Monologues In Theater In Helsinki Near Me

Finnish National Theatre The Theatre Academy Helsinki Aleksanterin teatteri

1. The Finn-Brit Players Theatrical Society Ry - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 1 reviews

Fredrikinkatu 20, 00120 Helsinki, Finland

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2. Finnish National Theatre - Eteläinen suurpiiri



· 1432 reviews

Läntinen Teatterikuja 1, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

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Finnish National Theatre: what do users think?

鴻修: A majestic, beautiful and stylish classic building, one of the landmarks in downtown Helsinki. The environment is clean and the streets are beautiful.

César Flores: It is a building designed by Onni Tarjanne in a modernist style inspired by romantic nationalism.

Patricia Naranjo: Beautiful building founded in 1872. I did not have the opportunity to visit its interior.

Daru: Visited on Weekday Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended Yes

Martti Kainulainen: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes

Matti Elomaa: Visited on Weekend Wait time 10–30 min Reservation recommended Yes

Jari Martikainen: Visited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended Yes

Suvi: Visited on Weekend

Heikki Vartiainen: Dear Actors and the play and the theaterVisited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes …

Merja Ahonen: A great show and a great historic building.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes …

Mande: Party, what a great show. Everything worked, great Uotila, Nousiainen, Puumalainen, Kaitue and others too😍Such a great set and effects, I've never experienced anything like this before. Thank you very much for an enjoyable May Day eve❤️

3. The Theatre Academy Helsinki - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 26 reviews

Haapaniemenkatu 6, 00530 Helsinki, Finland

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The Theatre Academy Helsinki: what do users think?

Maria Kastruni: I went to the Christmas sale event and it was more than I expected. The building is magnificent and I was literally out of words. Art was from poor to excellent, only the princes where so high, that as a student, I couldn't buy anything. The exhibition at the gallery was lovely.

Timo Honkanen: Just stopped after noticing there is a cafe open to the public. Inexpensive prices. The house itself is nicely remodeled and has some interesting architectural characteristics. Students naturally occupied most of the spaces. Not exactly a tourist attraction but worth stepping in one in the neighborhood.

Mikael Karkkonen: Mukava paikka, liian kuuma tori tosin.Päivitys 2021: Mukava paikka, mutta tori on nyt liian kylmä.

Satu Aalto: Positiivinen Ammattimaisuus

Julius Susimäki: ❤️

Юрий Логин: Toivottavasti tulen tänne ensi vuonna. Kaunis moderni hyvä

4. Aleksanterin teatteri - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 1066 reviews

Bulevardi 23-27, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

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Aleksanterin teatteri: what do users think?

Mazika 56: Great place. A traditional cultural sanctuary. The show Kinky Boots was great.Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait …

Atro Niiniluoto: Once I got to know the theater when my relative took me and her twin sons there to see a play about two friends, Pölky and Välky.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Not sure …

Sanna: A lovely building. Beautiful inside and out.Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes …

Анна Кравченко: Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes

Angela Bangcas: Friendly staff.Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes …

Karina Brandt: Amazing experience!Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes …

Arin Matikkaa: Handsome old theater building!

Laura Sitnik: keep it up! :

Andrea Lucander: was perfect.Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes …

5. Helsingin Kaupunginteatteri - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 2207 reviews

Ensi linja 2, 00530 Helsinki, Finland

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Helsingin Kaupunginteatteri: what do users think?

Maiju Rokkanen: Hieno rakennus. Upeita esityksiä. Huippu ammattilaisia. Mukava paikka viedä ystävät nauttimaan kulttuurista.

Hannu Ruotsalalinen: Aivan mahtavaa

Late Koo: Ilmasta rahaa esitys oli aivan huikea ! Paikan päällä ostaessa liput ei tullut edes palvelumaksuja yms ylimääräisiä kuluja. Ja halvalla sai samana iltana lipun,joka maksoi 12euroa. Tyylikkäät wc:t ja ilmainen narikka ja narikassa luki ylhäällä numerot eli löysi helposti oman paikkansa josta hakea lopussa.

Tatu Vartiainen: High-quality theater.

Esa Hynynen: Closed righy now but looks cozy 🔥

Jari Torvelainen: Serves the general public efficiently and effortlessly elegantly.

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