KylpylÀlomat Helsinki LÀhellÀ Sinua

Flamingo Spa St. George Care Spa & Gym KĂ€mp Spa Helsinki Day Spa Hotel KĂ€mp Hilton Helsinki Strand Holiday Inn Helsinki - Vantaa Airport Finlandia Hotels LĂ„ngvik Congress Wellness Hotel

1. Virkistys- Ja KylpylÀlomat Ry - YlÀ-Malmi

· 0 arvostelut

Kauppakaarre 1, 00700 Helsinki, Suomi

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· 1319 arvostelut

Tasetie 8, 01510 Vantaa, Suomi

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Flamingo Spa: mitÀ kÀyttÀjÀt ajattelevat?

Maria Khabbaz: Greatâ€ïžâ€ïžâ€ïžđŸ’–đŸ’–đŸ’–

VILLE P: The hotel is the best and the customer service 10/10

Harry Lonka: A cozy place to relax

3. St. George Care Spa & Gym - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 26 arvostelut

Lönnrotinkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi

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St. George Care Spa & Gym: mitÀ kÀyttÀjÀt ajattelevat?

Teemu Piipponen: At

Opssyangel: I love the spa!! Really premium and i thoroughly enjoyed my time here! The massage and facials were really good and relaxing!

Henry Valkonen: Upscale, cozy place and many masseurs, so the service plays nicely. In the waiting room, fruits and berries, as well as various flavored waters. The only thing you would miss is a warm pool. It's ice cold and normal, but for some reason the jacuzzi or warm pool has been left out.

Ritva KyynÀrÀinen: The service was friendly and the massage efficient.Relaxing in the spa department after the massage crowned the pleasure.

Olga Bondarchik: Perfect service and awesome sport massage! Beautiful interior design and automatic saunas ✹

Pertti Honkanen: A good Spa in South Helsinki.

4. KÀmp Spa - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 70 arvostelut

Kluuvikatu 4 B 8. krs, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi

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KÀmp Spa: mitÀ kÀyttÀjÀt ajattelevat?

Christopher Taylor: Paras hieronta, mitÀ minulla on koskaan ollut.

Brianna Stephens: Tein 2 tunnin kylpylÀpÀivÀpaketin ja se oli niin hyvÀ. Nainen selitti ja tarjosi pieniÀ kasvojen kuorintaruokia, naamion, kosteusvoidetta, jotta voimme tehdÀ oman minikasvohoidon. Sinulla on pÀÀsy valkoisille lÀmpimille tuoleille rentoutuaksesi, siemaillaksesi processcoasi ja syödÀksesi 3 kÀsintehtyÀ suklaata. Sauna ja höyrysauna olivat aivan tuolien takana ja olivat upeita. Kaikki oli niin puhdasta. Kylpytakit ja tossut olivat mahtavia. Minulla oli ihana suihku kaikkien mukavien suihkutuotteiden kÀytön jÀlkeen. KÀytin jopa hiustenkuivaajaa ja suoristusrautaa. TÀtÀ ei voi suositella enempÀÀ. Oli niin mukava rentouttava kylpylÀkokemus. Vinkki - mene aikaisemmin iltapÀivÀllÀ kuin myöhemmin.

Gigi Tucker: HÀmmÀstyttÀvÀ kokemus! Stressinpoistohieronta, eukalyptushöyrysauna ja sauna. Laattatuolit ovat lÀmmitettyjÀ ja yllÀttÀvÀn mukavat - erittÀin rentouttavia, kun kuljin edestakaisin höyry- ja saunaistuntojen vÀlillÀ. Myös kuivattuja hedelmiÀ ja pÀhkinöitÀ!

Ancuta-Maria Coza: Kiitos Google Map!!!

Krista Rissanen: Ostin itselleni joululahjaksi hoidon KÀmp Spassa. Espa iconic back, face and scalp treatment. Aivan ihana, nautinnollinen iltapÀivÀ. Paras hoito, jonka olen koskaan saanut! Hoitaja oli erityisen taitava: kosketus oli hellÀ mutta tehokas. Rentoutuminen oli taattu. Hoitolan asiakkaat saavat kÀydÀ samaan hintaan KÀmpin saunoissa. MinÀ kÀvin ennen hoitoani. SekÀ höyrysauna ettÀ perinteinen sauna olivat hyviÀ. PeflettejÀ kaipasin. Suihkuja on vain kaksi sauna- alueella. Pukuhuoneessa oli toiset kaksi. Kylpytakki ja tossut odottivat pukukaapissa. KÀmp Spassa saat ylellisen hoidon hulppeissa tiloissa! Suosittelen lÀmpimÀsti!

Madhavi Joshi: Rauhallisuus löydetty uudelleen: Autuas Spa Retreat Kamp Spassa!!Saapuessani ystÀvÀllinen henkilökunta toivotti minut lÀmpimÀsti tervetulleeksi, mikÀ loi vÀlittömÀn mukavuuden tunteen. Rauhallinen tunnelma ja rauhoittava musiikki vastaanottoalueella luovat sÀvyn odottavalle rentoutumiselle. Terapeutit eivÀt olleet vain erittÀin ammattitaitoisia ja ystÀvÀllisiÀ. KylpylÀn tunnelma oli tÀydellinen sekoitus modernia ylellisyyttÀ ja rauhoittavaa estetiikkaa. Hoidon jÀlkeen pÀÀsin saunaan rentoutumaan rauhalliselle rentoutumisalueelle.

Arne Tasa: Very good service, highly recommended

Andrew Thomson: Loved the deep massage. Stay for a while for the steam room and sauna

Beverly: Perfect place to relax in the city center. We loved the massages and the sauna

Sole Cajas: Awesome experience!! I went to the mother To be service, it was really nice to be there đŸ€—

5. Solaris KylpylÀt - YlÀ-Malmi

Kauppakaarre 1, 00700 Helsinki, Suomi

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6. Helsinki Day Spa - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 93 arvostelut

Erottajankatu 4, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi

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Helsinki Day Spa: mitÀ kÀyttÀjÀt ajattelevat?

Dani Irannezhad: Nice and relaxed place, also good customer service

Tuula Niemi: A cozy and atmospheric place.Renovation was visible in some places.

Bakyt Aidaralieva: I have been here several times. And last month I came here on my birthday with a gift card from my husband for a massage. I was picked up late from the lounge, and the massage was finished early, so I didn’t get the 50 minute worth of massage. However the reception was nice enough to make a 20% off when I mentioned the timing.The lounge is a great area for relaxing before and after treatments, the tea and snacks they provided adds a luxurious and relaxing feeling and atmosphere. It is my favorite part.

Nina Sjöström: The Harmony Rituals massage is a delightful experience, after which it was wonderful to stay in the lounge for tea and snacks. A perfect getaway oasis in the middle of the city, like a quiet retreat!

Sari Harmsen: Wonderful and friendly service, wonderful facial treatment by Elena ❀

Eiko T: Nice cozy spa space in the middle of the city. Facility and service is good.

7. Finlandia Park Hotel Helsinki - KÀpylÀ

· 581 arvostelut

Pohjolankatu 38, 00610 Helsinki, Suomi

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Finlandia Park Hotel Helsinki: mitÀ kÀyttÀjÀt ajattelevat?

Ulla Kauppinen: Kiitos mukavasta lauantai-illasta. Rauli Badding tribute bÀndi esitti paljon suosittuja ja muutaman tuntemattomamman biisin. HyvÀÀ muiikkia ja meininkiÀ ja pihaterassi tÀynnÀ iloisia ihmisiÀ..Mukava henkilökunta tarjoili juomaa ja ruokaa ja kiikutti paljon lisÀÀ tuoleja.

Simo L: Hotellin parhaat puolet Rauhallinen ja Edullinen

Pentti Jonninen: Palvelu: 4/5

8. Hotel St. George - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 693 arvostelut

Yrjönkatu 13 C, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi

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Hotel St. George: mitÀ kÀyttÀjÀt ajattelevat?

Matti: Our room was great, had everything we needed, except a view. The room had a very small window in the corner making the room in itself a bit dark / gloomy. Bed was great, and the space as well, on top of good bathropes. Shoes they could not find that could fit a 46 / 11 size.The service on the other hand was perfect and everyone was nice and quick.

Amy Shi: was so so. Food was not very good at the bakery. Location is great that it’s walkable to most attractions.Walkability: Walkable to most attractions

Dev N: . Suosittelen menemÀÀn ensin aamulla tai juuri ennen sulkemista vĂ€lttÀÀksesi vĂ€kijoukon.Ainoa haittapuoli on, ettĂ€ WiFi ei ole hyvĂ€.Huoneet: Hyvin design, jossa paljon sĂ€ilytystilaa ❀ television voi myös peittÀÀ kauniilla rottinkinĂ€ytöllĂ€. Jos etsit teknistĂ€ detoxia, tĂ€mĂ€ on oikea paikka.Jalankulku: Se on kadun toisella puolella Stockmannia, joten kaiken tarvitsemasi voit ylittÀÀ kadun. Koska se on lĂ€hellĂ€ vilkkainta ostosaluetta, se on yllĂ€ttĂ€vĂ€n hiljainen ja kaunis puisto kadun toisella puolella.Huomioitavia asioita: Upea sauna ja uima-allas. Sinun on yksinkertaisesti mentĂ€vĂ€.

David Habegger: Tulin tÀnne kahdeksi yöksi yksin viikko- ja puolikaupunkikierroksella Baltiassa heinÀkuun alussa New Yorkista. Varasin "Serenity Studio, Studio, 1 King, Street view" helmikuussa noin 265 dollaria per yö. Löysin tÀmÀn hotellin ensin Marriottin verkkosivuston kautta, koska olen Platinum-eliitin jÀsen ja yritÀn pysyÀ Marriottin kiinteistöissÀ.Pidin todella tÀstÀ hotellista. Sijainti oli loistava; lÀhellÀ pÀÀaukiota, mutta myös jotain, mikÀ poisti, joten se ei ollut niin turisti ja tungosta. Henkilökunta oli kaikki ihanaa. Kaikki mitÀ tilasin, saapui huoneeseeni viidessÀ minuutissa. Rakastin myös huonettani todella paljon. Se oli niin hyvin suunniteltu, mukava ja tilava. Televisio oli myös uusi, sillÀ se pystyi suoratoistamaan siihen henkilökohtaiselta laitteeltasi. Rakastin myös tilavaa kylpyhuonetta, jossa oli japanilaistyylinen wc.Suosittelisin kenellekÀÀn majoittumaan tÀhÀn hotelliin, enkÀ voi kuvitella, jos/kun olen takaisin Helsinkiin, yöpyisin missÀ tahansa muualla.

9. Hotel KÀmp - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 1259 arvostelut

Pohjoisesplanadi 29, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi

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Hotel KÀmp: mitÀ kÀyttÀjÀt ajattelevat?

Jarno: The service and location are absolutely top notch. The breakfast was as expected and it is worth mentioning that the coffee offered was of high quality. The room was good, but by no means perfect anymore. The annoyance was caused by the rather impractical/bad water taps. Not quite up to five as a whole, especially considering the very high price of the room.

Anthonia J: I had a business lunch here and the selection was perfect. The staff were professional and friendly and the atmosphere was very relaxed. The beef tartare was splendid.

Tee Hoo: Breakfast & champagne on the terrace. Calm atmosphere. The servings for breakfast had been put together in a sufficiently versatile manner.Food & drinks: The breakfast was sufficiently versatile. A selection of juices is a good addition.

Tuyet Nhi (Doris): Last night I had the pleasure of visiting KĂ€mp Bar, and it was an outstanding experience.The ambiance was chic yet cozy, perfect for unwinding after a long day. What truly stood out, however, were the cocktails. Each drink was a masterpiece, skillfully crafted with a balance of flavors that delighted my palate.The bartenders clearly have a deep understanding of mixology, and their passion shines through in every sip.The service was exceptional as well; the staff was attentive, friendly, and knowledgeable, enhancing the overall experience.Whether you're a cocktail connoisseur or just looking for a great place to relax, Kamp Bar is a must-visit.

Monika Halan: Absolutely wonderful experience.The staff is exceptional.The rooms very nice.Location is perfect.Am definitely coming back.
· 1615 arvostelut

John Stenbergin ranta 4, 00530 Helsinki, Suomi

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Hilton Helsinki Strand: mitÀ kÀyttÀjÀt ajattelevat?

Camille Lecompte: after a problem with warm water one morning when I had to take a very cold shower before going to a professional appointment. But one more time this is minor and does not affect the quality of this Hilton hotel.Rooms: Functional and cosy, clean and inspiring, I could work well therein.

Labeyrie Frédéric: Good hotel overall, not much to complain about. I give 4 stars because of the swimming pool which does not deserve this name. It has the merit of existing but is much too small.Very good location for accessibility to the center.

11. Holiday Inn Helsinki - Vantaa Airport - Aviapoliksen suuralue

· 1236 arvostelut

RĂ€lssitie 2, 01510 Helsinki, Suomi

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Holiday Inn Helsinki - Vantaa Airport: mitÀ kÀyttÀjÀt ajattelevat?

Agnes Dj: : perfect for two, a bit cramped with extra two kids.Good mattress.Good temperature with the airconditioning.Service at the reception was great.Restaurant service - dinner time - could had been better.Location: close to Flamingo, one place for entertainment and relaxing. Also shopping. Within walking distance.Free shuttle service to and from airport.

Toma Breivytė: Very nice staff, especially the woman who registered at the hotel. She speaks English and tells everything. I just didn't like that the room didn't have a kitchen, only a tea room.Food & drinks: You can order breakfast. There is a buffet

Mari Harju: Oli ihana oleskelu tÀÀllÀ kuten aina. Yhden hengen huone kolmannessa kerroksessa. Oli pyytÀnyt huonetta lÀhellÀ hissiÀ ja sai tÀmÀn. Henkilökunnan jÀsen auttoi minua viemÀÀn matkatavarani huoneeseeni, kun kirjauduin sisÀÀn reilusti puolenyön jÀlkeen.Huone oli kokoonsa nÀhden hyvin varusteltu, eikÀ melua kuulunut.Aamiainen oli runsas; pekoni oli mÀrkÀ, mutta kaikki muu oli tÀydellistÀ.Ei ongelmia myöhÀisen kassan jÀrjestÀmisessÀ. WiFi toimi hyvin videoneuvottelussa.
· 898 arvostelut

Siltasaarenkatu 14, 00530 Helsinki, Suomi

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Scandic Hakaniemi: mitÀ kÀyttÀjÀt ajattelevat?

jenni H: A neat hotel in Hakaniemi. We had a spacious triple room facing the courtyard, which guaranteed a peaceful night's sleep. A bit crowded at breakfast on Sunday, but that wouldn't be in any hotel. The breakfast was comprehensive and delicious. The staff was really friendly. Central location, trams, metro, bus leaves right next door. This hotel is good value for money!

13. Finlandia Hotels - KÀpylÀ

· 9 arvostelut

Pohjolankatu 38, 00610 Helsinki, Suomi

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· 940 arvostelut

Paasivuorenkatu 5 B, 00530 Helsinki, Suomi

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Scandic Paasi: mitÀ kÀyttÀjÀt ajattelevat?

Sandra P: Kaikki oli 10/10.Hotellissa palvelu ja työntekijÀt 10/10.Aamupala loistava ja kaikille jotakin.Lapsille ilmainen moktail lipuke oli lapsille kiva juttu.Huoneet oli siistit ja kylpyamme ja oma parveke kruunasi sen.Lyhyt matka joka paikkaan, lÀhellÀ kauppoja ja ruokapaikkoja.Julkiset kulkee 200m pÀÀstÀ.Kaiken kaikkiaan ihan loistava kokemus ja varmasti mennÀÀn uudestaan!Huoneet: Hienot tilavat huoneet. Kaikki tarvittava paitsi minijÀÀkaappia/baarikaappia jÀimme kaipaamaan, siitÀ PIENI miinus.Aktiviteetit lÀhistöllÀ: Kauppoja, julkiset ja metro ihan vieressÀ. Hotellissa oli kuntosali.Turvallisuus: Olo tuntui turvalliselta hotellissa.Jalankulku: Hotelliin kulku helposti jalan ja ei ole esteitÀ tms. HissejÀ kaksi.Ruoka ja juomat: Aamupala mahtava. Hotellissa saa ostettua juomaa ja kioskista pieniÀ ruokia ja juomia myös.Ravintolasta saa muita juomia.

Tuomas Kontiokorpi: A very good accommodation in a really good location. Clean rooms and really friendly service. All my wishes were taken into account and even more.I will come again and recommend others to try it as well👌

Kaapo Flash: The hotel is located in a good location. We got a slightly oddly themed room, but it was still very clean and cozy. Comfortable lounges in the lobby. The customer service was very friendly. A very versatile breakfast. Nearby is a 24-hour McDonald's where you can get something to eat on hungry evenings. The hotel can be easily reached by trolley from the center in approx. 9 minutes.Rooms: Our room was clean. I especially liked the interior of the bathroom.Safety: The hotel was safe.Food & drinks: The breakfast was varied.
· 1672 arvostelut

Tasetie 8, 01510 Vantaa, Suomi

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Break Sokos Hotel Flamingo: mitÀ kÀyttÀjÀt ajattelevat?

Aleksandr Melnikov: Huoneet ovat siistejÀ.JOS HINTA SOPIVAA BUUDJETTISI, VOI LOPETA.

Anu Latvala: Guaranteed quality always. Every time we come to the capital region, we return to this hotel again and again. A regular hotel for decades. Everything always works here. Good rooms. Good views, this time for the first time we got an end room with views in two directions. Hotel in a good location in the middle of everything where nothing is missing. There is always plenty of room in the parking garage and, above all, free parking. And always a great breakfast and plenty of room to eat. When coming to breakfast, happy wishes so that you couldn't help but start the day with a smile.
· 1334 arvostelut

Robert Huberin tie 6, 01510 Vantaa, Suomi

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Scandic Helsinki Aviapolis: mitÀ kÀyttÀjÀt ajattelevat?

Ир Ка: .Palvelu oli hyvÀÀ, mukava tyttö vastaanotossa teki kassan erittĂ€in nopeasti ja antoi meille avaimet.Itse huone on pieni, mutta mukava vain viettÀÀ yö ennen jatkomatkaa - minimaaliset huonekalut, mutta pÀÀkriteeri tĂ€lle oli lentokentĂ€n lĂ€heisyys.

17. LĂ„ngvik Congress Wellness Hotel - Kirkkonummi

· 1148 arvostelut

Tanskarlantie 9, 02420 LĂ„ngvik, Suomi

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LÄngvik Congress Wellness Hotel: mitÀ kÀyttÀjÀt ajattelevat?

Lauri Sihvonen: . The building also has a really versatile range of different meeting rooms, discussion corners, an auditorium and halls where you can organize, for example, a wedding party. It's worth a visit - the best experience!

Minna KekÀle: Customer service very nice. The room is big, but the view for those traveling with a dog is not as nice as the view of the parking garage. More attention could be paid to the cleanliness of the outdoor areas.Rooms: The room was large for a room for 2 people and plus, there was a fridge, microwave and sink with drying cabinets in the room. There were no dishes but the traditional coffee mugs, wine and schmuck glasses.Nearby activities: There is a beach, tennis court, fitness trail approx. 1 km around the hotelFood & drinks: Food and drinks excellent. You could fill your stomach with breakfast.Noteworthy details: The hotel is perhaps more aimed at adults than families with children.
· 1213 arvostelut

Robert Huberin tie 4, 01510 Vantaa, Suomi

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