Liike sisään Moottoripyörien varaosamyymälä:
1. Eurobiker Oy - Aviapoliksen suuralue
· 220 arvostelut
Antaksentie 4 B, 01510 Vantaa, Suomi
Pietu Niemi: Expert and friendly service!
Merja Ahonen: A versatile selection of motorcycle accessories, also for women. Prices at a reasonable level. Excellent, expert service.
Katri Alikoski: Clean, good service. Everything you needed was found.
Petri Tokee: It worked as intended. Good and great staff
Juuso Manu: The nice seller helped me choose the right helmet. During busy times you may have to wait to get help, but during the high season this is completely understandable.
Ari K.: Good and friendly service. Skilled personnel.It was pleasant to visit and receive expert service.
Kirsi Suvanto: Incredibly good service. Thanks for the helmet phone help. A great young man helped with our problem. Really good customer service. Thanks thanks.

· 267 arvostelut
Antaksentie 4, 01510 Vantaa, Suomi
Juha Saarela: Ostin kypärän ja kypäräpuhelimen. Tosi hyvä ja asiantunteva palvelu!
Jere Pitkänen: Ystävällinen palvelu ja laaja valikoima varusteita ja varaosia
Juuso Saarikoski: They knew how to help in choosing the right battery well and quickly and accepted the old battery
Mika Saari: Always good service.
· 295 arvostelut
Antaksentie 4, 01510 Vantaa, Suomi
Pirkko Toppi: The seller is knowledgeable and friendly. Wide selection.
Sergei G: respectful service, very good
Re Koskinen: The sellers don't say hello and the service is not the same as in ddr on the store side. Something nostalgic. Fortunately, the maintenance repair shop side serves better.
Henri Piippola: 5/5 service. I bought my first bike from Mika. Knowledgeable seller.
· 595 arvostelut
Petikontie 22, 01720 Vantaa, Suomi
Oona Engblom-Rantanen: Asiansa osaava ja asiaan vihkiytynyt myyjä. Jonoa oli arki-iltana ihan odotteluun asti.
Juss: Hyvin saa mopon osia ja myyjät osaa auttaa
Karl Berg: Mukava palvelu ja tarvittava varaosa löytyi heti hyllystä
Janne Hämäläinen: Hyvää palvelua mopo-ostoksilla.
antti kallioniemi: Vaikea vielä sanoa ennenkun mopo on korjattu,palvelu pelaa.