Liike sisÀÀn Vedenpehmennyslaitteiden toimittaja:
· 8514 arvostelut
Tyynenmerenkatu 11, 00220 Helsinki, Suomi
Heidi grönroos: I got the information, but not a single smile.
timo laine: Passport photos were taken with the 5-year-old boy in a small knapsack, but the seller/photographer did the job in a stylish manner, thank you
Sokar80: Google always blocks writing a review The content may not comply with our policies. See what you can do
Dexter: Great electronic store & a MiG 21 on the top, must visit place.
Emre Ăz: , Seurasaari and Korkeasaari.2. **Historical and Cultural Places**: It hosts many historical and cultural sites such as Helsinki Cathedral, Temppeliaukio Church
Neda Aghaei: is one of Finland's largest and most popular online and physical retail stores, specializing in a wide range of electronics, appliances, and other consumer goods. offers a vast selection of products, including computers, mobile devices, home appliances, gaming consoles, cameras, and much more. The store is known for its competitive pricing and extensive inventory. combines the convenience of online shopping with the tangible benefits of physical retail, offering a comprehensive and customer-friendly shopping experience. I had a good experience there.
Marko Lankinen: The online store is an excellent choice for buying electronics and other products online. Their wide selection, competitive prices, excellent customer service and fast delivery make the shopping experience a pleasant one.
Anpanman Delicious: The staff here is very helpful ! And they are very willing to help you with any questions you had.There are variety of products to choose and mostly in stock. Probably the best electronic store I have been in whole FinlandâŠ
Matias: The pick-up point works great. Thank you!
Joel Tjurin: Verkkokauppa com is the best electronics store in Finland. The customer service is excellent in all areas. The sellers really know the products and know how to tell about them expertly.Return and warranty matters are handled very smoothly and do not take much time. The store has a very wide selection of products, and its location is quite good. The price level is also very competitive.Online store com offers excellent service and I am willing to travel a little further to shop here rather than the competition. This shop offers excellent service and is definitely a recommended place for all electronics lovers!
2. AQVA Finland Oy - HermanninmÀki

· 31 arvostelut
Haukilahdenkatu 4, 00550 Helsinki, Suomi
Jenni Taipale: Ostin tÀmÀn tuotteen ja toin sen Portugaliin. TÀÀllÀ vesi on tÀynnÀ klooria ja hiukset ovat erittÀin kuivia. TÀmÀ tekee ihmeitÀ!
Marika Ristola: HyvĂ€ firma, hyvĂ€t tuotteet ja hyvĂ€ palvelu. Suosittelen! đđ€©
Nonna Nani: Asiakaspalvelu oli hyvÀÀ. Sijainti oli ok.
Dimmy j: HyvÀ asiakaspalvelu ja hyvÀt tuotteet!
Antti Sinkkonen: Hieman koholla olevan mangaaniarvon pienentĂ€miseksi erittĂ€in asiantuntevan asiakaspalvelun kautta löytyi ensin meille sopiva vedensuodatusratkaisu. Ja kun linjasuodattimen asennuksen ja uuden vesinĂ€ytteen oton jĂ€lkeen ongelma ei ollut tĂ€ysin poistunut, niin puhelimessa tehdyn tilanteen lisĂ€kartoituksen perusteella lĂ€hettivĂ€t pyytĂ€mĂ€ttĂ€ ja veloituksetta toisenlaisen mangaanisuodattimen, joka toimii paremmin, mikĂ€li vedessĂ€ on rikkivetyĂ€. LisĂ€ksi lĂ€hettivĂ€t veloituksetta myös uudet vesinĂ€ytteet, jotta ongelma saataisiin lopullisesti ratkaistua. ErittĂ€in asiakaslĂ€htöistĂ€ toimintaa! Vahva suositus! đ
Harri Luukkonen: HyvÀ palvelu ja tarpeellisia ja hyviÀ tuotteita
Essi: Tosi hyvÀÀ palvelua ongelmatilanteessa. Asia hoitui helposti netin kautta. Ilmainen varaosa tuli nopeasti postissa. Vastuullinen yritys.
Satu Kokkonen: Nopea, selkeÀ, helppo veden tutkimusprosessi. Vastaukset ilmeisesti tutkimuksesta johtuen kestÀÀ sen n 2 vkoa muutoin melko nopea prosessi.
Mari Rentola: Aqva Glass -vedensuodatuskannu on meillĂ€ aktiivisesti jokapĂ€ivĂ€isessĂ€ kĂ€ytössĂ€. Kaunis, edullinen ja helppokĂ€yttöinen lasikannu, joka suodattaa veden lasiin kaadettaessa.Sain aikanaan syntymĂ€pĂ€ivĂ€lahjaksi,joten ihana lahjaidea!Lapset eivĂ€t enÀÀ halua juoda vettĂ€ hanasta vaan ainoastaan tĂ€stĂ€ kannusta đ
LisĂ€ksi hyvĂ€ asiakaspalvelu ja nopea toimitus. Suosittelen! đ
Selena Kankare: Ainoa lasinen, nopea kannu josta tosi hyvÀÀ vettÀ, sopii allergisillekin. Suihkusuodatin myös loistava. LisÀksi erittÀin hyvÀÀ asiakaspalvelua!
Timo Porkka: Ammattimaiset vedenpuhdistusratkaisut kaikkiin tarpeisiin
3. AQVA Finland Oy
· 44 arvostelut
PuusepÀnkatu 2D, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
4. Varusteleka
· 4554 arvostelut
Hankasuontie 11 A, 00390 Helsinki, Suomi
Mika Myllyoja: đ
Predodactylus: tips, i.e. everything.
Tommi Loukia: Good stuff, I would have expected a bigger store, but this one is ok too.
popo fireman: ... And they luckily sent me the one with the 3 padded liner which I asked. I become a regular customer with pleasure! ;-
Dave: I bought from here a few years ago & their service & shipping were excellent.I'm in Helsinki visiting friends this week so will make sure to visit the store in person.As an ex-British Soldier who likes "top kit", this is a dangerous thing for me to do but I'll take the risk.I couldn't recommend them more. đ
Patrik Ramsay: Everything I've bought has worked as promised. Sometimes the excessive Leka fanaticism in reservist activities annoys me, but I have always received such good customer service that I guess it must join the group of fanatics. Thanks to Pertu, Oto, Markus, Inka, Ronja and other less visible masters.
Pone Klemetz: Extremely good service and we got what we were looking for. I love the place!
NWO Agent #666: Best store in Finland. More sizes for shoes pleaseđ
Mikko NĂ€rhi: A great place if you need durable goods. And damn nice staff
Markus HirvasjÀrvi: , but the website offers the possibility to get a reminder when the goods arrive.
P N: Varusteleka is Varusteleka - the legend in all its forms. Good for teenagers when you need to update beanies, gloves, caps or hats or really anything.
Seppo Samppala: Here you can find everything for camping and military. I recommend visiting the place.
Gerhard Schuchardt: Great shop with a huge selection of military equipment. Everything your heart desires and very nice employees.If that's not enough, you can have a cold beer in the bar...
5. Partioaitta Oy
· 4 arvostelut
Nuijamiestentie 5 C, 00400 Helsinki, Suomi
6. Helsingin seudun ympÀristöpalvelut -kuntayhtymÀ HSY
· 15 arvostelut
Ilmalantori 1, 00240 Helsinki, Suomi
Aleksandr Ivanov: ææšèŠçæć„œçć
Jon Weissenberg: I went to get a resident parking permit. Guidance upon arrival, approx. 2 minute wait and then fast, expert and pleasant service. The whole thing took 10 minutes and now I can park in my own area.
7. Helsinki-Vantaan lentoasema
· 15394 arvostelut
Lentoasemantie 1, 01530 Vantaa, Suomi
Ari Alm: One of my favorite places in the world and absolutely No:1 airport in the world!
Cesare BB: Everything clean. Everything efficient. All perfect. Everything expensive. Everyone sad.
Monica M.: Modern and comfortable.
Risto MĂ€kinen: The best in its class. Lots of restaurants, very clean, good services. Lots of shops.
Elisabetta Caracciolo: Splendid airport, modern and well organised. Very clean and equipped. The departures area boasts the latest generation control equipment, which is fast and professional and the people are kind and efficient. The shops open at 5 and the bars are mostly open from 4. The lounge opens at five. Excellent service from every point of view. Train station directly at the exit in the arrivals area of ââthe terminal and coaches and buses in front of the arrivals. Hotels within walking distance are also available.
Helena WohankovĂĄ: Nice and pleasant Airport.
leevi Tammivuori: nice airport, really big