Liike sisÀÀn Valmistaja:
1. Helsingin ErikoishöylÀys Oy - Real Wood - Tapanila
· 25 arvostelut
Malmin kauppatie 43, 00730 Helsinki, Suomi
Max Wikholm: Excellent customer service and lists can be found at every departure
Reino Söderholm: Professional knowledge and guidance of a good quality. Don't sell it doesn't fit even if you don't sell the other alrenative.++++
Rainer Roos: You can get almost any kind of slatted panel and floorboard made according to the model.đ
Heikki Reijonen: The yard is a bit difficult for the truck, but the demolition is smooth
Pasi Nyberg: A really great place is looking for a slightly different list and if it is not available, it will be made to order. Good quality wood from panel to baseboard.
Ville Nyyssönen: Good
Antti Mikkonen: Carpenters paradise. Customer service almost passive. đ
Lina Hermans: Good service and great products. Customised skirting boards according to old model. Fast delivery.
Nicola Nieminen: Excellent and competent service. Whenever a little more special wooden moldings are needed, I know where to go for both advice and supplies.
2. Helsingin Mattotyö ja myynti Oy

· 41 arvostelut
KyttÀlÀntie 6, 00390 Helsinki, Suomi
Jari MahlamÀki: The professionalism of the staff is really impressive. It is not limited only to the products sold, but also to work methods and techniques. Good advice and tips are quite rare these days.
Harri Kaunisto: Very experienced. So 30 years of surfaces. Work group. Pleasant offer and planning discussion.
Petri Rajaniemi: Certainly the best and most respected suppliers in their field and among professionals. If the tip is quality and know-how, and not always price, then it's worth a try. Home or work.
Jack Continent: That was a great place, the flying ones are must to have.
Sabina: æèŹäžäœćșèČçèłŁćź¶ïŒææŸć°äșæéèŠççąćăèæäșććșçžæŻïŒćčæ ŒäčæŽć„œăæć»șè°ïŒ
Timo Manninen: æććŸć„œïŒèłŁćź¶ćŸç©æ„”ïŒéæłšæçéæ±äžŠæŸć°äșè§Łæ±șćéĄçæčæłăæć»șè°
3. Kauppa Osakeyhtiö
· 7 arvostelut
Valuraudankuja 6, 00700 Helsinki, Suomi
4. Kipsi Helsinki Oy
· 1 arvostelut
Sorvaajankatu 9 Showroom: entrance B, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
5. WallArk
· 9 arvostelut
Lönnrotinkatu 39 b, 00180 Helsinki, Suomi
6. Duuri Oy
· 33 arvostelut
Tapulikaupungintie 35, 00750 Helsinki, Suomi
jussi rutanen: saatiin alumiini l-listaa n.20 kpl...đđ mukavaa porukkaađ€..kiitos
Jouni V: Listaa löytyy
Kimbyyri: Asiallinen ja nopea palvelu.
Ben H: HyvÀ palvelu ja luukut.
Jari Aalto: TÀÀltÀ löytyy listat mitÀ oot vailla
Ville Rontti: HyvÀ palvelu, puuttuvat osat löytyivÀt sujuvasti.
Osmo Uotila: HyvÀ palvelu ja kysymyksiin vastattiin asiallisesti ja vaihtoehtoja löytyi.
Eemeli Turunen: Todella hyvÀ palvelu !
Jari LeppÀnen: HyvÀ palvelu
7. Vinyylilattiakauppa
· 3 arvostelut
Kalevankatu 7, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
8. Helsinki-Vantaan lentoasema
· 15394 arvostelut
Lentoasemantie 1, 01530 Vantaa, Suomi
Ari Alm: One of my favorite places in the world and absolutely No:1 airport in the world!
Cesare BB: Everything clean. Everything efficient. All perfect. Everything expensive. Everyone sad.
Monica M.: Modern and comfortable.
Risto MĂ€kinen: The best in its class. Lots of restaurants, very clean, good services. Lots of shops.
Elisabetta Caracciolo: Splendid airport, modern and well organised. Very clean and equipped. The departures area boasts the latest generation control equipment, which is fast and professional and the people are kind and efficient. The shops open at 5 and the bars are mostly open from 4. The lounge opens at five. Excellent service from every point of view. Train station directly at the exit in the arrivals area of ââthe terminal and coaches and buses in front of the arrivals. Hotels within walking distance are also available.
Helena WohankovĂĄ: Nice and pleasant Airport.
leevi Tammivuori: nice airport, really big