Liike sisään Kodinkonekorjaaja:
1. TV- ja Kodinkonehuolto Edicron - Käpylä
· 41 arvostelut
Koskelantie 46, 00610 Helsinki, Suomi
+358 9
Aleksi Kauppinen: . The gentleman who answered the phone was able to quickly tell about his own similar experience and advised to reset the table by pressing the down button on the bottom for 30 seconds. The table started working with this and I saved the repair/purchase of a new table.Excellent service and I plan to use this pool in the future if necessary 👍
Ville-Pekka Paalasmaa (Aake): Flexible and high-quality service. Used maintenance for several years for minor repairs of electrical equipment. Delivery is usually quite fast.
Irene Llongo: It was a nice place
Ari Ostama: . The accessibility problem was unchanged, now reinforced with a skull cap. The housing association/city's fault, of course, not the store's. Thanks again!
Ilari Airo: The remote control of the 7-year-old Hästens motor bed stopped working, the importer's own business said they could not help, the model is no longer manufactured and the 25-year warranty does not apply to the electronics. So you can't get a new one. I remembered this service where the remote control was repaired, charge 40€👍
Kushzei: Great communication and doing whats promised for the price. Quite packed store, clearly experts of all things technical ;D
Jussi Tervola: , but we later noticed that the washing program does not start anymore. We got in touch again the next day, and the repairman came with a quick schedule to fix the contact failure of the locking switch. A really good service experience in our opinion. The only minus is that the functionality should have been tested on the first visit.
Tapio Hovila: Good service
Sami Hätönen: Electronics maintenance located on Koskela road in Helsinki. I left the TV in the corner for half a day for maintenance and asked to have it repaired before the next weekend. The fault was in the payment card reader. The service was called already at 17:30 and that the TV was ready. The service at the destination was good and knowledgeable. A safe place in the future if you need help with electronics.
2. Huoltoliike Berghäll Oy - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 24 arvostelut
Perustie 26, 00330 Helsinki, Suomi
+358 9
Harri Kaunisto: Free advice €€€_ saved. I can hardly remember a better customer experience.I asked about the life of the soul of the Kenwood 207 machine. Convinced of the answers. Have a nice day, good mood.
Tuuli Kaskinen: Professional washing machine repair in a situation where another repairman had said that it was not worth the repair. Thank you Berghäll!
Heikki Kauvosaari: Excellence in this field.
Riitta Pulkkinen: Very good service!
Ristomatti Helin: I received a realistic price estimate for the dishwasher repair over the phone, and we avoided an unnecessary repair estimate visit and an expensive repair. This time the machine was renewed, but it had already been repaired once.
Ringo Kütt: Flexible and the only store where you could find a belt in the selection for acute need even to the last tin.
Ari Tasanen: customer service was not helpful. The washing machine is in a cottage far away on an island, so calling a repairman was out of the question and knocking out the old one and bringing in a new one, all by boat, would have been a big hassle.
Laura Vuorenoja: The price estimate given in advance was correct and the counter was quickly repaired. The installer also gave other maintenance tips during his visit. The job was handled excellently compared to a competitor who did not respond to messages.
PVVS: Very fast service. I recommend it.
Madda: Absolutely great service, professional and competent. Can only warmly recommend!
3. Helsingin Kodinkonehuolto Oy - Vanha-Espoo
· 8 arvostelut
Torpanmäki 3, 02740 Espoo, Suomi
+358 9
4. Kodinkonekympit Oy - Töyrynummi
· 10 arvostelut
Pertunpellontie 1, 00740 Helsinki, Suomi
+358 45
LiittyvÄt kysymykset Kodinkonekorjaaja:
5. Kodinkonehuolto AH Lesch Ky - Herttoniemen teollisuusalue
· 26 arvostelut
Sahaajankatu 43, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
+358 40
Juha-Matti Seppä: Whirlpool dishwasher warranty repair. The repair time was suggested by text message and the installer arrived at the agreed time.Positive Professionalism Services Dishwasher repair …
Jing Jing: Good work to our Chinese restaurant
TING TING: Excellent service! Friendly and helpful with English speaking service.
6. Fixit Kodinkonehuolto Oy - Arabianranta
· 22 arvostelut
Roomankatu 5A 15, 00560 Helsinki, Suomi
+358 44
7. Kodinkonetekniikka R. Kumpula KY - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 10 arvostelut
Talontie 13, 00320 Helsinki, Suomi
+358 10
8. Kodinkonetiimi Ky - Harju
· 5 arvostelut
Vaasankatu 17, 00500 Helsinki, Suomi
+358 40
9. Alppilan Sähkö Oy - Tattariharju
· 36 arvostelut
Harkkoraudantie 10, 00700 Helsinki, Suomi
+358 10
Jukka Kullberg: Excellent expertise and good service. I recommend!
jani nyman: Kone ku kone ni siel know how to maintain it. 👌
Väinö Teittinen: A really good small machine repair shop. The work estimate is invoiced in advance, but the cost is deducted from the final amount of any repair.
Sebastian Kraus: The job works and so does the service!
Koneistus Pale: Full-service Sähköliike
Maija-Helena Salojärvi: Superhyvä palvelu! Suosittelen!
Oskari Saarenpaa: Hyvä kunto, kaunis maisema, mielenkiintoinen piha. Vaikea pelata sokeiden laukausten ja valtavien pallonvieritysten vuoksi.
Ilkka Snellman: Nopeaa ja ammattitaitoista palvelua. Suomen paras työkalujen huoltoliike! 😉
Ari Männikkö: Ryobi korjattu nopeassa tahdissa 😀
Tiina Tuulinen: Loistavaa ammattitaitoista palvelua.👍👍😊
10. Stadin Kodinkonehuolto - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 6 arvostelut
Ankkurikatu 4, 00160 Helsinki, Suomi
+358 44
11. Miro Oy Televisiohuolto- ja korjausliike - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 30 arvostelut
Kutomotie 16, 00380 Helsinki, Suomi
+358 9
Riku Hyttinen: 維修汽車原廠擴大機的服務非常好。在其他地方他們甚至不同意調查,但在這裡我很快就得到了初步的成本估算,調查後的詳細預算以及價格估算中保留的相當快速的修正。仍在尋找有關將其安裝回汽車的說明。
jyrki kivimaki: 一切正常,維護後一切正常。 40 歲的 Luxmans 和 Nakamichis。除其他事項外。
Roni Hirvimäki: 收到了日本國家的一部分..是的,一年過去了,但它有效🔧
iMac: Miro Oy 大師對雅馬哈擴大機進行了複雜的維修。多謝!服務 居家設備裝設 …
Juho Lemmetyinen: ~50 vuotta kypsä levysoitin on nyt uudenveroisessa kunnossa ja toimii täydellisesti, öljytty ja kaikki. Samoin jostain 80-90-luvun vahvistin on nyt täydellinen. Joitakin juotosongelmia havaittiin, mikä aiheutti signaalin katkeamisen.Korjaukset tuntuivat tuolloin kalliilta, mutta lopputulos oli niin hyvä, että se voidaan antaa anteeksi. Hieman hidas korjaus, joten varmista, että sinulla on aikaa odottaa.Luottaisin jälleen näihin ihmisiin korjauksissa🙂
Petteri Moilanen: Vahvistin tuli korjattua ja toimii taas hyvin. Hinta arviota sai odottaa 5 viikkoa,mut sit korjaus oli nopeaa.
Tomi Kause: Hyvää työtä tekevät.Täällä ei sitten kannata sanoa että korjauksella ei ole kiire, pysyvästi jonon pohjalla pysyvä työ voi kestää kuukausikaupallaNäillä kahdella asialla saattaa olla jokin yhteys
joi-: banger hälytysPositiivinen Vastausnopeus, Täsmällisyys, Laatu, Ammattimaisuus ja Vastine rahalle …