Kaupat Ostaa Juhlamekkoja Helsinki Lähellä Sinua

VIP-Juhlapuvut Mecco Minna Lisa Niinatar Mekkomania Juhlapuku Fantasia Meslewi Morsius-ja iltapukuliikev.1991 By Katariina Seremonia Hääpukuliike Vieno Lumoan Halonen Outlet Espa Morsiusasujen erikoisliike Kaunis Morsian Amer Hasan Design DOPP Helsinki


1. VIP-Juhlapuvut - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 26 arvostelut

Arkadiankatu 21, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
VIP-Juhlapuvut: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Mariaana Lehtinen: I received absolutely wonderful service. I found just the right evening dress. I warmly recommend Vip-Juhlapuvut store

Siru Vainio: Mukava henkilökunta, asiakaspalvelu 👍

Hemu: Löysimme upean rippipuvun koruineen ilman ajanvarauksia!!! Loistopalvelu🙏🏻💎

Milja Mantela: Osaava ja asiantunteva palvelu. Löytyi kiva iltapuku ilman ajanvarausta. Valikoimassa löytyi vaihtoehtoja myös isompaa kokoa etsivälle.

Hannele Haapio: Erinomainen palvelu ja oli todellakin mistä valita.

Arto Koskinen: Klassikkopaikka, jossa asiantunteva palvelu. Vaimo tykkäs.

Marita Hildén: Erinomainen ja ammattitaitoinen palvelu!!

ada kyllikki ikonen: Loistava myymälä valtava valikoima ystävälliset myyjät

2. Mecco - Eteläinen suurpiiri



· 93 arvostelut

Mannerheimintie 40, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website
Mecco: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Ellen: Lovely customer service and a lovely dress

vilma vaattovaara: wonderful customer service!!

Meri-Tuuli Auer: I was very satisfied with the service I received. I was looking for a dress for a wedding in a hurry, and the store happened to have a nice one to buy right away. The seller was very helpful in the fitting, and when I made the purchase decision, measuring the length of the dress and buying it were handled quickly.

Kaisla Ettala: Lovely staff. Really friendly and helpful.

Anna Poikajärvi: Expert service that listens to the customer

Sara Korhonen: Nice and expert service. Clean and clear business in a good location. The selection is great

Mari Fallström: Good service. Shortening is included in the price. Crazy expensive. Even after the minus 50% discount, the price for Likkanen's ribbed dress was €250 🆘

Matilda Hirvonen: The customer service was excellent and left a positive feeling

Osku Ilvonen: Good customer service and helpful employees. Plenty of choice
· 215 arvostelut

Mannerheimintie 40, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Minna Lisa: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Lisa lein: Great place, but we wanted to try a dress on she took it from our hands, and gave us dresses we didnt even liked, we couldn’t even look for dresses alone😭But got an amazing dress for prom, material is poor, still looks good, happy i got it.owner is quite stressed.

Carita Siven: Good and flexible service. A wide selection of high-quality dresses.

Anni Kantola: Hain tänään mekon wanhoihin! Aivan upea!

Wilma Ranua: Rakastin todella mekkoa, jonka löysin täältä!

Tiina Troberg: Palvelu oli ystävällistä. Pukua etsittiin asiakkaan tarpeen ja hintaluokan mukaan.

unaja kouhia: Unelmien mekko löytyi❤️❤️

4. Mekkotaivas - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 1 arvostelut

Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 15, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website

5. Niinatar - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 134 arvostelut

Runeberginkatu 23, 00101 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Niinatar: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Atte Suutari: Very good service. Expert and friendly service. I got what I ordered and I got it without any hassle. In the future, I will get my suit from you.

Beata Leppilampi: Perfect service and the dress of your dreams.

Annu Marttila: A warm, knowledgeable and wonderful occasion in the lounge. The perfect dress was found.

Essi: Lovely costumes and professional staff. ❤️ I recommend!

Elli Rantala: Absolutely amazing service and wonderful products, the sellers have a really good eye and thought when talking about their own preferences❤️

kicki [email protected]: Customer service 6/5! I felt that I was listened to and my dreams were answered! I found the dress and veil of my dreams. It was a really pleasant experience all round and we had a lot of fun. From now on, I recommend Niinattare's movement to everyone! Thanks again for all the help and support ❤️❤️

Heidi Saarikoski: The service here was absolutely wonderful! My friend was listened to and the dress was found. There were many different styles of wedding dresses and there were also dresses in the right size to try on.

EV Suomi: Nice experience and I found the dress.

Tomi Saario: Puku hautajaisiin. Myyjäniinatar parsi kasaan setin kokonaisuudessaan vain 45 minuutissa.Kova!Morsianten paratiisi❤️

Terhi Reingoldt: Ihana palvelu ja upea mekko 3 Kiitos

Tiina Hotanen: Ihana palvelu ja kauniita pukuja. 😍❤️

Aino Kantonen: Olen ostanut oman hääpukuni täältä sekä ollut ystäväni kaasona mukana pukuostoksilla. Asiakaspalvelu on lämminhenkistä ja yksilöllistä. Valikoima suuri ja tilat upeat. Suosittelen 100% ! 💜

Laura Holmström: Loistava palvelu ja laadukkaat tuotteet! Iso suositus!

Adriana Gerxhalija: Pari vuotta sitten valitsin unelmieni hääpuvun Niinattaren upeasta valikoimasta aivan ihanan henkilökunnan voimin❤️ kohtelu oli sellaista, että tunsin olevani maailman ainoa morsian sillä hetkellä. Asiakaspalvelu oli aivan ensiluokkaista. Kiitos siitä ammattitaitoiselle henkilökunnalle❤️

Minttu Puskala: Mahtava palvelu ja valikoima! Palvelu omaa luokkaansa ja henkilöstö teki niin minun kuin sulhasen hääpukukokemuksesta parhaan mahdollisen! ❤️

jenny jarva: Aina saanut erinomaista ja asiantuntevaa palvelua. Laaja valikoima juhlapukuja ja myyjä suositteli juuri minun vartalolle sopivia malleja, joista löytyi suosikki. 5/5

6. Mekkomania - Torkkelinmäki

· 41 arvostelut

Fleminginkatu 12 b, 00530 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Mekkomania: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Jutta Kuitunen: Lovely place, great service, found great dresses.

Mari Saarenpää: Very expert service ❤️There is always something suitable for you.

Diiinka: So many beautiful things! The dress selection was my favourite. Friendly staff.

Elina V: A versatile selection. Good service, peace of mind to arrange and think about the purchase decision. Nice atmosphere and jewelry nicely displayed😍.

Minna Pyhalahti: A good value for money vintage and retro dresses. Also old jewelry.

Katri Vikström: A changing surprising selection

hiromi suzuki: This is a Vintage Clothes store in Helsinki.There are lots of cute dresses and accessories.There are a lot of cute dresses and accessories. A vintage clothing store.

7. Juhlapuku Fantasia - Läntinen suurpiiri

· 19 arvostelut

Mannerheimintie 156, 00270 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp

8. FABLO Mekkokauppa - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 5 arvostelut

Mannerheimintie 40, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp

9. Meslewi Morsius-ja iltapukuliikev.1991 - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 65 arvostelut

Mannerheimintie 44, 00260 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Meslewi Morsius-ja iltapukuliikev.1991: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

lotta: I found a wonderful old-fashioned dress right after the first fitting. Beautiful dresses in store.

Tuuli Eräkangas: Wonderful and expert service, we found a wonderful and unique wedding dress for a friend. The atmosphere was wonderful and peaceful, it feels like we were all taken into account. Thank you so much!

Jasmine Nygren: The service is always super friendly, even with a small child you are always welcome, the atmosphere is homely.

Anni ventela: Found the perfect dress for old people!😍 Wonderful place and customer service❤️

kerttu puhakka: I went to buy an old man's dance dress at Meslewi. I received really good and knowledgeable service. I was a little worried about how the dresses would fit with an F cup. But my worries were pointless, I was advised exactly the right kind of dresses. And the best thing is that you can customize the dresses to your liking!! I tried on a few dresses and was really surprised how all the dresses accentuated the wearer's body so well. I am really satisfied with the dress I bought. I warmly recommend Meslev to everyone who wants a perfect dress💜

Anni Holappa: Thank you about luxurious shopping experience!

Sonja Höhnle: I found an absolutely wonderful dress and a really wonderful seller! 😍

Ann-Mari Yliperttula: Erittäin asiantuntevaa ja lämminhenkistä palvelua. Säväyttävän iltapuvun löytäminen sujui ihanan vaivattomasti!

Evita Itkonen: Löysimme täydelliset iltapuvut ystäväni kanssa. Toiveemme huomioitiin täysin ja saimme erittäin ystävällistä palvelua.

Reetta Kyynäräinen: Ystävällinen ja kiireetön palvelu, sekä selvästi todella osaava myyjä! Sai jopa vakuutettua uuden värimaailman pariin.

Just Sora: Äitini osti hääpukunsa täältä, jota käytin itse Wanhojen-tansseissa ja nyt sain viimein kauniin punaisen ylioppilasmekon samasta paikasta. Aivan ihana myyjä❤️

Susanna Rantala: Meitä oli 8 hengen kaveriporukka ja löysimme jokaiselle aivan upean, omalle keholle ja pituudelle sopivan mekon. Joukossa oli myös kaksi raskaana olevaa, minä seitsemännellä ja ystäväni yhdeksännellä kuulla ja myös meille löytyi sopivat mekot, jotka näyttivät upealta pyöristyneen mahan kanssa. Kiitos ihanasta palvelusta.

Anna-Maria Heinonen: Asiantuntevaa, ystävällistä ja nopeaa palvelua, oli meille pelastus saada Meslewistä alushame viikon päästä oleviin häihin!

Valeria Lasso: Olen erittäin iloinen, että löysin etsimäni. Leenan ansiosta minulla on tänään unelmamekko, josta tulen nauttimaan täysillä. Kiitos palvelusta sinä olet paras. Ha nopein! 🤩 ❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋

Marika Manninen: Erinomainen palvelu ja upeita pukuja ✨️

sofia ringbom: Ihana atmosfääri ja erittäin lämmin vastaanotto 💞 Suosittelen!

Hanna Kujala: Aivan upea liike ja ihana palvelu! Mieletön valikoima myös mekkoja, ei voi kuin suositella ❤️

10. By Katariina - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 8 arvostelut

Merimiehenkatu 35, 00150 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp

11. Seremonia - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 81 arvostelut

Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 7, 00130 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Seremonia: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Jan Falck: Excellent service for men. Came with the best man, they measured and gave instruction with a very professional handle on things

mika marttila: A good place to rent a party dress,❤️

Laura: I found my lovely wedding dress and the day left a wonderful feeling! The employee had good advice and the service was unhurried. Thank you Seremonia and the wonderful employee of the Saturday arrangement ♡

amy ulander: A wonderful move, the dress of your dreams was found!

Emmi: , and even offered to take pictures of the suit with my phone. He listened to my wishes and gave advice. Definitely a better selection also of small 32/34 sizes than in the "more famous" store. The room could have a screen etc. so that there would be more privacy when admiring the costumes.

oscar michelsson: Absolutely great service 👍

Scandic Sales Finland: Knowledgable and friendly❣️

Caroline Nyambura: Great service, enjoyed the experience but the dresses seem abit outdated

Annekreet Heinloo: Professional, helpful and great service. I am a wedding planner from the North of Finland and don't have much experience with the bridal shops in Helsinki. Our case required some extra attention from the shop as the bride was not able to attend the purchasing process. Despite the challenges caused by that, they were very accommodating and helpful. We ended up with a wonderful dress and the client was extremely happy.I have to also mention that after contacting all the other bridal boutiques in the capital, I was shocked about the poor service level and lack of willingness to take an extra mile. Seremonia was the only one engaging to listen our "issue" and for that reason I have no doubt to give my strongest recommendations for all the future brides.Thank you Seremonia and Minna for your help!

Johann du Toit: Amazing service, 100% recommend to anyone needing a tailored suit

antti teerisuo: Excellent service

Timo Lampikoski: Thanks for the great customer service, we got excellent guidance on how to get dressed. The coat fit perfectly and was of high quality.

12. Hääpukuliike Vieno - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 27 arvostelut

Runeberginkatu 58, 00260 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Hääpukuliike Vieno: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Riina Tähti: I already wanted to bother with wedding dresses until I came to Vienna. Next summer's wedding dress went here with a very competent and pleasant service. Thank you.

Laura Wirola: Wonderful unhurried and professional service. The store is also lovely and the fitting room just for us.

emilia holopainen: I received a really good service in Vienna today! The seller listened to wishes and helped to choose many beautiful dresses to match. The seller helped put on the dress from the beginning and encouraged body-positive thinking, the compliments were also pouring in! I found a really beautiful wedding dress and I highly recommend the place

Paula Tikkanen: A very beautiful and clear movement. The seller was professional and the only shop where the seller helped put on the suit from start to finish. I didn't find the dress here myself, but I can recommend it to everyone!

Emilia Ranta: Great selection and customer service!

Kiia Liina Hakamäki: Lovely service

Aura: Beautiful and neat movement. The selection is limited, but beautiful and functional. The service was wonderful, suits were brought to be fitted and good alternatives were suggested! Different from other stores in Helsinki to an advantage.

Eeva Soras: We went to Kauinissamorsiamme in the summer. The treatment was unpleasant and demeaning. Ninattare was nice and professional. The fitting sizes were all small. In Vieno, all the wedding dresses slipped on effortlessly. There were many wonderful options and we bought a wonderful wedding dress. The service was prompt and to the point.

Branchman: 5/5

13. Lumoan - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 13 arvostelut

Katariinankatu 1, 00170 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp

14. Halonen Outlet Espa - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 115 arvostelut

Pohjoisesplanadi 37, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Halonen Outlet Espa: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

navagantuk sharma: Betterr price and lots of choices!

Tuija Jokinen: Great quality products, low prices. My new favourite shopping place for tableware, kitchen utensils and Vallila fabric etc.

Mervi Wennerstrand: I have made good shoe shopping there!

Tapani Lapiolahti: Good price/quality ratio. And now it's worth going shopping if you need to get accessories, when there is a great sale, as long as there are enough accessories.

Gameplay jonne: There are now big discounts in the sale

Pınar Pir Söderlund: nice place but it will be closed soon

Markku Rask: Clothes go cheap

15. Morsiusasujen erikoisliike Kaunis Morsian - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 55 arvostelut

Kalevankatu 11, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Morsiusasujen erikoisliike Kaunis Morsian: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Lisa Lin: I got my dress here few months ago. I did get to try what I wanted to try, the staff also recommended some dresses to me and I tried them as well. Some of them suited me too. After I decided to take one dress, the seamstress helped to modify the dress twice. After all I was satisfied with the dress I got for myself from here.

Milla Tähkä: and the inspiration photos I posted, and he had already chosen a suit for me to fit. And as soon as I put it on I knew, here it finally is - it was literally PERFECT, had everything I wanted and was very well within my budget! The dress was found within minutes of entering the store. The seller, apparently the owner, was very professional and grumpy but nice, and clearly knew what he was doing and what he was talking about. I didn't even want to fit other dresses after that. Thank you, I really felt like a Beautiful Bride! 💜

Essi Palomäki: I received excellent service, the owner of the shop was able to professionally look at suits that fit me and also take a stand and not praise every suit I wear. I managed to fit a lot of different suits during the fitting. There was a lot of humor in the adaptation and it was just right for my taste. I found wonderful options in the store! Even though I ended up with a dress from another shop, I received good service even after that. Nothing to criticize.

16. Muotihuone Selavi - Eteläinen suurpiiri

Tehtaankatu 5C, 00140 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp

17. Amer Hasan Design - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 6 arvostelut

Caloniuksenkatu 2, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp

18. DOPP Helsinki - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 19 arvostelut

Yrjönkatu 21, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
DOPP Helsinki: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Sanna Forsell: Todella nopea, tehokas verkkokauppapalvelu! 👌Aina niin ystävällinen palvelu, kiitos siitä! 💗

Aune Penttinen: Tervetuloa toivotus heti sisään astuessa hämmästytti 👍👍

Mia Ekholm: Aivan ihana putiikki, kaikki vaatteet kelpaisi kyllä.

Heidi: Hyvää palvelua sekä liikkeessä, että verkkokaupassa.

Mallat Sari: Todella hyvä palvelu👍 myyjä auttoi löytämään muutamia asuja ja ehdotti myös sellaista mitä en itse olisi hoksannut. Tästä lähtien teen ostokset täällä👍

Heli Junttila: Bonita-liivi tuli eilen, täydellinen. Olen niin iloinen.

Sanna Röytiö: Todella ystävällinen palvelu ja hyvä valikoima.

Mervi Lesonen: Hyvä palvelu ja sain ihania vaatteita. Vaatteet kauniisti esillä.

Tuula Ahokas: Friendly service, ample selection. However, the dress was more beautiful in the video on the goal. Annoyance.

Paula B.: Beautiful clothes and good service. I didn't get a fifth star because of the quite expensive prices.

Mika Halonen: Dopp's wife always finds clothes💙

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