Liike sisään Sairaala:
1. Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiiri - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 9 arvostelut
Topeliuksenkatu 5, 00260 Helsinki, Suomi
Rauno ”rane58” Härkönen: Sain uskomattoman hyvää ja pyyteetöntä hoitoa kun jalkani katkesi....!Uskomattomat hoitajat, kuinka he jaksoivat olla niin ystävällisiä...?Iso kiitos heille...!
Tuomas Kiri: Flexible service ☺
juhani seppanen: There is nothing negative to say, good service, nurses and doctors are really professionals
Aki Paloheimo: Matter-of-fact, friendly, competent service.
2. Töölön sairaala - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 98 arvostelut
Topeliuksenkatu 5, 00260 Helsinki, Suomi
Lea Skogberg: Thank you for taking care of my husband, ward 6 people.You are friendly and professional.
Paula Rahikainen: The nurses took wonderful care of me, of course the emergency room was blocked, but I was still able to move on pretty well ☺️
Petteri Broman: Doctors and nurses do their job well there
Pirjo Ganesan: Nice nurses and doctors
Antti Lankinen: Unbelievably good by any measure!
miia pettersson: Very nice nurses and doctors tell you everything that has been done and relatives are offered crisis help, nothing bad to say about the hospital.
marja-liisa ahola: I work there
Heli-Anneli Väre: Surgery has been performed twice in the past, other things. Always excellent servicePlk also has to wait. The best place.
Kasim Mohamad Dib: 😙🌷🌷🌷
Marianne K: Lovely and expert nurses in Heräämö. The doctors were also nice. I felt good and survived 👍❤
EM K: A beautiful environment to visit loved ones. It's easy to get here, and the courtyard of the hospital's cafe is quiet enough to be in the middle of everything.
Spede Pakkanen: Good and professional service
Kurkku Mopo: Absolutely amazing staff! The patient is even listened to and helped here, unlike in many other hospitals in Finland..
Mervi Lönnqvist: Old labyrinthine place
3. Suun erikoishoidon yksikkö - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 1 arvostelut
Haartmaninkatu 1a, 00290 Helsinki, Suomi
4. Ruskeasuon Hammashoitola - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 23 arvostelut
Mannerheimintie 172, 00300 Helsinki, Suomi
R S: ja puolessa tunnissa operaatio oli ohi. Sain tikit, särkylääkkeet ja kylmähauteen poskeen ja minkäänlaista ylimääräistä kipua tai ongelmia ei ole ollut sen jälkeen, vaikka pelkäsin hankalan operaation takia, että jälkisärky olisi helvetillinen. Osaava henkilökunta ja hyvää työtä!
Castrol Tervari: Hienosti hoidettu vaikka asiakkaita oli paljon ja otettiin huomioon rajoitteet. Ei voi kuin kehua. Harvoin voi sanoa näin mutta nyt voi. Asiallinen lääkäri ja hoitaja ilman saarnoja että mitä pitäisi tehdä.
4 Life: Käyn täällä hammashoidossa tietyn väliajoin. Lääkärit tietävät mitä tekevät ja homma edistyy. Jos on sovittu aika vaikka kahdelta niin voit joutua odottamaan 20 minuuttia turhaan. Mun osalla ei oo käyny montaan kertaa ja hyvä niin. Mutta suosittelen!😊
Eve: Informatiivinen, hyvä ja nopea palvelu asiantuntijoilta.
rainbow2007: Professional dental care even in difficult places. I have been there several times and the end result has always been good.
Ylle Kyynärpuu: I am very satisfied with the service, no waiting, I got the appointment right away, the dentist was nice and friendly. I quickly got rid of the pain.
LiittyvÄt kysymykset Sairaala:
5. Laakson sairaala - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 66 arvostelut
Lääkärinkatu 8, 00250 Helsinki, Suomi
Peter Soderlund: Very positive, efficient reception, the examinations worked efficiently.Cafe in the same building.Parking spaces are available
Juhani Kerkkonen: over Christmas and the turn of the year. I went home a week ago thanks to home visits from the Rehabilitation Assessment Unit, also Lokomat- walking robot therapies continue. Many thanks to the friendly and hardworking doctors, nurses and
George Tsarnanas: Always friendly and fast service
Riitta Hyvönen: Nothing to blame, the 100-year-old corona patient received good treatment for 2 weeks and is ready to return home. It took time to answer the relatives' continuous inquiries.
Eeva Laitinen: History of Laakso Hospital
Jukka Lehkonen: Friendly, empathetic, smiling, helpful, professional staff. An old building, but beautiful from the outside! So the podiatrist is really humane in his work, smiling and what a clear way of explaining diseases in the feet! More caregivers like this, youth and enthusiasm for their professional skills in good hands!
Paka Helkesalo: Matter-of-fact even though the patient was my father.
6. Endomed Oy - Eteläinen suurpiiri
Itälahdenkatu 18, 00210 Helsinki, Suomi
7. Hammas & Hammas Hietalahti - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 29 arvostelut
Hietalahdenranta 5 C, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi
Grzegorz Witos: This was one of the best dentist visit I've ever had. Mr Salonen was very professional, accurate and fast. He explained everything he was doing. Also gave me enough time for breaks. I had 2 fillings and tartar removed. Booking was very easy through web page.
J Vv: Good professional service. I recommend
Amanda Shonubi: Matteus Salonen is the first dentist who knows how to anaesthetize completely painlessly. He is incredibly empathetic and professional and patient.
Tyler Walton: Excellent service. Otto Palva was kind, quick, and professional. X-rays, tooth cleaning, and a filling all done in 30 minutes. I don't think I've ever had such a quick appointment. Otto was great and spoke excellent English. His assistants were also super professional and precise, minimizing the amount of time I needed to be worked on. It really makes a difference. Definitely recommend!
okko pasanen: The experience was good, booking an appointment was easy and they asked if everything was fine, etc. Professional behavior and the payment was handled on the spot. Booking a new appointment is also easy, I will continue to visit!
Nina Leminen: Very high level of professionalism, thorough work, wonderful customer service, warm atmosphere. Dentist Ilari Kovanen is definitely a big recommendation! Thank you!!!
Jari Toivanen: Very happy with the treatment I received!!
Risto Kilvelä: Monia hammaslääkäreitä olen kohdannut, mutta tämän päiväinen Hammas&Hammas -kokemukseni oli todella ylivertainen! Jo saapuessani koin olevani tervetullut. Hammaslääkäri Elias Salonen oli ennen kokemattoman ystävällinen, rohkaiseva, turvallinen, luotettava ja ammattitaitoinen hammaslääkäri. Ei ollut pienintäkään vaikeutta päättää vaihtaa hammaslääkäripalveluita!