Liike sisään Valaisinliike:
1. Sähkölaite Oy - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 14 arvostelut
Runeberginkatu 30, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Janne: nice customer service, relaxed music and stuff for every problem 😎
Miska Siilin: Expert and friendly service.
Raimo Karhuvirta: Excellent service, competent maintenance, the old chrome shines wonderfully. Now I just put a ball lamp on the ceiling to ward off the darkness 💡
Markku Orasmaa: Great service! I saved a considerable amount of money thanks to Sähkölaite Oy.
Niklas J. Rosenberg: Expert, good service! The lamps will be fixed in the agreed time and communication is uncomplicated. I strongly recommend!
Ile J: Excellent, competent and fast service!
A H: The switch for the floor lamp was broken, and the necessary parts were found here. Professional service - I recommend it.
Laura Berger: Highly recommended!
Matias Malaska: Very good service.The e-mail survey was answered in approx. 5 minutes. Very practical and pleasant service when visiting the place. 😊
Iiro Perttula: Expert and pleasant service. Also helps with problems that are not part of its range.
Antti J. Lagus: The old chandelier became a useful item again. And if it hadn't come, a new one would surely have been found among the lamps hanging from the shop's ceiling.
Uula Hämäläinen: Really customer service-oriented and qualified specialty store, I've already recommended it to a friend!
Mur Mur: A wonderful brick-and-mortar store in the heart of the capital!Friendly, personable, humorous and expert service. I found a lamp that I had been hunting for in many different places. Also repairs old beloved devices to a new life.Such entrepreneurs would keep the center of Helsinki alive if the decision-makers understood to offer them opportunities by changing laws and regulations and curbing the price level of business premises in the center!I wish Sähkölaite Oy success and longevity!
Miiku Lehtela: A really great brick-and-mortar movement. Expert and exceptionally good service. Goodness 👌
2. Töölön Sähköhuolto Oy - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 28 arvostelut
Mannerheimintie 33, 00250 Helsinki, Suomi
Heimo Valo: Pleasant trade
hilkka koski: Very friendly and knowledgeable service. A good selection of lamps.
Philipp Schmidt-Thome: A classic. Knowledgeable service, good selection, reasonable prices
Andréa Johanna von Bell: Expert service and a good selection.
Päivi Erjo: Lots of different lights. However, I did not find what I was looking for.
Ahola Paula: Good service, it's a shame that there are long queues when there are so few of these lamp repair shops in the city centre.
Sofianna Mikkola: Nice owner and lovely lamp domes.
Larisa Rudolfson: Excellent service.
Ritva Luomala: Simply excellent service.
Leena Lehto: Friendly and expert service in the shop.
H: Friendly and professional service.
3. Pörssitalo - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 85 arvostelut
Fabianinkatu 14, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Jukka Lauronen: Nice K-50 disco place
Paula Selenius: The K-50 disco is organized there today. Good place!
Erkki Lempiäinen: Great party, good food, cold service....
Mika Leinonen: 50 party. Great going.
Ekku Multtis: A wonderful place that went well👍
Raili Pellikka: Good going.
Jouni Martikainen: Kiva +50 Disco, hyvää musaa. Miinuksena jonot tiskille ja juomien hinta esim. 0.33 olut 7.50€.
Anna Maaninen: Ihana ruoka ja palvelu
mika marttila: Ihana ruoka, jouluinen miljöö ja hyvä palvelu ❤️
Jari Kokkinen: Hieno joulupöytä.
Leo Pahkin: Loistava joululounas!
4. Kaskadi - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 1 arvostelut
Korkeavuorenkatu 5, 00140 Helsinki, Suomi