Liike sisään Rauhoitettu alue:
· 2103 arvostelut
Katariina Saksilaisen katu 9, 00560 Helsinki, Suomi
Kristus Moibeach: Don’t buy anything in tourist shops, the prices are outrageous.
Marko Lankinen: Vanhankaupunkoski is a wonderful place that offers a unique combination of history, nature and culture. The bubbling water of the waterfall and the old buildings around it create a wonderful landscape full of atmosphere.
Kai Backman: Vanhankaupunkoski is a place and space for all people who value beauty and peace to stay, wonder, watch and listen. There is a nature reserve nearby, where you can walk in peace alone or with friends. The variation of light and shadow and the breath of the sea breeze awaken a person's creative thinking to its full extent right here in all seasons.
Sofia the queen of lasagnas: Gushing water👍
2. Love me do -häämessut

· 2 arvostelut
Tallberginkatu 1, 00180 Helsinki, Suomi
3. NatureGate Promotions Finland Oy - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 0 arvostelut
Ilmalankatu 6, 00240 Helsinki, Suomi
4. Kulosaaren röykkiöhauta
· 2 arvostelut
Kulosaaren puistotie 1, 00570 Helsinki, Suomi
LiittyvÄt kysymykset Rauhoitettu alue:
5. Juhani Aho
· 52 arvostelut
Juhani Ahon puisto, Engelinaukio, 00150 Helsinki, Suomi
6. Aroha Helsinki
· 19 arvostelut
Vuorimiehenkatu 16 (Alkoa, Vuorimiehenkatu 16, 00140 Helsinki, Suomi
Miriam Azar: Like being in Bali…Aroha is a green, relaxing, bohemian-style place to take care of yourself inside out. I went to Nora for a deluxe facial and reflexology massage…the aroma of lemongrass, soothing music, relaxing lighting, hot stones, facial cleansing with pure organic products, deep body and foot massage left me rejeuvenated. I feel deeply rested. I was even served tea with biscuit at the end…can warmly recommend this place and Nora for beauty and holistic treatments!Specialties: ReflexologyFacialsMassage
mervi keskinen: Lovely atmosphere. Well cut new model. I gave free rein.
Philippa Dunderfelt: Absolutely wonderful place and I'm always so happy with the result. Enough talk because similar interests, I warmly recommend!
ADRY Official: I had best experience ever. This was amazing and Nora was simply the best ever. Thank you for a great service and such a wonderful energy ❤️
Visit Natives: I recommend a wonderful tourist-inspired hair salon and Laura! As soon as you enter, you have a wonderful feeling that continues throughout the hair salon. Lovely hair every time, a head massage and a cup of hot tea 🧡 This is my absolute favorite and I trust it!Services Hair highlighting …
Samuli Jäkkö: Positive Cleanliness
Jarno Tiainen: Lovely service. Excellent result.Positive Punctuality, Cleanliness, Quality, Professionalism Services Hairstyling …
Tiia Kinnunen: Thank you wonderful Noora for the wonderful treatment! 🌻💛Positive Professionalism …
Martti Koivisto: Good atmosphere and lovely people!
Anna Kallio: Atmosphere and professionalism ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
E S: My standard place in Helsinki, 5/5 in all respects, warm recommendation!
7. Asianajotoimisto Haara & Tuomivaara Oy
· 1 arvostelut
Linnankoskenkatu 1 A 1, 00250 Helsinki, Suomi
8. Pronssikautinen hauta
· 71 arvostelut
Paciuksenkatu, 00290 Helsinki, Suomi
Satu Kokkonen: On the cliffs of Meilahti Humallahti. Beautiful natural rocks and wonderful landscapes. Peace, sea and waterfowl - NO bike road bridge to spoil the beaches!!
Ralph Capper: If you're waiting for someone at the hospital this is an easy walk close by. Lovely views, in summer there's lots of birds. Ancient grave is a nice backdrop to waste a little time Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …
Pictures Kauhanen: Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No
Tero Niemi: It's an okay landscape
Jari Heinänen: It's also worth visiting for the views.
Dipak Shinde: Nice stony place alongside the sea
9. Helsingin seudun erilaiset oppijat ry (HERO)
· 12 arvostelut
Mannerheimintie 44 A 5-6, 00260 Helsinki, Suomi
Tiina Paakkonen: Hyvää tukea oppimisvaikeuksiin jo 30- vuotta. Erilaisia harrastepiirejä lapsille ja aikuisille.
Average Tyyppä: Kiva
R108: Hyvä koulutus paikka
Pia Danfa: A support station for different learners, which also offers teachers information on how to support students in their challenges.
10. Hopeinen puu – arkkiatri Arvo Ylpön muistomerkki
· 5 arvostelut
Mäkelänkatu 2, 00500 Helsinki, Suomi
11. Yle Luova talo
· 68 arvostelut
Radiokuja 1, 00240 Helsinki, Suomi
Aku Suonpää: Very scary place
Tambet Kubja: Awesome....
12. "Olen itä olen länsi"
· 23 arvostelut
00350 Helsinki, Suomi
13. Paloheinän jäähalli
· 516 arvostelut
Pakilantie 122, 00670 Helsinki, Suomi
Tommi Kyntola: Good hall, good ice, good cafe.Quiet in July.
Kai Luomala: 💪👊👍
Jari Vaananen: I was watching my grandson's game at 15.Good hall, good parking spaces. Remember to use Easypark. A bit bad for the next game. To be watched from the end. Jannut says the ice is fine👍
Reijo Matikainen: Nice place.Smells like all ice rinks.