Synnytyspaikat Helsinki Lähellä Sinua

HUS Naistenklinikka Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiiri Helsinki Hospital Jorvin sairaala Espoon sairaala

1. HUS Naistenklinikka - Läntinen suurpiiri

· 75 arvostelut

Haartmaninkatu 2, 00290 Helsinki, Suomi

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HUS Naistenklinikka: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Natalie Blinder: Amazing care, very professional staff. I am very thankful

# G F: I had a gynecological surgery here on May with quick recovery. I went there really nervious but left the building happy and well-cared. From the beginning I have received well-detailed instruction and at every step extremely responsible and caring staff were with me. My lovely ward nurse said goodby with warm hug and well wishes.My fear is gone and I know if I should come back there I will be in good hands.

Tuuli Niiranen: I gave birth here twice, in 2012 and 2023. Both times it worked, the staff was friendly and knowledgeable. No complaints. I hope to come here again at the turn of May-June to give birth.

dilli raj jaishi: Kaikki sairaalassa työskentelevät ihmiset ovat pitäneet erittäin hyvää huolta, he ovat palvelleet teitä erittäin hyvin ja rakkaudella, kiitos paljon kaikille ihmisille.

Anastasia: Suuri kiitos kaikille hiuppuammattilaisille! Pelastaneet minun ja minun lapsen henkeä. Kaikki työntekijät ovat erittäin päteviä, synnyttäjät ovat 100% turvallisissa käsissä.

Mohammed Hussein: Sanat eivät riitä kiittämään! Uskomatonta huolehtimista, hymyn rauhallisuutta ja paras kokemus saada tyttäreni ja vaimoni turvassa ja hyvinvoinnissa, niin kiitollinen tekemästäsi! Kiitos

Adalmiina Virtanen: Mahtavaa palvelua ja ammattitaitoista henkilökuntaa!

2. Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiiri - Eteläinen suurpiiri



· 9 arvostelut

Topeliuksenkatu 5, 00260 Helsinki, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiiri: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Rauno ”rane58” Härkönen: Sain uskomattoman hyvää ja pyyteetöntä hoitoa kun jalkani katkesi....!Uskomattomat hoitajat, kuinka he jaksoivat olla niin ystävällisiä...?Iso kiitos heille...!

Tuomas Kiri: Flexible service ☺

juhani seppanen: There is nothing negative to say, good service, nurses and doctors are really professionals

Aki Paloheimo: Matter-of-fact, friendly, competent service.

3. Helsinki Hospital - Eteläinen suurpiiri

· 12 arvostelut

Bulevardi 22, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi

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Helsinki Hospital: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Lasse Koivisto: First-class care and good staff made sure that everything went well. No long queues, a clean and pleasant environment. 10+

DustyWaffles212: Good place.

Henrik Vestama: Excellent service from the moment you enter. Doctors on time and professional.

Youkass Bogoss: Love you forever
· 238 arvostelut

Turuntie 150, 02740 Espoo, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Jorvin sairaala: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Harry Veijalainen: I went to Jorvi a few months ago, in the wrong place of course. I got instructions on where to go, but my legs couldn't take it because I'm waiting for their surgery, but then a nurse came and helped the others get there with a wheelchair, thank you.

Dezambokiller: Okay sooo i found many negative comments mainly abbaut the waiting periods and hospitall beaing understaffed. Seems to me it's mainly non fins who are complainging abaut the system well for starters unfortunatly for us all our healthcare is one of the best in the world but it's downfall is that we are unddrstaffed every where sutch as, hospitalls,health care clinicks, etc etc. The waiting times can partually be blamed on the patients too i mean many come in saying autch it hurts knowing full well the doctors will send em home with some buranna

Paul Porko: The reception, etc., were top notch, often been there, everyone was always attentive and professional, they really do everything for the patient

Ashika Vaidya: My baby was delivered in this hospital. Service was really nice. It was my first baby and I felt comfortable here. Doctors and midwives were helpful. Giving 1 review low because of the food.

Atif Hussain: The staff Always very helpful.The Car parking has a big issue here.

5. Espoon sairaala - Vanha-Espoo

· 39 arvostelut

Karvasmäentie 6, 02740 Espoo, Suomi

Osoite Website WhatsApp
Espoon sairaala: mitä käyttäjät ajattelevat?

Jari Kalevi Ollikainen: Normi sairaala

Anne Nurmi: Hyvä ruokala ja pikapalan ostopaikka

Gambit_Toys: Kiitos Espoon sairaalan henkilökunnalle ystävällisestä ja myötätuntoisesta palvelusta vaimon auttamisessa poikamme synnyttämisessä!Kaikki meni hyvin ja huone ja palvelu olivat huippuluokkaa.

Pera Kosonen: I had 🤗 an appointment So everything Worked as It Should 👍👍

TemeT FIN: A clinically clean building with a pharmacy open until midnight, a lunch restaurant and an R-kiosk on the street level.

Heidi Kellokoski: The parking fee is too expensive for a daily visitor. A big minus is the lack of television in the rooms. Regardless of the rehabilitation department, at the end of the day and in the morning before the day's therapies, you can watch TV in your own room. Otherwise, the private rooms are large and have a large private bathroom, it's luxurious.

Anita Nurttila: A clean, stylish, modern hospital.A top-class dental clinic as an emergency reception for urgent care.Very friendly staff and quality service.There is also a nice, small, new pharmacy on the ground floor of the hospital, whose expert staff is very willing to serve.Location on Jorvi hill. Bus stop nearby. There are paid spaces in the parking lot for those coming with their own car.

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