Liike sisään Toimisto:
1. Suomen Lääkäriliitto - Vallila
· 31 arvostelut
Mäkelänkatu 2, 00500 Helsinki, Suomi
Catherine Malingrey: Beautiful place!
Jenna: Good
Erkki Hietanen: Hello, come and see the renovated downstairs. Absolutely amazing architecture. I would like to stay there almost every day. Best regards, Erkki y
ari savolainen: Fun place, I recommend it
Mika Kousa: The service was fine
2. Suomen Nettilääkäri Oy

· 0 arvostelut
3. Suusairauksien opetus- ja hoitoyksikkö
· 6 arvostelut
Haartmaninkatu 1, 00290 Helsinki, Suomi
4. Oikeuskanslerinvirasto
· 7 arvostelut
Snellmaninkatu 1, 00170 Helsinki, Suomi
5. Helsingin Oikeusaputoimisto
· 38 arvostelut
Porkkalankatu 13 J, 00180 Helsinki, Suomi
Timo Olenius: A proper place. For some reason ?? There were no QUEUES! I HAD TO QUEUE ON THE PHONE SEVERAL TIMES. There seems to be a lack of logistics again
Marko Lipsanen: Easy going
6. Akateeminen lääketiedekeskus Helsinki
· 164 arvostelut
Haartmaninkatu 8, 00014 Helsinki, Suomi
Lissu Anttonen: Ok
Jyrki Puolakka: Busy place, at least this afternoon, but the very friendly staff took care of and explained things very well, clearly and quickly, as well as confirmed and told, if something needs to be monitored especially in drug combinations!
Jouko Mykkänen: Quite a nice place.
Rasmus Isokääntä: Hyvä
Oloneuvos: Pätevä.
Matti Nieminen: Ammattitaitoinen ja miellyttävä palvelu
Riitta Xxx: Loistavaa, että saatiin apteekki sairaalaan. Hyvä, ystävällinen palvelu.
Robert Andersson: Tutkimuskeskus
7. Oikeustuki
Fredrikinkatu 61 A, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
8. Helsingin käräjäoikeus
· 56 arvostelut
Porkkalankatu 13, 00180 Helsinki, Suomi
Fred F: Quite a challenging place if you come to a public place. Otherwise, it was easy to get there, the guards were polite and advised where to go. The other employees of the agency were also polite, took care of the matter and drove whenever possible.
Pasi Palokangas: A very clinical courthouse, where the waiting rooms are relatively barren.The waiting rooms become so familiar that you can wait there, quite a bit. Apparently the clock is an almost unknown concept here.There are some parking spaces, but of course not enough.In addition to this, apparently there are parking ninjas waiting hidden around the corner who will have your car towed in a nanosecond if you don't immediately get the parking app working.Most give a chance to repair and leave a note on the windshield.Then there is a happy rarebeard who describes the car without leaving a note - then you get it delivered directly to your home.
Yunting: Good 👌
Henna: Big, yet calm. Neat. Good arrangements for waiting and the hall if necessary. Professional and friendly staff. Coffee finished 7/2023.
Bad Actor: Nice staff and fast service
Joona Askolin: Clean premises and there is a cafe in the lobby.If necessary, you should reserve time for the security check.
Ville Hoikkala: The place to be
J. Paatero: There is a security check in the lobby of the district court, so you should arrive in good time. Halls come in many sizes depending on the occasion. There are benches in the corridors for waiting. Power plugs are a bit hard to find, so charge your device beforehand. The building has dignity and a certain characteristic smell. It is worth going up the stairs to the upper floors, because the stairs have a good view and you can feel the atmosphere of the building.
· 241 arvostelut
Yliopistonkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Veselin Penev: It's beautiful, worth seeing.
John Goh: and sciences such as Medicine. Easily accessible by Train and trams!
sakura: Around September 4th, 2023I was standing in the square in front of the Helsinki Cathedral, with the cathedral in front of me and the University of Helsinki on my left❗️It was a very nice university building with a cream-colored soft exterior wall! ️