Liike sisään Ravintola:
1. Ravintola Grön - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 343 arvostelut
Albertinkatu 36, 00180 Helsinki, Suomi
Petteri Koskela: Food and service absolutely top.The best food and service in Helsinki at the moment and the second star will come in the next installment.
Mike B: and tip. AUD$657. Felt like good value to us and we would certainly visit again.
Gaelen Gates: A truly exceptional dining experience. We came here for my 50th birthday while on vacation from San Francisco and had the vegan tasting menu with non-alcoholic beverage pairing. Every dish and drink was an adventure, delicious and beautifully-plated, and the service was flawless. They even put a candle in a special little birthday tart for me. Highly recommended!
Semir Krpo: Ravintola Grön Helsingissä tarjoaa poikkeuksellisen ruokailuelämyksen minimalistisella lähestymistavalla, jossa käytetään vain tarpeellisimpia, uskomattoman tuoreita raaka-aineita. Ateria oli Suomen parasta, mitä korosti tuoreiden yrttien uskomattomat maut. Palvelu on moitteetonta, ja intiimi, mukava tila lisää yleistä nautintoa. Suositellaan kaikille, jotka etsivät huippuluokan ruokailukokemusta.
Anniina Valtonen: Seurueemme lähti illalliselle suurin odotuksin. Tunnelma ja palvelu olivat erinomaisia. Lautaset kerättiin pois välittömästi ja seuraavat annokset tulivatkin nopealla tahdilla. Tämän seurauksena syödessä tuli pieni kiireen tuntu. Ruoka oli herkullista - liha- ja kasvisvaihtoehdot olivat onnistuneita. Annokset eivät kuitenkaan olleet erityisen mieleenpainuvia. Kokemisen arvoinen paikka!Kasvisvaihtoehdot: Kasvisvaihtoehto saatavillaErityisruokavaliot: Erityisruokavaliot otettiin huomioon sujuvasti
Alexander Rehn: Varmasti kokemus. Fantastinen, täydellisesti valmistettu ja luova ruoka erittäin ammattitaitoisella palvelulla. Kauniisti koreografoitu live-spektaakkeli. Suosittelemme ehdottomasti alkoholittomien juomien seuraksi.Kasvisvaihtoehdot: Kasvisruokalista
Eleonora Tsui: Tämä ravintola teki Helsinki-matkastani todella unohtumattoman. Koska olen syönyt Michelin-ravintoloissa aiemmin, tämä oli ainoa, jossa rakastin jokaista ruokaa. Ruokalista oli huolellisesti valmistettu, ja jokainen ruokalaji oli täydellisesti toteutettu. Maut olivat yksinkertaisesti poikkeuksellisia; Muistan edelleen sen maun, joka viipyi kitalaessani. Ruoka ei ollut vain moitteeton, vaan esitys oli myös henkeäsalpaava - vilkaise vain valokuvia. Lämmin ja vieraanvarainen palvelu yhdistettynä kodikkaan mutta eloisaan tunnelmaan teki kokemuksesta vieläkin ilahduttavan. Epäilemättä tämä ravintola tulee olemaan suosikki joka kerta, kun löydän itseni Helsingistä. Odotan innolla paluukäyntiäni.

· 679 arvostelut
Ludviginkatu 3-5, 00130 Helsinki, Suomi
Johanna Ursin: The 5-course menu was amazing, from the breads and toppings offered to start, to the dessert. The service was uncomplicated and appropriately prompt, and the music of the comfortable, appropriately modern place was just the right volume. If you want to eat a little better in a restaurant whose owners have enough ambition, we recommend Ragu.
Sergey Kasyanov: Nice atmosphere and tasty dishes. Took 5 course surprise menu and was satisfied. Portions not very big but five courses were enough for me to be full at the end. Be prepared to spend couple hours there. I enjoyed new experience of visiting high cuisine restaurantVegetarian options: AvailableDietary restrictions: If choosing surprise menu, you will be asked about your preferences and food allergies
3. Kokkikoulu Espa - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 66 arvostelut
Pohjoisesplanadi 21, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Katja A: Excellent, knowledgeable and friendly service. A really nice experience for the work team. The place is currently elsewhere than Espalla. Functional spaces.
Katri Niemi: was a bit too big for the amount of work involved
heli laaksonen: We celebrated our 50th anniversary with good food and cocktails. We had an absolutely amazing day! I warmly recommend - relaxing together and learning something new - and most importantly: good food and drink!
Saki Aro: A very nice experience and the whole thing was educational, fun and at the same time high quality. I will definitely come back to learn again and I highly recommend it!
Hanna Pauliina: The food was good 😊
Pasi Vesala: Online cooking with Teams was great again! About 20 participants at different addresses, the technology worked and chef Kristian Vuojärvi is a top professional, also as a performer.Positive Professionalism …
Mervi Äikäs: We had a 4-course cooking evening by the company's staff. The teacher created a relaxed atmosphere and was very professional. A great way to spend time together with colleagues, family or friends. And a super good treat dinner at the end. I highly recommend!Positive Communication, Quality, Professionalism, Value …
Matti Hurttia: Onhan se nyt vaan niin huikea paikka.
Maija Asiakas: erittäin onnistuneesti. Ilta oli niin mahtava, että vieläkin
Antti Monto: Henkilökunta erinomaisesti tehtäviin sopivia, valmistettu ateria maittava sekä monipuolinen ja kokkaus ohjelmana parasta mitä voi työporukan kanssa tehdä
· 787 arvostelut
Mannerheimintie 56, 00260 Helsinki, Suomi
Kristina Calmet: Mega. Starting with a starter, which was converted into the main course without any problems upon request, to the waiter, who explained so much to us about the food on the menu and Finnish cuisine, to the waitress, who ran off to see what was there Music played in the background and explained a lot to us about the Aino namesakes, simply beautiful. Everything was right, the food, the ambience, the people who worked there and created works of art. It touched us very much and we will remember it with gratitude. In the photo, sea buckthorn ice cream with licorice - chocolate cake.
Tuula Riihelä: Great place to eat! The service is friendly and smooth. The food is menu Aino, chanterelle soup, sea bream and dessert. Every dish surprised beyond expectations, they were really good and the flavors were just right.
Linus Wileryd: Fantastinen ruoka, ystävällinen ja asiantunteva henkilökunta.
LiittyvÄt kysymykset Ravintola:
· 278 arvostelut
Uudenmaankatu 9-11, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi
Constanze: Menimme spontaanisti edellisenä iltanaVarattu ja onneksi sai pöydän.Ruoka oli erittäin maukasta ja hyvin valmistettua. Palvelu oli osaavaa ja ystävällistä.Erittäin suositeltava pysäkki Helsingissä!
Yadezi LaMancusa: Suomen sydämessä sijaitseva DEMO on kulinaarinen helmi, joka todella täyttää arvostetun Michelin-tähtensä. Siitä hetkestä lähtien, kun astut sisään, olet täynnä eleganssia ja läheisyyttä, ja vain muutama pöytä takaa yksilöllisen ruokailukokemuksen.Huomaavainen tarjoilija pyrkii saamaan sinut tuntemaan olosi erityiseksi. Hän käyttää aikaa selittääkseen jokaisen ruuan ja yhdistäen sen asiantuntevasti juomien kanssa parantaakseen nautintoa. Jopa niille, jotka ovat vähemmän perehtyneet fine dining -ruokailun monimutkaisuuteen, palvelimien harkitut selitykset tekevät kokemuksesta saavutettavan ja nautinnollisen.Mutta se on ruoka, joka todella varastaa show'n DEMOssa. Jokainen ruokalaji on maun ja tekniikan mestariteos, joka esittelee Suomen parasta. Paikallisista raaka-aineista innovatiivisiin esityksiin jokainen suupala on ilmestys. Henkilökohtainen suosikkini oli lisätyt leipäpalat, tiedän, että se näyttää yksinkertaiselta, mutta se oli todella poissa tästä maailmasta.Itse julistautuneena ruokailijana olen saanut melkoisen osan kulinaarisista kokemuksista, mutta DEMO ylitti kaikki odotukset. Ja jopa miehelleni, joka ei ehkä jaa intohimoani ruokaan, tarjoilijoiden opastus teki ateriasta mieleenpainuvan ja nautinnollisen kokemuksen myös hänelle.Jos löydät itsesi Suomesta, suosittelen vilpittömästi käymään DEMOssa. Michelin-tähdellä palkitun keittiön, moitteettoman palvelun ja intiimin tunnelman ansiosta se on kokemus, jota et pian unohda.
· 208 arvostelut
Eteläranta 10, 00130 Helsinki, Suomi
Mia Kan: Another excellent dinner. This place is just rising higher and higher, in terms of food and service. I have been regular since doors opened. And no doubt one of thr best two star michelin restaurant in the world. In our recent visit few plateswere out of this world. The green peas in mushroom dashi and caviar. We ordered it twice. And white fish. Excellent wine selection is also very attractive and there are certainly a bottle for every wallet. I wish the work continues to chase for the 3rd star.
Robert Scarborough: Ravintola Palace HelsinkiThis is not a restaurant to order food. It’s a culinary journey into the wonderful world of amazing food that dances around in your mouth to highest point.The starters.The depths of flavour in just small morsels is sensational. That last just heaven.Danish king fish yellow tail. So soft even sweet Devine the sea balance is sensational. Oh my gosh. The liquid was so good so sweet so sour so delicate so bloody good. Best fish ever. Best Dashi style ever.Lobster Velvet like smooth tasty delight the addition of avocado is brilliance.Scallops like thick delicious steak except it wasn’t it is sensational light succulent scallops heavy on flavour which is why there paired with the mushroom. And paired with 20 years old sherry. What am I doing. Sherry with scallops hmmm it works. Cuts through creaminess is perfect with the scallopsVendace Roe. Wow explain that. The best kept secrets of Finland. It’s not salty like caviar it’s more rounded succulent popping candy of the sea. Love it.White fish wow just wow translucent wonderfulness This one of those dishes that you just can’t explain with words. It’s that delicious.Pidgeon with truffle shavings. SoftAmazing Soft sweet so extremely well cooked balanced meat. I suspect it took time to get the right balance. It is a triumph of culinary experience. A true finally to the mains.What followed was sensational deserts small bits of again amazing food.To the wonderful chefs who accompanied each dish with thorough descriptions. I thank you for your stunning efforts to explain things in my language not your mother tongue. You made it so enjoyable.To the sensational waiters sommeliers who were also so attentive and fun to converse with. It added to the whole experience wonderful.To the head chef who led this amazing team and designed the entire journey. I thank you for such an amazing experience.I’ll be back. Robert.
· 751 arvostelut
Museokatu 17, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Taina Cederström: Always a place worthy of stars! Afternoon sun on the terrace in summer.Parking: It's worth coming by public transport.
Ventsislav Antov: I targeted a place with a high rating and traditional food, so my expectations were high and I was still very pleasantly surprised. We had the sirloin, tartar and sole fish and the panna cotta. Everything was really good especially the dessert. The waiters were very professional and the service was of high quality. I would really recommend this to anyone considering trying traditional food at a reasonable price.
Maria Heikurainen: A tasty three-course meal!!Friendly waiters.
· 287 arvostelut
Arkadiankatu 14, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Valentina Davì: A good little restaurant in Helsinki. We decided to go with the 3 courses menu and it absolutely was a smart choice. Everything was really nice and tasty, we really liked the pike as a starter and the reindeer was delicious. Desserts were lovely as well. Worth to mention the waiting team, all three of them were very nice and welcoming. Chapeau to the kitchen as well! Prices in line with what we found elsewhere in Helsinki, worth spending every penny.
Oliver Humphries: Pääasiallinen: Poro. Todella rakastaa. Jälleen kevyt mutta todella maukas. Rakastin majoneesia valkosipuliöljyn kanssa.Jälkiruoka: Valkosuklaahirvi. Ihana. Jälleen kevyt ja ilmava.Haittoja- Erittäin meluisa, kun ravintola on täynnä, joten illalliskeskustelu on melko vaikeaa- Ei ilmastointia, joten lämpimällä säällä on erittäin kuuma
9. Restaurant Inari - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 104 arvostelut
Albertinkatu 19 A, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi
Matti Paunonen: Inari closed doors and continued as a pop-up
vilpe74: I can honestly say that, the most interesting, exciting, intimate and yet relaxed dining experience ever.The totality of 15 species and drinks is definitely not comparable to anything I've experienced before.I took pictures of everything, but they wouldn't do justice to the incredible taste trip to Asia and Japan in particular.I can't wait for the new winds that you can start waiting for when this period ends at the end of July.Thank you again, wonderfully relaxed and really knowledgeable staff and we will definitely see you again.Greetings Will
Matty Rigg: Quite simply the most delicate, intricate, tasteful & flavor packed multi course meal I have ever had. Will recommend to anyone traveling Europe, let alone Helsinki, as long as the place is there. 10/10.
Eero Korhonen: Inari's fifteen course menu was one of those moments in life you will not forget. We took one with all ingredients and another with vegetarian only. It was an emotional journey where each of the portions took us back to long forgotten memories like "this smells like my uncles rowing boat when we went fishing together". We enjoyed the lunch with Inari's sake recommendations, which massively expanded our understanding about the rice wine itself. The amazing and professional staff gave us their full attention throughout the lunch - every detail and history of every portion and sake glass was explained thoroughly. It was the most enjoyable four hours. Truly exceptional.
Jorma Tikkanen: to the drink pairings to the ambiance was just mind blowing. Hands down one of the best food experiences I’ve ever had and most def the best in Finland!
Erkki Ots: Superb explosion of tastes, Superb service. Definitely add wine and sake tasting pack. Also vegan option available.
Spurgu Nisti: Incredible craftmanship and innovation. Also incredibly expensive. 300€ for a full-fledged dining experience, recommended alcoholic beverages included. If 300€ means nothing for your wallet this is an easy 5-star place. If you want to maximize your bang for buck I could imagine there are better places. Felt like a 150-200€ experience.
Paavo Viilup: experience.
Jami Naukkarinen: The best place I've ever eaten. I would give seven stars if I could.
Simo J.: The 15-course menu had several inventive dishes that I hadn't even dreamed of before. A drink menu with a focus on sake completed the whole thing.
· 468 arvostelut
Pohjoisesplanadi 15, 00170 Helsinki, Suomi
mona: A fancy restaurant with a menu full of fish, only a few vegetarian options. My family members enjoyed the fried vendance dish. The mushroom pizza was good tho.Vegetarian options: There were only a few vegetarian options available, mainly fish dishes, which was a pity.Dietary restrictions: They take your dietary restrictions well into consideration, but just to be sure, let the staff know of your dietary requirements.
· 1064 arvostelut
Kapteeninkatu 11, 00140 Helsinki, Suomi
Ugur cevizbaş: Nice place, go if you happen to be 👍Parking: There is no problem in the evenings