Liike sisään Eläinsuoja:
1. Faunastic Oy - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 11 arvostelut
Fredrikinkatu 55 A, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Jussi Räty: Lovely soul
Licia Mapelli: Best pizzeria in Finland.
annukka jääskeläinen: Positive Responsiveness, Reliability, Professionalism
mati juuse: Peaceful
pasi vuorinen: Everything was so clear and the place was easy to find
2. Hännänheiluttajat Koirapäiväkoti

· 29 arvostelut
Rajametsäntie 29-31, 00630 Helsinki, Suomi
Hjkj Hjj: A nice, cozy daycare for dogs. The dogs are well taken care of and everyone's needs are taken into account. The dogs get company from people and other dogs, and they get a lot of walks a day.
taija laakso: comfortably homely, clean, small but not cramped, knowledgeable reception, many regular customers, dog-friendly in every way and lots of outdoor activities.
Laura Leppälä: A wonderful place and flexible, a treatment place was arranged the same morning. Warm recommendations for the place. dog and owner very satisfied.
Nikke Waltahoff: It must be good, because my dog "squeals" with joy when we drive up to the door of the nursing home. After a day of work, the "repo chicken" is happy again.
Satu Laiho: Expert and reliable nurses. The dog really likes grooming days.Positive Reliability, Quality, Professionalism …
Tobias Lillqvist: Good service and friendly staff.
Karoliina Mäki-Tuuri: Positive Responsiveness, Reliability, Quality, Professionalism, Value
Heidi Jokela: The place where customer service comes from. I knew that my dog would be taken care of, I will definitely continue to use it if the need arises. I highly recommend.
Tiinamaria Kauppila: My dog received such good care that I have never experienced anything like it before! Practical and friendly reception.
· 270 arvostelut
Muonamiehentie 7, 00390 Helsinki, Suomi
Annika Raudssus: Tämä paikka toteuttaa kaikki toimenpiteet uskottujen eläinten hoitamiseksi. Henkilökunta on ollut erittäin kohtelias ja avulias, olen ollut siellä muutaman kerran vapaaehtoisena ja suosittelen lämpimästi lemmikin hankkimista tarhasta kuin keneltäkään kasvattajalta!
Juha Hemmilä: Musiikkia Samba CaRNA KYLLTTY pois
Hibo Abdulkarim: Nice place, important work. We got nice toys for the cats from the store and went to see the cats looking for a home upstairs 😊
Oona Engblom-Rantanen: The work is done with a big heart, respecting the animals.
4. Viikin löytöeläintalo
· 42 arvostelut
Koetilantie 13, 00790 Helsinki, Suomi
Tomi Parviainen: Good service and proper operation. The stress of the animal and the owner was taken into account. Good luck getting home safely 😬
Tuomas Uutela: They took good care of a deceased friend's dog until we found a home
Salam Aljanabi: Nice
Tapio Rauvala: Great service, I wish more people knew it existed.
Tero Kuronen: 嘿! 我養了兩隻貓,一隻因為年老被安樂死,還有一隻小狗因為不適應剪尾巴:(
Nina B: 友好且知識淵博的員工。無需擔心將找到的狗留在這裡由好人照顧。
Tuija Talsi: 友善的工作人員,從他們那裡我們把逃跑的狗完好無損地找回來了。
Janet Laine: 友善的服務。
Amin Hamidi: 很可愛
Reijo: 為發現的動物攜帶補給品的好地方。
LiittyvÄt kysymykset Eläinsuoja:
5. Lemmikkihoitola Kissanpäivät
· 74 arvostelut
Poutamäentie 7 E, 00360 Helsinki, Suomi
Minna: Full five stars. Care work is done before the cats, the owner is well informed about the species-typical behavior of cats. I happily left my cat here for the duration of the trip and the cats had a great time! We will definitely come again. Thank you ❤️
Janne Tirronen: Our cat received first-class care during our trip, we will definitely bring her again if necessary. A big thank you for the luxury treatment for ten days.😻😍
Katja Juntunen: It's a wonderful place and it's great that you were able to get to know it in advance. Was able to leave the rabbits well and with confidence. During the treatment, you received updates and videos by message.
Helena Ahola-Höök: It seems that there is a pet care center devoted wholeheartedly to the care of animals and an expert.
Artturi Pekkola: A five-star vacation for a cat, here guests are clearly taken care of with heart and feeling instead of making money 👍 The premises themselves are already impressive, rooms decorated with different stimuli and furniture for each cat, where you can climb, scratch, hide and peek through the windows at what is happening around. Each in turn, the cats also get to explore the kennel and other guests at their own pace. Strong recommendation!
Ritva Donner: A really lovely treatment place.
Katarzyna Post: A wonderful cat space that also gives humans a moment of breath and magic.
Toni Raassina: They love cats as much as their own. Strong recommendation
Juge Mäkinen: Good care for the pet, gets to walk around and is full of energy when you come back.
Lauri H.: Good care, clean, everything works as agreed.
Carry Jessica: Fab! A really positively surprising, heartfelt place. I definitely recommend it to everyone! Absolutely top service, first of all, not everything can be written here, but nothing negative at all. Absolutely top place!
Solja Mentu: All in all, a wonderful "second home" for cats. With the good care of "Cat Grandma-Tiina", the kitties always survive brilliantly! Everything works👍😻😻👌!
Laura: .Once you take your pet here for treatment, you hardly even want to try others.
6. Koiraparkki - Koirapäiväkoti
· 33 arvostelut
Katutaso, Kalevankatu 17, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Lisa Carlsson: I also really appreciated the short Tiktoks and debriefs one gets, to see that she is loving it
Daniel Jackson: Our dog loves coming here during the day! 🐾
Caitlin Tudor-Savin: from all of the fun that she had with the group. We only wish that we had a daycare like Koiraparkki in Paris!
Batuhan yıldız: It has been always fun for Casper to stay at either daycare or a hotel in this place. Many thanks to Raisa for her attention toward us. Highly recommend.
Eija Miettinen: clearly enjoyed themselves :
Nova Halliwell: Highly, highly recommend Koiraparkki! Raisa and her staff are extremely knowledgeable and take excellent care of dogs in their charge. Since we began using their service, I noticed a marked improvement in my puppy - a six-month old Dalmatian. He is more confident around other dogs, more responsive to commands and even walking better on the leash. Definitely a great way to socialize your dog in a safe and positive environment. Also their social media content leaves no question that all the dogs are having a blast!
Shabnam Nikbakhsh: My dog loves this place! And I’m so happy I found this place in Helsinki ❤️
Tarja: and has received the best social skills that he wishes for a dog.The caretakers' love for dogs is evident and the dog always comes here with joy and enthusiasm.
Merja Heinonen: Papu the dog was very satisfied with the care he received, and so was Papu's owner❣️👍
Niklas Dyrendahl-Nyblin: It seems like a good place when the current caretakers don't know how to take care of our dog properly
7. Faunastic Oy
· 13 arvostelut
8. Stadin Lemmikit Oy
· 26 arvostelut
Runeberginkatu 50, 00260 Helsinki, Suomi
9. Pääkaupunkiseudun Eläintuhkaamo Pet Oy
· 212 arvostelut
Koetilantie 1, Gardenian sisäpiha Hakalantieltä päiväkodin jälkeen sisäpihalle PUHELINPÄIVYSTYS 24/7, 00790 Helsinki, Suomi
Heli Myllyniemi: Friendly, sympathetic service that I can warmly recommend.
Nuppu Vuohtoniemi: Understanding employees who still allowed me to take the dog for cremation after closing time❤️
Petteri Pentti: Here, the customer is met with the sensitivity required by the situation. Very warm service that made a difficult day a little easier. Paw prints had been taken as a memory of the cremated pet, which was a really nice surprise.
Tuula Ahvenainen: Fast and warm service
Jorma Lehto: Great action!
Johanna Paappanen: Very good and friendly service for the pet's last journey 🖤 The cat's paw prints on the card was a touching addition, thank you 🐾💕
Tuula: Great service and condolences due to the death of our beloved cat Laki.Our friend was 18 years old when he moved to cats' heaven on 20.6.24
Sini Nieminen: Ashtray owners do hard but valuable work, and it couldn't be done better. In the midst of the worst grief, warm and empathetic service is priceless. A pet's paw prints on paper are a moving memory.
Anders Dahlqvist: Friendly and good service in the moment when you have to give up your beloved pet. Through the animal incinerator, we also quickly got the veterinarian's contact information and were able to take our dog quickly and painlessly to the edge of the cloud. Excellent service and within a day we got our pet back home in a beautiful urn. Thank you for the warm and good service in the midst of grief.
tirsuiivari: Saimme taas erinomaisen huomaavaista palvelua kun veimme rakkaan kissamme suoraan eläinlääkäristä PET Helsinkiin. Tulimme ilman ajanvarausta ennen aukioloaikaa ja meidät otettiin ystävällisesti vastaan. Tuhkan saimme hakea kotiin jo seuraavana päivänä. Myös koiramme tuhkaus hoidettiin täällä v.2020 ja silloinkin saimme tuoda hänet suoraan kotieutanasian jälkeen tänne. Voin suositella paikkaa lämpimästi.
Michi Cats: Minun piti saada kissani Osku nukuttamaan ja tämä firma teki tuhkauspalvelun ja tilasin söpön kissan muotoisen uurnan. Joku toimitti sen asuntoni ja siinä oli myös kaunis paperi, johon he olivat laittaneet hänen tassunjäljensä. Annan heille 5 tähteä ja suosittelen niitä lämpimästi. Olin hyvin läheinen kissani kanssa ja tämä palvelu sai minut tuntemaan oloni onnelliseksi, kun sain pitää hänen muistonsa elossa ❤️
Seija Häme: Aivan mahtava ja nopea palvelu.Sain niin ihanan viestin heiltä.Tassu muisto meni sydämmeen,😿❤️
Marianna Korolkoff: Ei olisi koiramme kauniimpaa lähtöä enää voinut saada. Sydämellinen kiitos tuesta meille ihmisille ja kauniista sekä arvostavasta koiramme hoidosta viimeisinä hetkinä.
Merja Sihvonen: Kiitos kaunis ! Otitte vastaan jo taivaalliseen laumaansa siirtyneen koirani työaikanne ulkopuolella. Teette arvokasta työtä ammattitaidolla ja lämmöllä !
huulipunasissi: Eilen meidän piti hyvästellä meidän rakkaamme Wilman ja ollaan ihan surun murtumia. Viimeisen Palveluksen eläinlääkäri kävi meidän kotona päästämässä maailman parhaan koiran vapaaksi ja vei hänet meiltä eläintuhkaamoon. Tänään kävimme hakemassa meidän tytömme kotiin ja haluamme kiittää sydämemme pohjasta meitä auttanutta mieshenkilöä tuhkaamolla. Meidät otettiin vastaan sydämellisesti ja empaattisesti eikä haittanut että aloin itkeä heti kun näin hänen koiran. Saatiin myös mukaan tassukuvia Wilmasta ja kauniin runon joka oli odottamaton mutta erittäin kaunis ja lohduttava. Tuhannet kiitos teille ensiluokkaisesta palvelusta❤️
Miisa Konttila: täydellinen palvelu. Ei lisättävää. Pet Helsinki täytti viimeisen puuttuvan palasen❤️🐾
10. Pet Helsinki Lemmikkien Muistomuuri
Katajakalliontie, 01120 Sipoo, Suomi
11. Östersundomin koirametsä
· 243 arvostelut
Puroniityntie 38, 00890 Helsinki, Suomi
Mingwei: Awesome forest for dogs to have fun! Lots of blueberries as well.
Irina Isojarvi: Super nice place!
Noora Päivinen: We were here for the first time with our own Dalmatian dog. It's great that there is a forest where you can keep your dog free. There were also other dogs. Encounters with other dogs went well.
Satu Palomäki: Lots of different trail options. There is a lot of space, so encounters with other dogs are easier. During off-peak times, you may not meet anyone, and sometimes during peak times, there may be more encounters. The encounters have all been very positive so far. No wild animals have been encountered. Surely they know how to avoid the area when there are so many dogs there.
Ismo: Dogs' own forest where you can run and romp at your own pace in a 50-hectare area 🐕 🐕 🐾🐾
Camilla: A really wonderful place that even the dog loves! It is worth daring to try, even if your dog is not used to being free. Especially on Sundays, lots of dogs, and not one "runs away" then. Here, the dog learns to be social if it hasn't been. Even if there is leash noise, when free they meet naturally, dog-like well. I highly recommend!The forest and open spaces are not maintained, be prepared for the natural state, i.e. slippery and from time to time muddy. Varying terrain in the area.
Riina Hyöky: A wonderful dog forest, the only minus is the lack of trash, i.e. waste is not cleaned up.
Markku Kärkkäinen: A nice place to walk the dog without fences
Kaj Hietala: Nice place
12. Lemmikkihotelli Tassu & Tassu
· 106 arvostelut
Tulvaniityntie 1, 00650 Helsinki, Suomi
Jonna Laine: A wonderful place, with many years of experience.
taija laakso: The staff is really professional. The best of the animal is acted upon. 24/7. Are honest if the place is not suitable for the pet; not homey but still caring and calm. The location is a bit on the side, although close to the center.
Sari Ilonen: It was a really good treatment place for our dog, who is selective and challenging. I highly recommend!
Terho: Our senior dog had a great time for 3 nights.
Mikko Hagman: Very good care for our beloved dog.
13. Helsingin Koiratrimmaamo
· 43 arvostelut
Viipurinkatu 18, 00510 Helsinki, Suomi
Johanna Tanska: Very professional, friendly and reliable service! Best!
Laila Aro: Absolutely the best Spa Milton 10v. has been a regular visitor for 9 years already. Matt is also satisfied.
Marko Mattila: Good service and the work is done dog-friendly.
Nanna-J Toivonen: The dog thanks! Great service!
Hilkka Tammesvirta: Often the "girls" shortened Charly's nails, the boy behaved well and likes to go to the table. Looking at the "caretaker" with a side eye... We still go here, we get a care appointment quickly and the price is right!
Eli Saarinen: The dog's nails were trimmed without an appointment. Clean and in a good location. Friendly service and the nails came quickly and well cut. It was the first but not the last visit.
saila kämppi: and the end result was good! The dog was in no hurry to leave after the procedure, both the dog and the people felt good about the visit.We will come again 😊.
M Tarvainen: Friendly service. The dog's fur is clean after treatment.
Juhani Lohikoski: High consistent quality. Professionalism and attitude.