Liike sisään Mercedes-Benz-kauppias:
· 354 arvostelut
Mekaanikonkatu 14, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
petri matikainen: Mersukauppa 😀
Teija Koivunen: Good service, the car exchange went smoothly
Ed In: In 1 day, everything was done with inspection and maintenance. Thank you.
Juha: Clean facilities and fast service.
K P Tripathy: Good customer experience
Kai Luomala: The service has always been 10+++!
2. Merteil - Herttoniemen teollisuusalue

· 109 arvostelut
Sahaajankatu 43, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
Nicholas Leva: Loistavaa palvelua, soittavat myös kun tilattu osa on mahdollista noutaa
Jukka Ärling: Sain hyvää ja ammatillista palvelua. Varaosat huippu hyvään hintaan. Josta kiitos Harri nimiselle myyjälle. Suosittelen.
Jasse Schneider: Todella osaava ja tietävä henkilökunta, voin suositella lämpimästi.
D1AMOND 1: Todella asiantuntevaa ja erittäin ammattitaitoista palvelua !Suosittelen lämpimästi asioimaan Merteilillä ! 👍👍
Risto Pohjolainen: Paikka mistä vanhaan Audiinkin saa varaosia ystävällisen palvelun myötä! Nopeat vastaukset kyselyihin ja viiveettömät toimitukset verkkokaupassa. Jatkoon!
Kari Järvinen: Aina hyvää palvelua ja laatuosia.
Jarkko Auvinen: BMW-omistajille on kartoitettava nastapaikka! Hyvä ja lämmin asiakaspalvelu!
Seppo Pursiainen: Mukava paikka asioida. Osaava ja ystävällinen palvelu. Oli hyvin parkkitilaa tarjolla käynnin ajaksi. Tosin oli ehkä päivän hiljaisin hetki. Käyn varmuudella toistekin.
Cenan Beciroski: Hieno ja asiallinen palvelu .
Pasi Virinsalo: Hyvä palvelu , nopeat toimitukset
Petri Manninen: Osat Mersuihin löytyy
3. Veho Suutarila - Tikkurilan suuralue
· 148 arvostelut
Valokaari 8, 00750 Helsinki, Suomi
Aku Lohimäki: Hyvä asiakaspalvelu. Auton pesu kiva bonus
Ilez Lianov: Nopea ja hyvää palvelua.
Jarmo Laakso: Kiitos hyvästä työstä.Kiitos vielä auton pesusta ja sisätilan puhdistuksesta pyytämättä.
PeLe Leva: Ammattitaitoinen MB vauriokorjaamo, joka siirtynee tässä muutaman kuukauden sisällä Ansakujalle. Nyt 3/2023 on muutto käynnissä ja toiminta on pikkuhiljaa siirtymässä uusiin tiloihin.
Jouni Linna: Paljon korjaamo tilaa.
Mikko Malin: Excellent and prompt service, strong recommendation.
sam forsbom: Excellent service
4. Rollen Tähtihuolto Ky - Vartioharju
· 69 arvostelut
Linnanherrankuja 3 B, 00950 Helsinki, Suomi
5. HORT AUTO OY - Espoo
· 82 arvostelut
Tillinmäentie 1, 02330 Espoo, Suomi
Ed In: Ensimmäinen kerta heille, toistaiseksi hyvin.
Jarmo Kyröläinen: todella hyvä MB asiantuntemus ja palvelu. ahto ongelma hoidettiin nopeasti lisäksi vaihdetiin joku anturi kun oli vika päällä. aika näyttää poistuiko ongelma lopullisesti. jos jotain täytyy murista niin lasku-lähetys listaan voisi kirjoittaa mikä anturi vaihdettiin eikä pelkkä anturi. mutta vahva suositus ei voi olla kuin tyytyväinen työn hinta on edullinen laadusta tinkimättä. VAHVA suositus täältä
Janne Haapakoski: Todella hyvä ja asiantunteva Mersu paja. Vein vanhan SKL neidon hoitoon. Diagnoosi ja korjaukset hoituivat todella joustavasti. Suosittelen.
Erik Yrjänä: Hyvä ja asiantunteva palvelu.
Pekka Laitio: Hyvää ja täsmällistä palvelua
Santtu Laitinen: Erinomaista! Hinta arvio piti paikkansa ja työ suoritettiin ripeästi. Suosittelen lämpimästi heidän palvelujaan.
Martin K: , aloitettiin sovittuna aikana, valmistui alle tunnin kuluttua, työ näyttää vakaalta
Juha Neffling: MB professionals.
helena selin: I received good service. I was satisfied 👍
ari triumf: Brake repair and the last repair was the air conditioning bumper and nothing but good things to say t Ari
Sauli Puustinen: The best Mesekorjaamo in the capital area.
Heguli Holgersson: Good car repair shop...and service 👍
Elina R.: They tried very hard to help old Mersu, but they still couldn't find the relay!
Juha Pennanen: The mood of the old union. The prices are reasonable.Services Auto engine diagnostic …
Märten Karu: Very good professionalism. The car has always been fixed. thank you
· 220 arvostelut
Linnavuorentie 28 C, 00950 Helsinki, Suomi
Marko Piirala: Good selections and prices have risen a bit
Marcus Grönberg: Good place👍 the spare parts came to the warehouse quickly for pick up, the products were correct and reasonably priced.
Keijo Tertsunen: Cheap place, I have ordered many spare parts here and picked them up at the same time.
Janne Koski: Nice Mercedes-Benz store. Pleasant business environment and nice staff!
Erkka Mutanen: Super good service! Super comfortable facilities and new/used cars are easy to find and clearly displayed.
Daniel arhi: Cars were shown to me and I got to look inside the cars. I would especially like to praise the service of the employee Henna, because she was kind and helpful.
raimo karhunen: Good professional service.
Tarmo Mähönen: Professional car salesmen.
8. KL-Varaosat - Suur-Tapiola
· 7 arvostelut
Luomannotko 4, 02200 Espoo, Suomi
9. Veho Oy Ab - Tikkurilan suuralue
Mäkituvantie 3G, 01510 Vantaa, Suomi
10. Alppilan Autohuolto Pitäjänmäki - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 118 arvostelut
Takkatie 7, 00370 Helsinki, Suomi
Calin Lucian Briciu: Is it possible to have high quality with a low price?!
Jussi Suutari: The sheet metal repair was on schedule and the painting was done well. In addition, to my pleasant surprise, the car was washed inside and out, the rubber mats were washed and the dashboard was wiped! I felt really happy! I recommend!
Nam Bui: Excellent customer service. Maintenance and inspection done with care and professionalism. In addition, the car was washed when picked up. I recommend!
Mikko Lehto: The work is done well. Customer service 5/5.
Timo Haukilahti: Polite experts.Services Oil change, Service not listed …
Vilho Hietala: I went to take care of the inspection registration, and since it was closed, Alppila Autohuolto customer service welcomed us and advised other possible inspection stations in the vicinity. Nice customer service.
Robert Simonsuuri: Troubleshooting and repairing the oil pressure sensor of an older R-Golf quickly and efficiently. To my surprise, the car was also washed clean and shiny! I got a very good picture of this place, thanks again!👍
Atte Leppänen: A screw in the tire and a leak. The first two places were not enthusiastic about solving the problem. I called Pitäjänmäki and immediately wanted to help. The first answer was "we'll find out how possible" and we were told that "we figured it out and it will work". When we got there, we were directed to the coffee machine and to wait. Great service and willingness to solve my problem!
A Y: Friendly service
Rauno Ahonen: Friendly service, staffed by experts
Marja Viitala: AWESOME and FAST service! When I took the car here to be repaired as a result of vandalism, feeling upset and sad, I got it back in less than a week! Friendly, great top service! 100 STARS and recommendation!
Roos Aappo: Good work, the agreed things stick. It was a very reliable image.Services Service not listed …
Lauri Tukiainen: Very good service! The cost estimate was completely accurate and the work was done within the agreed schedule. Also cheaper than K-Auto.
Henri P: Good service and the car continues the journey until the next service.
· 788 arvostelut
Ohtolankatu 10, 01510 Vantaa, Suomi
Pertti Makkonen: The car was washed really well and vacuumed after the last one. Really professional work.
Varon Lucky: I have done car maintenance on 15.07, really good service and now I feel that I have a Mercedes car KUTThe best car service ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
erkki paivarinta: Kaikki kuitenkin päättyi erittäin hyvin , kiitos
Jaakko Savolainen: Asiallista palvelua kaikki hoituu niin kuin pitääkin.
12. Suomen MPR-Tuonti Oy - Herttoniemen teollisuusalue
Sahaajankatu 43, 00810 Helsinki, Suomi
13. Mercedes - Benz - Aviapoliksen suuralue
Caravellentie, 01740 Vantaa, Suomi
14. Auto MAN Oy Bosch Car Service - Aviapoliksen suuralue
· 177 arvostelut
Virkatie 7, 01510 Vantaa, Suomi
Tiina Rytkönen: Brake service. The service was excellent, the operation efficient and appropriate. I was prepared for a bigger final bill, so the price was also a pleasant surprise.
Juha Piironen: Ok
Krzysztof Królik: High Quality I like it , and recomendet
Juha-Pekka Paananen: Efficient and good service!
ile: Good looking pages.
Ville Koponen: The first place where the car was first checked, what it wants to be serviced. Other places suggested unnecessary maintenance that would not have eliminated the original need.
Uttam KUMAR CHAKRABORTY: Good customer service. They suggest you to keep your vehicle smooth.
Sergei Naaber: Huvaa
Sasan Zeraati: No doubt about this place; if you live in Helsinki or nearby, especially in Vantaa, then here is the most suitable place for car services.
· 665 arvostelut
Ristipellontie 5, 00390 Helsinki, Suomi
Ivo Ojanurm: Everything is ok, but the downside is that you can't buy anything in cash🙂
Abdulrahman Zidan: You have to go there if you already get a previously reserved appointment
Juha Sevanto: Always good service both on the phone and on site. Experiences in Skoda and Nissan maintenance, as well as car sales.
Maisaa Jmal: Very good
16. Veho Lommila - Myyrmäen suuralue
· 32 arvostelut
Vehkalantie 7, 01730 Vantaa, Suomi
Tom Weckström: Good workshop and customer service
Petri Roininen: Great utility vehicle center. Good service.
Joelin pelikanava: fine
Sami Peltokallio: Good and fast service
matti vaahtera: Nice clean place
Arto Haukkamaa: The service works, but there is an unnecessary delay in the service when picking up the car. Had to wait an unnecessarily long time for service, even though there was no one ahead.
jaakko laukkanen: Veho's trainer gave good training in vehicle technology, thank you for that
Pekka Vartia: Good service and you can get everything there. There is express service, and with a reservation, you can also refuel new cars, spare parts and yourself
Petri Viteli: Excellent service and thanks to Timo Mantila. We got quick help for our Taxi Sprinter when the charger stopped working. The charger was changed and we were able to take our customer back to Tampere.
17. Alppilan Autohuolto Konala - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 175 arvostelut
Muonamiehentie 12, 00390 Helsinki, Suomi
Keijo Kettunen: Good, efficient service.
Yuriy Solodkin: I had a planned maintenance for my Hyundai car, and everything was fine. Personnel was nice, everything was completed in time. I left the car the evening before the maintenance, which was very convenient for me. Just keep in mind you need to book the maintenance in advance to make sure there are slots.
Timo Veijalainen: Hyundai's periodic maintenance at AAH is again worthy of a commendable rating, as is the customer service at the job reception, relaxed and matter-of-fact.In connection with the handover of the maintenance work, the performed maintenance actions and the printed electronic maintenance book were reviewed.
Rasid Dzino: service is 10, knowledge of work-related matters is top 10
Pasi Ojanen: The best brand maintenance experience in years.
Ania Kieniewicz: Recommended! Very nice, friendly staff! Service went really quick an without issues! i will be definitely back. Thank you!
Juha Roth: Excellent service.
Ismo: 😏
Sami: Reliable car service with many years of experience. They do what is agreed, the communication is clear, and there are no unexpected additional costs. The annual maintenance is done on time and the inspection is done at the same time.
Marje Reiljan: Wonderful great work and service. Super and I recommend it
Henri P: Excellent tire and storage service, fast exchanges and a functional appointment booking website.
Fouad Tarjoumani: The best service and customer service ever, thank you very much for the good service.
18. Autobodyparts Oy - Pohjois-Espoo
· 22 arvostelut
Läntinen teollisuuskatu 6, 02920 Espoo, Suomi
pekka dikert: Kaikki natsaa , kiitos palvelusta.
Risto Niemelä: Paikasta löytyi takalamppu vanhaan Nissan Almera Tinoon hyvin edullisella hinnalla! Osaavia ja mukavia työntekijöitä jotka myös selvittivät Nissanin ilmastoinnin osien saatavuutta samalla kuin haimme takalamppua
Paths of Dreams: Nopea lataus. Kulttuurityöntekijät.
73nikke: Hyvää ja joustavaa palvelua
Sertala Oy: Hyvä keskus
Oskari Hentilä: Korin osaa merkkiin kuin merkkiin näköjään!
Jan-Erik Sepponen: Laaja valikoima varaosia, hyvä palvelu
Arttu Harkki: Kaikkea lähes kaikkiin autoihin 👍
· 297 arvostelut
Sahaajankatu 45, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
Hussam H: Professional service and very outstanding customer service . Thanks.
Mika Koskenvierus: If it doesn't work here, it probably won't work anywhere!
Seija Tura: Fast and efficient service.
Aija Marjanen: Things were taken care of while waiting. Reasonably priced.
Niko Henriksson: Excellent and fast service