Liike sisÀÀn Sauna:
1. Polttarikuvat - Vallila
· 0 arvostelut
PÀlkÀneentie, 00510 Helsinki, Suomi
2. SaunaBoatŸ - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 3 arvostelut
Hietalahdenranta, 00180 Helsinki, Suomi
· 3988 arvostelut
Hernesaarenranta 4, 00150 Helsinki, Suomi
CHRisTINe B: ElÀmÀ on hyvÀÀ
æ: Japanilaisena tĂ€mĂ€ kuu on ollut söpö lapsesta asti, enkĂ€ koskaan unohda sitĂ€ jĂ€nnitystĂ€, jonka tuon henkilön tapaaminen herĂ€tti.
Janita Jones: Atmosphere: 5/5
4. Pasilan Saunatilat Oy - Keski-Pasila
· 40 arvostelut
Esterinportti 2, 00240 Helsinki, Suomi
Ina Sastipe: Siistit,hyvin toimivat tilat ja aivan loistava palvelu đ
Jaana Fröjdlund: YllÀttÀvÀn hyvÀ isommallekkin porukalle..kivat saunatilat
Timo Koriseva: Isolla porukalla melutaso nousee huonon akustiikan vuoksi. Ei omaa ÀÀntÀÀn kuule.
dst 0914: Helposti saavutettava saunatila jossa sekÀ sohvia ettÀ pöytÀtilaa. Toimii mainiosti yhdistyksen pikkujoulupaikkana.
Ossi Martikainen: Sauna kuuma paikkana kohtalainen parkkipaikat hakusessa jos ei ostosparatiisiin vie en vienyt
Jani Satukangas: 20 henkilölle oiva paikka illan viettÀmiseen. Tilat olivat livenÀ vielÀ hienommat kuin kuvissa. Henkilökunta hoiti hommansa erinomaisesti. Suositten lÀmpimÀsti!
Lia-Maria Ihatsu: Isot, valoisat tilat ja kattoterassilta hyvÀt nÀköalat. YstÀvÀllinen palvelu ja juomien hinnat hyvin edulliset. Polttarijuhlamme onnistui loistavasti.
Mika Hairo: paikka jossa oli erinomainen isÀntÀpari palvelemassa. Saatiin kokoustettua
GoZa MiTe: Mainio kokouspaikka, hieno sauna.
LiittyvĂt kysymykset Sauna:
5. Allas Sea Pool - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 3192 arvostelut
Katajanokanlaituri 2a, 00160 Helsinki, Suomi
Jani Rytkönen: Great place and Ismo Alanko! Also Royal Republic!Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes âŠ
LuĂs Miguel: Visited on Public holiday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No
Andreas Larssen: A wonderful facility with several pools, saunas and relaxation zones right in the center of Helsinki. Sunbeds for "everyone". CafĂ©/Restaurant. Heated training pool and children's pool. Own pool with sea water. Own small cozy sandy beach. The system is somewhat worn due to a lot of use, without being critical. But it needs some upgrading. I recommend everyone to visit Allas Sea Pool if you are in Helsinki, for a few lovely hours of sauna, pool and hopefully sun. But surely delicious in the winter too... Thank you for me âșïž
Pasquale Castaldo: and the one divided for men and women
Aleksandr Melnikov: Perfect place. Baths, swimming pool, restaurant, everything is there. COME YOU WILL NOT REGRET!Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Not sure âŠ
Eetu Rehmonen: Loistava keikkapaikka, ÀÀnentoisto ja tekniikka tikissĂ€. Ainoa moite oli ettei baarista voinut maksaa tilausta kĂ€teisellĂ€KĂ€yty ArkipĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ Varausta suositellaan KyllĂ€ âŠ
Sami Kinnunen: Keikka ja jĂ€rjestelyt ok. JuomapisteitĂ€ oli useita mutta juomia sai jonottaa, koska juomat kaadettiin tölkeistĂ€ tuoppeihin.Kaiken kaikkiaan hyvĂ€ paikka katsella keikkoja đKĂ€yty ArkipĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ Odotusaika 10â30 min Varausta suositellaan KyllĂ€ âŠ
GIanluigi BUonanno: Mukava paikka ja mahtava tunnelmaKĂ€yty Viikonloppuna Odotusaika Ei odottamista Varausta suositellaan Ei âŠ
Lupu PitkÀnen: KÀyty Viikonloppuna Odotusaika Ei odottamista Varausta suositellaan Ei
çłçżïŒShoïŒ: Vieraillut noin kello 4 arkisin. KĂ€vin pÀÀasiassa saunassa, ja merivesi oli kylmÀÀ ja tuntui hyvĂ€ltĂ€. SiellĂ€ on uima-altaita lapsille ja aikuisille. Paras sauna, kun sÀÀ on hyvĂ€KĂ€yty ArkipĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ Odotusaika Ei odottamista Varausta suositellaan En tiedĂ€ âŠ
Sabri KĂŒrĂŒm: Mahtava saunakokemus, meri oli jÀÀssĂ€, vaikka ulkona oli 20 astetta. Se paransi ehdottomasti kokemustamme. Tunsin oloni niin rentoutuneeksi vierailuni jĂ€lkeenKĂ€yty Viikonloppuna Odotusaika Ei odottamista Varausta suositellaan Ei âŠ
Julia Wald: TĂ€mĂ€ oli suosikkisaunani koko HelsingissĂ€. Ulkouima-altaat olivat niin viileitĂ€, ja heillĂ€ on laaja valikoima saunoja. Ihanaa aurinkoisena pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€!KĂ€yty Viikonloppuna Odotusaika EnintÀÀn 10 min Varausta suositellaan KyllĂ€ âŠ
6. Original SkySauna - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 17 arvostelut
Katajanokanlaituri 2, 00160 Helsinki, Suomi
Valera Pavlijoc: Very cool sauna
Gnuzzi Wuzzi: The sauna gondola was a unique, albeit expensive, once in a lifetime experience
iftikhar rasulov: Super
Cesar Byun: The sauna, swimming pool, and other facilities are good.The surrounding scenery is also fantastic..
Chasing Whereabouts: Jos olet tutustumassa Helsinkiin, yksi asia, jota sinun kannattaa ehdottomasti kokeilla matkasi aikana, on vierailu Sky Saunassa. Voit pulahtaa kylmÀÀn veteen ja mennÀ sitten tÀllÀ Sky WheelillÀ, joka on itse asiassa sauna ja se on jotain, jota ihmiset tekevÀt paljon HelsingissÀ vieraillessaan.Olemme jakaneet tÀmÀn yksityiskohtaisesti Helsingin Youtube-videossa.
Rahim: On mukava tunne kokea sauna mökin sisÀllÀ tÀssÀ pyörÀssÀ ja nÀkymÀ tÀlle lahdelle.
maksim zubtsov: 2 uima-allasta lÀmpimÀllÀ vedellÀ ja Suomenlahdelta
ĐșĐžŃОлл ŃĐœĐŸĐČĐžŃ: Se nĂ€yttÀÀ upealta meren rannalla.
Auristela Lisboa: Upea nÀkymÀ!
7. 360xp Finland Oy - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
Styrmansgatan 4, 00150 Helsingfors, Suomi
8. Villa Furuvik - Jollas
· 101 arvostelut
Furuvikintie 5, 00870 Helsinki, Suomi
Kepa Martinez: A quiet place next to the water, where we enjoyed a vegetarian barbecue and the traditional sauna.Location: 5/5 âŠ
Paavo Kotiaho: , the meeting room or the sauna. Avant was in excellent condition and the top of the stairs was heated!The reservation process for the courtyard sauna was also uncomplicated and extremely smooth. The customer service was excellent.And thanks to HSL ferry number 17 Villa Furuvik is actually very close to the center of Helsinki. We started our day with a walk in the snowy terrain from the Kruunuvuorenranta ferry pier to the terrain of the Stansvik manor and from there through Hevossalmi to Furuvik. About 5km with one coffee break was just the right transition from the heart of the city to the sight of Furuvik.The visit will not be our last.
Jeannette Jabea: The exteriors are very pleasant, the beach and the sauna are wonderful.The interior is spacious but not functional for people with reduced mobility. But appreciable thanks to the exteriors because the weather was good.
Paloma Bautista SĂĄnchez: Great hostess. Beautiful and very comfortable place. All the details were planned and the place was equipped with everything you need. Palju and sauna were great. Totally recommended!
Robert Ahonen: Wonderful clean sauna and party place, nice staff and good location!
Saija Salonen: Atmospheric space and relaxed atmosphere
9. Lonnan sauna - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 63 arvostelut
Lonnan saari, 00190 Helsinki, Suomi
Juha-Matti Skinnari (Wrox): A wonderful sauna experience, where there was a good atmosphere among fellow sauna users. Feeling really relaxed after sauna â just like visiting a cabin. A great experience with water bus trips.The changing rooms are really undersized, which is a shame.
Kristiina Borg: A nice place. There are rocks on the beach, so you have to be careful when entering the water.
Bec Oming: A delightful day out. Stroll picnic sauna swim eat stroll swim eat wine rest chat and a short ferry safely home . Glam rustic. Old world vibes , Finnish silence island experience at its best. Just enough facilities for comfort and the rest is nature soothing you in 360 degree watery views. Idyllic in every direction. Quintessentially Finnish. Stone. Water. Pine. Historic building. Art. Nature frames by cafe. The restaurant was very good for Finnish / Helsinki standards. And also cheap for the stylish offering of flavours and design. A nice day out for a single , couple, or family.
Thatcher Mines: A gem of a sauna for the experience and environment. Lovely staff, fair prices. Some days wonderfully hot, other days a bit mild.
Markus Ranta: Fantastic place. Small island close to Helsinki. Restaurants, cafe and beautiful sauna.
Tom Thanks: Sauna Island is accessible by ferry from Helsinki port. It's really small and looks like an island for a sauna. Since you'll be taking the ferry, it's best to make a reservation in advance. Because it is surrounded by the sea, it has a great sense of openness, and for some reason, just going back and forth between the sauna and the sea without having to do anything in particular feels very luxurious. There weren't many people there, and I went to the sauna Loyly in Helsinki, but it was very popular and packed with people, so it might be more relaxing and relaxing. The homepage says that you can't wear swimsuits inside the sauna, but since everyone was wearing swimsuits, even though we had taken them off at first, we got a bit embarrassed and ended up putting on swimsuits. LOL There is also a cafe in the facility, so you can have a great holiday with snacks and beer.
Kari: Good sauna, in a great location.
Heikki Kegg: . The sauna has been built respecting the historical environment as part of the building stock of the area. The arrangements on the spot worked well. Men and women have their own dressing rooms, the saunas themselves are shared
Ilmari Halme: I was with my girlfriend on Midsummer Friday, enjoying the Lonna sauna baths and the sea, yes, Midsummer had a traditional feel and a good atmosphere in the air, and at the same time I could feel how the place exuded the nostalgia of history in the Midsummer atmosphere. đđđâïžđ«đź
Heike Schneider: Here in the Lonna Sauna you can experience authentic Finnish sauna culture.You have the opportunity to go swimming in the Baltic Sea and I like the view of the Baltic Sea.The changing rooms are separate for women and men, but you sweat together in two sauna cabins.
Madis Greim: Amazing location near sea. A bit difficult to go for a swim in the sea, but it is compensated by very good sauna with a view. Definitely recommend!
Camille Avellan: Sauna on a small island, don't forget to take a splash in the sea! đ