi suurimmat terveysongelmani, kun sitÀ eniten tarvittiin. Suosittelen lÀmpimÀsti kaikille, jotka haluavat varata ajan. Onneksi meillÀ on hÀnet HelsingissÀ.
elizabeth kinyanjui: 2021 Minulla oli paras akupancure-hoito raskauden aikana. 2kk myöhemmin tulin raskaaksi. Olen ylpeĂ€ 1-vuotiaan vauvan Ă€iti. KĂ€vin lĂ€pi vaikeuksia ennen hoitoa. Kiitos hoidostasiMinulla on vauvani đ 100% suositus.
Lenita Nivalainen: Xuefei Wu is definitely the best acupuncturist in Heksing. He is a highly trained Chinese medicine expert who has also worked as a researcher at the University of Helsinki. HĂąn focuses comprehensively on the well-being of its clients by using various treatment measures. I have used his services for several years and have always received help. I highly recommend! Lenita Nivalainen
Mercedes Balarezo: Dr. Xue Fei is a very professional and well-experienced practitioner. His presence is soothing and reassuring, and his treatments are truly effective. I highly recommend it.
Adam Kral: Very professional
Antti Seitamaa: Dr. Xuefei is indeed an amazing expert. I met him about 5-6 years ago when my health had collapsed. I was in such an overexcited state as a result of the excessive load that I was afraid of what would happen to me. I had all kinds of physical and somatic ailments. I had gone to several experts for help, but nothing seemed to work. The pain always came back after a little relief. With Xuefei's treatment, I regained my health. Or actually, I could say we did it together. We started with an intensive series of acupuncture treatments and little by little, as my situation improved, I learned to take better care of myself. Her patience, empathy and overall inspiring way of being in the world have helped me tremendously.Over the years, I have come to know Dr. Xuefei as someone who is exceptionally careful about the kind of help he provides to his patients. His professional ethics are second to none. You can tell right away that he genuinely tries to provide the best possible care to each patient. I would recommend him to my family and friends without reservation.I strongly encourage you to get to know acupuncture as a form of treatment. In light of the latest international research data, it is particularly effective in the treatment of chronic pain. For me, it has brought long-term help for overexertion.---It is not an exaggeration to say that meeting Dr. Xuefei changed my life. When I first went to see him about 5-6 years ago, I had been suffering from multiple physical and somatic health issues for several years. I had visited many excellent professionals from different specializations but they were not able to help me. At the time, I was seriously over-worked and my nervous system was in a state of permanent over-agitation. With Dr. Xuefei's treatment and support, I have managed to turn my health situation around completely. Actually, I can say that we did it together, starting with an intense acupuncture regimen and then, gradually, as my condition stabilized, I learned to take better care of myself. His patience, empathy and overall inspiring demeanor helped me tremendously on my journey.Over the years, I have come to know Dr. Xuefei as someone with the highest professional integrity and ethics. He takes great care to provide the best possible service for all of his patients. The fact that we have someone of this caliber offering such a high quality of care in our little city is simply stunning. I have recommended him to all of my family and friends.I highly recommend looking at new scientific data showing the effectiveness of acupuncture for chronic pain. It helped Restore my health.
Heikki LeppÀnen: I've been there for longer and I trust the expertise.
ćšćź: Great experience and excellent service, professional doctor helped to release the pain. Thank you doctor Xuefei, happy that my husband found you from Helsinki to help me. Wish you all the best. Irina Zhou.
Tiina Koivulintu: , "I'm fine, and keep going there with your Chinese." That's how it goes :
Zhu Cindy: Xuefei is a very professional doctor with perfect skills with acupuncture and other treatments.I had very effective recovery from the spring allergy. The sniff stopped and recovery last till next treatment.He also helped some of my friends with fertility problem, they all having babies now đ
Janne Nieminen: I have been to Xuefei many times over the years and have been very pleased with her care! I originally sought help for muscle weakness caused by facial paralysis. Even though the facial paralysis had happened more than a year before I sought Xuefei's treatment, the acupuncture nevertheless helped to remove the facial tension and 'awakened' the muscles that I thought were already permanently limp.More generally, massage and acupuncture have also helped me a lot with upper back and shoulder tension. The treatments are very relaxing!Xuefei is a friendly person who is genuinely interested in her work and her patients! I highly recommend his professional care!---I have been going to Xuefei many times over the years and have been very happy with his treatments! His acupuncture initially helped me with a facial paralysis that had happened already over a year before I went to see him and still managed to ease up the tensions and helped 'wake up' some of the muscle function that I thought was gone for good.The massage and acupuncture have also helped a lot with upper back tension that I tend to have. The treatments are really relaxing!Xuefei is a kind person with a true interest in his work and his patients! I highly recommend him!
9. Akufunktio
· 8 arvostelut
HeikkilÀntie 10, 00210 Helsinki, Suomi
10. Dong shi kiinalainen klinikka
· 10 arvostelut
Fredrikinkatu 33A, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi
11. Meridian Care Viikki
· 55 arvostelut
Biologinkatu 8 F, 00790 Helsinki, Suomi
Anna HakamÀki: I highly recommend! Chantal is skilled, warm-hearted, friendly and caring. Treatment is tailored as needed. The atmosphere and interior of the Punavuori nursing home are relaxing and pleasant. I got help from acupuncture. Many thanks Chantal!
Mari: We had been trying to have a child for 8 months. I went to another acupuncturist several times before applying to see Chantal. This one time treatment did its part and I got pregnant on that particular round. Unbelievable and unreal feeling! Thank you lovely Chantal! I warmly recommend đ
Sanni Ss: If you need natural help for something, I recommend Meridian Care! I got help rehabilitating the knee and restoring range of motion when the kneecap was dislocated. Acupuncture also helped in the winter in breaking the cycle of bad flu and strengthening immunity.
Kati Saarenketo: I got help for my problem, I felt better after the first visit. I will continue to visit
Maarit Suhonen: Expert, comprehensive and warm care. I got help with my problems and I highly recommend it!
Susanna Sainio: I got help from acupuncture for the painful nerve pain after shingles. Thanks to the treatments, I got off the painkillers. The quality of sleep also improved significantly.Chantel's professional, warm and present attitude gave hope for improvement from the first visit. I warmly recommend experiencing the healing power of acupuncture.Thank you lovely Chantel!
Helena Sutinen: Peaceful and relaxing care experiences, skilled and professional Chantal and Noj. My thanks to both!
Anna Raito: Pampering and professional care, relaxing and wonderful atmosphere, I highly recommend!
Rosa: Hakeuduin akupunktioon ennen IVF-hoitojen aloitusta. Akupunktiosta on ollut enemmĂ€n hyötyĂ€ kuin osasin odottaa. Akupunktion myötĂ€ PMS-oireeni ja kuukautisvuodon mÀÀrĂ€ vĂ€henivĂ€t sekĂ€ ajoittaiset pÀÀnsĂ€ryt ovat jÀÀneet pois.Hormonihoitojen aikana en kĂ€rsinyt lÀÀkitysten haittavaikutuksista, mihin uskon akupunktiolla olleen vaikutusta. Akupunktion myötĂ€ ensimmĂ€inen alkion siirto johti jo positiiviseen raskaustestin tulokseen.Chantal on lempeĂ€, rauhallinen ja joustava. HĂ€n on kiinnostunut hyvinvoinnista kokonaisvaltaisesti ja rÀÀtĂ€löi hoidon aina sen hetkisten tarpeiden mukaan. Chantalin kĂ€sissĂ€ on hyvĂ€ssĂ€ hoidossa! đ
Mari Myllynen: Minulla oli paljon stressistÀ ja elÀmÀntilanteesta johtuvia kipu- ja puutumisvaivoja, joten aloin kÀydÀ Chantalin luoda hoidoissa loppuvuodesta 2021. Aluksi hoidimme noita kenties stressistÀ johtuvia vaivojani kuntoon, jonka jÀlkeen keskityimme tukemaan hedelmÀllisyyttÀni lapsitoiveen takia. Akupunktiohoitojaksojen aikana tulin muutaman kerran raskaaksi, mutta raskaudet pÀÀttyivÀt ensimmÀisten viikkojen aikana. Uskon, ettÀ kroppani vahvistui akupunktion avulla vÀhÀ vÀhÀltÀ, sillÀ kolmas raskauteni onnistui. Odotusaika oli mutkaton ja oireeton, synnytys sujui hienosti ja saimme terveen lapsen!LÀmmin suositus siis Chantalin akupunktiohoidoille! HÀn suhtautuu jokaiseen asiakkaaseen asiantuntevasti, empaattisesti ja tarkkaan perehtyen.
Marre: Suosittelen lÀmpimÀsti Chantalin akupunktiota kaikille. Hoidot ovat olleet miellyttÀviÀ,ja rentouttavia. LisÀksi Chantal on todella ystÀvÀllinen, sekÀ erittÀin ammattitaitoinen.
Johanna Lahikainen: Suosittelen lÀmpimÀsti.
Satu VÀike: KÀvin Chantalin hyvÀssÀ hoidossa ja sain apua vaivaani.
Veera Haverinen: KÀvin ÀskettÀin akupunktiokÀynnillÀ, ja kokemukseni oli erittÀin positiivinen. KÀynti sai minut rentoutumaan ja auttoi tehokkaasti lievittÀmÀÀn selkÀkipuani.Sain myös tietÀÀ lisÀÀ akupunktion hyödyistÀ, mihin eri vaivoihin se voi auttaa. LisÀtieto auttoi minua ymmÀrtÀmÀÀn paremmin hoidon toimintaa.
Tiina Svensk: Todella asiantunteva ja ihana akupunktiohoitaja!
Laura Ahola: KĂ€vin hoidoissa n. 5 kertaa ennen lapsettomuushoitoja ja tuo lapsettomuushoitokerta johti onnistuneeseen raskautumiseen.
Jesse Kauppi: Todella ammattimaista ja ÀÀrimmĂ€isen ystĂ€vĂ€llistĂ€ hoitoa kaipaaville. Ratkaisu löytyy jokaiseen vaivaan! đ
Jenna Inkinen: Chantalin akupunktiopalvelut ovat auttaneet minua valtavasti vain muutamassa kuukaudessa mm. YskÀn hoidossa ja hormonitasapainossa. Iso suositus Meridian carelle!
12. Akupunktioklinikka Tero Inkeri
· 1 arvostelut
LĂ€ntinen Brahenkatu 6, 00510 Helsinki, Suomi
13. Akupunktio Mai
· 1 arvostelut
Yrjönkatu 38 A4, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
14. Xin Akupunktio
· 4 arvostelut
Viipurinkatu 12, 00510 Helsinki, Suomi
15. Akupunktio- ja kiinalainen hoito Sini / Yulan Niu
· 37 arvostelut
Runeberginkatu 26, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Nonna Nani: Excellent location and customer service đ Yulan listened carefully to why I came to him and planned the treatment accordingly and Simsalabim.. the pain eased and I got food instructions and other instructions for the future. It didn't feel like I was intentionally leaving something out so I could come back asap. And because the treatments worked, I returned and will return again to be treated by him, unlike the norm for treatment by doctors who only write prescriptions for painkillers and send them home. So in summary: I warmly recommend Yulan's professional service!!! đ€
Niina Hakkola: , you can't rush here.
kari pullinen: Very professional. I had been suffering from nerve pain in my shoulder for a couple of weeks. The pain was absolutely shocking. Couldn't do anything. The health center and physical therapy were of no help. After just one treatment, the shoulder and shoulder are much better. There is still pain and the occasional ache, but you can live with it. I'll go again tomorrow
Eetu Voutilainen: Really good experience and really nice staff. I can recommend it to everyone if you are a little stuck.
Anja Johansson: I have been going to Yulan Niu for decades for my sinus infections. He has always healed me. Warm recommendations!
Maija Amperla: I have very good experiences with this place.