Business in Performing arts theater:
1. Actors Academy Finland - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 12 reviews
Pursimiehenkatu 26H, 00150 Helsinki, Finland
Sara Wegleiter: and I had a year of deep development and amazing moments, both with the group and the coaches. Even the shorter workshops are filled with intense training - it is worth it!
Niilo Jouko: The coaches are wonderful and the classes are very interractive!
Annaleea Sonninen: If you wish to evolve as an actor, this is the place!
Juhana Stolt: Amazing place to learn acting and to learn about yourself and grow!
Katrin Monikainen: Actors Academy is such an incredible and inspiring place with amazing professionals!
Meri Lindblad: Absolutely lovely! Great instructors.
Anna Tavaila: . Quality and price match very well.
2. The Theatre Academy Helsinki - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 27 reviews
Haapaniemenkatu 6, 00530 Helsinki, Finland
Maria Kastruni: I went to the Christmas sale event and it was more than I expected. The building is magnificent and I was literally out of words. Art was from poor to excellent, only the princes where so high, that as a student, I couldn't buy anything. The exhibition at the gallery was lovely.
Timo Honkanen: Just stopped after noticing there is a cafe open to the public. Inexpensive prices. The house itself is nicely remodeled and has some interesting architectural characteristics. Students naturally occupied most of the spaces. Not exactly a tourist attraction but worth stepping in one in the neighborhood.
Mikael Karkkonen: Mukava paikka, liian kuuma tori tosin.Päivitys 2021: Mukava paikka, mutta tori on nyt liian kylmä.
Satu Aalto: Positiivinen Ammattimaisuus
Julius Susimäki: ❤️
Юрий Логин: Toivottavasti tulen tänne ensi vuonna. Kaunis moderni hyvä
3. Puppet Theatre Sampo - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 98 reviews
Erottajankatu 7, 00130 Helsinki, Finland
Konstjantin Lazepka: Neljä tähteä, koska ihmisen, joka ei ole koskaan ollut täällä, on vaikea löytää sisäänkäyntiä teatteriin. Tästä johtuen esityksen alussa on joskus viiveitä.
Aleksi Kuutio: Tämä kuulostaa ihan mainospuheelta, mutta en voi sille mitään! Sampo on mahtava paikka, joka tarjoaa nukketeatterikokemuksia niin lapsille kuin aikuisille.Jos elät yhä siinä uskossa, että nukketeatteri on vain lapsille tai että siinä on vain tylsiä puisia nukkeja joiden langat näkyvät, niin Sampo on pk-seudun paras paikka päivittää luutuneet näkemykset! Ohjelmisto vaihtuu usein ja siihen on poimittu kiinnostavia esityksiä niin meiltä ja muualta.Sampo on jo ihan tilojensakin puolesta tunnelmallinen, hieman boheemi paikka, joka kannattaa käydä tarkastamassa.Asiakaspalvelu on myös ihan ykkösluokkaa. Jos olen joskus jäänyt varasijalle johonkin esitykseen, minuun on aina oltu yhteydessä jos peruutuspaikkoja on vapautunut.Anna itsellesi mahdollisuus yllättyä iloisesti ja kokeile nukketeatteria. Hinnat ovat edulliset ja jos homma ei ole sinua varten, niin lohduttaudu sillä, että näytökset ovat usein perusteatteria lyhyempiä.
Anu Nevalainen: Kiva paikka!
raimo karhunen: Mielenkiintoinen teatteri, aula ja kahvio todella näyttäväviä. Hauska kuulla kun pienet lapset nauraa. Näyttämö mielestäni sopivan kokoinen, ei iso eikä pieni. Suosittelen, hieno kokemus.
Marjaana Hokkanen: Viehättävä lasten ja hyvin myös aikuisten teatteri. Upeat tilat. Inspiroiva ympäristö. Vie hienosti mielikuvituksen maailmaan.
Juhani Viitasalo: The grandson liked it. Big parents too.
Kalle Levomäki: really considerate, helpful and friendly staff! i will come again
Helena NORRMAN-Jauhola: Children 1-3 years old followed along
Pipsa Kotilainen: A top show about feelings about Fann and its friends. Multimedia was brilliantly used as props for the show. The songs tied the story together well. Makes me want to watch it again.
Arnar: Amazing
4. Finnish National Theatre - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 1512 reviews
Läntinen Teatterikuja 1, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
鴻修: A majestic, beautiful and stylish classic building, one of the landmarks in downtown Helsinki. The environment is clean and the streets are beautiful.
César Flores: It is a building designed by Onni Tarjanne in a modernist style inspired by romantic nationalism.
Patricia Naranjo: Beautiful building founded in 1872. I did not have the opportunity to visit its interior.
Daru: Visited on Weekday Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended Yes
Martti Kainulainen: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes
Matti Elomaa: Visited on Weekend Wait time 10–30 min Reservation recommended Yes
Jari Martikainen: Visited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended Yes
Suvi: Visited on Weekend
Heikki Vartiainen: Dear Actors and the play and the theaterVisited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes …
Merja Ahonen: A great show and a great historic building.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes …
Mande: Party, what a great show. Everything worked, great Uotila, Nousiainen, Puumalainen, Kaitue and others too😍Such a great set and effects, I've never experienced anything like this before. Thank you very much for an enjoyable May Day eve❤️
Related inquiries Performing arts theater:
5. Teatteri ILMI Ö - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 12 reviews
Iso Roobertinkatu 10 B, 00120 Helsinki, Finland
Valo: The best theater ❤🙂
Dadamedia: Insightful events of the theater subculture
Päivi Heiska: Tarinateatteriryhmä Kapriisin esitys Rohkeudesta oli mieltä liikuttava.Hyviä esiintyjiä,spontaaneja tilanteessa syntyneitä lauluja.Suosittelen.
Frida Siren: Mun teatterikerho on siellä
6. Helsingin Kaupunginteatteri - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 2295 reviews
Ensi linja 2, 00530 Helsinki, Finland
Maiju Rokkanen: Hieno rakennus. Upeita esityksiä. Huippu ammattilaisia. Mukava paikka viedä ystävät nauttimaan kulttuurista.
Hannu Ruotsalalinen: Aivan mahtavaa
Late Koo: Ilmasta rahaa esitys oli aivan huikea ! Paikan päällä ostaessa liput ei tullut edes palvelumaksuja yms ylimääräisiä kuluja. Ja halvalla sai samana iltana lipun,joka maksoi 12euroa. Tyylikkäät wc:t ja ilmainen narikka ja narikassa luki ylhäällä numerot eli löysi helposti oman paikkansa josta hakea lopussa.
Tatu Vartiainen: High-quality theater.
Esa Hynynen: Closed righy now but looks cozy 🔥
Jari Torvelainen: Serves the general public efficiently and effortlessly elegantly.
7. Academy of Fine Arts - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 6 reviews
Elimäenkatu 25 A, 00510 Helsinki, Finland
نزار جديد: Creating creativity with a passion for visual arts, theatrical and compositional arts
Santtu Suvanto: Great show
Liisa Helanto: Now an interesting joint exhibition of artists who are graduating, Spring of the Picture until 5.6.
Studio Mokii: amazing academy
Andrew J. Yang: I'm the best ever yeaaaa give me those A's....y'all can't touch this
Mattijuhani Koponen: kasvattanut merkittäviä.koti- ja ulkomaisia taideopiskelijoita
8. Sibelius-Akatemia - Eteläinen suurpiiri
· 24 reviews
Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 9, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Pekka Mustonen: Nice place, good service, affordable prices
Ann-Mari Estlander: Great concert on April 2!
mirja tiainen: always good and calm, free narikka
Muntsa Saguer Ayats: I saw the information on television
Markus Kullberg: Good acoustics. Good acoustic.
Viena-Leena Castrén: A good piano concert.
Diego Buuren: The best artists have come out of this academy, such as Apocalyptica.
9. Helsinki Ballet Academy - Keski-Pasila
· 4 reviews
Firdonkatu 2b, 00520 Helsinki, Finland
10. Kallio High School - Läntinen suurpiiri
· 14 reviews
Lehtikuusentie 4, 00270 Helsinki, Finland
0O0 O0O: Good school, but I don't recommend it to homophobes because they might be afraid here
Baker Rednakit: Beautiful building, legendary high school.
Sami Sowe: nice
11. Kielo International School - Ala-Malmi
· 23 reviews
Vanha Helsingintie 2, 00700 Helsinki, Finland
rajesh kumar: My son studied for two years, best school for English and teachers are very responsive and collaborative.
一笑: Hello, I want to refund my registration fee, but I don't have your email address.
Hariharan V: My daughter studies in this school. Good teachers and she loves the school very much.
Kezi Kose: I am very satisfied ,very good teachers,high quality education ,Close attention is paid to students and parents.
aditya hasjim: When I first came to kielo I was shy but after 3 year i make a lot of freand and there very nice teacher.In the pass few year I have a lot of fun with my friend but after 3 year i go back to Indonesian I will never forget school in kielo. it's a amazing school I am going to rate a 5 start
Marc Russell: my Son’s first year and half in Finland was difficult and he was isolated in his Finnish school. We have sent him to Kielo this year and he has come alive again. The staff are pleasant, flexible, engaged, and welcoming, and this is transferred to the children. It’s like a big family. My son is learning and having fun, and is involved. Ideal.
Early Artis: Very knowledgeable and caring staff. Excellent extra curricular activities such as theater, music, and sports. Highly recommended!
Sadiona Abazaj: Amazing kids and a really collaborative staff
Daviriss: Amazing staff!! 👌
Ngoc Le: Great school for kids who speak english!
Jones Babu: Good English School in Helsinki
Kielo Manager: Below posted negative reviews are not addressed to Kielo School. We believe they were directed at a business that had rented the same building where our school is now. All these negative reviewers seem to be upset with irrelevant advertising messages sent to them by the same company. Kielo School´s advertising strategy DOES NOT include sending out messages to random people. Thank you.
i.elif k.p: Great school great teachers exclusive education
12. Vaskivuoren lukio - Myyrmäen suuralue
· 21 reviews
Virtatie 4, 01600 Vantaa, Finland
Jaakko Rantala: The Christmas show organized by the Vantaa Street Dance Association was good. Worked really well in this mode!!
Sarah Bolz: Nice here, but have you ever been to Baden-Württemberg?
Eetu Salo: Versatile possibilities.
Nina: 👍🏻
Radu Rosca: Had my 2017 PEEP Theatre experience exchange here, which introduced me to Finland. Much love from the Romanians who were here in 2017 making a theatre play with the international teams! Really enjoyed and loved the facilities in the high school as well such as the scene, costume room, musical instruments, etc.P.S. took a look over Vaskivuoren Lukio again in my 2021 visit, for the memories
Matti Pelkonen: Art prints. Ok indoor air.
Jami Juva: Its a cool school full of wonderful experiences
Santeri Riuttamäki: Probably the best place to get yo's papers.