Liike sisään Tietokonekauppa:
1. TKV Finland Oy - Vallila
· 59 arvostelut
Elimäenkatu 9 B, 00510 Helsinki, Suomi
Jasse Ruokonen: Really good, knowledgeable and friendly service. Help for computer problems was found quickly. Strong recommendation 👍
Juha Silvennoinen: Very friendly service from the owner. I bought the machine in a hurry and I was not satisfied, but I was able to exchange it for a machine of the same value, which I am very satisfied with.
Janne Pynnönen: Excellent and fast customer service. Recycling machines is an environmentally friendly choice.
Elviira Helminen: Got a fix to my issue in no time! Super nice service and my laptop was back in use the same day. Highly recommend.
Al-Bazin Elias Taleon: It is my heartfelt gratitude to this company. I have just received my Laptop today which I tend them to upgrade the storage to make my Laptop faster as it was like before and they don’t mess with what they promised my Laptop now is 10x faster. Thank you so much TKV Godbless ☺️ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! 🏻
My Lex4: Firstly, I was impressed by the wide range of products available. The store offers a variety of computers, components, and accessories, allowing me to find exactly what I was looking for. Their online interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate, and the product information is detailed and well-presented.Secondly, the customer service was outstanding. I had some questions regarding the specifications of a particular product, and I received prompt and helpful responses from their support team. Additionally, the ordering process was straightforward and transparent, and the delivery was fast and efficient.Moreover, I needed a battery replacement, and this was handled in record time. The store representative was extremely efficient and professional, resolving the issue in a manner that exceeded my expectations.Lastly, the quality of the purchased product was excellent. The computer I bought worked flawlessly from the first boot-up and met all my expectations.In conclusion, I am extremely satisfied with my experience with TKV Finland Oy, and I will definitely recommend this store to anyone looking for high-quality equipment and services in the computer industry.
Jake Payne: from the online shop for a reasonable price, and collect it already the next day. Maxym was professional and straightforward and the computer comes with a year's warranty. Overall I'm very happy.
Eino Hosia: I entered and got Heyi to contact the person next to the door. He helped by example and when I came again, he even remembered me. I got a good machine and almost all data was quickly transferred to the new one. Thank you Wery much. eh
Ramon Baturoni: It’s kind of hidden, not visible from the street, but once you get there the attention and service is great, so helpful and gentle..!!
Kalle Aaltonen: and friendly staff!
Kari Uittomäki: Fast, expert and friendly service!
K L: I found a spare part, my machine was repaired really quickly, and I found additional memory to boost my old laptop :3Definitely recommend ♡
Miiki Peltonen: Really friendly and fast service; the matter was taken care of in about an hour without an appointment.
Joona Palomäki: The machine was repaired in 15 minutes and the service was excellent
Lotta: I highly recommend! Friendly, knowledgeable and fast service. The machine's battery was changed to a new one very conveniently within 10 minutes!
Max Schroderus: Really good atmosphere and professional operation. The problems were solved quickly and the customer service was spot on. I also received advice on how to act in the future and what caused the problem.
Anatolii Subbotin: I would like to express my gratitude to TKV Finland Oy for their professionalism and efficiency. I brought my laptop in for repair; I had problems with overheating; the problem was discovered and partially fixed within 24 hours. A complete repair requires the purchase and replacement of a cooling system. In addition, prices for services turned out to be honest and transparent, with no hidden extras or unexpected expenses. I appreciate their honesty and openness in communicating with clients. I recommend this company to anyone looking for a reliable and professional computer repair technician.
Emil Kallio: Excellent service! The hard drive of the Mac broke and I had the machine serviced in the afternoon. They promised to check for free what could be done to the machine, and the next morning there was already a call and alternatives were suggested. The hard drive was changed right in the morning and I got the machine back on the road before noon. Very fast and affordable service!
2. Teraset Finland Oy - Vallila

· 47 arvostelut
Teollisuuskatu 21, 00510 Helsinki, Suomi
Honey Niagara: Niklas Teraset Finland Oy:ssä on uskomattoman tietäväinen ja erittäin avulias ammattilainen. Hänen intohimonsa työtään kohtaan näkyy kaikessa, mitä hän tekee. Vaikka sinulla ei olisi lainkaan tietoa tietokoneista, Niklas opastaa sinut varmasti oikeaan suuntaan ja tekee sen ystävällisesti ja kärsivällisesti. Hän osaa ratkaista kaikki ongelmat nopeasti ja tehokkaasti, ja hänen asiakaspalvelunsa on vertaansa vailla. Niklas todella tietää, mitä hän tekee, ja hänen avullaan voit olla varma, että saat parasta mahdollista palvelua. Suosittelen häntä lämpimästi kaikille, jotka tarvitsevat apua tietotekniikan kanssa!
cedrana: Puhdas ja siisti. Ei paras paikka noutaa tavaroita autolla.Henkilökunta oli ammattitaitoista ja avuliasta
Mande: Noviisina lähdin läppäriostoksille. Palvelu ystävällistä.Tosin jouduin palaamaan liikkeeseen, koska läppärin akuissa vikaa. Onneksi menee takuuseen. Mutta 🤨joudun vielä palaamaan liikkeeseen, 3.kerta.
Kari Lampinen: Palvelu ystävällistä ja nopeaa.
Antti Ranta-aho: Excellent service, again. Thank you.
Veijo Uotinen: Fast.
Jani Mikkonen: Unbeatable place to repair your machine or get a new one!
M K: 10/10 service
Lasse Karikoski: Good and reliable service 😊
Keijo Niemi: Things were handled well
Terho Nissilä: Very fast and expert service. It was easy to trust after the first contact that the matter would be handled through them. A high-quality image does correspond to a customer experience.
· 235 arvostelut
Puusepänkatu 6 D, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
Jamppa s: Affordable and high-quality products👍
Jussi Tikkanen: Hi,The purchase of the computer went smoothly. It was in good condition as promised in the product information. The shipment also arrived quickly.The only thing I would give a small minus is the KTverkokaupait would be worthwhile to update your own homepages faster. Putting the purchase in the shopping cart took a surprisingly long time and it was the same with the final payment. The price of the product is right. Have a nice summer to the KTverkokauppa team. Jussi
Marko Ahlgren: Easy to buy and affordable, efficient laptop in good condition, delivery was fast.
Vesa Solonen: Fast delivery and the hard drive I ordered works perfectly!
Matti Peltola: I bought a used laptop. The description was accurate and the delivery, packaging and service were also top notch! I'll probably look here first the next time I need a laptop to use. Good price, clear description and it came what was needed!
Valtter Savolainen: Thanks for the ssd hard drive. I got my old laptop working and quickly xp started running.
tauno kivelä: Sell recycling blocks for computers cheaply own experience ssd 128gb 9.90e
4. PC-Shop - Kyläsaari
· 11 arvostelut
Kyläsaarenkatu 8, 00580 Helsinki, Suomi
Kari Sundman: Nice friends
Jani Roponen: Good machines, cheap
Rait Paberits: Edullinen kauppa
Joona Helenius: Mukavat myyjät, valikoima ok, korttimaksu hieman hankalaa
viivi: Edullisia läppäreitä
markus lohikoski: Hyvä paikka ja saa edullisesti kierrätettyjä tietokoneita.
LiittyvÄt kysymykset Tietokonekauppa:
5. Cimos Oy - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 43 arvostelut
Kruunuvuorenkatu 3, 00160 Helsinki, Suomi
Linus Westerlund: Ystävällinen henkilökunta, joka tietää mitä tekee. Myydään käytettyjä tietokoneita
Tomi Ruoho: Ihan huippua, harvinaista nykyään. Läppäri toiminut moitteetta, ja ihan parasta palvelua ja hinta/laatusuhdetta🤗
jul es: Laadukkaat rikkoutumattomat tuotteet.
antto h: Pari vuotta vanhaan, Cimokselta ostamaani läppäriin tuli ongelmia virran kanssa. Vaikka takuuaika oli mennyt jo kauan sitten umpeen, otti liikkeen henkilökunta homman erittäin ystävällisesti hoitaakseen. Sain uuden laturin, ja varmuuden vuoksi tietokone avattiin ja akun kunto tsekattiin odotellessa. Kaikki tämä ilmaiseksi, vaikka erikseen kysyin, mitä voisin palvelusta maksaa. Suosittelen liikettä erittäin lämpimästi!
Caius Bruun: Cimos tekee sitä mitä pitääkin. Myy tarkastettuja ja fiksattuja pro-koneita juuri oikealla hintatasolla!
Anneli MvH: Loistavaa ammattimaista palvelua!
Leena Marno: I have bought two computers and a printer. Works flawlessly.In addition to the affordable price, very friendly service.
JakeAro: Excellent price-quality and friendly and expert service.
Kari Sundman: Good used computers!
Marika Niskanen: Good and expert service
Ömer Taraklı: Perfect
Ari Lindén: Good and fast service. Excellent products. Nice staff.
Tero Pesonen: Excellent service for my needs
Kari Heikkilä: Good expert service and high-quality used machines at low prices..
6. PC-ONLINE - Kulosaari
· 5 arvostelut
Svinhufvudintie 1, 00570 Helsinki, Suomi
7. Teraset Finland Oy - Vallila
Teollisuuskatu 21, 00510 Helsinki, Suomi
8. Kamilan Väri T:mi - Eteläinen suurpiiri
Hämeentie 22, 00530 Helsinki, Suomi
9. Grenius - Suur-Leppävaara
· 263 arvostelut
Peuraniitty 5 B 22, 02750 Espoo, Suomi
10. Avid Technology International B.V. - Vallila
· 1 arvostelut
Pälkäneentie 19, 00510 Helsinki, Suomi