Tyhjän Väriaineen Keräysyritykset Helsinki Lähellä Sinua

Sortti-asema Konala Sortti-asema Kivikko Stena Recycling Oy (pääkonttori) | Helsinki Rööri - Jätkäsaaren jätteen putkikeräys Oy Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut -kuntayhtymä HSY Pitkäkosken vedenpuhdistuslaitos

1. Helsingin Paperinkeräyspalvelu Oy

· 0 arvostelut

Vesimiehentie 43, 00740 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp

2. Sortti-asema Konala



· 308 arvostelut

Betonitie 3, 00390 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Sortti-asema Konala: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Harri Kaunisto: Hazardous waste is free to take away. Friendly staff. Quite different from the small towns I've been to. I bring the cabin rubbish to the stadium these days. I can't stand them either.

Ari Kivilinna: An extensive presentation of what to put where and there is a friendly staff. Problematic waste must be taken to Kiviko's landfill, Konala does not take it.

Harri Joutvuo: Very friendly service

Long Jin: A good place to throw away garbage, but the garbage plant does not accept tires.

Jukka-Pekka Puro: A compact, well-organized and always friendly Sortti station. It has been brought before e.g. garden and renovation waste, now outdated paints, adhesives and similar petrochemicals, which go to a separate collection. One of Sorti's strengths is that there seems to be a decent amount of people there. Not too much, but so that if you're stuck in the lottery, which is everywhere, you can always find a guy in a yellow vest quite easily somewhere. Friendliness both in the yard and at the cash registers is at least Konala's hallmark. He is happy to do that and, for example, take care of his old batteries out of the corners, when he is received so matter-of-factly.

Tapio Lyömiö: A well-functioning service

Marika Mäntyniemi: Smooth transaction, clear area and friendly service.

Markus Kuisma: Easy, effortless and, especially in e-sort, extremely fast by paying in advance

Petri Virtanen: Excellent awesome service

Mikko Malin: It works like a train toilet. Pay in advance so you don't have to wait in line.

3. HSY kierrätyspiste

· 2 arvostelut

Satumaanpolku 9, 00820 Helsinki, Suomi

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4. Sortti-asema Kivikko

· 210 arvostelut

Kivikonlaita 5, 00940 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Sortti-asema Kivikko: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Carl-Magnus Cedercreutz: It worked well again - eSortti works well and if you could also return the cart that way it would be even easier

Tommi Kuusela: Positive Responsiveness, Punctuality, Quality, Professionalism, Value Services Appliance removal & disposal, Hazardous waste removal & disposal, Construction debris removal, Trash removal & disposal

Niksukiksu: Neat Sortti station 🌞

Jaakko Roiha: Good recycling pallets.

Jore Saarimaa: Good service, easy to export and sort construction waste, clear and easy-to-use waste pallets

pete korhonen: Very cleverly, you could take the old furniture and things to the appropriate place free of charge.

Jari Löytäinen: Good and easy to visit.
LiittyvÄt kysymykset Voittoa tavoittelematon järjestö:

5. Stena Recycling Oy (pääkonttori) | Helsinki

Maistraatinportti 1, 00240 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp

6. Rööri - Jätkäsaaren jätteen putkikeräys Oy

Kyllikinportti 2, 00240 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp

7. Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut -kuntayhtymä HSY

· 15 arvostelut

Ilmalantori 1, 00240 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut -kuntayhtymä HSY: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Aleksandr Ivanov: 我推薦的最好的公司

Jon Weissenberg: I went to get a resident parking permit. Guidance upon arrival, approx. 2 minute wait and then fast, expert and pleasant service. The whole thing took 10 minutes and now I can park in my own area.

8. Pitkäkosken vedenpuhdistuslaitos

· 1 arvostelut

Kuninkaantammentie 17, 00430 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp

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