Liike sisään Säätiö:
1. Esteettinen klinikka Medical Clinic Lux
· 110 arvostelut
Messeniuksenkatu 7, 00250 Helsinki, Suomi
Mikko Rautiainen: Professional service every time. The first time I didn't even know what I wanted and Susanna recommended a suitable treatment. I was skeptical, but the result was more than I dared to expect. After that, I haven't been anywhere else. Susanna and Heidi-Maria - you are really great!
Tuula Ahvenainen: Lovely Susanna Hanhineva. The visit here was worth every star. Sunny professional.
Maisu Kader: Professional and expert service. Thank you Susanna & Irina. I recommend!
emma kovero: I warmly recommend3
Miia Ylä-Käpölä: Warm recommendation for this place and full five stars 🧡💛. Wonderful and professional staff who work with all their heart❤❤. See you again🤗
Avu Med: Susanna's professionalism is 💯
Aysu: My sister and I have visited them many times, and I can say that each of them are really professionals. Really cool and beautiful finish. Customer service is 10/10. Thank you Susanna and the entire medical Clinic lux team.
Ulla Kautonen: Competent, friendly service with a good aesthetic vision. I recommend!
Susanna Salonen: 很棒的友善的服務
Tarja Pyysing: 熱情而熟練。場地非常乾淨,治療過程非常專業且仔細。
juliette al-khazaali: 一個很棒的地方,工作人員非常熱情和友善,護士知識淵博,技術精湛,我接受了不同的填充治療,這是一次非常愉快的經歷。
nadja lindberg: 謝謝,接受治療真是太好了,我對治療非常滿意,工作人員很好
Bleona Aliu: 可愛的地方!謝謝蘇珊娜!專業服務。
Serita Nyman: 友好而專業的服務。我強烈推薦
Tarja Nyman: 當我來進行下巴整形和淚管填充時,我受到了良好而熱情的接待,並對結果 100% 滿意
Kaisa Huotari: 絕對精彩的接待,一抵達就感受到賓至如歸的感覺。專業的工作樣本。我對結果非常滿意。我建議。
Mirva Salonen: 我走進去,得到了我想要的東西。現在我們正在等待結果!客戶服務真的很好。
2. Cityklinikka

· 78 arvostelut
Aleksanterinkatu 21, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Peppi Robinson: A week ago, I had hand liposuction. The procedure is quick and patient-friendly. Professional staff took care of me from start to finish and I found being in the operation to be a safe experience.Thank you to Cityklinikka for an easy, fast and good experience!
Viviane Oliveira: I am impressed with Dr. Nikita's skills! Full admiration! Very professional, talented and I was really surprised by the results of the hyaluronic acid applications that give the face harmony and youthfulness. I recommend this Dr. with my eyes closed. He is really excellent!
Tuija Westlin: 2 months ago I had a facelift with Riikka Veltheim. The operation went well, although I was very nervous about it. The removal of stitches and the subsequent recovery have gone well. Self-care also plays an important role here. I recommend Riikka if you are looking for a good plastic surgeon.
Päivi Päätalo: 2x shopped. Everything went as agreed. Painless, no problems afterwards. Friendly staff.
Sini Bono: This doesn't need any explanation, just 5/5 👌🏻
Mabs official: I had an outstanding experience at Citi Clinic. The staff was incredibly friendly and attentive from the moment I walked in. The clinic’s atmosphere was clean, welcoming, and well-organized. The medical professionals were knowledgeable, and they took the time to address all of my concerns, ensuring I felt comfortable throughout my visit.Moreover, the clinic’s efficiency was impressive. I didn’t have to wait long, and they managed appointments effectively, respecting my time. Their commitment to patient care truly stood out. I left Citi Clinic with the assurance that my health was in capable hands. I highly recommend Citi Clinic for anyone seeking top-notch medical care in a friendly and efficient environment.”
Svetlana Smorodina: Kasvojen verisuonten poistamiseksi suoritettiin laseroperaatio. Olen tyytyväinen tulokseen.
Laura Suomela: Asiantuntevaa palvelua! Heti aikaa tilatessa tunsin itseni tervetulleeksi. Paikanpäällä erittäin ystävälliset, asiantuntevat sairaanhoitajat ja hoitajat. Hoidon jälki myös priimaa. Suosittelen lämpimästi!
Suvi Tikkanen: Miellyttävä asiakaspalvelu! Nikitalle erityiskiitos: Rauhallinen, osaava ja kokenut moniosaaja, jonka kädenjälki on taitavaa & huolellista! Suosittelen ehdottomasti❤
heidi keränen: Kiitos Jarkolle osaavasta skin booster hoidosta ei sattunut lähes ollenkaan
Mia N: . Otin tänään tatuoinnin poisto laserilla ja hoito meni hyvin ja asiallinen hoitaja, suosittelen. Tokki se hoidon tulokset ei vielä näy ensimmäisella kerralla mutta kyllä varmasti varaan uuden ajan sieltä:
Riitta Savolainen: Erinomainen, ystävällinen palvelu. Kiitokset erityisesti Jarkolle!
3. Helsingin temppeli Suomessa - Suur-Leppävaara
· 108 arvostelut
Leppäsillantie 3, 02620 Espoo, Suomi
martin enrique peña vera: Excellent place to go as a family to the house of the Lord
Jouko A. Vuori: A good place to quiet down - but only for church members.
Seppo Ihalainen: A beautiful temple.
Lennart Goetsch: Very special temple.
Luke Johnson: What a beautiful work of creation. Learn more about what goes on inside at
Тимофей Никифоров: A really good place
Nikolajs Sostaks: THE LORD'S HOUSE!
Siegfried Naumann: Absolutely amazing place! We visited from the United States and stayed at the patron housing. We love the temple and will come every time we are in the Helsiki area.
Aivars Bite: Perfect place
Alex: I don't know how it is, but they look good. Glory to Ukraine, Glory to the Armed Forces!
Darla Helske: This is a wonderful place. Everyone here is kind and helpful. When I am here I can feel God’s presence.
4. Lääkärikeskus Aava Helsinki Kamppi
· 104 arvostelut
Annankatu 32, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Perttu Kaasinen: Good service based on such an old experience, I recommend it😊
chaffin martin: I am so satisfied with the service when I walked-in in this clinic especially with the doctor who checked me, Jarmo Touminen. I am so greatful for his profesionalism. Greatly recommended.
Johanna Le: I received such good service from a young female doctor on 11.3 and she clearly did her work with heart.
Ninja: Been there many, many times and always very well examined and cared for! Fortunately, there is Aava, so you don't have to use city services.
Pirjo Saarinen: Sain samalle päivälle lääkärille ajan. Käynti kokeet kaikki meni hyvin. Miellyttävä lääkäri ja laboratorion nainen. Tänään chatin kautta reseptin uusiminen sekin hoitui hienosti. Loistavaa palvelua !
Tiina Muilu: Ostopalveluna tähystyksessä. Lääkäri Juha Kuisma ja sairaanhoitaja Sirpa olivat erittäin ammattitaitoisia. He kertoivat koko ajan toimenpiteen kulusta, mitä seuraavaksi tapahtuu ja mitä ruudulla näkyy. Jännitykseni katosi yllättävän nopeasti. Kiitokset hyvästä palvelusta!
Tuula: Maksuton kahviautomaatti oli todella mukava yllätys. Kiitos!