Liike sisÀÀn Autoliike:
1. Rinta-Joupin Autoliike - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 17 arvostelut
Toinen linja 27, 00530 Helsinki, Suomi
Jaakko Aho: HyvÀ ja nopea palvelu, hyvÀ kauppa
Petteri Forsman: Palvelu oli oikein ystÀvÀllistÀ, tarvittavat hommat hoitui joustavasti ja nopeasti. Suosittelen.
Praveen Thenahandi: Mukava palvelu. HyviÀ tarjouksia
Martin Y. MĂ€kinen: Easy gig
Rokki_rage: Good friendly service, happy with the trade-in.
Veli-Matti Uppa: Everything went well with Eetu.
Jarno Patala: Nice Toyota, nice seller, price ok.
2. Helsingin Special-Auto Oy - Tikkurilan suuralue

· 27 arvostelut
Akseli 1, 00750 Helsinki, Suomi
Harri Heinonen: Autotalo JÀrvessÀ hyvÀ palvelu.
Ilari Marjakoski: Hyvin sujuneet autokaupat
Reijo Ruusuvirta: Autoja joka lÀhtöön .
Arto Rosti: HyvÀ autonpesupaikka.
Kari Lehto: đ
Aki Toivonen: Nosto-ovien työstöÀ. PĂ€ittĂ€in vaihtoa, jousien kiristystĂ€, ikkunoiden lisÀÀmistĂ€, perus huolto ja kiitos. đȘđ
Nadia Mix ÙۧۯÙŰ© Ù
ÙÙŰł: Good experience. I highly recommend.
Kari Huusko: Good service.
Marten Gillberg: Good service, thank you.
Jonne Monto: Smooth car trade. I recommend it
Timo T: Smooth car deals with a nice salesman.
Hannu HÀmÀlÀinen: Practical customer service - I recommend it
· 665 arvostelut
Ristipellontie 5, 00390 Helsinki, Suomi
Ivo Ojanurm: Everything is ok, but the downside is that you can't buy anything in cashđ
Abdulrahman Zidan: You have to go there if you already get a previously reserved appointment
Juha Sevanto: Always good service both on the phone and on site. Experiences in Skoda and Nissan maintenance, as well as car sales.
Maisaa Jmal: Very good
4. J. Rinta-Jouppi Helsinki Ala-Tikkurila | Autokauppa, jossa on jiitÀ - Tikkurilan suuralue
· 584 arvostelut
Aamuruskontie 6, 00750 Helsinki, Suomi
Mauri: This is an interesting place. Nice staff, but I'm not sure about the professionalism. Had the summer hesseus been working like this during the summer. The place is also a bit confusing and vague, which makes it difficult to find what you are looking for. Better guide signs would be in order.
Eero MĂ€kinen: The service is always friendly and knowledgeable. The staff has been familiar for decades.Things are handled quickly and often even beyond expectations.
Kaitsu: YstÀvÀllinen palvelu, mukava asioida.
LiittyvĂt kysymykset Autoliike:
· 320 arvostelut
Mekaanikonkatu 8, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
Kari Lehto: Good service
Birgitta Vesa-Lehtinen: Good salesman
Pekka Saarinen: Professional service
6. Töölön Auto - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 1 arvostelut
Perhonkatu 6, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
· 441 arvostelut
Ruosilantie 5, 00390 Helsinki, Suomi
8. AtenAuto oy - Rastila
· 3 arvostelut
Kaivonkatsojantie 1, 00980 Helsinki, Suomi
· 353 arvostelut
Mekaanikonkatu 12, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
Reijo Sundell: The warranty repair worked exactly as agreed. Good friendly and service thank you.
Esko Rautiola: Competent and professional service
Jori Jokinen: Friendly service
Niko Pajatsalo: Quality maintenance and friendly service!
10. Autokuume - Herttoniemen teollisuusalue
Sahaajankatu 7, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
11. JDM Outlet - MyyrmÀen suuralue
· 93 arvostelut
Petikontie 12, 01720 Vantaa, Suomi
Jani Suomalainen: Full service car sales, great customer service, delivered as promised. Three successful car sales behind and no complaints about the shop! I recommend!
Jori Hellinen: It worked perfectly from start to finish. Customer service in a really good way and trading was a very pleasant experience. So a great atmosphere all around and good music is still playing in the shop! đ
Niko Salmela: matter-of-fact service, relaxed atmosphere. excellent salespeople. đ great cars that you really don't see every day. If you're looking for something more special, a really strong recommendation here...
Marko NiinimÀki: Car sales went really well. Excellent compensation was paid for the old car and the new one that replaced it was in exactly the condition promised.
Johannes Kakko: Quite the perfect move! The transaction went smoothly and even after the deals, we were able to arrange a car inspection and maintenance for their bill. I highly recommend the shop if you are interested in Japanese cars!
rasm us: Huva auto
Dmitrii Miettinen: đđ
Kalle Toikka: Mahtava palvelu, mukavat työntekijÀt, siistit autot, asiallinen automyynti.
Juha JÀÀskelÀinen: KÀy tsekkaamassa, suoraan Japanista erikois autoja. HyvÀ hinta/laatusuhde
Jussi Kauhanen: Aina hyvÀ palvelu ja ystÀvÀllinen henkilökunta
Karl Berg: Fallout-juhla oli hauska
Arttu: Aivan mahtava mesta! Paljon kiinnostavia autoja mistĂ€ mikÀÀn ei vielĂ€ omaan kĂ€teen jÀÀnyt. Kannattaa kĂ€ydĂ€ jos JDM kulkupelit vĂ€hĂ€nkin kiinnostaa ja vaikkei kiinnostaisi niihin niihin kannattaa tutustuađ