Liike sisÀÀn Huonekaluliike:
1. Hakola Shop - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 20 arvostelut
Annankatu 5, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi
K S: The photo shows only the display, but inside the store as well.Anyway, it's fashionable and full of sense.I'm excited with all the colorful items âGood things that are a little different from other placesPerfect for those who want to use it for a long time.It was a shop where you could find interior decorations.
Cork It: Hannele Tikka, from the Hakola office, deserves all credit for providing me with such empathetic, kind and professional customer service. Very rare to come by such flexibility and kindness these days. Thus, the brand wins my heart also.
Oh No: 2 beautiful candlestick holders which will look great in the house. The shop itself is vibrant, stylish and visually fantastic. The owner herself, is really lovely.
Anniina Ajalas: Happy with our new sofa! The materials seem to be of high quality and have lasted well in use. The delivery time was extended, but it is quickly forgotten.
Elina Keskitalo: Very good service!
Riku Raitio: Nice shopping experience! All needs went to hearing and understanding ears. I didn't feel pressured at all đ
Tarja Ruotsalainen: Good service.
Hanna Kortesoja: Ihana paikka â€ïž
Nef Fen: Kotimaista tuotantoa, loistava palveluasenne
Mika Rouhiainen: SitÀ mitÀ haettiin. Osaava ja palveleva henkilökunta.
Jaana Heikkinen: HyvÀ ja asiantunteva palvelu. Ihanat tuotteet.
PĂ€ivi Kupiainen: Laadukkaat ja kotimaiset! Asiakaspalvelu 10+
2. Kuusilinna keskusta Helsinki - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 30 arvostelut
Annankatu 24, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
J J: Reliable domestic.
Jukka Seutu: In these challenging recent years, it is gratifying and even surprising to come across such a service culture of the good old days, which the traditional family business Kuusilinna, which has operated for decades, represents.Our young family member got his own first home, renovated it for a long time, and it was known that the first furnishing purchase would be a sofa. Already in the fall of 2022 at the Habitare trade fair, Kuusilinna was memorable thanks to the knowledgeable presenter. During the fall of 2023, our youth visited the store in the center several times. Every time he received extremely competent and patient guidance that took into account the client's wishes. The questions were answered thoroughly and comprehensibly. The different aspects of all options had to be reviewed in terms of the right choice.After a long and thorough consideration, our young person ended up with the SyvÀtuuli sofa, armrests Tyyni model, Yedi fabric, color code 777, with eco filling. The sofa arrived before Christmas as promised.The sofa has now been tested by the whole family and as critical consumers, we can't help but overflow with praise. The sofa is extremely beautiful, comfortable to sit on and lie down, and the workmanship is excellent. All in all, the Kuusilinna experience deserves a full five stars.
Jussi Kuusisto: Lovely and professional service from top to bottom. If the products please your eye, you can expect to have an experience that makes you happy.
Juuso Paloniemi: Excellent customer service.
Juha H: Laadukkaita sohvia tarjolla. HyvÀÀ palvelua. Tilaus tehty. Odottelen toimitusta.
anssi seppinen: Hienoja kotimaisia, Lahtelaisia sohvia. TĂ€yttĂ€ nahkaa ja umpipuuta - ei lastulevyĂ€/tekonahkaa. Tukekaa kotimaista yrittĂ€jyyttĂ€ nĂ€inĂ€ aikoinađ
Risto Lerssi: HyvÀ kotimainen sohvaliike. TÀÀltÀ on ostettu jo parikin sohvaa, laadukkaita tuotteita. Ja kestÀÀ myös kodin kissat.
PĂ€ivi Stenman: Asiantuntevaa palvelua!
3. KS Huonekalut ja sisustus - LĂ€nsi-Pakila
· 66 arvostelut
Pakilantie 58, 00660 Helsinki, Suomi
Zukayma: Really good and fast service! The sofas are absolutely lovely! â€ïž
Zenay Teklay: Good goods and beautiful good services, thank youđȘ
Ahmed Baker: good goods and good service thank you
Hoas Shbli: Beautiful goods good service thank you
Mahamed Abdillahi: really good service and good operation speedthank you for your service
Munzir Bilal: Worth buying really good sofas and tables and all kinds and good serviceđđ»
Fatemeh Akbari: Good stuff, thank you
Abduallh Taha: Thank you very much tiele and good service and also the best goods â€ïžđč
Vaida Salihi: Great sofa group!
Daadir Abiikar: Lovely sofa, beautiful and good service, thank you
Ahmed Gure: Thank you very much, it was great, good service and beautiful items.
Antar Aden: Very nice And clean good heart love it đâ€ïž
Hamid Ebadi: High-quality and beautiful sofas
Ghufran Ghazi: Really beautiful Tamara is very good Service Thank you
Jere Eskelinen: Everything was organized as agreed and the new bed arrived as scheduled with home delivery and it was assembled on the spot. Excellent service. Greetings, long-time customer.
Eduart Shabani: Really good
4. BoConcept Store - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 7 arvostelut
Mannerheimintie 8, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
LiittyvĂt kysymykset Huonekaluliike:
5. Formverk - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 29 arvostelut
Iso Roobertinkatu 12-14, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi
6. Skanno - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 13 arvostelut
Erottajankatu 2, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi
Sirkka Roponen: Monipuolisia valaisimia sekÀ sisustus elementtejÀ upeissa tiloissa.
Juha Varis: TÀÀllĂ€ kĂ€ynti on hieno kokemus: sijainti, tilat, sisustus. Kuin kĂ€velisit lĂ€pi luksus-huoneiston. Ja sisÀÀntulo-portaikko, ai ettĂ€âŠ
Mikko Arhippainen: Todella mukava palvelu, showroom on todella kaunis.
Mikko Silvennoinen: Uniikki elÀmys. Kannattaa kÀydÀ.
Chun Lin (Allison): ĂlĂ€ lannistu sen suljetusta ja intiimistĂ€ sijainnista. Todella inspiroiva huonekalukauppa. Palvelu ystĂ€vĂ€llistĂ€ ja avuliasta.
Merja Korhonen: Kauniita huonekaluja, osaava henkilökunta.
Maria Heinonen: Kaikkea kivaa kotiin
J J: HyvÀ palvelu. Hienoja huonekaluja
Nasti Hjelm: Great service and great design furniture!!
7. Himilo - ItÀkeskus
Hansakuja 1, 00930 Helsinki, Suomi
8. Finsoffat Oy - Vantaa - Hakunilan suuralue
· 36 arvostelut
Porttisuontie 4, 01200 Vantaa, Suomi
# G F: Great experience although furniture shopping can be frustrating and overwhelming. But these products were gem! Quality is satisfying and financial aspect is clear with contract and payments.Variety of products, options and alternatives are great and stand out comparing with big names in market. We were happy and hope stay happy after using our purchase for longer time.
Eemil Utriainen: Deserve more stars! Great customer service and knowledgeable professionals. They also handled the complaint quickly and sent a new cover fabric for the seat cushion in a couple of days.
Henrik Jansson: Competent and relaxed seller. I would probably buy a sofa here.
Paula Huhtasaari: I bought a bed. Good friendly and expert service. The transport guys quickly assembled the new one and took the old bed and mattresses away.
Dimitri Roukki: ! You could also choose the legs for the sofa according to your preference, and on top of that, an absolutely incredible 20-YEAR warranty. The sofa also has the option of reupholstering if over time this current color starts to get annoying. You had to wait 6 weeks for the sofa from the factory, but I had prepared for 8 weeks, so I was pleasantly surprised when it was finished faster than promised! And now, the porters punctually, efficiently and cheerfully brought the sofa just inside the door. Oh my, this is a dream come true! Straight from my imagination! Many thanks and a great recommendation for Finsoff, although the price was of course quite high, it can be seen and felt in the final result. The warranty is also so long, and the sofa is made in Finland, that in the end you don't have to wonder about the high price. I won't regret a cent! :
Petra Tunturi: Sain erittÀin ystÀvÀllistÀ ja asiantuntevaa palvelua myymÀlÀn ainoalta naismyyjÀltÀ. Sain kangasnÀytteet kotiin, jotta pÀÀsin nÀkemÀÀn miten kankaiden vÀrit sopivat yhteen muun sisustuksen kanssa. KÀvimme pitkÀÀ pohdintaa sohvan tyynyjen tÀytteestÀ ja miten sohva on helpointa pitÀÀ puhtaana. Asioita, jotka oikeasti ovat tÀrkeitÀ arjessa. Lopputuloksena upea sohva, jonka uskon toimivan vuosikymmenien ajan.Mainittakoon ettÀ kotiikuljetus ja vanhan sohvan poisvienti sujui erittÀin sujuvasti. Kiitos! Helppo suositella Finsoffaa jatkossa.
Marko Raatikka: Kiitos Selma hyvÀstÀ asiakaskokemuksesta!
Paula Partanen: Mahtavaa palvelua, iso valikoima ja mahdollisuus rÀÀtÀlöidÀ juuri itselle sopiva sohva. Toimitusaika oli lyhyempi kuin arvioitu, mikÀ oli mieluisa yllÀtys. Kotiintoimitus ja asennus sujuivat hienosti kohteliaiden nuorten toimesta. Erinomaista alusta loppuun saakka, sohva itsessÀÀnkin on upea ja kerÀnnyt paljon kehuja. Ei voi kuin suositella.
Pirjo Sorsa: MyyjÀn asiantunteva ja erittÀin ystÀvÀllinen palvelu helpotti valintaamme. Myös toimitus tapahtui sovitusti joustaen. Olemme sohvaan erittÀin tyytyvÀisiÀ. Hienoa, ettÀ saimme kotiimme kauniin kotimaisen sohvan.
Maria M: sohvan kaveriksi samanlaisen mutta pienemmÀn. Uudessa on siis sama malli, kangas ja vÀri. VÀhÀn jÀnnitti kuinka haalistuneelta ja kulahtaneelta vanha sohva nÀyttÀÀ uuden rinnalla, mutta yllÀtyksekseni ero on niin pieni, ettei sitÀ huomaa, ellei tiedÀ.Vanha sohva ja sohvatyynyt on pitÀnyt todella hyvin ryhtinsÀ ja vÀrinsÀ. Sohva on edelleen hyvÀ istua ja on saanut kehuja myös yövierailta.Palvelu oli hyvÀÀ ja toimitus jopa priimaa. Kantoivat sohvan paikalleen olohuoneeseen
Jarmo Lindberg: Loistavaa asiakaspalvelua kun jo useamman vuoden ikĂ€isestĂ€ sohvakalustosta oli murtunut muutamia jalan pohjatulppia.Yhteydenoton jĂ€lkeen kahden pĂ€ivĂ€n kuluttua minulla oli kotona uudet pohjatulpat đMuutenkin sohvakalusto on sĂ€ilynyt todella hyvĂ€ssĂ€ kunnossa, kankaat ryhdikkĂ€inĂ€ jneKiitokset hyvĂ€stĂ€ tuotteesta ja palvelusta!T. Jarmo
Arto Tuominen: ErittÀin hyvÀÀ ja asiantuntevaa palvelua. Iso kiitos Selmalle.
Ulla Brandt: Erinomainen palvelu ja luotettava sohva tuli ostettua!
9. Masku - Roihupellon teollisuusalue
· 172 arvostelut
Varikkotie 2, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
Ahmed Alraheem: Nice
jukka tiainen: Excellent service, good and affordable prices. I recommend.
jaana b: A suitable place to find furniture. Lots of offers. The staff is friendly. The price level is really suitable
Kari Lehto: Good bedCHEAP
Lasse: HyvÀ asiakaspalvelu
Raimo Hintsala: Monipuolinen valikoima kalusteita.
10. Rawan Oy - Roihupellon teollisuusalue
· 13 arvostelut
Tulppatie 8, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
ĐŃŃĐ° гОŃŃ: Thanks to Rawan Oy, Good customer service and quality goods.
kare Yuerinisaguli: The price and quality are very good, the transport fee and installation fee are affordable, I recommend.
Calalidin Seypidin: Good customer service and quality goods. Thank you Rawa shop.
Esma Ahmet: Good service, quality goods
11. Casri Himilo - ItÀkeskus
· 21 arvostelut
Visbynkuja 1, 00930 Helsinki, Suomi
Mervi Wennerstrand: Kauniit valot, sÀngyt, pöydÀt...
Sharmaarke Mohamud: HyvÀ valikoima kodintarvikeita. Erinomainen valintoja ja ystÀvÀllinen ja auttava henkilökunta Erinomainen sijainti, hyvÀt hinnat ja alennukset.
Saba Bader: Joo
12. Kodin1 - Roihupellon teollisuusalue
· 14 arvostelut
Varikkotie 2, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
Kaido Puutamm: Todella erilainen, herkullisen juotava kahvi
Jari LöytÀinen: HyvÀ palvelu tavara löytyy helposti.
Joonatan Laine: Ihan hieno ja kÀytÀllinen
Bola Bada: Avulias kassanhoitaja sotkassa ja askossa
leena soini: Conveniently, several different furniture stores under one roof.
Terho Paavilainen: There are so many furniture stores that you will have difficulty choosing.
ۧ۱ ŰšÙ۱ۧÙÙ: It was amazing and very beautiful đGood đ
Ed In: Big nice store
Elsa Kankaala: Several furniture and decoration stores. Central location, so easy to do business. Barrier-free entrance and a spacious parking lot.
13. SÀnky-ja Soffavarasto, Konalan myymÀlÀ - LÀntinen suurpiiri
· 7 arvostelut
Ajomiehentie 1 Kauppakeskus Ristikko, 00390 Helsinki, Suomi
14. Indecoria Oy - Roihupellon teollisuusalue
· 50 arvostelut
Varikkotie 2, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
Iida TörmÀ: Very good customer service! A big plus for Egon!!
Esther Kessie: After i purchased the bed and it was delivered, i had a scenario, but thanks to the owner of the store Mr. Danny who professionally handled the complaint and made sure that i was happily satisfied. Very few business owners follow up on the complaints that customers raise through emails and websites. I highly recommend Indecoria Oy store for the best and unique furniture, i love my comfortable bedđđ
D K: I bought a very high-quality bed and after that I sleep a hundred times betterThnx guys!âïž đ
Ramiz Laydinen: Shopping in Itakeskus. The seller is professional. After 3 days, the purchase was already at home, as announced in the store. The driver called the day before and announced the arrival time. The guys installed everything in 20 minutes, took all the trash with them. We will definitely come back to buy more from this store!!!!đđâșđâșâșâșđđđ€đ€P: For those who want to buy a bed, I recommend this shop.đ
mk ou: MinÀ ja vaimoni tarkistimme joitain huonekaluja verkossa ja nÀimme jotain, mistÀ pidimme. Menimme Lanternaan tarkistamaan sen. Se tapahtui, ettÀ saimme erittÀin hyvÀÀ asiakaspalvelua. Rakensimme sohvalinnoituksen haluamallamme tavalla ja saimme heti tarjouksen sÀhköpostiin. Sitten tilasimme meille U-muotoisen sohvan myöhemmin samana pÀivÀnÀ puhelimitse, kun teimme turvallisuusmittaukset uudessa kodissamme. Erityinen kiitos Egonille tÀmÀn toteuttamisesta!
Mervi Wennerstrand: Mukava henkilökunta, hyvÀ laatu, kauniit huonekalut
Jenna K: ErittÀin hyvÀ palvelu, ylitti odotukset. Upeita huonekaluja.
15. HS Aura Sohvakeskus - LĂ€ntinen suurpiiri
· 8 arvostelut
Kornetintie 6, 00380 Espoo, Suomi