Liike sisään Häämyymälä:
1. White Dress hääpuvut - Stockmann hääpukuliike Helsinki 7krs - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 15 arvostelut
Aleksanterinkatu 52 Stockmann, 7 krs, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Tien Chu: Clean and tidy shop, great customer service and beautiful wedding dresses! Very friendly and attentive staff 😊. Highly recommended!
Cecilia Forsström: Absolutely the best service you can get! I went to try out their dresses several times and the owners were so kind and very professional. Would recommend every bride to choose their services!😍
Marika Laurén: The first shop I went to to fit wedding dresses. Lotta, who was on duty, made the experience really pleasant and I fell in love with several dresses at once! The place and arrangement left a really good feeling. I came back here a couple more times later, but in the end I didn't buy the dress here. However, a really beautiful pearl veil caught the trip and I recommend the place to others too 😊
Jenni: There was also no feeling that I wouldn't have fit into the fitting pieces, which was important.I ended up finding my dress and a big stone rolled off my heart. Thank you!
Sonja Mäkelä: I went to the fitting with my three gasses and I have to thank you again! Our seller was absolutely wonderful! He made my experience wonderful and he had an eye for the game and the enthusiasm to ask 😍 I felt so good ❤️I definitely recommend the place!
Eveliina Häggqvist: Kävin sovittamassa mekkoja liikkeessänne 6.5 ja halusin antaa palautetta näin sähköpostitse.Joanna auttoi mekon valinnassa minua, enkä voisi olla tyytyväisempi kokemukseeni. Minua kohdeltiin ihanasti, mikä oli ilo kokea koska ensimmäistä kertaa mekkoa sovittamaan tulevana morsiamena minua jännitti todella paljon. Joanna oli aivan ihana ja otti toiveeni huomioon, hän selkeästi kuunteli. Kerroin myös että minulla on huono kehonkuva, ja hän sai minut tuntemaan oloni kauniiksi ja arvostetuksi. Tämä oli tosiaan ensimmäinen kertani kun kokeilin mekkoja, ja Joanna sai ihanalla luonteellaan ja ammattitaidollaan kokemuksestani niin hyvän, etten kokenut tarvetta ostaa mekkoa muualta. Enkä edes halunnut. Vaikka kävinkin toisessa liikkeessä, kokemukseni White Dress:llä jäi niin vahvasti mieleen että palasin samana päivänä ostamaan häämekkoni. Kirsikkana kakun päällä sain vielä kokeilla mekkoa vielä kerran kun tulin sitä ostamaan, mikä sinetöi koko kokemuksen.Tuhannet kiitokset ihanasta kokemuksesta, voin lämpimästi suositella muille naimisiin meneville ystävilleni liikettänne. Muistelen tätä koko loppu elämäni, en vain häiden suunnittelun ajan.
Julia: Hyvä asiakaspalvelu ja avulias asenne. Ei tuntunut siltä, että myynti olisi painanut minua. Luettelokirja oli erittäin helppo tapa nähdä mekkoja, joita halusin kokeilla. Mekot hoidettiin, toisin kuin muissa paikoissa, joissa oli rikkinäisiä paloja. Pidin yleisestä kokemuksesta ja tavaroiden laadusta. En löytänyt etsimääni, mutta tämä jätti minuun hyvän vaikutelman. Suosittelisin ystävälleni käymään.
Liina Pöyry: ja ihanat puitteet
Jenna Arpiainen: Kävin sovittamassa häämekkoja hiljattain ja sain niin hyvää ja ammattitaitoista asiakaspalvelua, että olin käynnin jälkeen häkeltynyt ja sanaton. Myyjä kannusti kokeilemaan erilaisia ja eri tyylisiä mekkoja, joita en ollut itse osannut edes ajatella. Myyjä myös ymmärsi ajatuksiani haluamastani tyylistä hyvin ja tilannetaju oli myös kohdillaan. Myyjä osasi kohdata minut ja kaasoni hyvin lämminhenkisesti ja oli niin ystävällinen koko vierailumme ajan.Voin lämpimästi suositella White Dressiä jokaiselle tulevalle morsiamelle, kannattaa ehdottomasti varata aika sovitukseen ihan vain jo kokemuksen kannalta, niin upea se nimittäin oli.♥️
Sara Rantala: Palvelu oli ihanan ystävällistä ja minulle osattiin suositella erilaisia mekko vaihtoehtoja sen mukaan, minkä tyylistä pukua etsin! 😍
2. Seremonia - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 81 arvostelut
Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 7, 00130 Helsinki, Suomi
Jan Falck: Excellent service for men. Came with the best man, they measured and gave instruction with a very professional handle on things
mika marttila: A good place to rent a party dress,❤️
Laura: I found my lovely wedding dress and the day left a wonderful feeling! The employee had good advice and the service was unhurried. Thank you Seremonia and the wonderful employee of the Saturday arrangement ♡
amy ulander: A wonderful move, the dress of your dreams was found!
Emmi: , and even offered to take pictures of the suit with my phone. He listened to my wishes and gave advice. Definitely a better selection also of small 32/34 sizes than in the "more famous" store. The room could have a screen etc. so that there would be more privacy when admiring the costumes.
oscar michelsson: Absolutely great service 👍
Scandic Sales Finland: Knowledgable and friendly❣️
Caroline Nyambura: Great service, enjoyed the experience but the dresses seem abit outdated
Annekreet Heinloo: Professional, helpful and great service. I am a wedding planner from the North of Finland and don't have much experience with the bridal shops in Helsinki. Our case required some extra attention from the shop as the bride was not able to attend the purchasing process. Despite the challenges caused by that, they were very accommodating and helpful. We ended up with a wonderful dress and the client was extremely happy.I have to also mention that after contacting all the other bridal boutiques in the capital, I was shocked about the poor service level and lack of willingness to take an extra mile. Seremonia was the only one engaging to listen our "issue" and for that reason I have no doubt to give my strongest recommendations for all the future brides.Thank you Seremonia and Minna for your help!
Johann du Toit: Amazing service, 100% recommend to anyone needing a tailored suit
antti teerisuo: Excellent service
Timo Lampikoski: Thanks for the great customer service, we got excellent guidance on how to get dressed. The coat fit perfectly and was of high quality.
3. Niinatar - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 134 arvostelut
Runeberginkatu 23, 00101 Helsinki, Suomi
Atte Suutari: Very good service. Expert and friendly service. I got what I ordered and I got it without any hassle. In the future, I will get my suit from you.
Beata Leppilampi: Perfect service and the dress of your dreams.
Annu Marttila: A warm, knowledgeable and wonderful occasion in the lounge. The perfect dress was found.
Essi: Lovely costumes and professional staff. ❤️ I recommend!
Elli Rantala: Absolutely amazing service and wonderful products, the sellers have a really good eye and thought when talking about their own preferences❤️
kicki [email protected]: Customer service 6/5! I felt that I was listened to and my dreams were answered! I found the dress and veil of my dreams. It was a really pleasant experience all round and we had a lot of fun. From now on, I recommend Niinattare's movement to everyone! Thanks again for all the help and support ❤️❤️
Heidi Saarikoski: The service here was absolutely wonderful! My friend was listened to and the dress was found. There were many different styles of wedding dresses and there were also dresses in the right size to try on.
EV Suomi: Nice experience and I found the dress.
Tomi Saario: Puku hautajaisiin. Myyjäniinatar parsi kasaan setin kokonaisuudessaan vain 45 minuutissa.Kova!Morsianten paratiisi❤️
Terhi Reingoldt: Ihana palvelu ja upea mekko 3 Kiitos
Tiina Hotanen: Ihana palvelu ja kauniita pukuja. 😍❤️
Aino Kantonen: Olen ostanut oman hääpukuni täältä sekä ollut ystäväni kaasona mukana pukuostoksilla. Asiakaspalvelu on lämminhenkistä ja yksilöllistä. Valikoima suuri ja tilat upeat. Suosittelen 100% ! 💜
Laura Holmström: Loistava palvelu ja laadukkaat tuotteet! Iso suositus!
Adriana Gerxhalija: Pari vuotta sitten valitsin unelmieni hääpuvun Niinattaren upeasta valikoimasta aivan ihanan henkilökunnan voimin❤️ kohtelu oli sellaista, että tunsin olevani maailman ainoa morsian sillä hetkellä. Asiakaspalvelu oli aivan ensiluokkaista. Kiitos siitä ammattitaitoiselle henkilökunnalle❤️
Minttu Puskala: Mahtava palvelu ja valikoima! Palvelu omaa luokkaansa ja henkilöstö teki niin minun kuin sulhasen hääpukukokemuksesta parhaan mahdollisen! ❤️
jenny jarva: Aina saanut erinomaista ja asiantuntevaa palvelua. Laaja valikoima juhlapukuja ja myyjä suositteli juuri minun vartalolle sopivia malleja, joista löytyi suosikki. 5/5
4. Hääpukuliike Vieno - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 27 arvostelut
Runeberginkatu 58, 00260 Helsinki, Suomi
Riina Tähti: I already wanted to bother with wedding dresses until I came to Vienna. Next summer's wedding dress went here with a very competent and pleasant service. Thank you.
Laura Wirola: Wonderful unhurried and professional service. The store is also lovely and the fitting room just for us.
emilia holopainen: I received a really good service in Vienna today! The seller listened to wishes and helped to choose many beautiful dresses to match. The seller helped put on the dress from the beginning and encouraged body-positive thinking, the compliments were also pouring in! I found a really beautiful wedding dress and I highly recommend the place
Paula Tikkanen: A very beautiful and clear movement. The seller was professional and the only shop where the seller helped put on the suit from start to finish. I didn't find the dress here myself, but I can recommend it to everyone!
Emilia Ranta: Great selection and customer service!
Kiia Liina Hakamäki: Lovely service
Aura: Beautiful and neat movement. The selection is limited, but beautiful and functional. The service was wonderful, suits were brought to be fitted and good alternatives were suggested! Different from other stores in Helsinki to an advantage.
Eeva Soras: We went to Kauinissamorsiamme in the summer. The treatment was unpleasant and demeaning. Ninattare was nice and professional. The fitting sizes were all small. In Vieno, all the wedding dresses slipped on effortlessly. There were many wonderful options and we bought a wonderful wedding dress. The service was prompt and to the point.
Branchman: 5/5
· 215 arvostelut
Mannerheimintie 40, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Lisa lein: Great place, but we wanted to try a dress on she took it from our hands, and gave us dresses we didnt even liked, we couldn’t even look for dresses alone😭But got an amazing dress for prom, material is poor, still looks good, happy i got it.owner is quite stressed.
Carita Siven: Good and flexible service. A wide selection of high-quality dresses.
Anni Kantola: Hain tänään mekon wanhoihin! Aivan upea!
Wilma Ranua: Rakastin todella mekkoa, jonka löysin täältä!
Tiina Troberg: Palvelu oli ystävällistä. Pukua etsittiin asiakkaan tarpeen ja hintaluokan mukaan.
unaja kouhia: Unelmien mekko löytyi❤️❤️
6. Ateljé Tuhkimotarina/S&H Visions Oy/Heidi Tuisku - Käpylä
· 8 arvostelut
Pohjolankatu 43, 00610 Helsinki, Suomi
7. Morsiusateljee Helmi - Eteläinen suurpiiri
Mannerheimintie 25, 00250 Helsinki, Suomi
8. Laura Hyvi Bridal - Vallila
· 30 arvostelut
Eurantie 12 C, 00550 Helsinki, Suomi
Ninni Donner: Laura really knew how to read my thoughts and made me the wedding dress of my dreams, which combined beauty, quality, comfort, durability and relaxation. Laura's professionalism and warmth made a deep impression and made the whole process wonderful and stress-free in every way. Strong recommendation! Thanks again Laura!
Enni Turunen: Laura is super professional and the most important thing for her is that the customer finds the perfect wedding dress for her ❤️ I found a wonderful wedding dress and it was tailored according to my measurements to fit perfectly. I recommend it if you are looking for a wedding dress that is not imported but designed and sewn in Finland.
Annemari: and implemented it with full dedication. Laura was completely committed to the perfect result, and I don't think she would have handed the dress over to me until she was completely satisfied with it herself. I strongly recommend visiting Laura's studio!
Essi Määttälä: I got the perfect beautiful wedding dress for a memorable celebration! The schedule was taken into account in the planning, dimensioning and sewing phase, so that the dress was made perfectly according to my own measurements. I can warmly recommend!
Salla Lahtinen: I ordered my wedding dress from Laura and I couldn't be more satisfied. Already at the first meeting, Laura was wonderfully able to complete my wedding look into a whole, which I would not have been able to see myself. Laura also encouraged me to try on a dress that I wouldn't have tried on myself, and the dress in question was the right one! It was easy to be with Laura, as if we had met many times, not a stiff moment but wonderfully relaxed. He also made changes to my dress that I requested at the last minute, so there is flexibility
Pipsa Peltoniemi: With her own professionalism, Laura brought certainty and calmness to the fitting moments, there was no rush to decide if I wanted that particular suit, but we were told to think for a moment and come again if you felt like it, there was no compulsion to buy from the first fitting. I came again to fit and we spent a lot of time trying out different options and the perfect suit was found. The adjustments were made according to the customer's schedule and the seamstress was professional. Thank you for the perfect wedding dress, I was delighted to wear it on my day and it got lots of compliments from the guests.
Pinja Salo: Laura made me a wonderful wedding dress with consummate professionalism. He listened to my wishes and managed to create a wedding dress that looked like me and was easy to wear the whole wedding day. I definitely recommend the experience I got to everyone, where you get to be a part of creating your own wedding dress from the beginning. Thank you Laura!
Aino Mäki-Marttunen: I can warmly recommend Laura and Laura's beautiful wedding dresses! Even the first visit was wonderful and the atmosphere was unhurried; during the visit, you could freely try on many different suits. The custom-made dress I ordered is wonderful and it was easy and comfortable to spend an unforgettable wedding day wearing it!
Evalena Böling: Laura made me feel really special during my first fitting and she helped me find THE dress. She is so professional and does her job with such pride, always making sure that all details fits perfectly. 12/10 would recommend!
Venla Jaakkola: I ordered a custom-made suit from Laura in autumn 2021 for a wedding last summer 2022. Cooperation with Laura was easy from the beginning and Laura immediately caught my vision. The end result was absolutely gorgeous and my look, and I couldn't have been happier with the dress. I was still very pregnant when the measurements were taken, and my body changed a lot after the baby was born. Laura knew how to take this sewing work into account in the scheduling brilliantly and the suit was made to fit perfectly for the wedding.
Anne Suvanto: The suit is wonderful, more than I could even dream of when I started looking for the right suit a year ago. It was really important to me that Laura looked at the whole, I got valuable tips from her, whether it was jewelry, shoes or flowers. Thank you Laura 3
Anni Kunnas (anni): It was wonderful to do business with Laura, every time. The wedding dress is exactly what I was hoping for. Laura is very professional and knew how to help the indecisive bride get on the right track. I warmly recommend Laura Hyvi to everyone, whether you want a wedding dress from the collection or a custom-made dress!
Emilia Siponen: Professional, friendly service and most importantly I got the perfect wedding dress. Thank you!
Anna-Kajsa Edström: A genuine wonderful experince! I got my dream dress custom made and I couldn't be happier. Going to Laura Hyvi Bridal was like going to a friend with great taste.
Minttu-Nelli Kulppi: The best possible experience of making a wedding dress. When entering Laura's wedding dress atelier, it always felt like visiting a friend! Laura perfectly realized my vision of the wedding dress and actually made it even more wonderful. Laura is above all an extremely skilled costume designer, but she is also interested in all the details related to the outfit and the whole wedding look and takes these things into account in the design. Thank you Laura, getting the suit made at your place was a wonderful experience, along with the wedding preparations. I can recommend Laura to everyone looking for a wedding dress and especially to those interested in making a dress!
Anna Öhman: Laura is a wonderful creative person who, based on the inspiration photos I provided, designed the perfect suit for me. The fitting sessions went smoothly while we talked about everything possible - such a nice guy brought Laura! I warmly recommend Laura Hyvi Bridal3
Elina: I am extremely grateful that Laura created an absolutely wonderful wedding dress for me. Laura's incredible eye and professionalism, cordiality and patience throughout the entire process from the first visit to the wedding day were immeasurably valuable. The costume was not only extremely beautiful, but also functionally perfectly adaptable to the different stages of the party. A strong recommendation to start your wedding dress hunt from Laura.
Moona Ala-Rakkola: Working with Laura was very easy and we quickly got on the same page about my wishes. My dress turned out absolutely perfect! So I can only recommend ❤️
9. Aurora Collection - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 5 arvostelut
Museokatu 40, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
10. The Dress Helsinki - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 7 arvostelut
Mechelininkatu 43, 00250 Helsinki, Suomi
11. Morsiusasujen erikoisliike Kaunis Morsian - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 55 arvostelut
Kalevankatu 11, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
Lisa Lin: I got my dress here few months ago. I did get to try what I wanted to try, the staff also recommended some dresses to me and I tried them as well. Some of them suited me too. After I decided to take one dress, the seamstress helped to modify the dress twice. After all I was satisfied with the dress I got for myself from here.
Milla Tähkä: and the inspiration photos I posted, and he had already chosen a suit for me to fit. And as soon as I put it on I knew, here it finally is - it was literally PERFECT, had everything I wanted and was very well within my budget! The dress was found within minutes of entering the store. The seller, apparently the owner, was very professional and grumpy but nice, and clearly knew what he was doing and what he was talking about. I didn't even want to fit other dresses after that. Thank you, I really felt like a Beautiful Bride! 💜
Essi Palomäki: I received excellent service, the owner of the shop was able to professionally look at suits that fit me and also take a stand and not praise every suit I wear. I managed to fit a lot of different suits during the fitting. There was a lot of humor in the adaptation and it was just right for my taste. I found wonderful options in the store! Even though I ended up with a dress from another shop, I received good service even after that. Nothing to criticize.
12. Ateljee Aaria - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 5 arvostelut
Runeberginkatu 33B, 00100 Helsinki, Suomi
13. Ompelimo PUKUOMPELIMO IRINA - Maunula
· 15 arvostelut
Metsäpurontie 21, 00630 Helsinki, Suomi
Maija Kaartinen: Todella taitavaa ja kaunista työtä, suosittelen lämpimästi! Mallikappaleena ostettua hääpukuani täytyi pienentää ja muokata huomattavasti ja Irina teki puvusta aivan täydellisen.
Anna-Maria Nurmela (Anna-Maria Nurmela): Paras palvelu kaupungissa! Irina on erittäin korkea ammattilainen ja osaa tehdä sinulle minkä tahansa unelmiesi mekon! Kankaiden ja yksityiskohtien laatu on erinomaista!Suositella!
Kirsi ”Kirsikka” Saaristo: Hyvä palvelu
Tiina Avomaa: Todella hyvä ja taitava ompelija. Irina pienensi juhlamekkoni ja siitä tuli juuri sopiva. Aikataulu piti juuri kuten oli sovittu ja hinta-arvio osui myös täysin kohdilleen. Suosittelen lämpimästi.
Teresa Kock: Irina on aivan paras! Huipputaitava ja ideoita loputtomasti, työn jälki on täydellistä. Ehdottomasti voin vain suositella!
susann suominen: Kiitos ammattitaitoisista neuvoista, vaate sai uuden ilmeen. Nopea ja laadukas työ. Iso suositus! Kiva oli asioida.
Timo Miettinen: Positiivinen Laatu ja Ammattimaisuus Palvelut Yleiset korjaukset
Hanna Peltonen: Irina oli erittäin ammattitaitoinen ja mukava. Suosittelen lämpimästi 😊Positiivinen Vastausnopeus, Laatu, Ammattimaisuus ja Vastine rahalle …
Liisa Siitonen: Irina renewed my old evening dress like new! Irina is inventive and full of ideas, and she has good taste and an eye for style in beautiful dresses. She is also a technically skilled seamstress. I recommend!
Viivi Salonen: A wonderful experience! The dress turned out to fit perfectly and the meeting left me with a happy feeling, I recommend it to everyone!
Taina Kalmi: Irina is an absolutely wonderful person and a very skilled seamstress. The costumes are stunningly gorgeous and beautiful. He is the best 😊