Liike sisÀÀn Aasialainen elintarvikemyymÀlÀ:
· 581 arvostelut
SörnÀisten rantatie 7, 00530 Helsinki, Suomi
Mika Lahdelma: A comprehensive selection of products
Smiley Face: helsinki
Salt Maria: MielestÀni tÀmÀ on Aasian markkinat, joilla on monipuolisimmat tuotteet HelsingissÀ
Mats Jumppanen: Upea valikoima, paljon ihania herkkuja ja ihana pakaste osasto.Ainoa harmi minulle on ettei ole riisi kakkuja, mutta aina mieli paranee kun ottaa vÀhÀn hyytelöÀ kassiin.
2. JK Shop · Japanese & Korean Shop - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 72 arvostelut
SörnÀisten rantatie 3, 00530 Helsinki, Suomi
LL: Favorite store, by the way, a really good selection of everything nice from these countries! And for chili heads like yourself, you can find everything nice in Korean colors
Harri Heinonen: HyvÀ ja kohtuu hintainen.
Peik VihemÀki: HyvÀ aasialainen supermarket
CHYCO Gamers: Aasialainen taivas ruoan ystÀville
tlg altan: Yleisesti hyvÀ. Mutta olen ostanut vanhentuneita ruokia.
3. Kiinalainen Kauppa, EZ-Fresh Food - TorkkelinmÀki
· 45 arvostelut
HĂ€meentie 52, 00500 Helsinki, Suomi
Miriam: Very special little Japanese shop.
Coleman Rose: Owner is friendly and prices are cheap! Good selection as well!
Sami: Nice small shop with asian products
Jenni: A nice little shop where I go to buy noodles and beer. Friendly service, you can watch at your leisure.
Anna E: Tiny, but the selection is decent. Love that you can get small snacks/candies for 20 cents. Tahoe tofu is often spoiled though but it's an issue with all asian markets in the area and at least it's cheaper than in other ones. Still give 5 stars for the friendly service, and the opening hours are just the best.
Iisak Helin: I love chinese beer
Lilja: Kaikki perustarpeet kiinalaiseen ruoanlaittoon, ja usein hyvÀ myös myöhÀisillan vÀlipaloihin
Yusuf ĂnlĂŒ: Pieni kauppa, jossa on erilaisia ââKaukoidĂ€n tuotteita. Hinnat ovat edullisia.
Johannes Elonheimo: NĂ€ppĂ€rĂ€ pieni Aasia-kauppa.Ei aina, mutta usein 0,33litr Singha/Leo/Tsing Tao lasipullossa hintaan 1,5âŹ. Oma lemppari. MyyjĂ€ antaa rauhassa hĂ€mmĂ€stellĂ€, mutta auttaa mielellÀÀn kysyttĂ€essĂ€.
eemeli: HyviÀ nuudeleita.
Elias vK: Upea kauppa hyvÀ valikoima juomia
· 476 arvostelut
Kolmas linja 3, 00530 Helsinki, Suomi
Mira ViinamÀki: Cheapest tofu in the city!!!!! A great selection overall too.
Nonna Nani: Excellent customer service, selection and location đ I highly recommend đ€
w alex: All items! Affordable! Very nice!
First Sutham: Best âThaiâ grocery store, they have everything you need here, there is the brand I love the most in Thailand when it comes to a sauce. âàčàžĄàčàžàžŁàž°àžàžàžĄâ, âàžàž±àžàžàčàžČàžą or Pantaiâ. This is only place I found it with almost every possible sauce!The vegetables here too, both Chinese and Thai vegetables you can find here with so reasonable price. Recommend for all people! The staffs here are so friendly and she can help you find literally everything.
Jani Vesslin: The selection is absolutely amazing. Through the eyes of a countryman.
LiittyvĂt kysymykset Aasialainen elintarvikemyymĂ€lĂ€:
5. Shangde Aasialainen ruokakauppa - JakomÀki
· 231 arvostelut
JakomÀenkuja 1, 00770 Helsinki, Suomi
Tiina Ikonen: Always good and friendly service.
Irene JÀrvelÀ: A wide selection of Asian foods
Juuso Varpenius: Nice helpful staff, good selection of products.
Sari Merinen: A good and affordable selection
Curious Soul: Good selection for the size. Good location next to other grocery stores. Fast and easy to do business with.
Ha Nguyen: to your offerings! My friend just paid a visit but no luck with that ^_^ Thanks in advance!
Mike TheAssistant: The store offers very competitive prices and a great variety of items. Despite its size, they seem to have everything you might need.
Farhan Pavel: HyvÀÀ ruokaa halvemmalla!
Mia Sigvart: Ei haitannut vaikka kauppa on pieni ja vÀhÀn ahdas, koska palvelu oli todella hyvÀÀ. Kaikki tuotteet sain kun myyjÀ ystÀvÀllisesti auttoi minua. Ja hintataso oli todella hyvÀ.
timo ylioja: HyvÀ palvelu, laajasti mausteita ja elintarvikkeita, suosittelen kokeilemaan.
Tom Holmström: Suosittelen kÀyttÀmÀÀn pieniÀ kauppoja jossa hinta ja laatu kohtaavat.
Hoang Vo: Aitoja aasialaisia ââainesosia
6. Vii-Voan - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 1142 arvostelut
HĂ€meentie 3, 00530 Helsinki, Suomi
Nonna Nani: Erinomainen asiakaspalvelu ja sijaintiđ
Jussi Hakala: HyvĂ€ valikoima aasialaisia ââtuotteita, ainesosia ja muita tuotteita.
Hoang Vo: Parhaat vietnamilaiset markkinat
Ivi Aurora: This place has quite a few products that are needed to prepare Asian dishes
Ella: Such a great store, big variety of products with good prices! They even have ketjap manis! Friendly staff.
Esko Hirsila: grocery store. Fresh vegetables and frozen foods are available. Fish, shrimp, rice, spices, etc. Friendly and helpful staff.
Meena Paleekhan: Good products, good services with always happy, friendly and smile
Tom Holmström: After all, this shop is already a legend in Finland.
· 371 arvostelut
ItÀkatu 7, 00930 Helsinki, Suomi
JÄnis Aizpurietis: It's a good asian store but a bit expensive.
PĂ€ivi Karppinen: Versatile sushi shop
giovanni vallada: Good
8. Asian Food Market - Vanha-Espoo
· 306 arvostelut
KirstinmÀki 5, 02760 Espoo, Suomi
Ismo MÀÀttÀ: HyviÀ Aasialaisia tuotteita...
Petri Komulainen: Harvinaisia tuotteita valikoimassa. SiisteyttÀ voi parantaa.
Ande_e: It's worth visiting whenever there are good Asian fish, big shrimps, octopuses, etc. in freezers nearby. đŠđ€đŠ
Kami Nasri: The owner of the place is absolutely brilliant and very helpful if you have any questions
KSM2023: Best store ever nice customer serves and good foods and they are sooo cheap and delicus