Liike sisään Sairaala:
1. Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiiri - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 9 arvostelut
Topeliuksenkatu 5, 00260 Helsinki, Suomi
Rauno ”rane58” Härkönen: Sain uskomattoman hyvää ja pyyteetöntä hoitoa kun jalkani katkesi....!Uskomattomat hoitajat, kuinka he jaksoivat olla niin ystävällisiä...?Iso kiitos heille...!
Tuomas Kiri: Flexible service ☺
juhani seppanen: There is nothing negative to say, good service, nurses and doctors are really professionals
Aki Paloheimo: Matter-of-fact, friendly, competent service.
2. Meilahden kolmiosairaala - Läntinen suurpiiri

· 13 arvostelut
Haartmaninkatu 4 rakennus 3, 00290 Helsinki, Suomi
Risto Olamo: 11/10 hoitajat täyttä 10 jaksavat hymyillä vaikka kiitos. Lukurit hukuvat ammattitaito, eikö turhia askeleita oteta. Siinä samalla asiakkaalle muutamat pikku kevennemykst. Minulle ainakin timoimii, et ottaa asiakkaan tuomioon. Ja ruoka👌erinomaista jälleen kerran 😃
Tiiti Poikolainen: On onni asua Suomessa ja saada tasokasta sairaanhoitoa niin lääkäreiltä kuin hoitajiltakin.
Ville: Siisti uudehko sairaala.
Teija Sova: Hyvä paikka saa hoitoa
Saba Bader: Hvä
Kaarlo Merilaita: Pitkät välimatkat, muuten kaikki ok erityisesti jalkapoliklinikka.
Sami Forsman (Vain minä): Hyvää hoitoa tuossa
matti kapiainen: Very nice staff and a successful operation! Exceeded all expectations!
Oskari Mäkinen: Excellent professionalism and friendliness
Penni Water: They nursed my wife back to health, thank you
Juha Kimmi: when the entire department was filled with exhaust gas. The gas reportedly came through the air conditioning from the heliport. Should something be done so that the same problem does not happen again?😎
Maria S: Maze, hard to find the right places. Friendly staff.
Kirsti Kankkonen: Matter-of-fact treatment, quite flexible, guidance good.
Late Kovanen: Good setting, but above all happy, friendly and personal, as well as suitably humorous service and staff! My preconceived notions about being in the ward were turned upside down during a week's visit. From two weeks of pain and the fear of not knowing, the state of being changed in an instant to confident and safe in the hands of these professionals as they turned stones and stumps to find my disease. A small detail hit me in the heart when the night nurse had come to change my drips at night without waking me up so that I could sleep in peace. In Finland, you don't have to be afraid of getting sick.Thanks to everyone who took care of my health!Honor to those to whom honor is due. Remember to leave feedback!#HUS #HYKS #julkinenterveydenhuolto #taxes
3. Silmä-korvasairaala - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 39 arvostelut
Haartmaninkatu 4 C ja E, 00290 Helsinki, Suomi
Yellow Pokemon: The wait was much shorter than expected and the doctor had all the needed time for assessment
mikko erä-esko: . I'm happy to pay taxes at least for this.
Tuulikki Lindroos: Erin's own service, to the entire contracting team. A big thank you for the good service.
Anne Hacklin: 7.8 at 11 pm really good treatment and help, thank you very much
Jaana Salo: Expert, dedicated and friendly staff. The whole time I felt like I was in "good hands".Trust in the public was restored in this hospital. Ps. The food offered was also good for hospital food. I recommend!
Taimikko: Friendly staff. The nurse came to talk while waiting for interim information. Even though I had to wait several hours because of the traffic, I still felt good.
Jyri Edvard Suhonen: Excellent customer experience from the municipality!I had suffered from eye problems for 4 days. Normally, I always use private on the health side. Last time, the private couldn't help with eye problems. That's why I called Järvenpää's public office directly. I filled out the appointment request. After 1 hour, I got the nurse's number, which I called and told my case. They announced that they only have a general practitioner present. They asked to contact the HUS eye clinic. I called the HUS Eye Clinic and was asked to come to the emergency room.The eye clinic had a good reception. At first, pictures of the eye, vision and eye pressure were taken. After this, it was announced that there are 8-9 patients before me. In between, I would have time to go to lunch or something similar. It would take approx. 2-3 hours in line. I arranged a date and went to eat with an entrepreneur friend for 2 hours. I got back in line. I waited 30 minutes and was able to see a specialist. I was treated and given further instructions.💪💪💪Excellent customer experience and a big thank you!Picture borrowed from Husi's website.#customerservice #hus #eye clinic #health care
· 210 arvostelut
Sairaalakatu 1, 01400 Vantaa, Suomi
kynvo kinnunen: The best hospital in Finland. I was operated on in the spring of 2021, I was really afraid. The operation lasted 8 hours and almost everything was removed from the stomach. After that, a urine stoma bag was placed. But what good service I have always received. Today I urinated and the blood tests took just under half an hour in total.
roope toope: Beep beep piiiiiiiiiiìiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii of my grandma died there, I don't trust it, so the sigma place in skibidino doesn't need to be there, she dies, go to Jorvi, I'm there at the moment and things will improve
Pasi Palokangas: Big and messy and really slow.So really slow. If I ever have to go to the emergency room, I take a sleeping bag, a coffee maker and a couple of days worth of snacks with me.The staff is really knowledgeable and friendly, if you ever get there.
Sari Tuomola: Kävin tänään 6.6.2024 pakottavasta syystä pienellä hupiranneke kierroksella Peijaksessa. Ja ihan pakko sanoa, aivan mielettömän hyvä palvelu, ja loistavaakin loistavampi henkilökunta. Iso ❤️. Kiitän ja kumarran. ❤️
jesse jekkula: Sairaalan kanttiini on päivisin kiva kahvipaikka josta saa myös jotain lounastakin. Tarjoiluastiat tosin ovat hieman Ikeatyyliset siis kömpelöt.
timo ylioja: Hyvä palvelu