Liike sisÀÀn Kodin siivouspalvelu:
1. Tehopuhdistus Vesa Toiviainen Oy - Tattariharju
· 6 arvostelut
Valuraudantie 9-13, 00700 Helsinki, Suomi
2. Kuusilinna keskusta Helsinki - EtelÀinen suurpiiri

· 30 arvostelut
Annankatu 24, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
J J: Reliable domestic.
Jukka Seutu: In these challenging recent years, it is gratifying and even surprising to come across such a service culture of the good old days, which the traditional family business Kuusilinna, which has operated for decades, represents.Our young family member got his own first home, renovated it for a long time, and it was known that the first furnishing purchase would be a sofa. Already in the fall of 2022 at the Habitare trade fair, Kuusilinna was memorable thanks to the knowledgeable presenter. During the fall of 2023, our youth visited the store in the center several times. Every time he received extremely competent and patient guidance that took into account the client's wishes. The questions were answered thoroughly and comprehensibly. The different aspects of all options had to be reviewed in terms of the right choice.After a long and thorough consideration, our young person ended up with the SyvÀtuuli sofa, armrests Tyyni model, Yedi fabric, color code 777, with eco filling. The sofa arrived before Christmas as promised.The sofa has now been tested by the whole family and as critical consumers, we can't help but overflow with praise. The sofa is extremely beautiful, comfortable to sit on and lie down, and the workmanship is excellent. All in all, the Kuusilinna experience deserves a full five stars.
Jussi Kuusisto: Lovely and professional service from top to bottom. If the products please your eye, you can expect to have an experience that makes you happy.
Juuso Paloniemi: Excellent customer service.
Juha H: Laadukkaita sohvia tarjolla. HyvÀÀ palvelua. Tilaus tehty. Odottelen toimitusta.
anssi seppinen: Hienoja kotimaisia, Lahtelaisia sohvia. TĂ€yttĂ€ nahkaa ja umpipuuta - ei lastulevyĂ€/tekonahkaa. Tukekaa kotimaista yrittĂ€jyyttĂ€ nĂ€inĂ€ aikoinađ
Risto Lerssi: HyvÀ kotimainen sohvaliike. TÀÀltÀ on ostettu jo parikin sohvaa, laadukkaita tuotteita. Ja kestÀÀ myös kodin kissat.
PĂ€ivi Stenman: Asiantuntevaa palvelua!
3. Ametro Oy - LĂ€ntinen suurpiiri
· 46 arvostelut
Ruosilantie 7, 00390 Helsinki, Suomi
4. Hakola Shop - EtelÀinen suurpiiri
· 20 arvostelut
Annankatu 5, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi
K S: The photo shows only the display, but inside the store as well.Anyway, it's fashionable and full of sense.I'm excited with all the colorful items âGood things that are a little different from other placesPerfect for those who want to use it for a long time.It was a shop where you could find interior decorations.
Cork It: Hannele Tikka, from the Hakola office, deserves all credit for providing me with such empathetic, kind and professional customer service. Very rare to come by such flexibility and kindness these days. Thus, the brand wins my heart also.
Oh No: 2 beautiful candlestick holders which will look great in the house. The shop itself is vibrant, stylish and visually fantastic. The owner herself, is really lovely.
Anniina Ajalas: Happy with our new sofa! The materials seem to be of high quality and have lasted well in use. The delivery time was extended, but it is quickly forgotten.
Elina Keskitalo: Very good service!
Riku Raitio: Nice shopping experience! All needs went to hearing and understanding ears. I didn't feel pressured at all đ
Tarja Ruotsalainen: Good service.
Hanna Kortesoja: Ihana paikka â€ïž
Nef Fen: Kotimaista tuotantoa, loistava palveluasenne
Mika Rouhiainen: SitÀ mitÀ haettiin. Osaava ja palveleva henkilökunta.
Jaana Heikkinen: HyvÀ ja asiantunteva palvelu. Ihanat tuotteet.
PĂ€ivi Kupiainen: Laadukkaat ja kotimaiset! Asiakaspalvelu 10+
LiittyvĂt kysymykset Kodin siivouspalvelu:
5. SOL Pesulapalvelut Oy (pÀÀkonttori) - Kalasatama
· 26 arvostelut
Vanha talvitie 19, 00580 Helsinki, Suomi
Khld Abas: Are you interested in the job? Is there a job? How do I apply?
M J: It will be clean.
Pekka Paananen: Relaxed mood
Rami Latvala: Excellent customer service
Riku Morwing: Upea paikka, upeita ihmisiÀ.Erinomainen tunnelma ja palvelu.Olen ylpeÀ voidessani kutsua sitÀ pÀÀkonttoriksini.
abulhossain Rana: Upea
6. Kotova Oy - LĂ€ntinen suurpiiri
· 42 arvostelut
Halsuantie 3 LH 1, 00420 Helsinki, Suomi
7. Kotipalvelu Raikastuuli - Vartioharju
· 1 arvostelut
Sippolankuja 1, 00950 Helsinki, Suomi
8. Sotka - Roihupellon teollisuusalue
· 121 arvostelut
Varikkotie 2, 00880 Helsinki, Suomi
Sanna Rauta: Even though there was a little confusion, everything ended well and the bed was made. Nice service. đ
Jirka Vainio: Good store
Jyri Basso: I think I bought a pillow here, which is good. Half price đđ»
Ű§Ù ŰŰłÙÙ: Dear new servants
Ahmed Alraheem: Great place
Tarmo Sauna-aho: Good serviceđ
Kari Tiimo: I found what I was looking for and received good service