Liike sisään Hotelli:
1. Allas Sea Pool - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 3192 arvostelut
Katajanokanlaituri 2a, 00160 Helsinki, Suomi
Jani Rytkönen: Great place and Ismo Alanko! Also Royal Republic!Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes …
Luís Miguel: Visited on Public holiday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No
Andreas Larssen: A wonderful facility with several pools, saunas and relaxation zones right in the center of Helsinki. Sunbeds for "everyone". Café/Restaurant. Heated training pool and children's pool. Own pool with sea water. Own small cozy sandy beach. The system is somewhat worn due to a lot of use, without being critical. But it needs some upgrading. I recommend everyone to visit Allas Sea Pool if you are in Helsinki, for a few lovely hours of sauna, pool and hopefully sun. But surely delicious in the winter too... Thank you for me ☺️
Pasquale Castaldo: and the one divided for men and women
Aleksandr Melnikov: Perfect place. Baths, swimming pool, restaurant, everything is there. COME YOU WILL NOT REGRET!Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Not sure …
Eetu Rehmonen: Loistava keikkapaikka, äänentoisto ja tekniikka tikissä. Ainoa moite oli ettei baarista voinut maksaa tilausta käteiselläKäyty Arkipäivänä Varausta suositellaan Kyllä …
Sami Kinnunen: Keikka ja järjestelyt ok. Juomapisteitä oli useita mutta juomia sai jonottaa, koska juomat kaadettiin tölkeistä tuoppeihin.Kaiken kaikkiaan hyvä paikka katsella keikkoja 👍Käyty Arkipäivänä Odotusaika 10–30 min Varausta suositellaan Kyllä …
GIanluigi BUonanno: Mukava paikka ja mahtava tunnelmaKäyty Viikonloppuna Odotusaika Ei odottamista Varausta suositellaan Ei …
Lupu Pitkänen: Käyty Viikonloppuna Odotusaika Ei odottamista Varausta suositellaan Ei
石翔(Sho): Vieraillut noin kello 4 arkisin. Kävin pääasiassa saunassa, ja merivesi oli kylmää ja tuntui hyvältä. Siellä on uima-altaita lapsille ja aikuisille. Paras sauna, kun sää on hyväKäyty Arkipäivänä Odotusaika Ei odottamista Varausta suositellaan En tiedä …
Sabri Kürüm: Mahtava saunakokemus, meri oli jäässä, vaikka ulkona oli 20 astetta. Se paransi ehdottomasti kokemustamme. Tunsin oloni niin rentoutuneeksi vierailuni jälkeenKäyty Viikonloppuna Odotusaika Ei odottamista Varausta suositellaan Ei …
Julia Wald: Tämä oli suosikkisaunani koko Helsingissä. Ulkouima-altaat olivat niin viileitä, ja heillä on laaja valikoima saunoja. Ihanaa aurinkoisena päivänä!Käyty Viikonloppuna Odotusaika Enintään 10 min Varausta suositellaan Kyllä …
2. Yrjönkadun uimahalli - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 494 arvostelut
Yrjönkatu 21 B, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi
Alena Vaňková: Good relax and beatuful swimmingVisited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …
Seif: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Not sure
Iryna Babenko: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes
Anne F.: A wonderful swimming pool... I was there on Sunday for women's swimming... relaxing naked swimmingVisited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …
Juha Salin: Visited on Weekday
Peti Kulimák: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No
Paula Lahtinen: . I will definitely visit again, when possible.Visited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended No …
Katriina Könönen: Great place
Elena Seibanova: a man??
박지혜: The days of the week are different for men and women, so make sure to check before going. It closes at 8, so I went there thinking 5 would be late, but for some reason there were a lot of people waiting. They said I would have to wait at least 45 minutes, but I think I actually waited about 30 minutes. If you want to use the sauna and private room instead of the pool, go up to the second floor. Robes, towels, and rugs are distributed at the second floor entrance. Perhaps because it was close to closing time, the traditional Finnish sauna was closed, and I went into another similar sauna room. It's hard to see because of the thick steam. I sat down, came out, took a cold shower, and went back in. When I finished and came outside, it was very cool and refreshing.
Ishimwe Nathanael: No massage thereVisited on Public holiday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …
iika hartikainen: Visited on Weekday Wait time 30–60 min
Jyrki R: From the busy street in the center, I suddenly jumped into a classic, fairytale-like, shy, hundred-year-old world, even on two floors. There were people waiting in line, but inside it was almost a hobby and very quiet.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait …
· 1208 arvostelut
Hammarskjöldintie 5, 00250 Helsinki, Suomi
Anna: Hyvät pitkät ja riittävän leveät radat sekä siistit tilat.
Kim Rönnblad: Ihan huikea paikka ja mikä fiilis siellä on. Ulkokuntosali hyvässä kunnossa.
Noksuboy: Sopivasti oli porukkaa ei tarvinnut jonottaa kassalle.Hyppytorniin oli pieni jono etenkin 5m.
· 865 arvostelut
Allastie 1, 00560 Helsinki, Suomi
mussi yussu: Vietämme perheen kanssa, se on loistava paikka mennä.
Anne-Kaarina Lyytinen: Hyvä ajanviettopaikka koko perheelle nurmikkoa uintia eri kokoisissa altaissa + hyppytornit, beachvolley, pingistä, lautapelejä, kahvilaTupakaton alue - ei kuvausta
Late Koo: 可愛的地方!我小時候經常來這裡,成年後我已經好幾年沒有來過這裡了,但今年夏天來過幾次,我計劃在天氣允許的情況下再次來這裡。很喜歡游泳、吃零食、看書、享受陽光 🌞食物和冰淇淋,價格昂貴,但如果你自備零食也沒有問題。他們會做得很好
Noksuboy: 良好的地面泳池,良好的跳塔 1 3 5 7.5 和 10m
Kirsi Hakkila: 我很驚訝這個地方有多棒!能劃槳,還能遊很遠的距離。找到了一個冰淇淋亭和可以曬日光浴的草地。你可以感受到對老地方的懷念。免費停車場有足夠的停車位。
Jagr Sieq: 夏天絕對要去的地方之一
LiittyvÄt kysymykset Hotelli:
5. Urheiluhallit Töölö (Töölön Urheilutalo) - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 262 arvostelut
Topeliuksenkatu 41 a, 00250 Helsinki, Suomi
Maj-Lis Vänskä: Erinomaiset ohjaajat, monipuolinen tuntivalikoima.
Anna: Pieneksi halliksi hyvin viihtyisä, siisti ja kattavat palvelut. Ei yhtä ruuhkaisa kuin muut Helsingin hallit.
Hannele Suokas: Yksi tähti pois . Valvonta huonoa tässä asiassa, 1 meikit päällä uimassa ,viidellä hiukset pesemättä tai siis kastamatta. Kaikille samat säännöt
Katri Parantainen: Pitkästä aikaa täällä. Oli uusittu hyvin viihtyisäksi vaikka altaiden luota viherkasvit poissa. Kiva kokemus, täytyy uusia usein. Palvelu pelasi hyvin. Ei sattunut olemaan isoja ruuhkia. Kiva kun heinäkuun auki. Palvelee senioreita erinomaisesti.
Kaunis koira: Aina hyvä palvelu. Täydellinen lapsille ja aikuisillePuhdas ja turvallinen paikka
Heli Halonen: Ihanat tuoreet sämpylät täytettynä, hyvä kahvi.
Alex Home: A very cozy sports hall! The gym is quite small and often quite full. The equipment selection in the hall is still quite comprehensive and the space is really cozy. The space of the swimming pool is quite large, and there is a comprehensive selection of different swimming pools. All in all, a very nice place for both beginners and more experienced athletes!
Henna L: Nice hall and good sauna. Always a lot of people, but luckily there are separate lanes for swimmers of different levels✌️
Mohieddin Jafari: Big place but parking places and entrance are confusing
Sebastian Selkälä: The sports hall has everything I need. Gym, swimming hall and sauna. Of course there are others, but these are enough for me. I think the prices are affordable. And if hunger strikes after working out, there is also help for that. Of course, this is a lunch restaurant, so it's worth noting.
Antti Ovaska: A really good and versatile gym for people of all ages, sizes and fitness levels.
Teuvo Kalevi Sutinen: I go in the afternoon. Generally a pleasant experience, 3 different saunas.
6. Hotel Haaga Central Park - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 1114 arvostelut
Nuijamiestentie 10, 00320 Helsinki, Suomi
Jekaterina P.: A good hearty breakfast: porridge, omelet, eggs, vegetables, cheeses and cold cuts, smoothies, Karelian pies, muesli, sweets, various breads, tea, coffee. Tasty.2
Katja: , a decent gym
Arto Keränen: You almost want to give five stars, and in terms of price/quality ratio, this hotel deserves it!The appearance suggests that this is perhaps going back decades ago, and of course a small clip from the movie Moonlight Sonata came to mind, well, it's good anyway 😄Right from the reception, however, the situation changed, and the hotel lobby was modern. With lounges and workstations.The staff was professional and friendly, it really left a good feeling.The room was clean and the other facilities were also maintained. You can conveniently get your own bottle of juice cold in the minibar.Sauna and pool facilities are a big plus!You usually don't get to enjoy such entertainment in hotels of this price range.The breakfast was plentiful and open until late, from a vacationer's point of view.The quality of the breakfast is also better than in many more expensive places 👌🏻Street parking for 4 hours at puck spots and you could buy a parking space in the yard at a reasonable price.Access to the city center by bus and metro, but what's the point, these public ones work here 👍🏻I think I will come here again!
Leena Heinonen: We stayed at the hotel with a group of four people for a one-night Bruce Springsteen concert. The hotel as a whole was a positive surprise. The breakfast was excellent, our superior room was good and the pool area was a nice addition. Definitely to continue.Hotel highlights Quiet …
Vesa Ylinen: Good service and really good food. Good and clean rooms. The sauna section and the swimming pool area are clean.Rooms: Clean roomsFood & drinks: Good food
Piergiorgio Terrentin: Hotel in a quiet area on the outskirts of Helsinki which can be reached in a few minutes. Clean, sufficiently large rooms. Excellent breakfast, sweet department was missing. Helpful and trained staff.Food & drinks: Good breakfast.
M K: The exterior is a bit rough and old-fashioned, but the interior is refreshingly modern. The room was spacious and the bed good.The breakfast was one of the best experiences in a long time and the staff was friendly. The only minus comes from the location, but the bus connection is nearby.
· 5313 arvostelut
Tyynenmerenkatu 2, 00220 Helsinki, Suomi
PETROS TSOUKALAS: Imposing and modern hotel close to the harbor and the city of Helsinki. 2 tram lines to the center right outside. Clean room, great pool with sauna and bar on the 16th floor. Unobstructed view. Very good breakfast with a wide variety of savory and quite sweet. Willing and helpful staff.Rooms: The Standard room is clean but a little small.
Aleksei Starostin: Huone, josta on upeat näkymät merelle ja kaupunkiin 9. kerroksessa, hyvä aamiainen, hyvä kuntosali ja sauna. Upea kattouima-allas.Huomioitavia asioita: Upea kattouima-allas.
Agnete Nørskov Nielsen: Majoittui 5 yötä heinäkuussa 2024 ja voin todella suositella Clarion-hotellia Helsingissä.Hotelli on melko uusi, huoneet siistit ja aamiaisbuffet oli erinomainen.Raitiovaunut kulkevat muutaman minuutin välein aivan hotellin ulkopuolella.Henkilökunta oli kohteliasta ja ammattitaitoista.Kiitos upeasta kesälomasta hotellissasi!
· 1614 arvostelut
John Stenbergin ranta 4, 00530 Helsinki, Suomi
Camille Lecompte: after a problem with warm water one morning when I had to take a very cold shower before going to a professional appointment. But one more time this is minor and does not affect the quality of this Hilton hotel.Rooms: Functional and cosy, clean and inspiring, I could work well therein.
Labeyrie Frédéric: Good hotel overall, not much to complain about. I give 4 stars because of the swimming pool which does not deserve this name. It has the merit of existing but is much too small.Very good location for accessibility to the center.
· 2748 arvostelut
Ruoholahdenranta 3, 00180 Helsinki, Suomi
Remco Keijser: Friendly staff, location Hotel very convenient to the center. Parking garage available, costs 29 euros per day. Clean large family room for 4 people.Walkability: Close to center.
Flávia Oliveira: A nice 4-star hotel with all the expected amenities. We got a double queen room, very spacious and well kept. Staff were generally very nice. Breakfast options were fantastic - possibly the best we ever saw in a hotel, even though the breakfast room did get very crowded every morning. A bit outside of the centre of Helsinki but still within walking distance if one had the time. Overall, we found this to be good value for money.
· 3516 arvostelut
Mannerheimintie 46, 00260 Helsinki, Suomi
Siilu Simisker: The most overall look was nice and clean. If you look at some details like scratches on the wall or the weird plumbing situation with the bathroom sink then you can notice some imperfections. For breakfast you were guided to book a table in advance but in reality the breakfast was a chaos and you had to find yourself a table. The food was nice and the staff were friendly. The parking garage was full and the receptionist said that we had to figure something out, thanks to a couple who were next to us gave us directions to a nearby parking garage.Rooms: Nicely decorated, mostly clean, comfortable bed. We had two rooms, ij mine the air conditioning worked but in my parents room it did not work. Also their mini bar was empty when they arrived.Noteworthy details: If you are travelling with your car, I would look at nearby parking options before arriving at the hotel.
Nea Sandmark: Everything worked.Food & drinks: The food in the hotel restaurant was tasty, we ate snails and fish soup.
· 1856 arvostelut
Kalastajatorpantie 1, 00330 Helsinki, Suomi
lawson stapleton: Ihana paikka perheen lomalle. Hotellissa on kaikki mitä tarvitset perheelle.Huoneet: Kaunis ja puhdas, mutta hieman vanhentunut.
shaker alkharraz: Tämä on suosikkihotellini HelsingissäSijaintiNäytäHenkilökuntaHuoneAamiainenKaikki ovat parhaita ollenkaanKiitos Hilton
Jari Turpeinen: Food & drinks: Loistava Ruoka ja Henkilökunta.Parasta A Ryhmää 👍10Location: 5/5 …
Milja Peuramaki: Location near the sea 5/5.A swimming pool and the possibility to use the sauna in the sea is a big plus.Breakfast is versatile and high-quality.
12. Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Helsinki - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 1931 arvostelut
Mikonkatu 23, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Jari Tammisalo: In a prime location and the service is exceptionalRooms: Almost perfect
Denis M. Santos: Nearby activities: Very near and convenient to the best attractions in the city.Noteworthy details: The staff in the restaurant are always kind and efficient. I’d like to highlight on one person of the restaurant staff who works during breakfast time, his name is James. He’s been so kind to us and always available to help customers with his positive attitude towards making customers feel comfortable and enjoyable moments. Big thank you and Kudos to James.
Christos Papakastrisios: 5 stars in the rooms, rich buffet breakfast and delicious food in the restaurant!Rooms: The room we stayed in was clean and tidy!
Petri Räikkönen: Thank you for the good service and the good room. We stayed for five nights and the location of the hotel was quite good. The room was nice and spacious and the beds really comfortable. Similarly, the varied breakfast was quite tasty and the breakfast place was nice.The only minus is that there was no parking space for the car at the hotel, but it had to be taken to the Kluuv cave. When there was some luggage, we had to park the car in a temporarily prohibited place both when we arrived at the hotel and when we left, because there was no way we could have carried the luggage all the way from the Kluuv parking garage.
· 629 arvostelut
Nihtisillantie 1, 02630 Espoo, Suomi
14. Radisson Blu Hotel, Espoo - Suur-Tapiola
· 961 arvostelut
Otaranta 2, 02150 Espoo, Suomi